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33.92% Naruto Uzumaki in DC Universe / Chapter 19: Two face Part 1

Chapter 19: Two face Part 1

The sounds of running could be heard in the darkness as a man was trying to get away from something…. Or someone. He didn't know how long he has been doing this with the indication of his sweated face and frantic eyes looking around if he lost the person following him. He eventually tripped on something, or moved his foot at a certain angle, causing him to fall onto the ground.

*Panting heavily* "I need to keep running. *Panting* I can't stop now." The man said he got back up to run again.

"Harvey…." A voice called out from the darkness. "Harvey Dent…."

"NO!" The now identified Harvey Dent yelled out. "Stay away from me! Just leave me alone!"

The DA kept on running as the sounds of demented laughter filled the darkness. Seeming to originate everywhere at once. He just needed to get away from him.

*Demented Chuckle* "Where do you think you're going Harvey?" The same voice called out once again in a taunting tone. "You can't get away from me that easily."

Harvey kept on running and some sweat had come into contact with his eyes, making him bring his sleeve onto his face to wipe some of it off. That seemed to cause him to lose focus for a brief moment in his run, as he bumped into someone and fell onto the darkened ground. When looking up, he saw the man he was running from.

"AAAHHH! Stay away!" The DA screamed out as he crawled backwards, away from the man towering over him.

"See what I mean Harvey." The man said as he drew closer to the downed DA.

"I don't want any part of you." Harvey said as he tried to regain his composure.

There was no vocal response, as the shadowed man reached into his pocket and pulled out…. A coin. He positioned it into his closed hand and flipped it into the air. The sounds of it coming down seemed to agitate the DA as he didn't want to hear more of it, making him cover his ears in the process. Once it landed, the shadowed man kept flipping into the air to repeat the process over and over again with the sounds of the coin getting louder and louder.


Of course the other man didn't stop what he was doing for god knows how long, until….

"It's time Harvey…." The man said in an ominous tone that seemed to scare Harvey even more. "It's time…."

One more flick of the coin went into the air, but this time it was coming down towards Harvey. The coin seeming grew bigger and bigger by each passing moment to possibly flatten and kill the cowardly man. When it got much closer to his impending doom, he screamed.

"NOOOO!" Harvey yelled out as he woke up in a sweated mess. He brought his hand over his face to end up feeling the sweat coming off of him badly, but it didn't matter as he tried to calm himself down from the horrid nightmare he just had.

"Calm down Harvey….It was only just a dream." He said to himself as he got up from his couch to grab a glass of water from the other side of his office. His throat felt raw and in pain with how much he possibly could've screamed. So he needed the pure liquid to help moisten it up and help him feel a little better.

*Knock Knock*

"Ye- *Cough Yes. Who is it?" Harvey asked as his throat tried to adjust itself.

The door soon opened up as a voice called out. "Harvey, it's Carlos."

"Oh, Carlos. Good to see you." The DA said as he tried to compose himself a little more. "What do you need?"

"Harvey, it's time." Harvey's aide told him, getting the DA to shaken a little on that last bit.

"I-In time for what?"

His aide looked at him funny and decided to voice his thoughts. "Are you okay Harvey? You seem shakened up."

"I'm fine. Just a bad nightmare." Harvey said to get his aide to nod at this. "So I'm asking again, but in time for what exactly?"

"The raid sir." Carlos said getting the DA to perk up at this. "Gordon called and said that the raid is happening now."

"I see…. Then we better get going."

-Abandoned Apartment Building-

Police sirens filled the air as searchlights were hitting across the surface of the heavily defended building for any sign of any thugs present in the building. For what is going on exactly, men that work for criminal overlord Rupert Thorne had stolen weapons and supplies from Gotham's Army depots. Commissioner Gordon, with the help of Harvey Dent, had organized the raid to get the supplies back.

"This is Commissioner Gordon! We have the place surrounded! So come on out with your hands up and no one will get hurt!" The auburn haired male said inside of the loudspeaker.

"Fuck off Gordon!" A thug called out from one of the broken windows.

Soon, Harvey had rushed over to the scene where Gordon is currently standing. It took him a bit to get there because of the traffic, but it seemed that he didn't miss anything yet.

"Hey Jim, how's it going?" Harvey greeted before sounds of gunfire were present with several bullets hitting the police car in front of them. This caused the two law officials to duck behind the car while some officers returned fire.

"Could've been better Dent." James said before one of the officers came up to him.

"Sir, the SWAT team is ready. Just give the word and we'll enter the building."

"Good, but wait on my orders. I don't want anyone to jump the gun and risk their lives without my approval." The Commissioner ordered getting the one officer to nod and head back to repeat Gordon's order.

As this was going on, the thugs inside of the derelict building were opening up several crates of weapons to be ready for the oncoming onslaught headed their way.

*Chuckles* "Man this is going to blow a hole in their barricade." One of the thugs said as he pulled out a rocket launcher from the army crate. *Grunt* "Mind helping me out here? Need to get this by the window over there."

"Sure." The other thug said as he helped lift the weapon.

"Guys!" One of the thugs near the window called out, getting their attention. "They're ready to move!"

*Chuckle* "Let them try." The rocket launcher one cockily said. "There ain't nobody gonna get in here alive."

As one of the thugs was loading up the rocket, another thug pulled out his walkie talkie and spoke into it. "You guys down there ready?"

"Definitely man."

