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48.27% MHA:Concept Gear / Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Grandparents Arrive

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Grandparents Arrive

[] Speaking English

{} Speaking German

Everything else is Japanese unless otherwise specified. (I won't be doing honorifics)


"Ayah darling, we're almost there."


"Come on Ayah, you spoke to me yesterday. Why won't you speak to me now?"

My mom had been doing this since this morning. We had left the house early to pick up some things before heading to the airport. She hadn't thought much of it yesterday, but sometime between then and now she'd realized the significance of me breaking my silence.

Yesterday I was too caught up in wanting to see dad get in trouble to consider that I broke my silent treatment with her. It wasn't too important as far as I was concerned but for her it seemed very important. And it definitely didn't mean that she was starting to be forgiven.

"Well you don't have to speak to me but you better speak to your grandparents. They've come a long way to see you and it'd be rude to not speak to them."

I was having a hard time ignoring the pain in her tone, likely from me ignoring her, I didn't want to forgive her but she was one of the few people I'd ever cared about and consciously hurting her was wearing at my sanity.

After about 30 minutes of awkward silence we finally arrived at the airport. After another 30 minutes to find parking and walk to the arrivals gate. We sat down and waited, we had about 7 minutes until their plane arrived so we were just chilling on some benches.

My dad was acting extremely fidgety, shifting around and fixing his tie every few seconds. He hadn't ended up running away, well more like he tried and mom dragged him back, so he was here, acting extremely nervous. I personally found it hilarious how scared he was of his in-laws, I had seen this phenomenon multiple times in my past life, coworkers who got scared at the mere mention of their in-laws.

After about 12 minutes of watching dad shift around and make sure his suit wasn't wrinkled, mom suddenly jumped to her feet. Dad followed, standing up with he legs wobbling slightly. Following his line of sight I saw an older couple making their way down the gate.

They saw us and quickly started to walk over. The whole time the older lady, my grandma, had her eyes on me, while the older gentleman, my grandpa, glared at my father.

"Hello mom, hi dad. Welcome to Japan-"

Completely ignoring my moms attempt at greetings my grandmother walked over to me and picked me up. One of the downsides of being five was that I was easily picked up by adults.

"Hello little Ayah, I'm your grandmother. But you can call me Nana."

Looking into my eyes with hers, smiling with a doting smile, and hugging me with love, I made a decision, Nana would need to be protected at all costs.

"Okay Nana."

Hugging her back and peaking over her shoulder I saw my mom, dad, and grandpa all staring in shock. Combing this with all the other signs I came to the conclusion that Nana was very strict usually.

She sat me back down and turned to face the rest of the group who she had ignored so far.

["Michael! Come say hello to your granddaughter!"]

My grandfather turned from glaring at my dad and walked over. As he walked I noticed that his footwork was being placed with intent and heavily balanced. He had been trained in something… continuing my observation led to me noticing heavy favoritism of his right side. Judging from his posture and footwork he was definitely trained in some kind of sword form. I didn't recognize the style but this was a different world so maybe there are ones I never practiced, how exciting!

I also recognized this as my chance, my parents still hadn't let me learn any kind of martial art. I had thought that the villain attack would convince them to allow me to attend a children's dojo, but alas I was wrong. In fact the attack only made them more opposed to me learning to fight. Like honestly, if they ever ask what I want to do and I tell them 'I wanna be a hero' they may faint.

But grandpa here was clearly trained, I didn't know his personality but his training indicates a high level of discipline. He may be the key to getting training in hand to hand combat. Then when I reach weapons training age, which I had pulled back to 8 after the small boost in my quirks power, I can be fit for it immediately.

He crouched down in front of me to get to eye height. After observing me for a second he stuck out his hand for a hand shake.

Taking his hand and shaking it I was about to say hello when Nana walked up behind him and smacked him on the back of his head.

All seriousness in the situation disappeared in an instant as he turned around with a confused look.

["Hug her you idiot!"]

Turning back to me with an embarrassed expression on his face, he hugged me.

It was nice, two more people to care about in one day. I was already at quintuple the amount of people I cared about during my past life. Granted I only cared about five people, but five is still five times more then one…

As I was being hugged my dad tried to speak up.

"Well now that introductions-"

{"Silence thief."}

Grandpa immediately cut him off. But I think I got it, grandpa hates dad cause he thinks dad stole my mom from him. That was… a lot more innocent then I thought. I guess it could have been an elopement, after all moms relationship with them wasn't the best either. But still I was expecting something more dramatic, I can't say I wasn't a little disappointed.

After a few more seconds grandpa let go and stood up. He was about to go back to glaring at my dad when Nana came over and stopped him. Looking over at mom who had a satisfied expression on her face, I came to the conclusion that her and Nana had come to an accord.

Walking out of the airport and heading to the car was spent in awkward silence. The drive home was only less awkward thanks to the radio.

During the ride home I realized that Nana had spoken to me in Japanese and spoke to grandpa in English. Thinking about it led me to several conclusions, either they didn't know about my intelligence or they had underestimated me.

Mom and dad knew that I spoke English, Japanese, German and was currently learning French. Honestly I had been scared about showing it off but after my talk with mom before the villain attack I had begun to show off slightly more.

They even bought me a French to Japanese dictionary, because they believed it to be my first language. When they asked me how I learned the first two languages I just said it was from listening to them talk. They would occasionally talk in, what I have always assumed to be, their native languages at home.

And so all was peaceful, until we got home.


I missed a few days of chapters, but it is what it is. There is no excuse, just wasn't feeling it.

But I'm back now, and we loom ever closer to training and UA.

FallenVoid FallenVoid

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