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20% DC: The Wildcat / Chapter 3: The Dr.

Chapter 3: The Dr.

Eddie. POV.

I was sitting in the bioship next to Superboy wrapping gauze over my hands and forearms. It was pretty weird seeing a ball turn into a ship. It was also weird knowing I was on a team with a Martian.

"Why don't you just wear gloves?" I heard Robin ask me from in front of me. He was turned around staring at my hands.

"Don't know."


The ship fell into silence again.

"So. What are your powers?" I heard Kid Flash asked and I just shook my head.

"No powers." His eyes widened slightly and he grew a curious look.

"So, what do you do?"

"What do you think?" I shot a glare at Kid Flash and he just huffed and looked away leaning his head on his hand. I was finishing wrapping my left hand when we landed. We all stood up and got out the ship. "Great. Why are we at a school again?"

"Red Arrow placed her here for us." Aqualad answered me as well all divided into groups. Megan, Superboy, Robin, and Artemis were to be on perimeter. While Kid Flash would watch the hallways. Leaving me and Kaldur as the main two guards.

"We couldn't just transfer her to a more secure, league protected location." I asked and everyone just looked around. "No one thought to ask that?" Silence followed my question and I just sighed. "Why am I not surprised."

"It doesn't matter. It's a simple protection mission. Let's go." Kid Flash said and sped off to the school. I just stood there flummoxed. This guy seriously just left without so much as a glance.

"Team. Let's get into positions. Dr. Sterling should be in the computer lab. Miss Martian, link us up."

"Right." Megan nodded and placed a hand on her temple and a sharp poke was felt on my brain. I grabbed my head.

"What the hell?" Artemis seemed to share my sentiment as she let out a groan.

"Kid Flash. Is Dr. Sterling in position." I heard Kaldur's voice in my head and I looked at him wide-eyed.

"Why can I hear everyone?!" I saw everyone cringe.

"There's no need to yell. I linked all of our brain together, so we can communicate without comms."

"Great just what I fucking need" With that thought we dispersed into our positions.

Kaldur and I walked to the computer lab in silence and thank God for it. I'm questioning this whole mission. Why set up shop in a public-school computer lab. It literally made no sense.

"Kaldur. Remind me again why we are in a Highschool." I asked him verbally. He just turned to look at me.

"Red Arrow placed her here for us to protect while she worked on a counter measure for the Fog."

"Yeah, I get that. But why not move her to a more secure location. I'm sure the league could have spared an actual safe house easier to defend?"

"I do not know why Red Arrow chose this location." We got to the door of the computer lab. "Perhaps we should put a pause on this conversation for now." I nodded and he opened the door. Dr. Sterling was hunched over a computer typing away.

"You guys took your time." She glanced up from the computer screen. "I was expecting a full team. Not two people." We both walked around the room examining it.

"Our team is on the perimeter and watching the hallways."

"Megan link Dr. Sterling."

"Got it."

"Oh god." I saw Dr. Sterling grab her head for a second before blinking and shaking her head.

"Me too lady." I jumped up on one of the tables and sat down.

"I have teen thoughts in my head."

"How does it look on the perimeter?" Aqualad asked the team


"All good"



"The hallways are clear too." I heard Kid flash say and I just sighed and crossed my arms.

"Well doc. It looks like you're in the clear for now."

"Fantastic. I'm very glad you people are capable at doing your jobs. You truly should be proud."

"No need to be a bitch about it" I responded and she glared at me.

"I'm sorry. Is your life being threatened by global assassins because you have a good brain?" she in a very up tight tone.

"No. It's being threatened because I'm protecting your ass. All of us are, so put some respect in your voice." I pounded on the table and stood up. I walked to the window and looked through it.

"How is the progress Dr?"

"Fine. I started before you arrived. I just got the location, or the device." We both looked at her in shock.

"You did what!?" When I shouted that, there was a crash in the window on the door and three shuriken's came flying through hitting Kaldur.

"You're still standing." The door was kicked open and it revealed a women with a mask with sais in her hand.

"Team. Location of the fog has been located. Assassin here."

"Superboy and I will investigate the location. Dr. send it." Robin responded.

"I'll send you the bioship. Artemis and I are on our way" I heard Megan respond.

"Who are you?" The strange women asked me and Kaldur just pulled out the shuriken's and readied his water magic.

"I'm getting tired of people asking me that question." I rushed towards her and swung wide. She narrowly avoided by jumping on my shoulder, trying to get over me. But I grabbed her ankle and threw back down on the floor. She bounced up and did a back handspring to stand. I couldn't see her face but I could tell she had the wind knocked out of her.

I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, so I closed my guard and led with a front kick which she narrowly blocked with her arms crossed. She was slower. She bounced against the wall and tried rushing me with her sais. She slashed in a wild pattern, and I just bobbed and weaved. Her attacks led me across the classroom, and I hit the wall with my back. She stabbed at me and I sidestepped and responded with an uppercut to her gut which caused her to suspended in the air for a second. I could hear the air leave her body. I didn't give her the chance to land however. I punched the side of her face causes it turn sharply to her left. I followed with a spartan kick to her shoulder. All of this combo took three seconds to perform.

The kick caused her to crash against some of the tables causes them to fall and her to land on her back with a groan and nursing her shoulder. I sped forward straddling her and punched the living shit out of her mask. There was a crack in it when Kaldur pulled me off. I turned sharply to look at him. I saw the rest of the team still at the school with an uncomfortable look on their face staring at me. I looked at all of them and finally at Kid Flash while pointing at the downed figure of the assassin.

