The Hekratinl growled loudly. <What the fuck is it doing?!> Captain Lain thought.
Then the thaid stood still for several seconds, looking at Lain like a hungry beast, before charging again.
<What the fuck...?> Lain resumed her running, but compared to before, the bear came after her with more speed than ever. The Hekratinl didn't care about trees, rocks, or bushes; its size simply allowed it to bulldoze through them as if they were nothing without hindering its stride in the slightest.
At the same time, Lain jumped over fallen trees, leaped onto boulders, and ran through the dense woods while running away from the beast. She was struggling to keep her footing and keep up with the bear, but even as she dodged and ran for her life, she knew that she couldn't fail this mission, and quickly a look of determination appeared on her face.