"Then be ready when the cops start coming up since you boys are our defense up here."

"You got it." The thug below spoke out before the call ended. Just as the radio thug put his device, he was grabbed from behind and was knocked out. Coming out from the shadows revealed the Dark Knight as he was going to punch the living day lights out of the thugs on this level.

Down on the floor below, all of the thugs were at the ready with their assault rifles for when the police start arriving from the doorway since the only way to get to the upper level is through them. Things were pretty tense with how quiet things were, asides from the noise coming from outside. Just as they were waiting for the boys upstairs to start things off, a blast emanated from the floor in the center of the room.

"GAH!" Several men cried out as most were sent away from the blast, while others fell down through the hole. In the middle of the confusion, Vanitas had jumped out of the hole and grabbed ahold of the rafter beam in the ceiling before throwing several explosive cards at the thugs' weapons. The moment they came in contact, they exploded and sent them either away from the thugs' hands or breaking them instantly.

One of the thugs thought the person responsible was still down in the hole and started firing into it, causing him to kill a few of his fellow thugs in the process by mistake. Said thug was then grabbed by Vanitas' scarf and pulled high into the air before smacking against the floor's ceiling and plummeted back down to knock him out. When the hero came back down from the ceiling, he grabbed ahold of one of the thugs and twisted his arm to get the man to let go of the weapon, but he wasn't budging as he started to open fire on reflex. The helmeted Uzumaki soon spun him around to empty the weapon's clip before flipping the man over his shoulder and throwing him into the hole.

Shots were soon fired upon the publisher as he dodged out of the line of fire before sliding on the floor and shot out his grappling scarf to latch onto one of the thugs. Once it was successful, Vanitas pulled hard sending the thug towards him and kicked him into another thug. They tried to get back up, but with the thug still attached to the scarf, he was sent flying back to the hero and was kicked again into the same thug to render both of them unconscious or not moving that much.

In the corner of his vision, Vanitas soon saw one of the thugs aiming his weapon at him. The black and white hero summoned a dagger and threw it at the man's hand to make him drop the weapon as he held his hand in extreme pain. The hero then turned his attention towards the thugs coming towards him as he ducked and blocked several blows on his person before returning the favor and kicked each of them in the process.

One of the thugs pulled a knife at him and attempted to stab him several times, but on the last thrust his arm was caught and he was sent flying towards the wall hard. Shots were fired once again as Vanitas had to weave right through them. He soon ran towards one thug and grabbed ahold of his shirt as he jumped over a crate and slammed the man down on it. Once on the other side of the box, he used his scarf to latch onto the box behind him and threw it towards a group of thugs huddled together to get them knocked out in the end.

Once that was done, Vanitas scanned the room to see if there was anyone else still standing. He then realized that there were none left since he had expected there to be more. Then again there were, but they were on the upper floor. There were a few thugs that tried to get back up, but for good measure the hero summoned a few daggers and threw them down to keep the thugs in place.

"Now you boys stay right where you are and don't go anywhere." The hero said as he saw them groan out in pain or attempting to pull the daggers out of their places. "It's not like you're going to leave or anything."


"What the fuck?" The masked Uzumaki said out loud as he wondered what that was. He then went up the stairwell towards the upper level and saw a rocket launcher with a smoking barrel near him. From there, he saw other thugs lying on the ground either knocked out or groaning in pain with Batman standing in the middle.

"So…." Vanitas called out, gaining Batman's attention. "Did you have fun up here like I did down there?"

As that was said, a group of SWAT team members came into the room and aimed their weapons at the ready. Of course once they saw all of the downed thugs, they lowered their weapons, but kept them at the ready as one of them called it in that Batman and Vanitas took care of the problem. From there, a mixture of SWAT and cops were handcuffing and escorting all of the thugs out of the building and into police custody.

Several minutes had past as the last of Thorne's men were taken out of the building while being put into the various police vans that were arriving onto the scene. As this went on, a horde of reporters and photographers started to arrive and started to ask questions to the DA and Commissioner. None were answered so far until Harvey brought up his hands up to signal off that he was going to finally speak.

"As your district attorney, I would like to commend Commissioner Gordon and his men for their fine work." Harvey said with joy in his voice that the reporters ate up gleefully.

As this went on, Gordon looked up towards the roof of the ransacked building and saw Batman's figure in front of the moonlight before he went to parts unknown. "And thank you." The bespeckled man muttered before seeing a figure floating in the air on a stick of sorts and waved at the man before shooting off into the night's sky. "And you too."

"Excuse me Mr. Dent, but was it you that had planned this raid?" A reporter asked, getting the DA to nod at this.

"Why of course and I'm glad to say that one of Rupert Thorne's criminal rings has now been broken." Harvey said as various cameras went off making him temporarily blinded by the brightness. "As I've stated in my re-election campaign: 'I will not rest until Gotham City has been 'dethroned' once and for all.'"

Once that was stated, the various people in the area from reporters, varying officers and officials were clapping and cheering. Of course not everyone in the surrounding area was cheerful as one of the handcuffed thugs looked onward in disdain while being escorted into the van. He wrestled free from his hold before speaking out.

"You talk big pretty boy, but you ain't gonna be once Rupert Thorne gets through with you." The thug said before kicking a nearby, muddy puddle to send most of the gunk at Harvey's suit. "He's chews and spits out fuckers like you for breakfast!"

"Okay that's enough out of you." The one officer said as he tried to get the thug into the vehicle.