"That's what I do." No one responded and I kept looking at them. "How did she get past five people? Wally you were supposed to watch the hallways. It's not exactly the hardest job there is. You have super speed for fuck's sack!" I yelled at his face and he only shrunk into himself.

"She got past the perimeter before she even stepped foot in the hallway. How about we ask the spot stealer here." He crossed his arms and glared at Artemis who only scoffed and crossed her arms in response.

"You're still on that! Dude, he doesn't' want to be on this team. Get over it."

"That's not really fair, Wally. I was outside too." Megan responded and he only flashed her a smile.

"Outside, being distracted by her. Besides I can't be mad at you." I looked at this goggle wearing fuck with my mouth wide open.

"You can't be fucking serious? A civilian almost died!" Everyone looked at me without a change of look. "They are as much to blame as you Wally." I walked up to him and grabbed his shoulder. "But if you try to shift the blame off of yourself again. I'll break that leg of yours." I leaned down to get closer to his face. "Flash can heal fast. Can you?"

"That's enough Wildcat!" Kaldur pulled me off again and I just huffed and walked off.

"What a lovely showing, but I must depart." Said the same sly voice of the assassin that was originally lying on the floor but was now standing up still nursing her shoulder. "That was much better than I was expecting." Wally made a run for her and she threw smoke pellet down. Wally ran into the wall with a groan. I threw grabbed a table and flipped it over.

"fuck this stupid team!" I kicked one of the monitors and it crumpled and sparked. "I can't believe I'm here! All of you are so shitty as this. I took her down! No one bothered to secure her! Kaldur you pulled me off! What were you doing? Nothing!?" I yelled in frustration.


"Nothing! All of you are so incompetent! Bickering like children! We saved the day but the bad guy gets away. How does that happen?" Silence followed and I looked at all of them. Dr. Sterling was standing in a corner shifting awkwardly at this point. "Fuck me!" I walked out of the classroom and out of the building, towards the giant fucking mountain that was our shitty hideout.

I got there and walked around until I found the gym room. It was in some forgettable hallway and had everything I needed. It had a super human bench press system, where you input the weight and the bar becomes it. Fantastic. I pulled off my cowl and pulled out my phone. I shifted through music until I landed on rock. There was a Bluetooth system in the gym and I connected it. Classic bands like Queen, Metallica, Aerosmith, Pink Floyd, Kiss and so much more filled the room. I closed my eyes and listened to the music. I opened them and input 1000ibs (Batman does this on a daily.) into the machine. I sat down on the bench and stretched my arms. I could see the that the rest of the team was back due to the Zeta Tube flashes but I didn't care. I laid down and gripped the bench.

I got lost in the workout.

Cheshire. POV.

"Just put it back in place alrighty!" I yelled at Black Spider who just nodded mutely and snapped my shoulder in place. I took a sharp breath and hissed as the pain came to me and the adrenaline was falling down. "They had someone better there. He was better than me. We need someone else." Hook stood up and walked over holding a bottle of painkiller.

"We do." His voice was so gravelly I hated hearing it.

"What was the new fighter's name? Bear? Get him." Black Spider and Hook glanced at each other. "Now! You fucking idiots!" I threw the bottle at painkillers at Hook who just looked at it and walked off. Black Spider followed him silently.

I grabbed my shoulder and leaned back into the chair with a hiss.

"What an interesting development."

The Bear. POV.

"Bear! Bear! Bear! Bear!" The crowd yelled my name. I loved it. I was in a ring facing against a much smaller man then me. When you are 213cm tall and 158 kilos big, everyone is smaller than you. Ha!

"You don't look so good, my friend!" I yelled to my opponent, and I could see him gulp. "Have no fear! There is no time like fighting!" The bell rung and I moved at a speed not of a man of my size and grabbed him by his shoulder and lifted him up. Fear was etched into his face. "Smile more!" I squeezed his shoulders with a smile on my face until I heard a pop and a scream. I had broken something. "Oh, did I break something?! Forgive me!" I pulled him into a hug and squeezed with all my might. That when I heard multiple pops and cracks. His body finally went limp, and I lifted his corpse for the crowd to see.

They screamed my name, and I threw the body out of the ring into the crowd. It crumpled into the floor and was kicked at until the staff removed it. I climbed out of the ring and back into the locker room. Peter my assistant was there.

"Peter my friend. How are you today?" I sat my fat hand on his shoulder, and he cringed at the wight of my hand. It was making him uncomfortable. I retracked my hand and looked at him with a frown. "How many time have I told you to join me in the gym? You need more muscle on those bones of yours." I slapped his arm, and he jumped a little.

"All the time boss. Making sure all your needs are met is a busy job." I nodded and sat down on the bench. It groaned at my weight and there was a dip in it now. I didn't care. "There was a call, from the League of Shadows. They said they needed you." My face grew serious, and I stood up and looked at him fully. There wasn't a smile on my face.

"Is this true?" I picked him up by his shirt and he whimpered and nodded his head vigorously. "I will go. You will stay in my home for the time being. Make yourself comfortable, yes?" He nodded and I dropped him to the floor. "Fantastic! No more fighting weak men. The Bear fights the strongest there is!" I flexed in the mirror and admired myself.

I was the best.

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