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13.79% a game of thrones and magic / Chapter 3: A New face in the island of faces

Chapter 3: A New face in the island of faces

I'm vomiting my innards out or trying to, since I arrived here I didn't eat or drunk anything, there's nothing to come out, which kinda makes it worse somehow I just gagging and nothing besides saliva falls out my mouth, why I am like this, well I had to off five other human beings, terrible ones, I've looked into they minds also and they are far worse than Leon, but human beings nonetheless and I didn't have the mercy of battle adrenaline cursing through me, nope just me and five defenseless bandits.

I snapped the neck of two of them with telekinesis, that is just fucked up they looked like broken dolls with glassy, lifeless eyes, gods the eyes, biggest mistake yet, don't look into the eyes as they die, maybe is because now I have magic but I can feel the life leaving, it is just horrible, but I steeled myself and finished the job.

the other three I use to experiment with my cantrip Spare the dying in DND it makes you stop making death saving throws and make you stable but it doesn't wake you up or heal your HPs, so to test it out I throw one of the daggers at one of bandits throat, as he bleeds I gently release the telekinetic grip on him, I remove the dagger and put my hand into his bleeding throat, I have to get used to blood if I want to go to a battlefield, and I cast Spare the dying, the injury closed but stayed an angry red, it was not skin per see it was tinner, of course with the telekinetic grip and injury gone he tried to escape but as he abrupt tried to raise himself the wound open again and the blood fell on the floor followed by his lifeless body.

So what I conclude from the spell is: not for healing is a pause on "I am dying", if you try to get up, sneeze or make any sudden movement the wound will open again, so it will not put a soldier back on the battlefield but he will not bleed to death while waiting for treatment and that is gold, it extremely useful in any battle especially a Siege where there are pauses between skirmishes and they can drag the wounded out of the battlefield.

Back in the inn, I finish the others, with no experimentation and lots of crying not on my part surprisingly, after the first ones, I started experimenting with magic and calmed down maybe I am in shock or I am a psycho, man this situation gave me a headache a big one.

I use telekinesis to put the bodies in line in front of me and it's time to loot, in that moment the door creaks, and a bald head look inside.

"Y-you're Alive!" the innkeeper exclaimed.

"I find your lack of faith, disturbing" I retort to him

"I didn't lack faith in you milord, but that little shit was the only one who left the inn so I thought the worse," he speak as look bogged-eyed at the bodies, 8and then at the lights I put around the inn and pales. shit, I forgot about them.

"Listen to me now my good man, there's nothing to be afraid of, I mean no harm to you or anyone in the village, as you may know," I say in a calming voice.

"I-i knows, I know that milord, it's just unnerving," he says with a trembling voice and the door opens again and I shut the lights out.

"Father are you well?" the innkeeper's daughter asked meekly from the door.

"Yes Tilly, I'm just fine, lord... err, our new guest dealt with that cur," he says as he leaves the darkness of the inn to the moonlight by the door I go with him.

"I believe it would be better to remove them before your daughter see's them is not a pretty sight after all," I say

"i-i not queasy on the sight of blood milord, when the men got hurt while working I help to tend to their wounds," she look inside the inn and breathed deeply" I could endure those terrible men while they lived and I will enjoy seeing they dead," they say I serious tone.

"It's not the first time they have done something like this?" I ask

"it's the first time they go after my daughter, I'm just happy you stopped them before they go too far," say the innkeeper"they ruined two other girls in this village" he finishes." my friends both of them," said Tilly. well damn, that's Westeros peasent life for ye.

"Tilly, I have to ask you to stay calm and don't overreact," I say to her and enter the inn with her behind " what is overr... oh gods" I spread through the room five white bright dancing lights.

"You-you are a blood mage!" she exclaimed. where that came from." no, I'm..." do they know what a druid is? I don't think they do, which is good if they have no reference to what a druid is they will not associate with something bad necessarily." I am a Druid, wilder of elements, and a friend to nature(kinda), my magic needs no blood to be cast."

"l-like magic of the old gods? no, they needed blood right?" she says a little shaken.

Magic of the old gods, that's good, I can use that.

"Not really, wargs or greenseers don't need blood or sacrifices for their magic." unless you trying to sink large chunks of land into the ocean.