Things seemed to slow down to most of the world as Harvey started to get angrier by the second. Hearing the laughs of the detained thugs from the surrounding vans at the display. Then all of a sudden, the DA snapped.

"Why you little-!" He yelled out as he rushed towards the thug from earlier and grabbed ahold of his jacket and threw him across the pavement and into the muddy puddle. "I'm going to tear your measly little body apart!"

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" The thug yelled out as he tried to get free from the DA's grasp. "Isn't someone going to help?!"

"Hey! Break it up sir!" One of the officers said as they tried to separate the two.

"Kicking mud in my face will ya?!" Harvey yelled out again as he was going to throw a punch at the thug's face before it was caught by Commissioner Gordon's grasp.

"Harvey that's enough!" He said to the DA. "Get ahold of yourself!"

And just like that, Harvey seemed to snap out of it and revert to his courteous, amiable self. But just the way his eyes darted around on the scene, Gordon saw that something was off about the DA. Like he was a different person from before as the man in front of him seemed truly scared on what he had just done.

"J-Jim…" Harvey tried to say as he saw the various people around him look at him in shock at what they just seen. "I...I..."

"Come on Harvey, we need to leave now." Gordon said as he pulled Harvey away from the reporters. "You can't afford a publicity like this."

"Hey! That guy should be sent to jail! Not me!" The assaulted thug cried out before being shoved into the van and the door slamming into his face to shut him up.

Once they were a good distance away, Gordon decided to voice his thoughts. "Harvey, what the hell were you thinking back there?"

"I-I don't know Jim." He nervously said. "I guess he hit just the right button."

"Then that's got to be one hell of a button." Gordon muttered as he saw the DA walk away from the scene and towards his car to head home for the night.

-Rupert Thorne's Office-

"Well it's been another wild night in East Gotham as police intercepted an arms shipment, which district attorney Harvey Dent is trying to connect to Rupert Thorne. Unfortunately 'Handsome Harvey' has earned a new nickname, 'Hot Head Harvey', when he attacked one of the suspects." Summer Gleeson said over the television before it got muted via remote.

"My oh my….that man is crazy." A shoulder length, black haired woman said off to the side of the room. She appeared to be in her late twenties, early thirties while wearing a red office business attire with a grey shirt and black tie around her neck.

"Yeah….Crazy like a fox." A man said as he placed the remote off to the side. He was a man in his mid to late fifties in a heavy set look wearing a dark suit with a green vest and black tie to oddly match his white hair. "That little tantrum might as well bought him another ten thousand votes."

"Then why don't we get him to swim in a cement soup boss." A thug suggested off to the side.

"And bring down even more heat on us? I don't think so." The man said as he paced around the room a little. "I want him in my pocket boys. I want you to find some dirt on our dashing DA. Something really juicy if possible."

"Then I'm afraid that's going to be a problem Mr. Thorne." The woman said getting her boss to look at her. "He's so clean he could practically squeak."

"Just stay on his tail Candice." Rupert Thorne said as he was staring at the TV monitor with the news still playing. "All men have something to hide. As most people say: The brighter the picture, the darker the negative."

"Of course sir." The now identified Candice said as she left the office to do as she has been ordered while dragging everyone out of the room to help plan things out for the coming times.

-Few Days Later, Wayne Manor-

The sounds of clapping and cheering filled the air as the current DA was walking up on the podium. Once things had settled down, he took several deep breaths, which resulted in him coughing for a brief moment or two. When that was settled, he spoke in a loud firm voice.

"Hello and thank you all for coming to this event today people. It means a lot to see many of Gotham's residents here to support my cause for a better Gotham with your votes. If we want this city safe again, then we'll have to come down hard on these criminals. I will not see the people of Gotham…."

"Bruce, it's so nice of you to sponsor this fundraiser for Harvey." Grace said as she stood by said 'playboy' along with Naruto and Selina in amidst of the crowd of people. Since this was mostly a public event, Naruto had decided to show up to support his friend and to properly donate the money he had promised Harvey back on New Years. Hell, he practically wrote out the check and handed it to Harvey himself. As for Selina, she tagged along after being convinced by her boyfriend that she could possibly gather money for any charities coming up or to at least give her a better image after the past incidents that involved around her.

"Well Harvey and I go way back." Bruce said with a smile. "He's a great DA and a better friend."

"I can tell." Selina said as she got into the conversation now. "You two work well together and your relationship is a good, strong one Bruce."

"Why thank you Selina. Though to tell you the truth… Something seems offly intense."

"You're not the only one Bruce." Naruto jotted in as he stared at Harvey with narrowed eyes. For the past several days, he had been feeling these negative emotions rolling off of him in waves. They are suppressed, but he could tell that something seemed off. Especially with the news report of Harvey attacking one of Thorne's men after the raid. "Are you sure nothing is wrong with him Grace?"

"I'm guessing it's just the stress of the campaign that gets to him at times. I do what I can to help relieve it, but it seems to come back at a later point."

"Fair point."

"Though he doesn't seem to be really himself." Bruce said his two cents before the sounds of clapping filled the air once again as Harvey stepped down from the stage and into the mass of people.

"Mr. Dent. Mr. Dent." An elderly woman said as she came up to the current DA. "I want to let you know that I have voted for you two times and I plan for a third."

"Then I hope that those were from separate elections." He responded with a joking tone that got others to laugh.

