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57.57% Pokemon My Story / Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Test

Chapter 18: Chapter 18: Test

Jovan woke up from the bed that was full of his Pokemons. Except for Blissey who is already busy in the kitchen, Gourgeist who stays in his shadow, and Roserade who takes care of the garden in the backyard.

Looking at their cute sleeping face. Honestly, Jovan didn't have the heart to wake them up. But he has to, after all, today is a day for them to go to the test to get into college.

Even though he is still going to school tomorrow, but today is a test that can't be missed. After all, he needs it to get into his favorite college. Which has the most resource and can help him to learn more knowledge to train his Pokemon to another level.

This world also researching Pokemon, and some information is much more detailed than Jovan knows about it from his previous life. After all, he is just a pokemon fan and only plays pokemon games for fun.

Even though, he remembers some necessary information like evolution stone, prism scale, king's rock, etc which has not been covered what its use for. But the habits of Pokemon or so alike, he just learned it from this world, he is also learning this at that time with the purpose to make a good training plan for his Pokemons and preparation for exploring the forest.

So he goes to the top college to learn more. But the most important thing is a resource from the college like pokemon, items, treasure, and even permission to go to the secret realm that is under the college name.

Today is the only first step of the test, which is only testing the knowledge of the trainer.

Honestly, this test is very easy and even if he does it with his eyes closed, he can good a rank on the test.

But, he must pretend a little bit to not attach so many unknown forces. Who doesn't necessarily has goodwill toward him? After all, he can be said big fat meat in this world. If he shows too much, he can be targeted easily. Especially since he only has six pokemons and one egg. On top of that 3 of 6 of his pokemons are still weak.

So he must be careful. On this test he has targeted at least the Top 10 rank like usual he gets, after all, to go to the top college he needs to show his talent a little bit so he can get chosen or be accepted to the top college.

As for bringing Eevee, and Mawile is just for formality or to pretend. After all, the kids around his age always want to show off their pokemon, if he didn't do that then there's a high chance he will be noticed by some people who have high insight.

After, Jovan wakes Eevee, and Mawile up, they got take breakfast and bathe together.

Then like usual, he goes out with his motorcycle, and Gourgeist hides his shadow. As for Blissey, Roserade, and Feebas stay at home. Blissey and Roserade stay because they have to take care of the house and garden, besides that, they also don't want to follow to see boring things such bunch of people filling up the papers on their desks.

It is good if battle, even if it is a fight between weak pokemon at least there is some excitement on it but paper test, forget it, they didn't want to.

As for Feebas, forget it, she is still too weak to do anything. It is good for her to stay at home honestly. And after Jovan comes back then he will help her to evolve into Milotic.

Jovan drove his motorcycle to the place where the test was held.

10 minutes later...

Jovan parked his motorcycle in the parking area and see a blue building with a big Pokeball symbol on top of it. There is also a digital Billboard with the words "Pokemon Center" on it.

Yeah, the test is held on the second floor of the Pokemon center. It is a place where alliance pokemon sell almost all necessities for pokemon starting from food, special item, pokemon, and even secret treasure if you have enough points to exchange them. The points can be obtained from making merit to alliance pokemon by completing a mission or achievement from catching criminals, research, etc.

It is also a place to upgrade people's trainer rank. People to upgrade a rank is also rude and straightforward, as long as you show that you can command the Pokemon and has a good relationship with them then you will immediately get a trainer badge depending on your strength.

At this time, Jovan can be judged as a Bronze trainer if he didn't show 3 champion pokemon he has. He also has the intent to take a test for trainer rank later. After he finishes the paper test for college.

Jovan gets into the Pokemon center and registers himself at the receptionist.

"Excuse me, miss, I would like to register myself to take a college test, please."

"Oh another one, here you can fill this form first."

"Yes, thank you, miss."

The receptionist hand Jovan a form and Jovan fill it up and then give it back to the receptionist.

"All right, this is your participants' number and you can immediately go to room number 302 on the second floor to take a test. The test will start in about 30 minutes so you can prepare first before doing a test."

"Okay, thank you miss."

Jovan goes upstairs, gets into his room test which is already full of people, and takes a seat according to the number he has.

"Wohh, I get nervous."

"Hahaha, this test, I am bound to pass, because I already prepare a magic pencil for this!

"What magic pencil!? It is clearly just an ordinary pencil with the alphabet a, b, c, and d written on it!"

"Hmph, the old way."

"Pray... God... Please... Pass test.."

"There! Another helpless guy."

Like always Jovan also got into the play by praying which makes him look like an ordinary student who is also nervous about a test.

30 minutes later...

The burly man got into the room and makes the room become quiet because they know the test is about to start.

"Okay, kids, take out your paper from under the desk and wrote all answers to the questions I show on the screen in front of you. You have one minute to answer the question before the question change to the next question. No cheating, and no talking during the test. So get ready the test will start in 3... 2... 1... Start!"

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