Yaguchi awoke in shock. His body felt cold and numb, his limbs aching, worse than usual given his sickness. He blinked away the dreariness in his eyes, and looked up at the blinding light, not recognising the room he was in.
His eyes barely made out the form of Nezu, and a homeless looking man who seemed far too tired to look intimidating. They both stood a few feet away from him as he hung from bound arms above his head, his feet dangling a few inches above the ground.
"Yaguchi Genpaki, 63 years old, 14 counts of murder to your name. I have been so eager to meet you recently. I'm sure you know exactly who I am, though for this meeting my colleague will remain unnamed. You have information we want, and we have several ways of making you talk."
Nezu's beady eyes glowed with malice, his voice perfectly calm and tone even.
"I recommend you don't scream. Nobody will hear you, and it will waste the precious energy you need for the future."
I hastily dodge backwards to avoid a plume of fire headed towards me, jumping back even further to avoid a fireball that follows after, cutting the ball in two with the sheathed form of Reid.
Ducking low, I dodge a cage of fire designed to limit my escape options, only to find myself faced with yet another focused blast of fire that I am forced to cartwheel around.
This training was designed to help me against a fire user I couldn't see. Of course, it was pointless because I could always locate someone, but I couldn't lie and say that it wasn't fun.
Besides, seeing Endeavour's frustration grow as both he and Shoto fail to land a hit is gratifying. That mounting frustration causes him to throw several whips of fire around the training room, whips that shoot out and spinning rapidly, coating the room in flame.
If I were a normal person, these would be nigh impossible to dodge. Thankfully though, I have all the tools in my arsenal that make me far from normal.
I quickly activate [Swiftness] and dash aside the first set, then swing Reid to my side and dispel two that were approaching. I drop Reid into an underhanded grip and swing twice more, throwing the last few whips violently back at Endeavour.
The lights return once more, and the unscathed training room is fully illuminated. Endeavour looks to be an odd mix of proud and displeased, though Shoto just looks awed. He probably didn't think anyone could even fight back against his father.
I clip Reid back to my hip and stretch my shoulder, walking over to Endeavour without a blemish on my beautiful Knight's Regalia.
"So? What was the verdict?"
Endeavour huffs, and crosses his arms, something I was quickly noticing as a habit of his. I won't lie, it has the distinct effect of making you feel less important as he does it.
"You're a natural. Efficiency and flair, down to an art form. Does your body move on autopilot when in combat, or do you make all the moves yourself?"
"I have to make most of the moves. Though, in the case of projectiles and consecutive attacks, if I am caught unaware my body will be forcefully moved to avoid them."
Endeavour seems pleased that I still have to at least work somewhat to win a fight, thankful that he hadn't had his ass whooped by a kid on autopilot I assume.
"Good. We'll reconvene tomorrow, 6am sharp. In the meantime, I've written several hypothetical situations involving Villain attacks and hostage scenarios. I expect them to be analysed in full and returned to me by the end of the day."
He dismisses Shoto and I, though he stops us just as we are about to leave his office.
"Oh, and Reinhard. Given the nature of internships, you will be spending the week with my family. I trust that is okay with you?"
Well, I can't lie, I definitely expected this. Shoto seems to have as well, given the guilty expression on his face. Seems Endeavour has already forgotten his character development and been blinded by my power as he witnessed it first hand.
"Of course, Sir. If that is all...?"
"Yes. Leave. Shoto can escort you to our home. My business requires I stay much later than the both of you."
The door to his office closes, and Shoto sighs, before turning to me and placing a hand on my elbow. I didn't realise I was this close with him, I've got no fucking clue what he's doing.
"Reinhard, if he ever tries to force you into something, be it a contract or a deal, please tell me. I will do everything I can to help."
Well, that makes a lot more sense. I almost feel bad now. Shoto has to watch as his father tears himself apart all over again because of little old me. I should probably spend this time under Endeavour's wing trying to expose his abuse, because it may just get worse given my intervention.
His actions are horrible, and I cannot condone him getting away unscathed because he was such a high ranking hero. All men should be held accountable, no matter the crime. I pat Shoto on the shoulder and begin walking away.
"Fret not, Shoto. Even if he were to try anything, he would soon realise the Yaoyorozu Dynasty are very protective of their Prince Consort."
Shoto doesn't seem convinced, but he nods along anyways, and begins following on beside me. We still have time before the day ends, so I decide to practice my [Gyration] with the Steel Ball I have, idly spinning it around in my palm.
In these moments, I can just forget about the world around me, forget about the ever growing scale of threats I face, and instead focus on the feeling of being alive.
It's something I find myself doing regularly after Hephaestus erased me from existence temporarily. I can't ever forget that pain.
Momo paced around the cramped room, excitement lining her face. Reinhard had told her he was going to call at this hour, and it should be any minute now that he rings her.
She couldn't wait to hear how his day went, hear about his adventures. He always had the best stories, whether it was a lesson learned from his Grandfather or the tribulations of his friend Subaru, he neger failed to enthrall her with his voice.