"Mr. Dent." Grace called out as she sauntered her way towards her future husband. "When are you finally going to marry that gorgeous fiance of your's?"

The only response she got out of that question was her fiance to wrap his arms around her and spun her around that made her giggle a little while the masses laughed at the display.

"I hope you do it fast Harvey. I might just steal her myself."

"Do that and I'll prosecute Bruce." Harvey responded as the engaged couple were walking further into the crowd.

"Harvey." The DA's assistant said as he moved closer towards him. "Harvey."

"Yes?" The DA asked as he acknowledged his assistant. "What is it?"

"I need to talk to you privately for a moment."

"Are you sure? You could tell me in front of everyone else."

"No sir, I really need to talk to you."

Hearing that tone of voice, Harvey excused himself and walked some distance away from the masses as everyone else started to get into their own conversations.

"What's wrong Carlos?"

"You're not going to like this, but the judge just threw out the case on Thorne's men." His aide said as he pulled out a slip of paper and handed it to his boss. Once reading more on this to see if it was a joke, the results were instant.

"W-What?" Harvey questioned in shock as he reread it again and again to see if there was anything wrong. "But why Carlos?"

"The warrant wasn't complete. The judge had no choice but to let them go."

"Had to?!" The DA yelled out as his breath started to grow harder and his dark eyes started to darken even more as his eyes seemed to dilate. But all that he could see was red. "But I planned three months on that raid! He can't overturn on that! He's blocked just like the rest!"

The man was going to throw his aide towards the serving table, but someone stopped him from the process. "That's enough Harvey!" Naruto said as he was able to separate the two. "This isn't going to look for you if you do this."

"Stay out of this!" The angered DA said as he was going to punch Naruto in the face. But the sudden appearance of his Grace came in front of the publisher to defend her friend.


Seeing her in the forefront of his vision seemed to snap him out of it. Everything went clear again as he then realized what he just did. "G-Grace…. Naruto. I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know what…. Excuse me, I need some time alone."

As he said that, he walked away from the masses whom were filling the airs with hushed murmurs. Naruto, Selina, Grace and Bruce looked on in worry as they soon followed the DA inside. Unbeknownst to either of them due to the confusion going on, a particular dark haired secretary smiled at the scene with what she can now inform her boss about.

As the group was getting further into the manor, Bruce was the one that called out to Harvey. But he wasn't responding at all as he kept on walking. Eventually they went followed him into one of the studies when Bruce decided to ask again, but using a bit of his Bat persona in the works.

"Harvey, what was that back there?" The 'playboy' said in a lower voice to finally get his friend to respond.

"I just blew off the handle, that's all. So don't worry, I got things under control."

"Harvey, you didn't just lose your temper out there. You were a completely other person."

"I said I was sorry." The DA said to try and push the situation aside, but no one else was having it.

"Tell that to that Carlos person back there along with the masses." Selina bluntly said getting her secret boyfriend to look at her.

"Selina." Naruto said in a slight warning tone.

"No, no it's alright Naruto." Harvey said as he came to look at them. "She practically said it and I do need to apologize to them, asides from you and Grace."

"Maybe you should get some help." Bruce suggested.

"He's already getting help." Grace said getting her fiance to look at her in surprise.

"Grace. You didn't need to-" "But Bruce and Naruto are your friends honey."

"Hey don't be embarrassed Harvey." The environmentalist said to possibly help out on the situation. "A lot of people see psychologists and therapists, whether they are important or not."

"But not when they are running for public office." The DA countered his former client. "You know how most voters feel about… shrinks."

"Well I, for one, am proud of you and relieved." The billionaire said in a lighter tone of mood. "It takes a strong man to admit that he has a problem."

"Yeah I can understand that, but please keep this under the hat will you."

"Don't worry Harvey, if there is one thing I know is to keep a secret." His dark haired friend defended while getting the others in the room to nod and promise the same thing.

When things were said and done, the group went back outside as Harvey had first apologized to his aid before telling the masses about his outburst. It was a moment of stress and things gotten out of hand. The people attending the event seemed to accept it, but seemed weary on what still occurred earlier. Overall, the rest of the fundraising event was practically normal before things ended.

-Night, Nora Crest's Office-

It was a rather stormy night so far as it was practically raining cats and dogs while the wind was howling. Most people would try to stay in their homes for the evening, but it seemed that there was some people still working. Especially one that was very suddenly scheduled earlier in the day.

"Now…. You are falling into a deep sleep." The doctor said as she swung back and forth her watch. "Can you hear me Mr. Dent?"

"Yes Dr. Crest." Harvey responded in a sleepy daze.

"Good." The doctor said as she placed her watch back into her jacket pocket. The woman in question is Nora Crest, a woman in her late fifties with her greyed out hair tied into a bun while wearing a blue suit. Harvey has been seeing her for years and she knows all about Harvey's condition. "Now Harvey, I would like to speak to your other personality. To speak with Big Bad Harv."

The man's breath seemed to labor a little as he struggled to hold him in. "I-I don't think it's a good idea. He doesn't want to talk."

"But we must in order to help you." Nora said making Harvey gulp and accept the fact.

He dwelled inside of himself before his body started to twitch and spasm a little before it went back to a relaxed state before the eyelids slowly opened. Once was a pair of good natured vision were now replaced with hate and malice as the rest of his features seemed to match with a ever present scowl. To finish things off, the man that replaced the DA reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a coin before he started to play with it.

