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| Prologue: Miguel Aharhel Anderson, Introduction.

Miguel Aharhel Anderson was a normal teenage man, he would go to high school do all of his work, come back home, complain about school, do his homework, and then go back to sleep. He lived in a small house with his father, located near his school, overall his life was pretty boring. The only thing that currently brought him any form of entertainment or excitement was the games that he had on his PS4, Hollow Knight, Dead Cells, Prototype 2, and The Binding Of Isaac brought him the most enjoyment.

Currently, Miguel was just sitting in his room, he had not gone to school, due to it being a Saturday. He was holding his remote controller as he was focused on his TV, on his large rectangular TV, there was a small bug with two empty black eyeholes wearing a grey cloak, this bug brought out a sharp weapon as it quickly slashed at a small crawling insect killing it instantly. The small crawling bug flipped over as some coin like items came out of its body.

Miguel: "... Stupid"

Miguel sighed as he put his remote down next to him, he stood up and yawned as he stretched his arms. He decided to take a break from playing Hollow Knight, as he has been playing that game for hours. Miguel cracked his back as he walked forward, his foot hitting the smooth wooden floor, he walked past a shelf that had some figures and pictures of him from when he was young. The air was cool, as the light poured in front of open window, he put his hand on the doorknob and then turned it. Pushing the door outwards and moving forward Miguel took a deep breath of the sweet air, he exhaled happily as he walked forward faster.

Miguel saw his father cooking some food for himself and Miguel, the teenage boy smiled gratefully for the existence of his father. Not knowing what he would do without his amazing father, he looked at the table and then pushed out a wooden chair and sat on it. He waited for his delicious breakfast meal as his father happily hummed.

Miguel: '... You know... It's been a long time since I heard him hum so happily, he used to only hum like this when... Mom was around'

Miguel sighed depressed as he remembered his mother, his mothers name was, Kael Anderson, outside in public she was a very nice woman, she would help anyone with any of their problems, however inside the house she was an absolute bitch. She demanded money from Miguel's father constantly, and only used that money on herself, she would also yell and scream at Miguel constantly for doing the littlest of wrongs.

One day however, she took it too far, Miguel when he was younger, had pulled a girls hair, it wasn't for no reason, that girl pulled down his pants during gym class, and he took what his father said to heart ' "Son never let anyone bully you, no matter what gender or race they are, if they strike you, you strike them back! " '. So Miguel when he was young pulled that girls hair and then got sent home, where his mother, enraged took a knife and stabbed the young man's leg.

Miguel doesn't understand why she did it, since him pulling the girls hair had nothing to do with his mom. When his father came back home, he instantly noticed Miguel's wounds, and let's just say. The bitch got handled.

Miguel had a smile on his face now, then he remembered his fathers birthday was tomorrow! Miguel stopped smiling as he paled, he totally forgot about his fathers birthday. 'SHIT, SHIT SHIIITTTTTTT!!!! WHAT AM I GOING TO DO FOR HIS BIRTHDAY!? I DIDN'T EVEN GET ANY PRESENTS FOR HIM! ' as Miguel thought these things his father put his plate of food in front of Miguel.

Father: "Here's your food son... I hope you enjoy it."

Thin soft pancakes that had steam coming out of them with syrup on top, soft chewy bacon, sunny-side-up eggs, along with a glass of orange juice. This was the perfect breakfast meal indeed, Miguel however did not save any time to savor the amazing flavors of the breakfast meal. He gobbled down all the food quickly, he shoved the bacon down his throat, pierced through the thin soft pancakes with his sharp trident and then voraciously consumed them, he then used the fork to consume the rest of the plate and after all of that he gulped down the hole cup of orange juice in a matter of seconds. Releasing an ugly burp and patting his belly, Miguel stood up and then rushed out of the kitchen into his room, to meet his dearest and most powerful ally, THE LAPTOP.

Father: ".... Was my food that good?"

Miguel's heavy hard footsteps rung throughout the small home as he went into his room, annddd very gently closed the door and then locked it shut. He then flopped onto his bed, as he felt something within the bed break.

Miguel: "Eh, probably not important."

Miguel grabbed the pulled the heavy laptop from under his white naked pillow, he gently opened the lid of his laptop to make sure that it didn't break, then he started to think about what his dad would want for his birthday. 'A teddy bear? Might remind him of his childhood and make him happy.... Maybe a new tv? No, no, no, too expensive, and plus I think he is fine with his tv at the current moment... A PS5? I heard he wanted to play the new God Of War Ragnarök... Eh, but then again, he barely even touched his gaming console that he already has, hell that game I got him last year has not even been touched.... No gaming stuff.... MMmmmm... A new phone would be nice for him, since his current phone is broken... Yeah, that can do...'

Miguel then searched up "Phone" in his browser and came up with many results, however something stuck out to him on the list of answers. It was a neon glowing blue link on the top of the page, it had nothing to do with a phone, and seemed totally random.

Miguel: "Reincarnation Google Form? Bruh, I didn't even search for that shit! I want a phone not a test...."

