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31.25% The Knight of Desolation.(DxD) / Chapter 5: Abyss King's New Body and New Gremory.

Chapter 5: Abyss King's New Body and New Gremory.

Since the day when her parents discovered that she had managed to use Energy of Destruction, they had begun tutoring her a little on magic. They did not let her train all out as they just wanted to get some knowledge into her mind. She soaked up what they gave her like a sponge whcih pleased them.

Once that started time began to flow once more. She did as she always did and used the Magic Refinement technique and fed her Blood Essence which now had covered half of her heart in tiny black lines, They were so thin that only because the black stood out against the red of her heart were they visible.

She had focused on the area and it had begun to show effect. Adding on her Magic Refinement her body was impossibly tough for her age and even above many normal devils. Speaking of age she was now almost 4 years old and in that time much had changed.

For one she no longer had to act mute, but she still was relatively reserved. Her existence was still a guarded secret in the Gremory clan so very few people knew who she was. More believed that she was Souji's daughter as she had begun to learn under the man.

His swordsmanship was not in line with her own, but his footwork and techniques were useful. She had learned under the best of the gods, but Souji's teachings were at the very least not useless. At the moment she was sitting on a couch in her room with a book in her hands.

It was a book on spells and she wanted to see what the differences were between her world and this one. For one, Devils mostly just used their imaginations to conjure their magics. It was powerful and often as enough, but human mages used calculations and magic circles to use thier spells.

Not to mention that both had thier perks. Demonic Power for one was easy to use and grew with a Devil's age. The older the more Demonic Power they had on hand. However Demonic Power was rather inefficient in terms of the amount used when compared to Human Magic.

Not weaker, but in terms of energy expenditure they were different. Most humans would never have as much Magic as a Devil had Demonic Power. However, they did not need to as they could use far less to make a spell of equal value.

'I think I have a method to give you a body.'

Hearing that made the Abyss King who was rather bored perk up. It had been doing the same as Amara, but as only a soul could not refine a body. Instead, it had been siphoning mana from Amara and converting it into Abyssal Energy.

It used that to corrupt Mana into Abyssal Energy and then condense that into Abyssal Essence. It was slow, boring, and very inefficient. However, it had been successful in gathering a decent amount of Abyssal Essence.

Enough that Amara could help him form a body for him to use. Once that was done she would have her friend out of her mind. They were soul linked so they could always trust each other and exchange energy.

Amara stood up and locked her door.

"Let's start."

The Abyss King was excited as it would finally have a body. It could finally begin to build its power back to its former peak. If Amara was trying to surpass that, then it would do the same. Once Amara locked the door she bit her finger and drew some blood.

Her blood had been refined so many times that it was full of energy. Perfect for a ritual. She drew in the ritual that she had created herself into the ground. Once this was done she communicated with her friend.

"We do not have much Abyssal Essence to make your body. However, I can give you some blood to give you more energy than you need. In time you need to corrupt mana to make more. Your body will be small, will that be fine with you?"

The Abyss King communicated that it was fine. As long as it was not stuck in soul form it would be able to build its power up. Once they were ready Amara drew out all the Abyssal Essence that the Abyss King had painstakingly created over the past 4 years.

Just enough at that. The Abyssal Essence was pitch black and full of the chill of the Abyss that she remembered. Sadly it was rather weak as this was the best the King could do without access to the Abyss itself without a body.

"I'm ready."

Amara gathered all this in the Magic Circle and clenched her hand hard. Her nails pierced her palm as her own body could harm her. A knife might not be able to do it so her nails were needed.

She began to pour her blood onto the Abyss Essence as she channeled as much energy into the magic circle as she could. The amount she had on hand was honestly staggering from her early refinement. This gave her enough to use this ritual to give her friend form.

The clump of gathered Abyssal Energy and the energy she gave was enough for its use. The King's powerful evil soul entered the clump of energy and began to give it form. Once the soul was added things began to take form. It drew on her mana which was fine and the blood she gave was enough.

4 small stubby legs took shape which were black followed by a black body as well. A large head with 6 glowing eyes and a small tail was actually a barbed tentacle. Then came the black spiky fur and on the end of the 4 legs were glittering claws.

Once the soul settled in the body grew a bit, but it was still awfully small. The amount of Abyssal Essence available was atrocious, only enough to form this body. The king stretched out its new form which it had formed by copying the 'dog' creature they had seen.

The design could do with more eyes, and more tentacles, but it was enough for the moment. Amara smiled as her friend had been given form.

(Image here)

"Welcome back."

The Abyss Kinng barked which was far from the mind-flaying voice it once had. Even the King was shocked as when they communicated it still spoke in that mind-flaying language. Suddenly it slumped on the ground defeated at how far its fall had been.

Amara crossed her arms as she looked at him. She picked him up and found while the fur was spiky, they were actually soft to someone like her.

"Come on, you just need to build yourself up. Look at me, I started as a little girl. Do you know how embarrassing that is?"

The King's 6 red eyes locked on her as her words were true. How could it let itself be defeated by a momentary delay? In time it would once again be the mind flayer it once was.

"You need a name. Can't keep calling you Abyss King so how about King? Just King."

King knew it was just half of its title, but from her mind, it knew what a king was. A Ruler, so it accepted the name. It was now King and it would one day rule the Abyss that belonged to it with his new friend. Just then loud knocks interrupted them and the frantic voice of Souji.

"Young miss, your grandmother is going into labor."

Hearing that made her ponder. 3 years after her birth her grandparents managed to get pregnant. That was supposedly shocking as they did not expect one so soon after Sirzechs. Well soon in Devil Years as he was around the same age as Grayfia making Venelana quite old.