"Big Bad Harv?"

Her response wasn't immediate as his scowl slowly went into a crooked smile before voicing the answer in a growl like tone. "Speaking."

With Nora getting the confirmation that the persona switch was successful, she had finally brought up the issue of the meeting. "It appears that you and Harvey are having trouble again."

*Chuckle* "The man is a complete wimp."

"Well Harvey has a lot of special problems." Dr. Crest simply stated before getting out of her chair and walked towards the window, with the rain hitting against it and flashes of lightning occasionally lit up the sky. "When he was young, he felt very guilty about his angry feelings. So guilty that he had buried them deep inside until it became something else…. Or rather someone else." She paused as she turned around and looked straight at the man in front of her. "You, Big Bad Harv, came out from these angry feelings. Everyone feels anger and it does no harm, as long as it doesn't end up as a bad behavior. Once Harvey understands this-"

"Then maybe I'll go away." He concluded as his fists started to clench with his coin leaving an imprint in his hand. "Right?"

Unsure on how to fully answer this with her knowing where this is going, she had to at least say something to Big Bad Harv. "W-Well…"

"Well I'm not going anywhere you bitch!" BB Harv yelled out as he kicked the nearby coffee table to the side. The man then picked up the nearby floor lamp and brought it closer to her face. Nora felt scared now with what he was going to do to her, but before she could do anything, he bellowed at her. "If anyone is going anywhere, then it's Mr. Goody Good!" To prove the point, he slammed the lamp towards the window to get it to break with the broken light fixture aimed right back towards her. "And maybe you along with him."

Once that was said, BB Harv plunged the broken office appliance at her. She barely dodged out of the way getting the broken appliance to leave a mark on the floor. Nora then ran towards her office door to get away from him, but BB Harv was quick enough to grab ahold of her arm before he started to twist it. She cried out in pain and before anything could escalate, she snapped her fingers with her free hand by his ear to get BB Harv to go away and the DA to return.

The results were instant as the body seized up as it twitched and spasmed like before while letting go of the coin in his hand to end up clattering on the ground. The man's hate filled eyes briefly dilate to end up back at it's normal, calm state. Once the man came around, he scanned the room and saw the damage that was caused.

"O-Oh god. D-Did I do this?" Harvey asked out loud as he then looked at his doctor to see her nurse her arm. "Dr. Crest, I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to, I swear."

"I know it wasn't your fault Harvey." The doctor said as she sat back down to try and relax herself. "It seems that your other personality is getting stronger than I suspected."

Hearing this, the DA clenched his head in frustration as he sat back down. "Oh god, what am I going to do? I've always been able to suppress him before."

"Harvey. *Sigh* I want you to admit yourself to the psychiatric ward at County General for a few days." Nora suggested, getting Harvey to look at her in shock.

"But I can't Nora. You know that I'm trying to get re-elected." He said while trying to defend himself. "If the people find out about this, then it'll be hard to keep my position. I can't save them if I'm not the DA."

"But what about saving yourself Harvey? If you can't at least do that, then you could possibly lose your position and other things in the process."

Once hearing this, several things came through his mind. His DA position, his friends, and even his sweet Grace. The doctor was right, he does need to save himself or else everything else will be ruined. *Sigh* "I understand, but isn't there any other way doctor?"

*Humming in thought.* "Maybe if you cut back on your campaigning and intensified our sessions. Then we might be able to-" "Perfect!" He interrupted as it seemed like the best idea there is. "I'll take that. You just set up the schedule and I'll work everything around them. Those are practically my main priority along with my campaigning. Just so long as this remains a secret."

Unbeknownst to either of them that right outside of the office door, Thorne's secretary was right there writing everything down on a little notepad of hers. As she wrote the last bit on her entry, she quietly left the hallway as fast as she could so no one would notice her.

-Days Later, Campaign Party-

The sounds of chatter were present in the room as everyone that helped support Harvey through this entire election was there. It was a very important evening as the votes were being tallied and it was practically a nail biting experience if Harvey gets to serve another term as DA or not.

"Excuse me. Excuse me. Can I have your attention please?" Carlos said into the microphone as everyone else in the room quieted down. "Thank you. Now ladies and gentlemen, I have gotten word that the latest count has shown that Harvey is receiving a mandate from the citizens of Gotham in a form of a landslide. If this keeps up then we'll be seeing another term of Harvey as our district attorney."

When that was announced, everyone present was cheering in excitement as it was probably time to celebrate now.

"Hey now everyone. Don't celebrate just yet." Harvey said out loud, but it was washed away with how loud everyone was cheering and clapping. With his fiance in his arm, the two of them walked down from the stage as they wanted to mingle with the guests.

"Congrats Harvey." Bruce said as he came up towards them with his hand extended. The DA took it in his grasps and shook it with glee. "I must say that you seem very calm and collected as of late."

"I told you that I can be able to handle myself."

"And it shows Harvey." Naruto said as he came up to the engaged couple. Selina wasn't with him this evening since she had some other things to take care of that evening for a possible charity. "Everything seems rather peaceful with you as of late."

Indeed it has, ever since Harvey had taken his doctor's advice by doing the various sessions with her and cut back on his campaigning. It helped him out immensely as things were turning out for the best and it showed. Not once has his other persona affected him in the slightest and it made things all the easier during the remaining days of his campaign.

