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98.38% The Adventures of Hope and Morgan / Chapter 59: Chapter 59

Chapter 59: Chapter 59

Koneko reached Bumblebee right away and immediately got the ship's debris off the dizzy Autobot, Bumblebee sat up once he got free from the debris and shook his head, Koneko looked up and asked in concern, "Are you okay?".

Bumblebee looked down and nodded to Koneko while giving her a thumbs up, she smiled at her Autobot friend and gave him a small nod, Cade walked over to his daughter and checked if she was unharmed, "Tess, are you okay?".

Tessa sighed and nodded, "Yeah, don't know how I feel about a girl younger than me carrying me around all over the place like a princess, but at least I'm not hurt or anything thanks to her".

Cade nodded, he certainly felt thankful for Koneko and Yoruichi for protecting them, especially with all the shooting and destruction going on, Yoruichi sighed as she looked around at the destruction the battle had caused to the city, "We have to leave this city as soon as possible, otherwise, we'll just cause further destruction".

Bumblebee stood up and Koneko immediately jumped onto his shoulder, he then nodded to Yoruichi, letting her know that he agreed with her, suddenly, there was a loud echoing humming sound coming from above the city.

Everyone on the streets of New Chicago looked up and watched as Lockdown's ship began to move forward again, the group below however frowned, knowing that the ship was now trying to leave the plane, all of them were hoping the others were able to get out of the ship before it does leave.

In the Ship, Lockdown, with his spaceship now free from the anchors that were holding the ship back, was now able to make it move, he immediately turned his head to the side and yelled out orders to his helpers, "Prepare for interstellar launch!".

His helpers which were more of those humanoid small Transformers, immediately began to do as Lockdown ordered, outside, the people of New Chicago watched on as Lockdown's ship's thrusters began to light up, signaling its departure.

However, unbeknownst to Lockdown, Optimus, Hound, Hope, and Morgan were almost ready to separate the ship they were on, from the rest of Lockdown's ship, Hound nodded to himself and called out to everyone, "Were almost ready to separate, almost there! ".

Morgan, who was still sitting on Hound's shoulder frowned as she heard the engines on Lockdown's ship fire up again, "This thing is getting ready to go again, hurry!".

Optimus noticed the same thing as Morgan did and began to worry, "Hurry Hound! He's launching!".

Hound nodded and responded right away, "I'm on it boss!".

Optimus walked forward, with Hope also sitting on his shoulder, she frowned a bit as she spoke out about their situation, "We're going to cut it close".

Optimus nodded, "Yes, but this way, Lockdown will be in deep space before he even realizes I'm gone".

Hope nodded with a smile, she quite liked Optimus Prime's idea, Hound fiddled with the controls some more and got ready, "I'm a sucky pilot! But let's give it a whirl! Hell yeah!".

Hound suddenly pushed the controls forward causing the ship they were on to separate, from the rest of Lockdown's ship and drop down, while Morgan and Hound whooped in excitement.

The ship twirls around in mid-air as the thrusters come to life, at the same time, Lockdown's ship suddenly takes off at the speed of light and disappears from the sky, towards open space.

Hound immediately drove the ship away from New Chicago, as quickly as possible, after all, it wouldn't take too long for Lockdown to come back to Earth once he realized that Optimus Prime escaped and everyone wanted to be away from this place by then.

Meanwhile, Joshua who was back in the KSI Building, was already on the move, while sarcastically speaking with someone on his cell phone, "You CSI people are really subtle, what a deft hand, I'm sure no one noticed all of that".

Joshua arrived at a garage of sorts, where he had people pack everything and prepare Galvatron for travel, nearby and watching all of this happening, is Su Yueming, the CEO of KSI from the Chinese branch, though she looked very unhappy with what was happening right now.

Joshua sighed and then said, "Look, in a few minutes, there's going to be feds all over this place and I don't want them finding our Holy Grail, so we're going to take all of our R and D, we're moving it to our China facility... yeah.

I want you to bring me the Seed, but I want you to bring it to me there" Joshua finished talking on the phone and hung up with a frustrated frown on his face.

Su sighed and then called out to him, "Mr. Joshua, I would not describe your product's testing as perfected"

Joshua sighed and then said, "We have plenty of time for improvements in China".

Su was not amused with his answer nor did she agree with the way Joshua wasn't so concerned about what happened, during Galvatron's first encounter with the Autobots, however, that's hardly the only thing she was worried about, "Those girls and woman, who are they?".