Younger than Draven, but still old for a human. She opened the door and when Souji opened the door and saw King he was shocked.

"What is that?"

He was about to draw his sword in horror, but Amara shot him a quick glare. Her right eye ignited fully in dark red flames while her left turned into a writhing black abyss.


She was just a kid, but the pressure she released was strong. She no longer looked like the same girl he had known for 4 years. She felt like a warrior who had fought on countless battlefields, but that just lasted a second. Her eyes went back to their Icy silver.

He looked at both Amara and King and asked.

"What is that thing?"

"King. He is King."

King growled and bared his mouth full of razor-barbed teeth. That was worrying so he wanted to know where it came from.

"It does not matter, come. We will speak of King later."

She walked with King in her arms as he finally had a body. He closed his eyes as he began to do the same as Amara and refine the body. It was too small and it did not have enough Abyssal Essence to grow larger.

Just like Amara, the process would be small at the beginning, but would soon snowball to pay off. Souji watched this weird alien dog ting with apprehension. He felt like this thing was a deadly being who had caused untold agony to countless people.

However, that glare and aura that Amara had released were no less bloody. It made her seem not like a little girl, but like a Knight that had fought for centuries. He shook his head as they made it to the delivery room. Only Sirzechs, Grayfia, Zeoticus, and the wet nurse were present.

They just wanted Amara to be present as this was a happy event. It was not often that devils from the same clan were born just a few years apart. This pregnancy blindsided everyone as it was not planned. When Souji arrived he waited outside as Amara entered.

When everyone saw her they were happy, but at the same time shocked at the thing in her hands. It looked mostly like a dog, but it had too many extra additions to be a dog. For one too many teeth, 6 eyes, claws that glittered like cold steel, and a weird tail.

They did not react like Souji, but it was surprising. Even Venelana who was in labor looked at King. Of course, she could not give too much attention as she was focusing on her delivery. Sirzechs walked up to her and kneeled in front of her.

"Who is this?"

Amara smiled and held up King who was already looking down on all the beings here. However, he was not a fool. Far from it, and he knew that Amara needed them so he would not flay their minds once his power recovered. This small world would not hold them forever after all.

This thought passed through Amara's mind and she fully agreed. One could never just settle down if one wanted to become the strongest. For now, they were a weak little girl and a scary Abyssal dog.


That was all she said, but they wanted to know where it came from. Her father decided to ask that.

"So, where did you get him? He did not just pop out of nowhere now did he?"


She pointed at her shadow as she held King with one hand. His 6 red eyes glanced at them all with curiosity. It had seen them through the eyes of Amara, never through his own eyes. He was curious about the beings of this world. He had to know his prey now did he not?

Grayfia walked up to her daughter and husband to look at her 'friend'.

"So, this is King and he came to you from your shadow. Really? Did you summon him from a spell?"

Amara shook her head.


Zeoticus gazed at the dog in her hands. His face was more focused on Venelana, but he still glanced over.

'Now that is terrifying.'

"Well, now she had a familiar. Now, how are you feeling dear?"

Venelana face was scrunched up as she focused hard.

"I'm fine. Not my first time giving birth and she is smaller than Zechs."

Sirzechs smiled a bit as he waited by the side with Grayfia and his daughter at his side. Plus, King was in her arms freaking them all out. He was not cute at all, but she acted like he was the cutest thing she had ever seen.

She was a pretty odd kid and her familiar showed it. They expected her to get a regular dog, not this alien dog. Either way, they all waited for the birth which just like Grayfia's turned out rather easy. The stronger the mother was the easier the birth and Venelana was powerful.

The wet nurse used her magic to clean off the baby and the umbilical cord in one go. She wrapped her up and handed her to Venelana.

"It's a girl, my lady."

Venelana go a look at her daughter and saw she got her father's and brother's crimson hair. This was the expected outcome instead of Amara's left field unique hair. Zeoticus came to her side with a smile.

He held her hand as he ran his hand on his daughter's cheek.

"Dear, do you mind if I pick her name?"

Venelana smiled and held his hand.

"Go ahead."

Sirzechs, Grayfia, and Amara walked up to look at the baby. Sirzechs already was giddy to be a big brother while Grayfia was happy to be an older Sister In Law. As for Amara and King, they were only curious. Zeoticus came up with a good name.

"Rias. Rias Gremory."

He picked up his first daughter with a smile. Amara on the other hand looked at Rias with a neutral look on her face.

'I think King looks better.'

If anyone heard her they would think she was insane. Either way, she now had a cousin and next year would be her reveal to Devil Society. As she was now she was far from strong enough, but it was enough power to preserve her life.

With King now active her power would rise as they had both found out that they grew in hand. The stronger Amara became, the easier it was for King to gather Abyssal Energy. Once they both began to work together they would quickly grow.

She even had an idea to give him the blessing of the World tree. Her War Dragon Essence still gave her higher Mana Regeneration than even normal dragons, but the World Tree blessing was beyond that.

However, in the state the blessings were reviving them would take time. She would keep the Demon God of Murder and the Goddess of Light and Life blessings, but that one would go to King. More Mana would be able to help him gather more Abyssal Energy.

As they were soul linked they could tap into each other's power. She would not be making a loss and he would help her speed up the process of reviving these blessings. Plans were brewing in both Amara's and King's minds as they both worked together.

All they needed was time. Time which they had plenty of.

God_Of_Wolves God_Of_Wolves

So, Amara and King will both be pretty independent of the Clan. I plan on making the Underworld much wilder than before. I have been reading The Charm of Soul Pets and it had given me so many ideas to spice up the plot.

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