"Glad to know that you have noticed." The DA said to the silver haired male. "I'm practically in such good spirits that I might just announce a certain wedding date this evening as apart of my acceptance speech."

When hearing this, Grace turned towards Harvey in shock as her face morphed into one out of joy. "Oh Harvey. Do you mean it?" She hopefully asked as tears welled up in her eyes. She had been hoping that the two could finally get married after so long. The blonde's prayers were practically answered as her beloved fiance had nodded at this, making her capture his lips with her own.

"Then congratulations are in order you two." Naruto said as he greatly smiled at them.

When the two separated from their joyful kiss, they smiled at their friend before Harvey responded to him. "I know. It's been a long time since both of us had been engaged and I kept on holding off our wedding date. But now with this win, things will finally be solidified."

"Glad to hear about that Harvey."

"And there has been something that I wanted to say to you Bruce."

"Which is?"

The DA took in a deep breath before addressing his long time friend. "For years you've helped me out as long as possible. Supported me when I was first campaigning for my first term as the district attorney. Helped Grace and I through our various challenges we had to deal with ever since we had first met. Nothing could ever repay you for what you've done."

The 'playboy' smiled at this and he was genuinely touched. "Thank you Harvey."

"Which is why I want to ask you one simple thing." Harvey said in dramatic effect. "Will you do me the honor and be my best man?"

Bruce was surprised to hear this while Naruto wasn't. The former shinobi had guessed on how this was going. The two of them have been friends for years so it wouldn't be hard to realize that Harvey planned Bruce to be his best man for the wedding.

Once regaining his composure, he chuckled a little and gave his answer. "Of course I will."

"Then I hope I get invited to the wedding." Naruto said getting Grace to nod at the publisher.

"You're definitely on the guest list Naruto."

"Thanks." The former shinobi said as he, along with Bruce, started to walk away from the couple.

They were going to kiss each other again when Carlos came up to them.

"Yes what is it?"

"You got a phone call Harvey." The aide said getting his boss to nod before turning back towards his fiance.

"Hold those lips for me till I get back." Harvey said as he walked off towards his office. After stopping a few times to thank a few voters and supporters, he finally made it. He saw the phone off of the receiver to show that the phone was still on hold. Once in his hand, he spoke into it. "Hello, Harvey Dent speaking."

"Hello Harvey." A seemingly familiar voice said on the other end. "This is Thorne. Rupert Thorne."

Once having the confirmation, Harvey's face turned into a scowl. "What do you want you slime?"

"Now, now. Is that anyway to talk to someone that wants to offer you a deal?"

"I'm not interested in any of your deals Thorne."

"Oh~ Well I think you will be. Unless you would be fine with me chatting with Big Bad Harv." The moment that name came through the man's lips, the DA went into a state of shock as he must've stolen his file from Dr. Crest's office. "Or perhaps would you like me to talk to the press first."

Steeling his nerves and taking a few slight breaths, he answered back. "What do you want?"

"There's a limo waiting in the alley outside of your office building. Take it while you still have a career ahead of you." Thorne said before he ended the call.

"Darling?" A voice called out from behind, making Harvey turn in surprise to see Grace at the door. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing is wrong dear. I just need to see someone." He said to her as he needed to get this meeting over with. "Would you mind seeing to our guests?"

"But the returns are just coming in."

"I'm sorry but I won't be long." He said as he made it around her to leave. This made her worried as she went to go after him, but he already made it back into the crowd of people.

'Harvey… What was in that phone call that made you this way?' She thought before someone pumped into her.

"Sorry about that Grace. Too many people around to make it hard to navigate through." Naruto said as he saw her worried face. "Grace, is something wrong?"

"Yes, it's Harvey. I-I think he's in trouble." She told him as she started to play with her necklace a little. Nervous habit with playing with a gift of hers from Harvey. "I barely heard that something about a limo taking him somewhere."

Hearing that from her made him drop everything he planned on doing for the evening. He excused himself while saying that he will find her fiance while also calling the police. Once he did that in another room, the publisher shifted into his Vanitas attire and phased himself out of the building. As he was falling towards the ground below, he summoned Kazekage (his lance) into his hand to keep him in place.

"Now where are you?" He muttered as he scanned the immediate area until his eyes saw Harvey exit out of the building and into the limo in question. "Gotcha."

WIth the vehicle in his sights, Vanitas willed his lance to rise higher into the air while he got his helmet to keep track of the limo. As it took off, so did the hero with going at moderate speeds so that he could stay within it's range. With the twists and turns of the streets, Vanitas had little to no problem with following it. But when it was reaching towards the underpass, the hero saw something peculiar show up in his vision.

"Is that Batman? Why is he here?" He curiously wondered as he saw the caped crusader jump ontop of various vehicles to get closer to the limo where Harvey is riding in. Things started to change a little as the car Batman was on was going to go somewhere else, so he pulled out something and fired at the limos bumper as it went through the underpass. "Is that some sort of tracker?" He asked to himself before shaking his head. "Nevermind that now, I need to keep focus on the limo."

With that, he made Kazekage go faster to catch up with the vehicle to find out some answers.

-Chemical Plant-

After following for about fifteen to twenty minutes of flying, Vanitas ended up seeing the limo drive into the grounds of a chemical plant. He didn't know who owned the place or what it's operating under, but he might learn soon enough. Once the vehicle parked, the occupants got out to see some thuggish looking people escort Harvey inside. When the coast was clear, the former shinobi landed on the ground with a mild thump as he ran close to the entrance before hugging it's wall. He phased right through to end up on the other side as he quietly navigated his way through the building.

