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43.75% The Knight of Desolation.(DxD) / Chapter 7: 5th Birthday 1/2

Chapter 7: 5th Birthday 1/2

Amara and King continued to make use of the limited amount of time they had in the dark to grow in power as much as they could. Now that they both had bodies, their progress nearly doubled in speed. The Dragon God of War Essese in Amara's heart had begun to mature more.

Now the lines on her heart were crawling closer and closer to fully wrapping around her heart. Of course, they were still thin and barely visible as this was not just some random thing she wanted to revive. This was the Blood Essess of a Dragon that had risen to become a god.

As for King he had doubled in size and had focused on purifying the impure Abyssal Essence that made up his body. Once that was done he began to gather more to build up a body to battle. He kept his dog shape and merely refined it to be a better design.

At this moment Amara and King were sitting across from each other meditating and exchanging knowledge from thier long lives. King lived much longer than Draven, but Draven had experiences that the Abyss would never know.

This way they could develop new techniques from their long lives. At the same time, Amara and King were feeding their Essence in thier hearts. Like before it was slow, but together they could work faster. Amara was glad she had started as a kid as it would have taken far longer if she had decided to wait to be of age.

This went on for around an hour which was their limit before they both opened their eyes. A year had gone by so fast as she was still limited in where she could go. Her father and mother still did not want to reveal her birth before they were ready and on her 5th birthday which was today would they do that?

Amara exhaled which caused a black mist to leave her nose and mouth. She smiled as she looked at King. She extended her right hand and a black flame that seemed to leak Abyssal Mist appeared.

"Abyssal Dragon Flame. While it is nothing compared to the one I could use, I can tell it will grow. The flame of a Dragon grows as it ages after all."

King grumbled that Dragons were annoying. Even normal ones could destroy its legions. While not as annoying as Draven who could kill them, destroying them slowed them down. Amara smiled as her friend was always like that.

"Well, now I have run into a small issue. I can't improve like this anymore. If it was a normal Dragon Essence I would be done by now, but this is a War Dragon Essence. It required the power of War or battle I should say."


A single grunt and a twitch of the eye conveyed all the meaning they needed. Plus they both instantly knew what the other thought as they left thier soul connection 100% open. They could close it off, but there was no need. They worked better by being fully in sync and they were the only being the other truly respected.

"Yeah, I need to fight. Not just a small one either, I require a place where blood is shed and in great quantities. Something you want as well."

King's eyes began to glow as the thought of battle brought up the feeling he had during that one-year fight. During they wanted the other to die, but after they both realized how much they wanted to fight like that. Though the dying part ruined it.

Amara stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She was 5 years old but looked a bit older. More like 7 years old and her icy silver eyes were unchanged. One big change was her hair. The Silver and Crimson strands spread a bit, but they were still very few.

Though it did give her hair a unique look which had grown a bit to reach her shoulders. She was currently wearing a black dress that reached her knees whcih was chosen by her mother. Over it, she wore a black vest with the red symbol of the Gremory clan on the back.

Along with golden, silver, and blue precious metals embodying it making it look dazzling. She wore a simple pair of gloves along with black shoes which also seemed to be something for someone wealthy.

All in all, it was a dress for a noble lady while still not being overly annoying the wear.

"So, how do I look?"

King's 6 red eyes blinked a bit before he snorted. Amara shook her head as he said how should he know. Either way, it was not a bed outfit and did not reach her bottom line. Just then a maid entered.

She was a gorgeous woman of herself and part of Zeoticus' harem. One that Venelana managed herself. She had black hair and a reserved air about her. Compared to Venelana she was lacking.

"Young miss, your grandparents and parents are waiting outside."

Amara still kept her reserved attitude as she was socially inept. As Draven, there were times when she did not speak to anyone for several decades. When he was learning under someone he asked questions, but he never socialized.

He could speak to King easily as they were linked, but to other people, she was simply very awkward.


Before they left the maid kneeled down and helped her with the small bow in her hair. She even helped King with the collar he was given made of the hyde of some monster. It was encrusted with black diamonds to show off the wealth of the Gremory.

King allowed this to be done as he knew he was being treated like royalty. The feeling of being better than others was an addicting one. Amara rolled her eyes at this former Abyssal King and followed the maid once they were done.

Souji, and Surtr had left as they were rarely in one place. They spent years here so now was time for them to go which was expected. The maid led Amara and King to a large room where her parents, and grandparents were waiting.