Joshua frowned and shook his head, "I don't know... those four appeared out of nowhere and helped Yeager escape, even then, they showed to have unique abilities, but to think that they could all of that.

Flying, Super Speed, Super Strength, and the weapon that red-haired little girl was using, none of that makes sense, I tried to run their faces through the database, but nothing came up, we just don't have any information on them".

Su frowned, she certainly did not like being in the dark about the four females who got in the way of Galvatron's test, the things they're able to do, seemed straight out of movies and that made them dangerous, "Do you think they're Transformers?".

Joshua looked at Su in silence, for a few seconds, before speaking up, "Transformers able to disguise themselves as humans?... I read a report of a Decepticon doing that once, it tried to seduce that kid who used to help the Autobots.

But apparently, that was a unique circumstance and not something any Autobots or Decepticon could do easily, besides, those girls seemed organic, especially with the way they talked to me...".

Suddenly, a scientist walked over to Su and Joshua, he then began to speak in excitement, "Sir, Galvatron, he was...".

Joshua frowned at the excitement that showed on the scientist's face, so he quickly burst his bubble, "He was a fiasco..." the scientist frowned as Joshua kept going, "A farrago, an embarrassment.. and he spoke, how did that happen?.

Do you know what a flaw is, Wembley? A flaw?" Wembley looked down as Joshua began to walk over to him, "A flaw is a total failure, I did not have control over my prototype and I want to know why!".

Wembley flinched from Joshua yelling at him, causing Joshua to scoff and then walk away, he had a lot to prepare and take care of, and everything had to be done as soon as possible too.

Meanwhile, Bumblebee was driving on a road in his car form, while Cade, Shane, Tessa, Koneko, and Yoruichi were riding inside of him, the group had received a communication from Optimus Prime's group, telling them where they had parked the ship outside of New Chicago.

So Bumblebee's group immediately took off to rejoin them and regroup, it took Bumblebee two whole days to arrive at the location since the ship was parked far from any cities and towns, he immediately stopped in front of where Hound parked the ship and let Cade, Shane, and Tessa out.

Koneko who was sitting in the driver's seat, patted Bumblebee's steering wheel and got out, while Yoruichi who was sitting in the passenger seat did so as well.

After that, Bumblebee transformed and then walked over towards, where the rest of the Autobots were waiting, Crosshairs was laying on top of a train wagon, he grinned and spoke up when he saw everyone walk over, "Let's give Bumblebee the good news, we're leaving!".

Optimus, who was standing there with Hope sitting on his shoulders, frowned and looked down at the humans of the group, "You humans, after all we have done... you don't know what you have wrought to yourselves".

Cade climbed a small hill of stones, so he could be closer to Optimus Prime's face, though he soon frowned as he heard his words, "What? What is it now? What are you talking about? I mean, I'm doing stuff out of my league here!".

Hope frowned but nodded to Cade, "Yes, you've involved yourself, in all of this despite the dangers, no one would have done the same, we know, but this entire situation is going to get out of control soon

Optimus nodded, "You don't see, who is controlling who, within that man-made creation I fought today, I sensed the presence of Megatron".

Cade looked a bit confused, especially because he was quite out of the loop from all of this, but he did recognize the name, "What, the Decepticon who started the Chicago War?".

Suddenly, the small Autobot the group rescued from the KSI labs appeared from behind Morgan, who was still chilling on top of Hound's shoulder, he had been hiding back there the whole time, while everything went down and explained what had been going on in KSI labs, while the Autobots waited for Bumblebee's group to arrive.

The small Autobot then began to explain to Cade what the situation was, "How do you think KSI built those bots in the first place, hmm? They had a whole mess of dead Decepticon heads and they were downloading their minds!... and I was in charge of autopsy duty.

No union, no benefits, no nothing... they hooked me up to Megatron and that mind wasn't as dead as they thought, he fed them the science and specs! All so they can build him a brand-new body.

Then he infected it, with his evil, nasty chromosomes they had red beady eyes, and they got all of my lovely locks, oh, I can smell it right now, totally inside custom job!".

The small Autobot jumped down from behind Hound's neck and landed on the ground as he continued to speak, "KSI might have named the body the snappy name of Galvatron, but that's just Megatron reincarnated".

Cade frowned and looked down, as he thought about what he just heard, Shane rubbed his head and sighed, while Tessa shook her head and then spoke up, "You knew this and you didn't warn them?".