Miguel scrolled past the strange Reincarnation Google Form, as he saw nothing of interest on that page. He then went to the next page, and he saw once again, the Reincarnation Google Form glowing in front of his tired eyes. However, this time there was a small arrow pointing to it.

"Reincarnation Google Form: just some simple questions about Reincarnation! ⇦"

Miguel sighed, as he scrolled past the thing once again and then looked through the page, seeing nothing of interest once again, he went to the next page, and the Reincarnation Form appeared again, getting annoyed he went past the reincarnation form and instantly went to the next page just to see it again.

Miguel: "..... Annoying ass fucking Reincarnation Google Form..."

Miguel spoke in an annoyed voice as he scrolled past the form and then went to the next page, he did this over and over again as he kept on encountering the Reincarnation Google Form. Each time he encountered it, the more visible and big it grew until it took basically the hole page. Growling in frustration he decided to just take the test, to see if after he did the test it would disappear.

Miguel clicked on the test as it opened a new page, this test had 6 questions in total. Miguel was expecting more questions, but he was also happy that there were such little questions. Putting in a false funny name, "Doodle nuts" and then scrolling down to the first question.

[If you had to choose what world you were going to reincarnate in, which world would you pick?]

Miguel: "Mmmm... Easy question, Hollow Knight. I would like to explore it and stuff, though, I do have to admit that the Radiance would be a problem."

Miguel put in Hollow Knight, into the empty box and scrolled down seeing another question. However, this question confused him a bit.

[If you had to have a system for the world that you were in, what system would you want? You can create a system for this specific question.]

Miguel scratched his chin as he thought about something for a hot minute, he typed in "Indie System" and then moved on.

[ If you were to be forced to choose a difficulty for this new life of yours, what difficulty would you go on?

Super Easy





Ultra Hard


Hell mode ]

Miguel read through all the difficulty setting and then remembered a line from one of his friends '" IF YOU DON'T GO WITH THE HARDEST DIFFICULTY IN A GAME THEN YOU ARE A WEAK BITCH!" ' Miguel smiled slightly as he clicked Hell mode. It's not like this Reincarnation test was a real thing you know, going Hell mode will have no consequences. Miguel scrolled further down as he ended up with another multiple choice question.

[ Would you rather be a human or not a human?


Miguel: "Fuck humanity, I would rather not be a human and plus I'm going to hollow knight, unless I want to be outcast for my appearance, it would be for my best interest to not be a human. Though if I had a choice for my race, I would want to be a vessel."

Miguel clicked no and scrolled down further where he was hit with another question.

[ The god that is reincarnating you into <Insert World> is giving you three wishes, you cannot wish for more wishes, you cannot wish to be god himself as that is impossible, what are your wishes young mortal?]

Miguel: "Mmmmmmmmmmm.... Three wishes huh... Well luckily I thought about this before during some point in my life, I would want All-Speak, the ability to speak and understand all languages, it would make life SOOOOO much easier, however I would add the ability to understand all writings as well. Absorption as well, so I can be like my boy Rimuru. And ummm... An XP booster as well, that constantly boosts the XP I gain by 2x, it would help me survive hell mode I guess."

Miguel scrolled down further as he reached the last question, he sighed in relief as he saw the question wasn't that difficult, it was only a yes or no question, Miguel took his hand off of his keyboard and scratched his head. Then he put his hand back on the keyboard as he quickly read through the question.

[ Do you believe in Reincarnation? ]

Miguel put in Yes and then submitted the test, he then went back to his browser and looked for a phone for his father. He finally managed to find a phone that he had enough money for, he ordered it, and it was going to come tommorow! Exactly on his fathers birthday, feeling happy Miguel stood up and then looked out of the window. Only to realize it was late at night at this point, Miguel yawned as he went back onto his bed and then put his head on his pillow. The warm hands of sleep covered his mind as he feel into deep slumber.











< • LV. 2 XP Booster Fully Installed, All XP Gained Will Be Boosted By 2x>

< • LV. MAX All-Speak Installed Fully, The User Now Can Understand, All Languages And Writings, As Well As Speak Those Languages. >

< • LV. 3 Absorption Has Been Given, However Due To The Power Of Absorption, Limits Have Been Created. Absorption Will Have To Be Evolved Or Merged With Another Ability In Order To Gain It's Past Strength >

{ The Lord Himself, God Has Delivered A Message To The User " I hope you enjoy hell, kiddo. :) " }

< • Gamers Mind Max LV Has Been Given, Due To God Wishing For More Entertaining Reactions, The Effects Of Gamers Mind Has Been Lessened, And The True Power Of Gamers Mind Will Only Be Released When The User Is In A Dire State Of Mind, Or If Their Mind Is In True Danger >

< • Gamers Body Max LV Has Been Given To The User, However Due To Hellmode Being Selected, The Effects Of Gamers Body Has Been Lessened. >

< • The Benefits Of HellMode And The Other Effects Of Hellmode Have Been Put Here >



( A/N: I removed Aura from RWBY and replaced it with XP Booster, since I really wasn't using it in the OG book)

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