When her father saw her he walked up and picked her up.

"Your big day is here. Now everyone will know who you are as you do not have to hide anymore. How do you feel?"


Sirzechs wondered if she ever would grow out of that short answering faze, but he did not mind it. She could get the meaning out with a few words or one so they did not try to change it. They did not know how anyway. Grayfia let a smile leak on her face before she hid it.

She was on duty right now and she took it very seriously. She still went over and picked her up.

"We have been planning this for years and today shall be the day."

Three months ago, Sirzechs admitted to having a secret child and in three months he would reveal her existence. The Devil Council were not happy when they heard that and demanded he reveals her. He refused and his fellow Satan's helped him to make them back off.

Of course, this caused some political back and forth between both factions which Satan's won. He said there would be a big Ball in three months revealing his daughter and already the gifts, letters, and meetings skyrocketed.

If Rias and the Sona the new heiress of the Gremory and Sitri caused a stir, then the daughter of Satan would be even above it. While Amara did not get the Lucifer title, she was still his daughter. As such many pushed for an engagement which Sirzechs denied them all.

Either way, the invitations were sent out three months in advance so many important people would be coming. The Satans, Lords, and Ladies of the clans and even the Champions of the Rating games were invited.

Even her great uncle Lord Bael would be coming. He was bringing his son Magdaran Bael. Who would be her cousin or something? She had heard from her mother that Lord Bael had another son before Magdaran named Sairaorg.

He was disowned for not being able to wield Energy of Destruction or Demonic Power. Bad for a Noble Devil especially of the Bael clan which was known for being arrogant. Either way, she did not care.


Sirzechs understood her question.

"The guests will arrive in over the next three hours and the Ball will last from today to tomorrow night. A lot of people will be coming so you have to be on your best behavior."

Amara nodded.


Zeoticus smiled as he held Rias.

"Just be yourself, but try to talk a little more. They won't be able to understand you."

Amara frowned before nodding.

"I will try."

She said it in a quiet voice, but they were glad she would try to talk. Venelana walked up to her and took her from Sirzechs.

"You will be just fine. Your Uncles and Aunt will be here."

By Uncles, she meant Ajuka, and Falbium. By aunt, she meant Serafall. They were great people, but Serafall was far too bubbly for the reserved Amara. Either way, if they were here it meant people would be less likely to cause trouble.

"I am glad."

Venelana put her down before giving Amara some bad news.

"You will have to give an introduction of who you are at the start of things."

Amara was nearly short-circuited as when she was Draven she had never been seen by many people. She was always fighting the Abyss and even when she was in the castle she just stood by the King as a Pretorian. At parades, parties, and events she always just stood around not uttering a sound.

Not moving and not speaking so she was extremely inept at speaking. Even with her teachers like the Spirit King, she was quite curt. They knew why, but ow it was coming back to bite her.

Cold sweat as she had never done that before. Seeing her get nervous to speak made King confused. He knew she did not speak much to anyone other than him so he got why.

When Sirzechs saw that he was worried.

"Are you going to be able to do it?"

Amara nodded, but her face did not give confidence. Grayfia felt terrible as she had just thought her daughter was a loner. Not socially stunted. She blamed herself as her daughter barely had people to speak to.

"Don't worry. After people know who you are you will be able to go out more."

Amara nodded and took a deep breath. She circulated her mana and that seemed to calm her down. She could do it, but it seemed that she was just not expecting it.

"I am ready."

Zeoticus nodded.

"They aren't here just yet. Just rehearse what you want to say."

Amara nodded and went off with King. She sat at a table with him sitting across from her.

'So, an introduction?'

King squinted his eyes before reading his head on the table. He had no interest in helping as he did no need to introduce himself. She was on her own. Amara sighed as that was expected. He had no reason to be able to understand this so she also rested her head on the table.

Maids and Butlers moved in and about making last-minute fixes and were ready to welcome the guests. Zeoticus looked at himself in the mirror with his white suit. He looked at his crimson beard to make sure it was perfect.

As for her father Sirzechs he was in his Devil King outfit with the exaggerated shoulder things. He was being serious right now and from the look of it for good reason. Her mother was directing the maids to prepare any guest bedrooms as many people would be coming.

Some might stay longer so it was hectic.

