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84.84% Pokemon My Story / Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Challenge

Chapter 27: Chapter 27: Challenge

Denis comes to the ring for a battle. At the same time, he got full of ridiculous shouting from the audience. Jovan and Feli know Denis's strength and just stood there mindfully.

15 minutes later...


The powerful and domineering Scyther who dominates the battle between Senior High School of Freedom 3 and 4 got blown away from the ring by Denis's Combusken.


The audience got silent until someone broke it.

"T-this is truly incredible..."

"Yeah, what was that!?"

"I can't see anything, they are fighting too fast!"

"This Combusken's Speed boost ability. No wonder, he dares to fight Scyther."

"Yeah, this fight is like no newcomer trainer can do..."

The principal of the senior high school of Freedom 4, who at first didn't have the confidence to win in this competition. Suddenly see hope for winning when he sees Denis in the ring.

'This is really a surprise. I never thought that in ordinary class there will be a very talented child like him.'

Even the principal of the senior high school of Freedom 3 who sat beside him felt it was very unbelievable, "Principal Budi, you are really hiding such a monster in your school."

Yeah, it is a monster because he is a strong Gold trainer can see that from start to finish this Combusken suppress Scyther and didn't exert its full strength to fight it. So it can be said this Combusken already reach Elite level.

Denis who sees that he already won takes back his Combusken. Then the referee from the side also questioned from senior high school of Freedom 3, "Is there anyone else who wants to challenge Denis from the senior high school of Freedom 4?"

After a while...

There are no students who come to the ring to fight Denis. After all, Rangga is known as a stronger trainer from the senior high school of Freedom 3 can't beat Denis. How can they dare to down to the ring to fight Denis who defeat and blew away Rangga's Scyther?

Jovan who looking there are no students wants to fight denis so he stands up. Ryan who sits beside him got surprised and asked in a hurry, "Jovan, what do you want to do?"

"Of course! I want to fight!"

Left these words Jovan leaves his seat and comes to the ring without telling the teacher.

While Ryan who heard his words got confused and panicked in an instant.

The audience looks at Jovan who comes to the ring.

"Wow! there is someone who wants to challenge denis. Could it be that he is a hidden powerhouse in our senior high school of Freedom 3?"

"By the way, who is he?"

"This person, I didn't know him."

"Wait! I didn't know this person too!"

"Anyone! Is there someone who knows that person?"

The senior high school of Freedom 3 started to boil again.

While the teacher from the senior high school of Freedom 4 realized 'that student' is also his student. "Is he Jovan, right!? What is he doing on the ring!?"

The teacher got panic!

Jovan who already come to the ring then he got asked by the referee, "Report your identity!"

"Jovan from senior high school of Freedom 4."

"Senior high school of Freedom 4?", The referee got confused.

Not only the referee, but the audience, teacher, and principal also got confused.

Jovan hearing this just answered, "There is no rule for the person can't challenge a person from the same school, right?"

The referee, audience, teacher, and principal got stunned. Now speaking of it certainly there is no rule that tells a person who challenges a person must be from an opposite school. Well, it can be understood, after all, this is competition between two schools so in common sense a student who challenges a student must be from the opposite school, not the same school.

The silence again echoed in the competition venue.

Denis on the other side also got stunned, 'this person even though wrong but on the base of the rule he has a right to challenge me. Besides that, this person must be very strong to have the confidence to fight with me.'

Then denis adjust his thought and stared at Jovan seriously.

The referee also woke up from his surprise and said, "Ehem, that's right based on the rules it is not wrong to challenge a person from the same school. So this battle can be held."

The audience, teacher, and principal also wake up at this time and start commenting one by one.

"Wow! The battle between students from the same school!"

"What's wrong with Senior high school of Freedom 4's students?"

"This battle between the same school is the first time happened! Interesting!"

*Chirp Chirp

Both principals also discuss something.

"Principal Budi looks like after this, we need to add some rules in competition again. So this will not happen again."

"I agree with that! But this is really a surprise. I never thought that this can happen! Whatever, both of them are my Senior high school of Freedom 4 students. So it didn't matter who is gonna win."

Principal Budi adds some sentences in his heart, 'looks like, after this, I need to evaluate ordinary class again. After all, the so-called ordinary class can produce talent like Denis besides that this student Jovan must be also strong to have the confidence to fight Denis.'

Even feli got stunned at the moment Jovan come to the ring to challenge Denis. 'Maybe, this is the most interesting battle I see today. But looks like Jovan and Denis start to show off their strength, so should I also show my strength?'

Jovan just smiled, he is already predicting this gonna happen. Even though he didn't like the spotlight too much but if he is not getting into the spotlight then his existence will be not known by the college he wants to go to. After all, the top college must have many talents available. So he needs something to stand out to get chosen or invited by the top college or his favorite college.

The referee comes to the middle of the ring and shouts, "Then let the battle begin!"

Jovan throws his Pokeball same goes for Denis.

"Come out, Eevee (Combusken)."

Vaness_Dar Vaness_Dar

Hello, guys, author is here. I write this chapter while trying to meet your guy's expectations so I hope you like it.

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