"In the north is said that magic is a sword without a sheath well I learn how to wield that sword, and I created a sheath for it as well.

"The children of the forest used blood and sacrifice in their rituals, two different groups" let us blame the non-humans even as we do the same, isn't that the imperium motto" and it can't be that bad if I use it for good, right" I look at the bandits

"yes, you are right about that milord" the innkeeper and Tilly nod.

After I remove the bodies and bury them in the back I go back inside to talk with the innkeeper.

" If I was in need of some writing materials, you know ink, paper, chalk, or maybe some incense to burn where would I find it.?" I asked the man sitting now on one table by the lit fireplace, while Tilly giggled and play with one of the dancing lights I put above the table, she seem quite innocent for someone that is sixteen, or I used to the modern world where the wonder and innocence are harder to keep.

"the elder knows how to read maybe he has something I will talk with him about it in the morning, as for chalk I have some with me to keep tab on the numbers," he says as he goes behind the counter and brings the chalk to me.

The find familiar spells unlike d&d one, only need the magic circle, 5 minutes, and an offering for the spirit of the animal I want to summon, for example, a dog may agree to become my familiar for a nice slab of meat, but I want an owl you know, house sigil and all that, a fat rat that I found while burying the bodies will do.

"I like to go into my accommodations if that is alright," I say

"ah yes, yes it was quite the tiring day wasn't it, can you show him the way to lord... I'm really sorry milord I still don't know your name." the innkeeper which I don't know the name either, asked me a question that made my mind turn off, what is going to be my name, I can't use my last one, Bob Silva: the mage, what the fuck kind of name is that and Silva ain't name for a noble house either. well time to improvise.

Antares Palestars, not bad, kind of shit actually, fuck, is what I have at the moment.

"Antares Palestars is at your care, and your name would be?" I ask the innkeeper

"I'm Jon milord, a pleasure to be in your presence, Tilly take lord Antares to his chamber, please," he says

"yes father, follow me, milord," she says.

as we arrive at the door of my room I ask.

"Can I draw on the floor with this chalk your father gave me Tilly?"

"I don't see a problem with that milord... if I can ask, ifyoudoingmagiccanisee please," she asked in one breath and now is looking at the ground.

"You seem less afraid of magic and more excited by it, yes you may stay and watch but will be five minutes of me drawing a circle on the floor." there is no problem in her watching and if I can bring anyone south of the neck to team magic I will, I enter the modest room, a bed and a little table with a chair on the corner, I throw two dancing lights in the air and start to draw the cycle.

"well I am excited by magic, like the tales of the Targaryen and the dragons or Bran building the WALL, the green man in the isle of faces, some are very terrible but fascinating anyways," she says excitedly.

huh how adorable, she looks smarte... the green man, the isle of faces, the place where the first man ended the war with the children of the forest, a place of magic in the south, in the Riverlands, of fucking course, how didn't I remember that, is right over there if go flying, I really need to write shit down, fucking stupid.

" They are quite fascinating tales, but my magic is a little different from theirs but I hope to learn theirs one day as well, but for now it is ready."

I look at my work and its awesome, I definitely couldn't draw something this intricate in my last life, I could barely draw period, I take the rat put it on the cycle and it starts to Glow, it goes brighter and brighter until in a flash the rat and cycle are gone and a snow-white owl is in its place, a smile appears in my face, magic is honestly something else.

"she-she is beautiful, it's the one from your banner right, is she a magic owl, what's her name?" Tilly asked very excitedly.

"calm down, yes she is beautiful, yes she is the one in my banner and she is magical, her name is..."time to create some fake lore for my House" Starchaser, always following the Palestars in the sky well she will be chasing the red star Antares now, won't you." well the girl seen starstruck with my fake house lore and my owl but I have to burst her bubble.

"I believe that is everything for tonight Tilly, I have to rest and so do you, have a good sleep," I say with a smile, she flushes and gets up from petting the owl.

"i-yes have a good night milord.

While everyone sleeps I take Starchaser on a flight, flying in the sky with the stars above is surreal, now I understand why wargs warn about entering a bird's mind, I fly all night with Starchaser.

