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81.25% I’m a causal with Godly Powers / Chapter 13: Chapter 11

Chapter 13: Chapter 11

Never would I have thought any of this would happen. To be honest, this shouldn't have happened. Having these powers, having to defend Earth with said powers only given to a handle full of people around the world. Literally, only a handle full. There isn't many of us with Soul Reaper powers. From what I know, every country around the world only has at least a thousand people who have shown supernatural abilities. All being Soul Reaper type. So far that's the type of power I've seen. I haven't seen any other type of powers that were shown in the anime or manga.

And here we are, fighting waves of hollows that spawn when ever and where ever. So far, nothing too crazy has happened since the hollows appeared. Though, I have a feeling things are going to get a lot more crazier since I have two high ranking Arrancars with me.

I look at them both as they chat away with one another as Nelliel sticks her hand down her throat just to regurgitate this clear thick saliva onto Harribel's stomach. I make a slight disgusted face and shake my head.

"I totally forgot you can heal others with your saliva, but I really didn't want to see that." I said in discomforted cringing voice.

Harribel giggles, which was pretty damn cute. Never before have I ever heard her do that. "It isn't too bad. It sure is helping soothe the pain away."

Nelliel turns to me with saliva dripping down the sides of her mouth. "If your hurt too I can pour some of my saliva onto the affected area" she said as she moved over to me. I put a hand on her face to stop her, but she tries to push forward as reaches her hands out to me in a grabbing motion.

"No, I'm fine. Thank you." She pushes even harder, but no avail.

"Don't be shy! Don't tell me a strong guy like you is scared of a little bit of saliva?" I flick her forehead and she yelps in pain.

"No, I am not. Like I said, I'm not hurt and I don't need your weird healing throw up-y saliva-y all over me." I shake my head as I smile a bit. "Now I know why Ichigo gets so annoyed with you." As soon as those words left my mouth, Nel's smile vanishes from her face and her bubbly attitude darkens. This quickly caught my attention of me and Harribel's. Something wasn't right and I had feeling what it was, but I had to confirm it.

"Nelliel, what happened to Ichigo?" Nelliel's darkened dull eyes look up at me with little bit of surprise as if asking how I knew. I look at her patiently, waiting for her to answer. Her lips tremble as she keeps her eyes on me as tears slowly start to form at the edges.

"Nelliel, I need to know if Ichigo is ok? Give me a nod or shake of your head. You don't need to explain anything if you don't want to." I ask her again if he was ok and she simply nods her head. I let out a sigh of relief just knowing that.

"That's good then." Nelliel keeps her teary eyes trained on me. I already knew what she wanted so I continued.

"Is he possibly badly hurt from the battle with the Quinsies that invaded the Soul Society?"

Nelliel's eyes grew just a tad bit wider as she slowly nods her head. Harribel was a bit surprised herself, but not so much as Nelliel. Harribel already knowing that I know everything about them.

"Fuck me," I said under my breath with a little bit of frustration in my voice. "What the hell changed?" I crossed my arms across my chest as I paced back and forth. Had my back turned towards them as I slowly started to lose focus of my energy. Sparks of red and black lightening shot around me and some striking the sand.

"Nelliel…" I called out to her with my distorted voice. "Where's Ichigo?" I waited for her to answer, but she didn't say a word. I was starting to lose patients as I look over my shoulder to her as my energy increased steadily as the horns to my hollowification started to form. I notice her and Harrible slowly back away from me in fear, so I quickly compose myself and get my my energy back in control.

"Please, tell me where he is" I softly said. "I need to know what condition he is in."

"H-He's in the Soul Society getting t-taken care of. He's been in coma ever since the fight with the leader of the Quinsies."

"The leader being Yhwach" I said that name in anger. "That guy is an asshole. If I ever see that old man before Ichigo ascends to defeat him then I'll be the one killing him." I turn towards the two Espadas with a serious look. "We need to get to the Soul Society asap. Before anything else can escalate further and the Sternritter's go back and finish off what they started."

