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97.72% Whatever It Takes... [HP X MCU (AU) Fanfic] / Chapter 215: CHAPTER {339-341}

Chapter 215: CHAPTER {339-341}



"Ahh… British air feels kind of nice. Feels inviting…" Fenrir said with a cruel grin on his face as he took a deep breath. To be honest, he could already feel that he was never going to leave Britain alive, but he simply couldn't help it. He always loved the ambience and the food in this place… The people here tasted different and he couldn't find that same flavor anywhere else.

"Britain is on high alert right now. We need to be careful" Sveta warned him and Fenrir growled in agreement. His Beta was right… They needed to be careful. Fenrir knew that he was going to die, but he wanted to pack to survive. "I think we should change our course, no need to draw attention this soon. What do you think?" Sveta asked as she glanced at the crowded beach.

It was night already, but the beach was still crowded… They could see the people dancing, partying and having a good time altogether at the beach from the boat and even though they could easily massacre hundreds of Muggles within the span of a few minutes, it would be better to veer off from the crowd. After all, the massacre wouldn't go unnoticed and they might draw the attention of the Ministry in the process.

Sveta was aware that they were going to inevitably draw the attention of the Ministry, but by that time, they would have established a base of operations in the least… 

"Tell them to change the course, we go around the beach" Fenrir agreed with his Beta on this even though he wanted to feast, but he was strong enough to not give in to temptation. Sveta quickly left to relay his orders and soon the course of all the boats changed. It took them some extra time, but they finally arrived at the shore and since the Fenrir didn't want to lose the boats, he ordered his pack to cast some Wards around to boats to keep the Muggles from stumbling upon them.

It was smart to secure an escape route even if they could never use it…

"Gather around!" Fenrir snarked when his subordinates were finally done hiding the boats. The Wards they used were pretty basic and simple since none of them were Curse Breakers or Enchanters, but the Wards they were using would do. It won't stop any Wixen from discovering the boats, but the Wixen had no reason to look around in Dover for Muggle boats, especially when they could simply use Portkeys or brooms to travel.

"I know all of you are hungry…" Fenrir said as he looked at his pack. "I know all of you want to feast, but I urge you to have patience. We cannot alert the Ministry yet. At least, not before we establish a base of operations and when we are done, we will feast. I promise you the wait will be worth it!" Fenrir exclaimed and his pack cheered.

Dover was bustling with people and from what he knew Dover was one of the most frequented tourist spots in Britain, which meant it was highly unlikely that they were going to find an abandoned warehouse or something like that to claim for themselves and he needed big space to house even half of his pack since Sveta was going to take half of his pack to carry out her plan. It physically pained to let someone else control even half of his pack even though it was his Beta, but had to be done…

"Good, let's move then!" Fenrir ordered and signaled Sveta to make her move. The woman gave him a nod before she started to leave with half of his pack. He could have kept the whole pack together, but he knew that would be foolish as his whole pack could be taken out in one fell swoop if the Aurors or Morgana forbid Potter finds them. 

The Wizarding Communities might be afraid of him and his pack, but that did not mean that they were untouchable… A well-thought-out ambush or attack could wipe out his whole pack in one go…

"Where are they going?" One of his men asked while looking at Sveta leading the other half of their pack in another direction.

"They have their own mission" Fenrir answered without revealing much. He might be the Alpha of his pack, but that did not mean that some of his pack members wouldn't stab him in the back if he showed any weakness. It was obvious that that man wasn't happy with the answer and he wasn't the only one, but Fenrir had no plans of humoring them any longer. He was a fucking tyrant and maybe it was time to use force to get the message across.

"That's all you need to know. Now, we need to start moving too. The Dark Lord is not known for his patience and neither am I" Fenrir growled and the man questioning him paled before he quickly scurried away and the rest who were listening to the conversation with interest, turned away, realizing that they had seen enough…

~~Knockturn Alley~~

"Merlin, I need to place the corner stones there, there, there, and there" Agatha said as she pointed at some random locations nearby. Merlin gave her a suspicious look wondering if she was simply having him run around for the sake of some petty revenge or a prank. Goddamnit! He wasn't an errand boy, but Agatha was making him act and feel like one.

"Do we really need all this?" Merlin asked and Agatha simply nodded her head before she decided to answer his question.

"Yes, we do. Potter is using some kind of link Magic to keep track of his followers. That was how he knew about Amelia and that was how he was able to retrieve her too, straight from her office. We can't have Potter coming after us or simply whisking away his followers. We need to cut off that link and thankfully, I know exactly how those Spells work. Now, be a good boy and run along, instead of running your mouth, hmm?" Agatha suggested as she lovingly patted his cheek.

Merlin watched her walk away to do god knows what before he finally turned toward Alan. "Have I done something to anger her?" Merlin asked, wondering what he might have done.