He was rather surprised that no one was actually guarding the place, but he guessed that possibly the person behind all of this ordered all of his/her men to be wherever Harvey might end up in. Possibly to intimidate the DA if he could try to fight back or if the man refused in on what the person offered. It didn't matter now as Vanitas kept on moving forward while trying to stay in the shadows.

It eventually lead him to a room where large containers of chemicals were placed with a bridge sat in between them. He walked across it to see that on the other side of the room had an opened door to an office where the lights were turned on. As Vanitas got closer, he started to hear a conversation go on.

"...Stealing someone's psychiatric file is pretty low Thorne, even for a swine like you."

'Well that's Harvey, that's for sure. But Rupert Thorne is here?' The hero thought as he walked towards the wall and hugged it. 'And did Harvey say his psychiatric file?'

In the other room, Rupert was sitting on the edge of his desk with most of his goons present along with his secretary sitting on the other end of the desk. Not too far from either of them sat Harvey as he glared holes inside of the smug man with his file on hand.

"But it does make such a fascinating read." The criminal overlord said to the DA in a mocking tone.

"How in the hell did you acquire it? I doubt my doctor willingly gave it to you."

"Eh we practically stole it when that doc of yours wasn't there." One of the goons said before another one smacked him across the head.

"Shut up Mikey."


Rupert just rolled his eyes at this and focused at the task at hand. "It was quite interesting on what is jotted down in here. Like this for example. It says that when Harvey was a little boy, he was bothered by a bully. Everyday the bully would bug him after school until one day, little Harvey got so mad he slugged him one."

"Oooooo~" Was the response the other goons gave out in a mocking tone. All the while Harvey was clenching his fists with his arms crossed.

"Of course the bully ran away after that incident, which made little Harvey very proud for the first time. That was until he found out the bully was in the hospital." Rupert said as he turned towards the DA with the ever present smile.

"Must've been one hell of a punch." Candice said as she filed her nails.

*Chuckles* "That's what Harvey thought at the time. Except it turned out that the bully was at the hospital for appendicitis." The crime overlord said as he let out some more chuckles. "But poor Harvey felt so guilty that he never showed his anger again. And that was the start of Big... Bad... Harv."

As this went on, Harvey was starting to lose control but he remained focus as he tried to control his breathing. "What the hell do you want Thorne?"

"Just a few favors from the DA's office, that's all."

"In your dreams." Was the immediate response.

"Then as a concerned citizen of this fair city that I feel compelled to turn this into the press. I mean, it should be fair for the people of Gotham to know what kind of person, or should I say persons, that they elected."

Once that was said, everyone else in the room started to mockingly laugh at him. Everyone staring at him like they practically have him by the ropes now, but in reality they were adding fuel to the fire of Harvey's inner turmoil. The DA was starting to lose control of his anger as his eyes started to dilate with his vision starting to turn red.

"So what do you say Harvey? Do we have a deal?" Thorne asked as he waited for the man's response.

"There seems to be one problem with that Rupert." The man said in an eerily calm voice.

"And what would that be?"

*Chuckles* "That you're talking to the wrong Harvey." BB Harv announced before grabbing the crime boss by his jacket and surprisingly threw him across the room and into a group of the man's thugs. "And now I'm going to fucking kill you, you son of a bitch." He growled out as he walked towards the downed man.

"Get him!" One of the thugs said to get the others to go in for the attack.

"And that's my cue." A voice called out as Vanitas ran inside of the room and punched a few of the thugs across their faces.

BB Harv grabbed Throne by the scruff of his shirt and was going to punch the living daylights out of the man, but Batman dropped down from the ceiling and grabbed the offending.

"No Dent! We need to get out of here!" The Bat said but he was shrugged off with the amount of strength the man before him has.

"Get away from me!" The darker persona stated as he clocked Batman a good one before focusing back on the crime lord. "Thorne is mine!"

The commotion was ever present as the two heroes and BB Harv were up against several of Thorne's goons at a time. Dodging and weaving through them to take care of things. Even though BB Harv had little to no fighting skill, his adrenaline fueled rage was able to help out in terms of strength. The darker persona had knocked the one last thug to the side as he saw Thorne run towards the file on the desk before retreating out of the room.

"Give me that file Thorne!" He growled out as he was on hot pursuit. The two men were running across the bridge that separated the many chemicals in the room. Of course, one thug came out of the room and aimed his assault rifle at the possessed DA.

"I'll get him." The thug said as he opened fired.

"Look out!" Batman cried out as he pushed the thug out of the way to get them to miss their mark, but the bullets still flew into the air. One of the bullets still hit the DA, but only on the leg to get him to stumble onto the ground and land onto his face. The other bullets hit the nearby voltage station, making it explode to end up disconnecting the wires connected to it. They soon fell down into the nearby vat of chemicals and things seemed to settle down. That was until….


The blast propelled upwards to destroy part of the bridge where Harvey was at to send him high in the sky before slamming back down onto the stable part of the bridge.

"HARVEY!" Batman yelled out in shock as he ran towards his friend.

Vanitas heard the yell after he took care of the last thug in the room. He ran out to see what was going on and saw the DA on the ground with Batman hovering over him.