The small Autobot sighed and then pointed at Tessa, "Little girl... you can go to a very dark place when you're on death row, he's been playing KSI all this time, all so he can manipulate them into going after the Seed".

Shane looked around confused, until he decided to ask a question, "Wait, the Seed?".

Hope looked down towards Shane from Optimus Prime's shoulder and spoke up, "I asked Optimus what this Seed is, apparently, the seed is a device that contains elemental Transformium, which is the primal material of Cybertronians or as you know them, Transformers.

It functions by being primed, then detonating, turning all organic matter around it into molten metal, it might look small, to the extent a human can carry one about with little difficulty, but their small size belies its power, when it goes off, it's with the blast-range being equivalent to that of a human tactical nuke, it's a weapon of mass destruction".

Hound nodded, and then went on, "Listen, about sixty million years ago, give or take an eon...".

Optimus cut off Hound by continuing what he was about to explain, "Thousands of planets were cyberformed with seeds, they turned your organic life into our elemental metals... our creator destroyed your world to make us".

The small Autobot then piped in, "And that's what Galvatron wants to happen again, he wants to detonate that seed in the biggest city and kill millions! He's going to show the world 'I'm back baby!' ".

Cade, Shane, and Tessa stared in horror at the Autobots, as they now understood the severity of the situation, Optimus sighed and then went on, "As Hope explained, the blast wave will incinerate that city into molten metal.

He'll have enough to build a massive army and annihilate your entire species forever".

The small Autobot nodded and then said, "You dumb greedy, bastards brought extinction to yourselves! Not my problem though, I'm free at last! The whole thing worked out great for me, I'm walking".

Cade sighed and rubbed his brow as he thought over what to do, eventually, he looked up towards Optimus and then said, "We got to get the Seed before Galvatron does".


~Meanwhile, in Beijing China~

Joshua had arrived in China via private jet and was now walking out of the jet along with Su, both immediately walked over towards where the transport plane with Galvatron on it, had landed to check on him, they found KSI personnel strapping Galvatron into a truck already.

Having checked on their so-called creation, both CEOs of KSI boarded a car and took off towards the China Branch KSI labs, along the way Joshua began to explain something to Su, "The Seed will be the salvation of our company, we take delivery tonight".

Su, took a drink out of a water bottle, while she was listening to Joshua speak of his plans, "And next month we detonate it, safely on the Mongolian desert and we'll create enough Transformium for a hundred years".


~Back with the Autobots and the rest of the group~

Hope, Morgan, Koneko, and Yoruichi were speaking with Optimus Prime, while Cade, Tessa, and Shane looked around to see if they could find anything useful in their area or a place to rest, while they figure out what to do next, Hope smiled up at Optimus and then said, "Optimus, if you and the Autobots are looking for a new home, you can just come with us to our world".

Morgan nodded and cheerfully explained, "Yeah! We come from a world where the supernatural is very active! Hope, Yoruichi and I are a part of the Yokai Faction, and allied to Neo Kyoto! Koneko is a family friend, though she's a devil and a member of the Devil Faction".

Koneko nodded and then spoke up about her situation, "I'm what's called a reincarnated devil and I work under someone called Rias Gremory... she's a kind devil, but once I become certified as a high-class devil, I will be moving to Neo Kyoto... I have a big sister to take care of... she's a bit of a troublemaker... so she needs someone keeping an eye on her at all times".

Optimus looked a bit confused about everything he heard but got the gist of it, Yoruichi noticed this and decided to help a bit, "You don't need to worry about the factions or anything like that if you want to live in peace and just have a home.

You can just live in Neo Kyoto, it's very peaceful there and the home to all sorts of beings and even other aliens, I'm sure the leaders wouldn't mind giving you and the other Autobots shelter in their city".

Optimus nodded in understanding, "I see... what would these leaders ask for in return?".

Hope smiled and then said, "Nothing, Neo Kyoto is one of the most advanced and stable cities in our world, as a faction, we're considered the strongest as well, sure, we have some enemies, but they can't even get into our city.

They're an annoyance at best, so we wouldn't need anything from you guys, though help in any way, would be appreciated".

Optimus looked down, "But, if we don't offer anything, why would the leaders of your city and faction help us?... The humans asked for our help in hunting down Decepticons and even our technology, though we refused to give them any, good thing too, given how they betrayed us".