"You always do. You are Merlin, it is in your nature" Alan said as he patted his shoulder with a look of pity on his face before he walked away too, leaving Merlin to sputter in outrage…



"Remember, we need to be careful. We won't get much time. On the count of three, I am going to activate the corner stones and as soon as I do that, you knock them out" Agatha slowly explained and both Alan and Merlin nodded their heads in understanding. They knew that this was their only chance and if they fucked this up then they were going to be out of options.

They needed to get a win before Potter figured out what was happening. They still believed that anonymity was still their biggest weapon and they wanted to remain anonymous as long as they could…

A few minutes later, they finally noticed a duo coming down the street. The rest of the crowd gave the duo a wide berth as the duo were sporting the insignia of Lost Garden on their arms. The residents of the Lost Garden obviously knew which group they belonged to and none of them wanted to start an altercation with the group, which was understandable since just like Voldemort, Potter was not known for his mercy.

"There are two of them" Alan whispered in a low tone from their hiding spot.

"We grab both of them. We can use one of them to motivate the other one" Agatha answered in a cold tone and Merlin agreed with her plan. It was always to have a backup when a backup was readily available.

"One… Two… Three" Agatha finished counting and activated the corner stones, cutting off the link between the two guys and Potter. Without wasting any time, both Merlin and Alan attacked the two men with Stunning Charms and knocked them out. A couple of passersby witnessed the scene and shrieked in fear. Soon, the rest of the crowd also noticed the scene and decided to run.

They couldn't believe what was happening… Someone has finally dared to attack the members of Lost Garden when even the Aurors and the Hit-Wizards gave them a wide berth. Potter was going to seek retribution and none of them wanted to get involved in this matter. Within a matter of seconds, the street was completely empty and that was when the attackers finally decided to move out of their hiding spot and grab the duo.

They wanted to wait for a couple of seconds after knocking them out… Last time, Amelia was whisked away a second after Alan knocked her out, so they wanted to be sure that the corner stones worked just how they were supposed to and that the link between Potter and his men was cut for real. After all, none of them wanted to be whisked away to wherever Potter was. 

It was true that they believed that they could beat Potter, but that did not mean that they were going to step inside his base completely unprepared…

"Let's grab them, we need to get out of here as quickly as possible. Potter might come here looking for them and we need to be gone before that" Agatha quickly explained as she stepped out of her hiding spot along with Merlin and Alan. Agatha kneeled down in front of the knocked-out men and started to chant something under her breath. Then she suddenly grabbed the man's sleeve and pulled it over, revealing a mark.

"Is this how Potter is linked with them?" Merlin asked as he stared at the mark.

"Yes" Agatha answered before she muttered another Spell under her breath and the red circle appeared around the mark. "I have blocked the mark on this one. Alan, take him back to the base" Agatha ordered and without wasting any time, Alan grabbed the man and disappeared without any noise.

"Can we use the mark to hurt Potter and spy on him?" Merlin asked curiously when Agatha was about to block the mark on the second man.

At his question, Agatha seemed to think for a bit before she finally decided to answer the question. "It is not impossible, but I would need to do a bit more research before I can confirm anything" Agatha answered and Merlin nodded his head in understanding. Then she immediately returned to her task and blocked the mark on the man's arm with the same Spell. "Take him" Agatha instructed.

Merlin grabbed the unconscious man and disappeared without any opposition while Agatha decided to grab the corner stones before leaving. She didn't want to leave anything for Potter, but then all of a sudden, an idea popped inside her head. 'Maybe, I should wait and see if he really arrives or not' Agatha wondered and decided to hide after grabbing the corner stones.

It was a risk, but she decided the risk was worth it…

~~Malfoy Manor~~ (A few minutes ago)

Meanwhile, Harry, who was lazing with Tonks in the games room, frowned and stood up. Two of his men were dead… He could no longer feel the connection. "What happened?" Tonks asked with a look of worry on her face. The two of them were playing cards when all of a sudden, Harry froze and stood up, looking apoplectic.

"Someone killed two of my men" Harry revealed and Tonks stiffened at his words. It may not seem like it, but she knew that Harry really cared about his men.

"Is it possible that someone might have kidnapped them, like they kidnapped Himera?" Tonks asked with a frown. It was quite possible as Harry had a lot of enemies.

"No, they are dead. I can't feel anything from their connection. They are simply gone" Harry answered with a growl. 

|Calm down, Hadrian. They are dead. Don't lose your mind over it. They probably want you to lose your mind. You need to keep your cool and avenge them| Lily instructed and after fuming for a moment, Harry took a deep breath and employed Occlumency to calm his mind.

"Do you know where they were killed?" Tonks asked.

"No, but let me check" Harry answered. Even though he could track all of them through the Mark, it was extremely hectic and annoying to keep track of every single one of them all the time, but he knew that the memory was somewhere in his Mind. He knew that with his Powers he could remember every single memory without a problem. "Knockturn Alley" Harry mumbled after a moment.

"Are you going?" Tonks asked even though both of them knew that it was a foolish question. "Take me too" Tonks added after a moment.