'No… No! No! No!' The masked Uzumaki thought as he ran to see his friend's condition. As he got there, we was there just in time to see Batman turn the man over to see….

'Oh dear god/kami.' Batman and Vanitas thought respectively as they saw their friend's condition.

"We need to get him to the hospital NOW!" Vanitas yelled out. Batman didn't need to be told that as he carefully picked up the injured DA and rushed him towards his batmobile as fast and safely as he could. As this happened, Vanitas covered him to see if any other thug was going to come their way.

-Gotham General Hospital-

"Doctor….W-Will he be alright?" Grace asked as she, Naruto and Bruce were in Harvey's hospital room.

The injured DA in question was lying in the bed asleep as bandages were wrapped around his head, part of his upper left torso and his entire left arm. There were several wires attached to Harvey to help monitor his heart. Luckily there were no tubes attached to the man to regulate his breathing and eating, but there was an IV drip attached to help out a little.

"He'll pull through." The doctor said as she checked on the man's charts. "He's damn lucky that Batman got him here quickly so we could help stabilize him."

"But what about his face and arm?" Naruto asked getting the doctor to place her attention towards him momentarily.

It seemed that similar to his world, Sakura would be a doctor in this one. She appeared to be in her late twenties to show her youthful appearance that could possibly turn heads. With her exotic looks made things eye catching from her green eyes and oddly pink hair. Most people would think the hair was dyed, but time and time again she keeps telling people that it's all natural due to her odd genes of her father having red hair and her mother being blonde that the two hair colors mixed to give her the pink hair. Hence why she was called 'Sakura' when she was born.

*Sigh* "That's a completely different matter I'm afraid." Dr. Haruno said getting the others to look at her oddly.

"What do you mean?" Bruce asked as he was generally curious on what the doctor has to say.

"The burns and scars had damaged the skin significantly. An odd combination of first, second and third degree burning. We'll be sure to get a good plastic surgeon within the next few days to help fix up what we can along with skin grafts on the rest of the damaged skin." Sakura stated getting the others to nod.

Of course the two heroes in the room basically had the same thought in mind….About the mental scars.

-Next Day-

It was another stormy day in Gotham as the doctors and nurses were working hard throughout the day. In one particular room with Harvey Dent residing in, Dr. Haruno and her nurse were there to check up on him. They were surprised to see him awake, but they took it in stride to see that he was a bit better.

After giving him a decent meal or two for the day, the doctor was ready to take off the bandages to see what they'll be dealing with. Especially since she needs to replace the dirty ones with clean ones.

"Now you understand Mr. Dent, that there will be a surgery to help repair most of the damage correct?"

"Yes." He simply growled out. *Cough* "Sorry. Yes ma'am."

When Sakura heard this voice, she seemed slightly startled but guessed that Harvey must've had his throat damaged in what accident he had and hasn't fully healed yet.

"Good since I already scheduled a surgeon." She calmly said as she had cut off the last bit of the bandages to get them to fall off of his face, along with the medical eye patch to cover up his eye.

The medical tray the nurse was carrying fell onto the ground as the nurse saw the gruesome sight before her before she let out a loud scream.

"Kaori! What did I just say earlier?!"

"What's wrong doctor?" Harvey asked as he was worried that something seemed wrong.

"There's nothing to worry about sir." Sakura tried to say to keep her patient calm, but it seemed he started to get suddenly frustrated.

"Then give me a mirror." He growled out.

"Mr. Dent I suggest you-" "Give me a fucking mirror NOW!"

Harvey seemed too impatient for a response as he pulled off the medical wires off of him and rushed towards the nearby mirror on the far side of the room.

Just outside of Harvey's room, Grace was currently wearing a raincoat with an umbrella in one hand while the other hand a bouquet of flowers along with their first edition copy of Naruto's Loveless. She had come by today after getting off of work to see her beloved fiance in the hospital. She didn't know if her Harvey was awake or not due to her dropping her cellular phone earlier into a puddle of water, making it no longer work. Either way, Grace was coming over to read some Loveless passages to him to see if he would wake up with the book that both of them loved dearly.

She was nearing his room when she heard a loud scream.

"RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Someone yelled out before the sounds of crashing and breaking could be heard.

Grace was wondering who that was until the door to Harvey's room was roughly opened as a man in a medical gown ran out of it. She then realized who it was and felt happy on seeing her fiance awake. But that happiness was quickly replaced by worry as she saw his state of duress with him hunched over and seemingly covering his face.

"Harvey?" She called out, making him flinch. "What's wrong honey?" There was no response, making the blonde come closer to her beloved fiance. "Please look at me Harvey."

He hesitantly complied to the request as he turned his face around. The moment that he did, a flash of lightning filled the darkened sky to reveal the horrid part of his left face to her.

"H-Harvey…" She said as she was in a state of complete shock at what she just saw. As a result, she fainted right on the spot.

The sounds of footsteps came closer to her unconscious form before a bandaged covered arm came towards her and caressed her face a little.

"I'm so sorry you had to see it." Harvey said to her as he got up and walked away from her before coming to a stop and looked back. "Goodbye Grace."

And just like that, Harvey went to the nearby window, opened it and climbed out of it. The sounds of the thunder covered his escape as doctors and security personnel came rushing to the hallway. They were soon greeted with the sight of Grace's unconscious body lying on the floor before checking Harvey's destroyed hospital room with the unconscious bodies of Dr. Sakura Haruno and her nurse Kaori.

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