In the morning I go with Jon to the elder of the village and Jon explains the situation, the elder agrees to part with some of his ink and paper as a thank you of sorts, is not much but is more than I have so no reason not to take it, after that, i go say my farewells to Jon and his daughter.

"Well Jon, Tilly, I thank you for your time but I must go now."

" I, we thank you, milord, you always have a room in my inn and you don't have to worry, we tell no soul about your magic," says Jon with Tilly nodding by his side.

"I thank you, Jon, but if you could do the opposite would be more beneficial for me"They looking funny at me now"spread the tale of what happened here, and if someone asks where did I go tell them I'm going to war against the Greyjoy."

He must have a merchant that comes here now and then, the story will spread faster that way, I need that, especially now that Leon is spreading stories about an unnamed Wizard, I need to tell that fucker my new name somehow, and make people associate the anonymous Wizard with Antares Palestars, my oversight surprises even me sometimes.

Now I will show the entire village that Jon is not crazy when he tells the tale about me, after all, one innkeeper talking crazy is fine an entire village is another matter, I turn to them and say

"I wish both of you a fond farewell." then I start to turn into my owl form, I hear a gasp and some screams around the village and I fly away heading East with Starchaser that was on top of the inn following behind.

It took me a week of travel and stopping along the way to ask for directions, I worried that I might be taking too much time but if I can't fly faster than Ned stark takes to come from the north with an army I might as well buy a farm and give up.

But eventually, I found it, of course, I flew over Harrenhall first and fucking hell, the show doesn't make it justice at all it's just too big, don't get me wrong I came from the modern world I've seen cities that make all of Westeros look like shit but this is a single castle, not a sprawling city, and these people live in shit and fight with swords still, how they built this, I guess that's magic for you or it should be, I didn't get any rewards for reaching Harrenhall so I guess is not magic or not powerful enough, after that I direct my beak to the god's eye and the isle of faces.

As I flew over the island I saw dozens of weirwood trees and hundreds of others all with faces but at its center, it was a giant weirwood tree, from afar was hard to see it throw the mist but now I see it and it is obvious where I have to go.

I go to the massive tree and land on one of its branches from up there with Starchaser I observe a group that I can deduce is the green man tending to the weirwood trees, they have green clothes made leaves and circlets with antlers on it some of the standing guards I believe, are mounted on elks, do I talk to them, I mean they not hostile per see but...

"come down Skinchanger we mean you no harm." said one old man with a long white beard and a raspy voice.

That solves my dilemma I believe, I go down and turn back onto a human, and Starchaser lands on my shoulder, ouch, I look around and its a group of druids no matter how you look at it,

"Salutations elder I come in peace, to learn and to take counsel if you deem me worthy of giving it to me" I'm starting to get good at talking fancy.

"If is counsel that you seek we can give to you or if your mind thirst for knowledge we can provide as well but you came here for another reason, a reason only the gods may reveal, touch the tree young one, and finish your journey on this island." said the old man that is definitely not Merlin.

I look at them and turn to the tree, though Starchaser's head is still looking at them from my shoulder and I touch the tree.

I'm back at Jon's inn and someone is sitting by the side of the fireplace.

"Hello again human, I apologize, Lord Palestars, how your new life has been?" asked Ben Kenobi, the old one.

"can't complain much since the alternative is the void forever.

" Indeed, well I will cut to the chase, you found the isle of faces a place of great importance, a place of great power, it was from here that the children of the forest shattered the arm of Dorne and it was here that they broke the peace with the first man, its the last place on the south with true powerful magic," he explains to me.

" You will receive from such place 5 spell slots, three spells under the 5th level, and one spell of the 6th level, you learn the old tongue of man and two proficiencies" the says

"damn that's some good shit I will choos..." he interrupts me.

"Or in exchange for the spell of 6th level and the three under the 5th, I can give you a power more of this world." He says deviously.

"You will be able to create and enchant weirwood trees, so they will fight the influence of the cold ones and set their own influence on the land, crops will wield more and the forests will expand, animals will grow fatter and reproduce faster and the bitter cold that permeates soil and air will be more bearable to those who believe in the true gods of the North."

" Why do you do this to me man " he laughs at my crippling indecision.

XAkarrinX XAkarrinX

The third chapter is out hope you all like it.

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