Yoruichi laughed a bit, "I get why you're defensive and untrusting Optimus, anyone would in your place, but don't worry, the big head of the Yokai Faction and the leader of Neo Kyoto is actually Hope's father, all she has to do is ask him to let you guys live with them and he will agree".

Optimus raised an eyebrow at what he just heard, given what he had seen out of Hope, he realized that her father must be far more powerful than her and that gave him some worries, Hope noticed that and gave him a pat on the side of his face, "Yes, Daddy is a very powerful being, one no one in their right mind would dare to annoy.

But he's also a great leader and a kind person, he doesn't consider himself a hero, despite many seeing him as such, but he's always willing to help someone in need, I'm sure he'll help the Autobots".

Optimus turned his head towards Hope and stared into her eyes, after a second he blinked and nodded, "Very well, your offer sounds good, the Autobots will leave this world and go to yours, it is time to move on".

Hope smiled and gave Optimus a nod, Morgan cheered, while Koneko gave the leader of the Autobots a thumbs up, Yoruichi just grinned, happy to be able to help the Autobots find a good safe home, after everything they went through, they deserve it.


Cade had broken into a train parking station with Tessa and Shane, while looking around for anything useful they could use, as they walked inside the train parking station, Tessa began to talk to her father, "Dad, I'm tired of running and stealing".

Cade sighed and then said, "Well, it's a place to sleep and rest".

Shane frowned and then piped in, "Yeah, just another break-in...".

A few minutes later, Cade, Tessa, and Shane finally made it inside an abandoned train cart, one that seemed to have been made for a first-class train, since it had couches and even a bar inside, Tessa immediately lay down on a couch and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, Cade and Shane sat nearby, Cade turned to look at his sleeping daughter and smiled, suddenly he began to speak to Shane, "You know, when I was your age, I liked to get a little wild, I liked cars, girls...

But then there was Tessa and when she was born, all I ever wanted out of life, was for her to be happy, healthy, and safe, somehow, I always thought I would be enough to protect her... but I won't be, I'll never be".

Shane stared at Cade as he looked down and then said, "But somebody better be", Cade looked over to Shane and he stared at him, "Thank you for being here today, Lucky Charms.".

Shane smiled at Cade and then responded with, "Well, thank you for not shooting when you had the chance".

Cade turned his head back to Tessa and then said, "Oh, I'll have more".

Shane quietly chuckled and nodded, "Yeah, I can see that".

(A few hours later, outside with the Autobots)

Drift had been scanning communications, trying to find where the Seed is, while Optimus spoke some more with Hope, Morgan, Yoruichi, and Koneko about Neo Kyoto, suddenly he heard something interesting and he quickly spoke up to everyone, "We intercepted encrypted communications, Joshua Joyce is heading to Guangzhou, China".

Optimus nodded and then said, "Right, let's have Cade speak with him, and see what we can find out".

Cade was called to come over, Shane and Tessa went to him and the Autobots explained to him what they had found out, agreeing to talk to Joshua, Cade used a cellphone the Autobots had with them and called him, it didn't take long for Joshua to answer the phone call.

Cade immediately said, "Hey big shot, your company is in big trouble now".

Joshua, was of course, pretty annoyed to hear Cade's voice over the phone, "You better have a damn good lawyer".

Cade chuckled a bit and then said, "Really? Well, you better have one, cause you're about to be the one responsible for the annihilation of a city, now you listen to me, your tech had been hacked and your prototypes are infected and now Galvatron is after that Seed.

Look, I know you have a conscience, because you're an inventor like me, do not let Galvatron, anywhere near that Seed".

Joshua frowned, he almost believed Cade, but his arrogance won over his instincts, "I control Galvatron, I created him."

Cade sighed and shook his head in annoyance, "Deep down, you know... your prototype has been controlling you...".

Cade hung up, leaving Joshua with a lot of doubts and a bit of fear, but Cade wasn't about to trust Joshua to have the intention of listening to him, so he turned his head towards the Autobots and asked, "How fast can the ship take us halfway around the world?".

Drift smiled and said, "Very, it's a spaceship".

Suddenly, Helicopters began to arrive and police sirens echoed through the area, letting everyone know, that they had been found by the authorities, not a surprise though, it's hard to miss the big ship just parked in the middle of a big open space, it was bound to be seen.