Harribel then speaks up. "How exactly are we going to get back since we don't know when a Garganta will open?"

I scratch the back of my head in frustration as I kick some sand. "I don't fucking know. That's where I'm stuck. Luck would be on our side if one opens now, or tomorrow. The sooner the better. I can't tell when one would open, but I can sense one that's about to open as soon as it pops up." I pace again back and forth mumbling to myself on ideas on what to do. I go about this for a few minutes until I felt two familiar energies flying our way.

I pinch the bridge of my nose in annoyance already knowing the coming headache that's about to sprout any minute. The two Arrancars sense the two and prepare themselves for a fight, but I hold my hand up to calm them as the two teens come into view.

"You two have fans coming your way so you best prepare yourselves to be bombarded with affection and questions." I said with a chuckle.

As the two get closer I can see their faces light up as their eyes locked with mine, but as soon as their eyes panned over to the two girls they just lit up and sped up towards us. They fly in quickly and land hard as they skid on the sand a few feet away from us. They get behind me and start pulling at my clothes as they excitedly point and jump at the two like little kids at a toy store.

"Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Its them! IT'S THEM!" The young girl shouts out with so much excitement in her voice. "Jonathan, pinch me cause I must be dreaming." She then yelps in pain as I pinch her instead to get her to relax. She pouts angrily as her boyfriend chuckles.

"You definitely aren't dreaming, Sam. This is crazy! Are you two really the real Harribel and Nel?" Jonathan asks with much hope in his voice.

Before they can answer I interrupt with sarcasm. "Na kid, they're just two cosplayers." This seemed to instantly bum them out as they "oh'd" sadly.

Nelliel started to feel herself again as she let out a giggle. "Don't be mean to them, they're just kids." She poses weirdly with her hand on her forehead in a dorky salute pose. "It's nice to meet you two. I'm the actually actual Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck."

"Actually actual?" I questioned her wording, but she ignored it as the two teenagers started to fangirl.

Harribel is the next to introduce herself as she just waved at them with signature mellow smile. "Hello, I'm Tier Harribel."

I can feel the young couple shake against me as I chuckle to myself. The two Arrancars didn't seem to mind them as the two shot question after question towards the two. They answered all of them to the best they could, but I can tell they were getting overwhelmed, especially Harribel. Then there's one question that caught my attention which Sam asked.

"Ms. Harribel, do you have a boyfriend?" She asked as she hugged Jonathan's arm as she had this dreamy look on her face. Harribel's face flushed a little as her eyes shot up to me but then quickly averted the other way.

Sam saw this and spun her head towards me with an open wide smile. "No way!" She exclaims loudly.

"Samantha, relax please. Me and her aren't a couple, she just thinks th—"

"Yes we are. You just don't want to admit it." She says with her arms crossed under chest as she pouts just a little.

"You see that shit! Isn't that out of character of her. Say you two don't agree!" I quickly pointed out.

The two nod their heads. "Yeah, Captain has a point. I don't remember her ever showing emotions like this in the manga or anime. Come to think of it, she never took interest in any males that were hollow or human" Jonathan thoughtfully said. I lightly karate chop the top of his head for calling me captain again and he smiles apologetically as he rubs his head.

"I thought I told you not to call me Captain."

"But it sounds so cool! It fits so well when we call you that! You're even as strong as one, maybe even stronger." He exclaims with his hands waved out in a dramatic way.

"Yeah, maybe." I roll my eyes. I then sternly look at them. "Besides all that, why are you two here? And it better be a good reason too."

"We thought you were a fighting a strong hollow cause we felt your energy spike up and a pretty scary one with it." Jonathan says.

"We thought it would've been those two but their spiritual pressure doesn't feel like the one we felt." Sam said as she look around to see if you could find the source.

"Eh, that was just me. Believe it, or not but you could say I'm on parr with Yhwach and all the top tier Zanjutsu fighters" I scratch the the scruff of beard on my chin in thought. "In all honesty, I might be even stronger, but I wouldn't know for sure until I get the chance to fight some strong opponents" I said in a none bragging attitude.

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