Chapter 300: Peace By Still Waters
**One Year Later**
Olivia POV
The house was chaotic but in the best possible way. It was the first trip we’d taken that would last for more than a day, and it would take some doing to get everything ready.
On the upside, we had some help from the security team. Everyone was back on the job after some time to recover, with full pay of course.
Ellis was a stickler for paying those who were loyal to him. The entire team, who stayed true to the family, also received a fifty percent raise. He knew as well as anyone that things could have gone very differently without them, and Jesse’s team.
Ken was packed in minutes, not quite getting the idea. Carl helped him switch things around, so Ken’s suitcase had more in the way of clothes than comic books and toys. He could still bring his favorites, but the rest had to stay until they got back.
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