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72.41% Villain: Crossing Over into the Novel World / Chapter 21: Martial Arts Realms and Stages

Chapter 21: Martial Arts Realms and Stages

Li Yuan was inside the car, and as he drove it back to his manor, his expression became neutral, this entire time he was just acting.

Zhao Sisi's affection rise again, it was already 90, even though she was not a heroine her body could be said to be able to compare to a heroine.

Soft, tender, and smooth!


The car's engine roared domineeringly, as it passed other vehicles on the way.

He was relaxing a bit, as he was thinking of his next plan.

It didn't take long as he arrive at the Li mansion, as old Qin once again opened the gate while bowing for him.

Looking at old Qin, Li Yuan felt curious about his practical strength, so he decided to use his perspective eyes!

His eyes glow for a second before they falter and died to their original color.

[Name: Qin Bao]

[Identity: Bodyguard of the Li family, Martial artist]

[Power value: 520]

[Charm value: 58]

[Luck: 70]


Li Yuan's eyes twitch slightly, as he sees Qin Bao or precisely old Qin's power value.

Isn't this old man quite a strong individual?

Stepping out of the car, he shifted his gaze away, when he saw the old man's puzzled face, he walk to the manor, and it was not like he was scared or envious of the old man, in the future, he will surely surpass him.

That will be true!

He didn't say and greeted the old man, and then continues to his destination.

Walking in front as the door opens involuntarily, Ah Mei looks at him with a pleasant smile and affectionate eyes.

"Welcome back home, young master." Ah Mei greeted Li Yuan while bowing her head a little.

Seeing his maid greeting him, Li Yuan just nodded and walked past her, before tapping her on the head.

"Cook me breakfast, then just bring it to the room." He said, before going to his room, and he walk to the stairs continuously.

"As you order, my young master~!" Ah Mei said boldly, as her eyes followed his back.

When she saw that Li Yuan is no longer from her eyesight, the smile on her face vanished because there was a frown on her face!

'A woman's scent...'

'So, that's why young master didn't come back home yesterday night, he was with another woman!' She thought, gritting her teeth lightly, as woman intuition was telling her that way in her head, especially when she smell a cheap woman's scent on her young master's body!

Such a cheap smell, only a poor woman could have that!

Calming down, she shook her head and it couldn't be blamed for whatever her young master had done, she is just a maid and also lusting for her master's body, who was she to even confront him that way, right?

'Maybe, young master is just fooling around..." She thought as she self-comfort herself.

But, this only made her resolve more resolute and vividly strong!

From now on, she will play aggressively and try to seduce her young master quickly!

She doesn't even care if Li Yuan has another woman, she, Ah Mei takes an oath to manipulate...


No, she takes an oath to make her the most important person in Li Yuan's heart!

Getting out of her thoughts, she immediately goes to the kitchen and cooks food for her beloved young master!

. . .

Inside Li Yuan's room, he is currently sitting on the bed as his mind process something else.

'System, what are the realms of the martial artist in this world?' Li Yuan raised a question to the system inside his head, a minute ago he saw that old Qin was a martial artist that's why he consulted the system.

[Ding! There are three Martial art realms host, such as Ming Jin, Dark Jin, and Hua Jin! Each realm has four stages, First, Middle, Late, and Innate!]

The system replies in a bluish panel that appears in front of him.

Seeing this, Li Yuan is even more curious, "But, this isn't the realm from the novel, right, where did that come from?"

He couldn't help but asked because there is no such as this.

[The system inquires the host that, this was currently the stages of martial art realms in this world.]

Looking at that, even though he was curious about the change, he didn't continue to ask about that topic, as long as he was stronger it didn't matter.

"Basically, this was just a martial arts realm, so there is no Qi in this world appearing yet, but in the future, they will make an appearance for sure." He guessed, as even in the novel Yang Ming became a Qi user, and a double one at that because he was a body and a spiritual Qi cultivator.

Though, that was all because of a certain heroine!

Shaking his head, he then asked the system again, "Can you tell me what realm currently old Qin is, System?"

[Qin Bao is currently in the First Layer of the Dark Jin realm, host.]