Everyone walked over to a cliff and watched as the police began to arrive in big numbers, Hound walked over to the humans of the groups, with Morgan on his shoulder, and said, "If we're traveling, now's the time".

The Autobots turned around and began to walk to the spaceship, Cade shook his head and then spoke to his nervous daughter, "All I want, is to have our old life back, it's your call, whatever you want".

Tessa frowned as she watched the cops approach their location, she was unsure about what to do next, but Cade then decided to give her a small push, "Are we safer on our own, or a we safer with them?".

Tessa sighed and then turned around to walk towards where the Autobots were going, Shane smiled at his girlfriend's actions and then said, "She's a keeper, must take after her mom".

Shane grinned at Cade and then turned around to follow Tessa, Cade chuckled and nodded, "I can't argue with that, kid".

Cade shook his head in amusement and then turned around to follow his daughter and Shane back to the Autobots, Optimus was already by the ship and waved at everyone, "Move! We're retrieving the Seed, but then we're done defending the humans".

Tessa walked inside the ship followed by Bumblebee with Koneko on his shoulder, meanwhile, Cade looked up at Optimus confused at his words, "What, done? What do you mean, you're done?".

Crosshairs shrugged and then spoke as he got onto the ship, "Means 'finished' ' see ya' 'Goodbye' ".

Hope, who was riding on top of Optimus Prime's shoulder, frowned at Crosshairs' attitude and words, so she waved her hand and pushed Crosshairs forward into the ship with a blast of telekinesis, causing the Autobot to scream in pain and surprise.

Optimus chuckled and began to walk into the ship, Crosshairs really deserved that kick in his behind, his attitude has been rather annoying lately and Optimus was glad Hope was willing to put him in his place.

Everyone soon boarded the spaceship and before the cops arrived, they were already airborne, soon after, the spaceship took off towards China, leaving the frustrated cops behind.

~Meanwhile, in deep space, inside Lockdown's ship~

Lockdown, along with some of his men, had gone to check on Optimus, and that's when he noticed that he was gone along with part of his ship, "Hi-jacked part of my ship? How did you let this happen?! Shut down the dark matter drive, reverse course at light speed and get us back!".

Lockdown turned around, and while his men scrambled to go do what he had ordered, Lockdown began to walk around in anger as he spoke to himself, "Prime's taken my trophy case and he will feel my wrath!

~Back on Earth, China, outside the KSI Chinese facility~

Joshua and Su had finally arrived at the KSI facility located in China, via car, both immediately got out of the car the moment it stopped, other CEOs were already waiting to greet them, one of them, a woman smiled and then said, "Welcome to China".

But Joshua was not in the mood for talking, so he immediately began to issue orders, though he did shake the woman's hands, "Take Galvatron to containment, tell the techs, to not activate him".

The woman nodded and responded with, "Absolutely sir".

Joshua nodded and immediately began to walk towards the KSI Facility, meanwhile, the woman turned around to give Su her attention, Su also gave her some orders, "I want security on high alert".

The woman nodded and shook hands with Su, then they both followed Joshua to get inside the KSI Facility as well.

Once inside, Joshua immediately headed to an office, where Attinger and Savoy were already waiting for him, Attinger immediately spoke the moment Joshua walked into the office, "Joyce, I can't tell you how enthused I am to deliver this".

Attinger pointed at Savoy and he immediately opened the bag they had laying on a couch, Joshua walked over and kneeled in front of the bag for a closer look, Savoy immediately stepped back and let Joshua look at the Seed.

Attinger smiled and then said, "Top of your alien wishlist, it's yours or rather ours" Attinger laughed and then continued, "I will need to see in advance, that my five million shares of the company, together were going to end human warfare.

We're about to build a fully automated U.S. army, just think about all the American lives we're going to save".

Joshua frowned and looked at the Seed looking conflicted, Cade's warning still bouncing around his head, despite Attinger's optimistic words, he had a very bad feeling about this, one that he couldn't shake off.

Meanwhile, down in the labs of the KSI Chinese facility, many human-made Transformers were being built at this very moment, a group of scientists were already walking through the labs with a businessman while showing him the work that was being done, until they arrived in front of a car.

The businessman looked at the red sports car and asked "All these cars are KSI's newest civilian prototype robots?".

The scientists nodded letting the businessman know that he was right in his guess, meanwhile, many other prototypes were being finished and sent to storage for when it was time to sell them, but, all of these prototypes would be used by Galvatron soon enough instead.

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