"Alright, but I want you to stay near me" Harry ordered. Two of his men were dead and even though he could have sent someone else, he decided to go there himself. He knew that he needed to make a statement or all of his promises would look fake and that wasn't the only reason he was going himself… He genuinely cared about his men and he needed to find the person responsible for this and make them pay…



~~Knockturn Alley~~

With a soft crack, Harry arrived at the edge of Knockturn Alley along with Tonks. They didn't see anyone on the streets, which was kind of shocking since the streets of Knockturn Alley were never empty. "Looks like you were right. I have never seen this place completely empty" Tonks muttered as she looked around and pulled out her Wand just in case.

"Come on, let's check it out" Harry said in a cold tone before he stepped inside Knockturn Alley. It didn't take him long to find the spot where the deed happened and much to his surprise, he wasn't first on the scene. A couple of Aurors were first on the scene and as soon as they noticed Harry and Tonks, they paled in fear. "Did you two see anything?" Harry asked, ignoring their fearful looks.

"N-No" One of the men stuttered out fearfully. "We-We heard there was an attack, but by the time we arrived, the bodies were gone" The man explained readily. What he was doing was against every protocol in the Auror guidebook, but the man didn't care about that. The guidebook could get fucked from nine ways to sunday as long as he was concerned. 

"Do you know the person who told you about the attack?" Harry asked as he looked around. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't find any traces of Magic which was kind of impossible with pure Wixen Magic according to his knowledge.

"No. Nobody informed us specifically. We were patrolling down that street when we saw people running away while muttering about some attack. So, we decided to check it out…" Once again, the man readily explained their circumstances. His partner didn't even try to stop the man, knowing that he was going to get in trouble too, instead, he was glad that his partner had the courage to answer the questions.

"Why did they take the bodies?" Tonks asked with a bewildered look on her face.

The Knockturn Alley was a shady place, death was a pretty common occurrence in the alley and sometimes organ harvesters have stolen the bodies before the Aurors could arrive, but she was pretty sure that Harry's men were wearing Lost Garden insignias and there was no way someone was going to steal a body with Lost Garden insignia on them, or at least, she didn't believe that anyone was foolish enough to do so.

"I don't want the Aurors interfering in this case. Can you relay this message to your superiors?" Harry asked and both Aurors gulped at his request. Usually, it was the other way around with the Aurors asking the civilians to stay out of their case, but now someone was asking them to stay out of the case. They didn't know how to react, but they soon realized that it was not their problem.

Their task was to simply relay the message, and leave the decision to their superiors…

"We will do that!" The Aurors hurriedly nodded their heads and scurried away without wasting any time as they were worried that Harry might decide to curse them anyway…

"What do you think?" Tonks finally asked now that the Aurors were gone.

"They either took the bodies to erase the traces or it was a kidnapping" Harry revealed with a thoughtful look on his face. 

"Kidnapped? Didn't you say they were killed?" Tonks asked with a frown on her face.

"That's what I thought when I could no longer sense them through their marks, but now that I am here, I think they were kidnapped. They could have taken the bodies to erase traces, but I can't feel any Magical traces to begin with, which means they were kidnapped…" Harry trailed off with a thoughtful look on his face as another thought theory formed inside his head.

"...Or, they took the bodies to prevent me from discovering the way they were killed" Harry mumbled as he came to a realization.

"The Muggles?" Tonks asked with a frown. SHIELD and MI6 were still out there so it could have been them, but how did they enter the Knockturn Alley? Well, it is quite possible that they have Wixen in their ranks and they might have employed them to get the job done.

"Quite possible…" Harry muttered before a frown appeared on his face. He felt like he was being watched, but he couldn't sense anyone with the Detection Charms he knew. At first, he didn't think much of it since he guessed that someone was probably watching him from the nearby buildings and he was planning to question them after the Aurors were gone, but the Detection Charms couldn't sense anyone.

Harry raised his hand and tapped his chin with a thoughtful look on his face… Harry was using the technique Kaecilius taught him and he could sense anyone with it except for the Ancient One, but he was certain that the Ancient One wasn't watching him. Was it possible that someone of the Ancient One's calibur was still walking on earth?

After thinking for a bit he decided that yes, it was possible… After all, Harry knew nothing about the hidden powers in the world… However, he wasn't planning to let them go. A moment later, a plan finally formed inside his mind… Then all of a sudden without any warning, he released a wave of raw Magic in all directions with him in the center. 

"What the-" Tonks exclaimed as she stumbled back, unable to brace herself against the wave, but Harry wasn't paying her any mind. A cruel grin formed on his face as he finally heard someone stumble on the roof of one of the buildings on his left and he struck without wasting any time. A massive lightning beam struck the building, obliterating the roof along with the whole floor of the building.

"The fuck was that?!" Tonks exclaimed in shock.

"There was a rat" Harry revealed, surprising Tonks. "Tsk… Looks like it got away" Harry clicked his tongue before he started to leave. "Let's go… I need to find someone to ask some questions" Harry said and Tonks quickly followed while complaining about surprising her with a pout on her face…


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