'That is the 34th time she leads then like this in the last week.'

Amara thought her mother was being a tad excessive, but everyone was their own person. Her mom liked to be a maid, and she liked to be alone on the battlefield. Amara closed her eyes and thought of what she would say.

With how fast her mind processed things she could do this in moments, but she took her time. She had to think as she was not used to speaking. All new things for a weird new life. King sat on his chair as he also did not think to do.

Time began to pass and she was roused from her meditation when she felt those three familiar magical signatures. Three magic circles, one green, one blue, and one purple. From them emerged the Satans. Ajuka Beelzebub, Serafall Leviathan, and Falbium Asmodeus

The three of them were dressed to impress in their Satan outfits. They were alone, but seeing them early made Sirzechs happy. As for Amara, she began to sweat when she saw Serafall's eyes look at her.

Amara got out of her chair and tried to run, but Serafall appeared out of nowhere behind her and picked her up.

"Amara, how could you run from your big sis? I missed you, give me a kiss."

Serafall puckered her lips as she tried to kiss her cheek, but Amara pushed her away with a serious look on her face, but Serafall did not stop.

"Aunty, stop."

Hearing that made Serafall squint her eyes.

"Call me big sis."


Tick marks appeared on Serafall's face.

"Big. Sis."

"Grand. Ma."

Sirzechs laughed at his friend.

"Serafall, Ajuka, Falbium, it is great to see the three of you here."

Serafall put Amara down before smiling.

"Would not miss her 5th birthday. The first where it is not a secret gathering."

Ajuka walked up and picked her up.

"The time when you get your own Evil Pieces is near. Be ready."

She nodded before she got passed to Falbium. He smiled and she smiled back. He put her down after and they nodded at each other. Serafall tugged on Sirzechs sleeve.

"What did they say?"

"Good to see you. and You too."

"They got that with just a smile?"

Sirzechs shrugged.

"They don't talk much after all. Falbium is too lazy and Amara is shy."

"Makes sense. Now, how has Rias been?"

Sirzechs smiled.

"She is adorable. A little less cute than my Amara, but cute. How has Sona been."

Serafall got giddy as she thought of her baby sister. She did not expect to have one after so long.

"She is so smart at just a year old."

Both Satan's talked about their sisters and daughter in Sirzechs case. They went over to see Venelana and Zeoticus and see Rias. Better to see the child than just talk about it while Amara and King hung around them.

When the rest of the guests arrived they would have to be more serious. Either way seeing the three Satans who were like family was nice. She could talk to them easily while others were a different story. Speaking of others the rest of the guests began to arrive.

So Sirzechs, Falbium, Ajuka, and Serafall pulled away and out on thier serious expressions. The first to arrive was Lord Bael, his wife, and his young son Magdaran Bael. Along with thier servants, he brought along.

They arrived through a chariot pulled by 6 giant demonic horses. They were led inside to the Ball room where Venelana and Zeoticus were waiting. Zeoticus shook his hand while Venelana smiled.

"Brother, welcome."

Lord Bael looked at his older sister with a serious look on his cold face. He had dark hair, and purple eyes and looked to be in his 30s. He was an imposing man and radiated a noble aura.

"Venelana, have you been well."

"Why yes? My daughter and granddaughter have both been miracles for my family."

He turned to Zeoticus.

"Zeoticus, it is good to see you."

"Like wise."

Lord Bael's eyes locked on Amara who had the black hair that marked her as a Bael. She did not have the purple eyes of the Bael clan but had the silver eyes of a Lucifuge. Besides her black hair, she had the Silver of her mother and some crimson of the Gremory.

"Did she get it as well?"

Venelana knowing what he meant nodded.

"Yes, she has."

Lord Bael squinted his eyes before looking away. That was enough. He would talk to her later.

"This is my son."

Magnaran was a boy with black hair, and purple eyes and looked like a smaller version of his dad. He bowed as said his name.


Venelana smiled and patted his hair.

"Nice to meet you."

They spoke a bit more while his wife did not utter a sound. The servants as well did not speak and only Lord Bael and Magdaran spoke a bit. Lord Bael went off to talk to Sirzechs and the other three Satans. He was the first to arrive and certainly not last.

Amara was ready for this dumb speech. This would be a long night.

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

Everyone has a weakness. Amara will look like a Mix of Komi and Judgement in build from Helltaker. Just not the same color.

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