The very second her phone rang, Momo grabbed it and answered the call, finding herself face to face with her beloved. She still couldn't believe how he had fallen into her life so seamlessly, but Momo would forever be thankful he appeared.
"I see you're excited, Momo."
"Of course, these calls are the second best part of my day, just behind putting on my costume and feeling like a Hero."
"As heart warming as that is, you'll find that my day was far less interesting than anticipated. I'm much more intrigued about how things went with your internship."
Momo grimaced slightly at the mention of her internship. Reinhard had warned her about going to Uwabami, citing her as a less than stellar option, but she went regardless.
"So far? I don't feel very heroic being here. Not to mention, I've been in at least 3 different photoshoots today and not spent a single minute training."
Reinhard laughed.
"Well, if there's one thing I can credit them for, they certainly don't take things slow. I'm almost impressed at how fast they worked you to the bone."
"I at least have company. Kendou, from our sister class, is suffering alongside me. Thank God I don't have to endure all the trauma alone."
Momo barely noticed the flinch Reinhard made at the mention of God, but didn't bother lingering on it.
"If I could be there with you, I would. Instead, I'm stuck with Endeavour and his family. Training with him was... interesting, he definitely doesn't go easy. But the worst part so far has been the living situation."
Reinhard leaned in close, covered one side of his mouth with his hand and spoke in a far quieter tone.
"This family is so dysfunctional it honestly astounds me. Tonight's dinner was by far the most awkward experience I've ever had in my life."
Having met Shoto and spent time with him, Momo figured that to be the case.
"You poor thing. Don't worry, you'll be back home soon."
Reinhard sighed, before smiling at the thought of going back to his friends at UA, then frowning at the thought of going back to Nezu. Swings and roundabouts, he decided.
"I can't wait. This place is far less comfortable than your bed."
The conversation continued for a while after that, until eventually Momo fell asleep. Reinhard had decided to not tell Momo he was sleeping in Fuyumi's room, in fear of her wrath.
The feeling of raw, untapped power was one that All For One had long forgotten. Years spent as a husk, a shadow, had left him tarnished as a man. Now, he held power once more. Not enough to truly say he was rejuvenated, but enough to be a substantial improvement.
Eri's Quirk was invaluable. As time passed, she stored a form of energy within herself that allowed for her to 'Rewind' biological matter to a previous state.
While it required a substantial charge to restore All For One by only a few years, likely due to the restoration of Quirks taking far more energy, it nonetheless presented an opportunity for the Scourge of Man to bide his time and return more powerful than ever. Chisaki's Quirk had been the icing on top, complete molecular manipulation. With Eri in his hands, he had already won. He just needed to wait.
And thankfully, All For One had all the time in the world.
I expected the situation at the Todoroki House to be a bit... off. But this is much, much worse than I anticipated. Natsuo won't even talk to me, he simply calls me a pawn as if I'm playing into his Father's hands like he's a criminal mastermind.
Fuyumi at least has been hospitable. Aside from being incredibly kind and caring, she has also been doing her best to salvage the shattered family she has left. Admirable, to say the least.
Honestly, at this point I think I could just have an investigation into Endeavour opened by having his family testify, which is more than enough to get the ball rolling. So, when I finish my call with Momo, I leave the manor through an open window, making sure that none of the family followed me before opening my business phone.
I don't mesh well with Nezu, nor do I like him, but he and I both agree at least that evil should be punished.
"Rat. Did you know about the Todoroki family situation?"
"I'm afraid you'll have to elaborate on that for me Reinhard."
"Endeavour bought his wife, made her his own pet project in eugenics. Wanted to create the perfect Quirk, or in his eyes what was one at least. End result was decades of domestic abuse, scarred children, and one Shoto Todoroki in my class."
The line was silent briefly, brief whispers of 'fire and ice' being heard for a few moments before Nezu finally responded.
"It seems I have overlooked some things. I will admit, I am not infallible, but for something of this magnitude to pass by me entirely... Thank you, Reinhard. I'll investigate this further and get back to you."
Nezu hung up on me right after that. I expected him to have a suspicion, but for him to have nothing at all? Either he was lying, or the rat really isn't infallible. I stared at the black screen of my phone as I thought, seeing my own reflection clearly.
Given that he hadn't updated me on All For One, Yaguchi had been a dead end. The man probably didn't have anything to say, he had barely a few months left to live anyway. Which once more left us with nothing. I'm still no closer to saving Eri.
▪︎Can You Imagine It? The Pain?
▪︎A Small Child, Crying In Fear And Terror
▪︎Do You Think She's Given Up Yet?
Shut up. I don't have time for your shit. I already know what they've done to her. I don't need your details, asshole. I just need to find the Shie Hassaikai.
▪︎How Presumptuous Of You, Puppet.
▪︎Have You Forgotten Something?
▪︎Your Existence Here Has Changed Everything. Your Knowledge Is Worthless.
The cold chill of Hephaestus whispering in my ear goes away just as quickly as it came, but I stand on that roof still even long after he's gone. His words haunt me.
Nothing I know of this world is the same. Why would that not apply to Eri? I need to find her, as soon as possible.
I need to do some work on my own.
bitch I'm back out my coma
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