Nodding his head in understanding, Li Yuan then asked the last question, as he sees Ah Mei walking to his room with a tray of food, through his perspectives.

"What realm is the Ming Jin based on the points system?"

The system replies quickly to his question.

[150 points is the starting of the martial arts way to heaven, host, as it was also the starting line of being a martial artist!]

He nodded and sighed, as the panel dispatched from his eyes!

'I need to speed up things to raise my strength to confront some strong supporting characters that exist in the novel and here.'

After that, the door of his room opened, and Ah Mei who was in her maid uniform walked inside with food in her hands.

"Young master, your food is ready." Ah Mei said coquettishly, as her eyes look at Li Yuan directly.

Li Yuan saw Ah Mei, and he only noticed something now, Ah Mei's maid clothes become fit showing her curves and bustyness, some cleavage was being displayed in front of his eyes, and her maiden skirt is short, showing half of her thick white thighs, with black sexy stockings on it!

Seeing her young master's eyes looking at her with a fiery hot gaze that almost make her wet, Ah Mei couldn't help but smile more.

Putting the tray of food on the side of the bed, she walk and sat on his lap voluntarily!

'Hehe, Slowly I will t start my naughty plan.' Ah Mei thought laughing at her action.

Meanwhile, Li Yuan shook his head a little as he saw Ah Mei's action, it seems that she was planning that thing again.

'Trying to seduce me, hah, quiet brave women.' He thought as he lick his lips, he already guesses what his milf maid was scheming, it was like from before, when his predecessor was still owning this body.

Heh, such a very courageous maid deserves an award!

Li Yuan didn't shy away, as he put his left hand on her thigh, and the right hand was placed on her squishy buns.

"A... Ah! Y- Young master what are you doing..." Ah Mei was caught off guard, if his hands were only on her thighs she wouldn't freak out, but the feeling of her buns being squished was quite sending her pleasure!

"What? My stomach is rumbling feed me my breakfast." Li Yuan said as he hugged her body from behind tightly, and his hands were being naughty.

"Y-Yes, Ah... Y- Young master...!" Ah Mei replied with a shaking voice, her face was rosy but thinking of this, this was all she wants to complete her plans!

She brought a portion of food to Li Yuan's mouth, but her hands were trembling, because Li Yuan was caressing her left thigh and her black laced panty was revealed, while his right hand was inside her clothes, touching her breast and squishing at the same time.

"Mmm, not bad your cooking skills is quite wonderful." Li Yuan said after eating the food that Ah Mei cooked.

It was indeed true, Ah Mei's skill at cooking could be said to be applaudable.

"A-Ahh! T- Thank you, young master, for such a compliment... Ngh!" Ah Mei was moaning a little, as she felt the hardened cherry on her right bun being pinched.


Ah Mei is shrieking when she felt her flowery slit being rubbed in a round motion with her panties still on.

"I'm already full, but still let me eat you then." Li Yuan whispered into Ah Mei's Left ear, blowing air at the same time.

"U-Ughh, this... Nghh, young master~!" Ah Mei was breathing hard, her eyes were full of lust, and her face was rosy.

Li Yuan then stood up, while hugging Ah Mei in the back, and he started kissing her on the nape.

His left hand of him immediately goes inside her black panty, and he inserted one finger into her flowery slit, going in and out midway slowly, and his right hand has already pulled her upper maid dress down, exposing her huge jiggling white buns, and hard cherries too!

Ah Mei was not wearing a bra, because that was her plan to show and let Li Yuan feel her warm big buns.



Ah Mei was moaning as she closed her eyes, she put her left hand on his head as Li Yuan was kissing her nape, ruffling his hair a little, and her right hand was on her hips.

They were both standing as they do the naughty deeds!

Ah Mei's big buttock was pressed against his raging dragon, as in nested on the middle of her ass cheeks.

The air around the room became ambiguous, as they look into each other's eyes!











[Author's Note]: Hey, sorry for not uploading the chapter this past few days, you know I've been busy on my final, and finally it's done!

Christmas is near guys, hope you all had a wondrous Christmas and New Year with your own families...


Me_DaVillain Me_DaVillain

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