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100% Sign In A D.C. Universe For Marvel World's Rewards System! / Chapter 7: C7-Clearly Fear Is A Factor For You FGL","You Thought Batman Was Trustin You, (Nah)Ya Leaguers A Dunce"," Search For Holy Grail"

Chapter 7: C7-Clearly Fear Is A Factor For You FGL","You Thought Batman Was Trustin You, (Nah)Ya Leaguers A Dunce"," Search For Holy Grail"

Chapter 7- "Clearly Fear Is A Factor For You FGL","You Thought Batman Was Trustin You, (Nah)Ya Leaguers A Dunce"," Search For Holy Grail","I Didn't Want To Go Fuck Around And Find Out That The Titans Have Me In their Sights, But They Did"


Meanwhile Off planet,

On a Distant Alien Planets Warzone,

In the War Supplies Depot...

 Sitting in the back of the supply depots was a lone new girl of the green lantern corps on the sidelines. 

She was not fitting in with the heroes of the Justice League and had frozen many times in the middle of the battles and had to be saved previously.

Now her head is buried between her knees in the sadness of her performance these days.

Suddenly a voice said flatly:

"Your unsatisfactory performance lately shows you seem to have some problems, mainly some unaddressed mental issues."

The sudden voice coming from behind her without warning makes this previous sulking green lantern jump up in fear screaming:

"W--what?...O-oh, it's you, Batman."The Female Green Lantern says while one hand was on her violently beating heart as Batman's appearance didn't relax her, but made her heart about to explode from her chest!

Batman scowls briefly at her responses and says as he stands shoulder to shoulder while looking into the distance.

After a brief silence Batman said:

"I'll let you in on a secret,... I'm always afraid." 

Shocked at this random secret confession the Female Green Lantern panicked even more in fear she would be silenced later by batman for his slip of the tongue.

She tried to play it off as a joke rather than some kind of a confession and said:

"C-come on, your Batman, who are you fooling around with? Everyone knows Batman is a man without fear. 

"You know, like that joke on the internet:

"Batman doesn't have fears, he only has Concerns." She then chuckled awkwardly.

Silence ensued.

Batman: "...."

Female Green Lantern: "...."

In this crippling awkward silence, the Female Green Lantern does some introspections and thought maybe he wasn't joking. 

She raised her little bit of courage and asked tentatively:

"W-what did you do?"

"I mean, with that Fear?

Batman is in silence then says flatly in a rough voice:

"I redirect all my fears in my heart, to become the fear in the hearts and minds of Gotham City criminals and my enemies."

"As their Fear became my fuel to move on, as if using fear itself to do my bidding helped me defeat the fear in my heart."

"Wow, that's amazing."Said the Female Green Lantern.

"After I realized fear was so easy to conquer, I  was relieved but truly angry at myself that I was ever afraid in the first place."

"An Overwhelming frustrating rage enveloped me, that this fear made me unable to make a move at all in the past, and on that night..."

"I  came for vengeance on my own past fears themselves, my mission now is to use my fears to work for me in perpetuity."

"I became the very darkness of that night that shook my heart before and changed my life."

"It was when I did these things, that the dread had been overcome that I became what I am now, today."

"I overcome my fears and become the fear in the hearts of others."

"W-why are you telling me all these personal things". Asked the FGL in a shaking voice.

"I believe that this is not all your capable of being, else I wouldn't have voted you in with the others under a recommendation to join the justice league."Said, Batman.

But, before the female Green Lantern can form a smile Batman continues:

"But going by your performance lately made me think maybe my eye for talent was blurred by my impression of those other 'BRAVE' Green Lanterns.

The FGL frowns.

"You have signs of PSTD, General Anxiety Disorder, and Social Anxiety Disorder are what I can eyeball diagnose you with."

"With the way you can in a panic all the time, it's no wonder you have no 'CLOSE FRIENDS' in the League." Batman spoke matter of factly.

The Female Green Lantern body starts to quiver at her weaknesses being picked out and exposed to the light of day.

"Don't like what I said 'FRIENDLESS' and inadequate hero?" Batman said.

"HEY, Stop It!" 

The FGL finally gets a little angry as her green power ring shined brighter as the sternly uttered words of Batman hit her heartstrings of the past.

But she quickly held back again.

She thought to herself, 'Batman didn't know about her past trauma and unknowingly triggered her'.

As her identity was secret in the Justice League and Batman surely didn't know about her or what she's been through when he said all that, and just made a medical diagnosis based on her past public actions. 

So she tried to calmed down...but

"What, are you mad? "Asked Batman in a rhetorical and aggressive mocking tone.

"Don't like what I said, then how about you make some 'FRIENDS' to complain about me loner."

"And when you have some actual 'Friends' then you can blab about how the man without fear, Batman himself spewed his inner thoughts to a garbage rookie hero like you?"

He walks up to her who's seething and when Face face and eye to eye Batman says:

"...but would anyone believe you, a Coward."





The Green Lantern screamed through her gritted teeth in frustrated anger as her power ring enveloped her body with dark green light and the light glowed so much that others cleaning up the battlefield with the alien natives started to notice.

She had never felt so much power than right now, ever since putting on the ring that chose her!

And just as she was about to teach the great Batman a lesson, she was stopped by his confusing words.

"Did you notice right now you are not looking indecisive and anxiety-ridden?"

Batman suddenly said flatly not in an aggressive tone like before.

The Female Green Lantern was caught off guard by the change in his demeanor and the words he said.

She reflected on what Batman said.

She then notice her thoughts were clear or in a focused concentration on the target of her anger (Batman) only then did she pause in surprise.

Batman noticed her confusion and said:

"The emotional spectrums of Anger and Fear, are natural enemies that can occupy the same space and place in a mind shortly, but one ALWAYS trumps the others control."

The Female Green Lantern realized she had stopped her chronic worries about this, and that, in her angry state just now.

"This is not a long-term solution to your disorders, but you are more likely to fight back when in a controlled angry state, than drowned in anxiety, and frozen in a fearful state that's leaving your allies concerned and distracted about you in battle like before."

"This is just a stop-gap measure, not a permanent solution to your issues." Batman reminded.

Looking at her green power ring that's slowly losing its glimmer as she calmed down, she looks up toward Batman with a complicated gaze and a chaotic mood in her heart.

She Is not a fool, just mentally troubled, thus she notices how this outcome was his plan all along.

Did he half to go in such an extreme and roundabout way just to help me?

She was discontented at his methods, But She still said what she should through clenched teeth:

"I see, Thank You." Said the Masked Female Green Lantern before she left with a new hope on how to concentrate better to use her powers effectively and not affect others or hold them back anymore.


"Thank you," said the new Female Green Lantern.

As she leaves to ponder my words as I narrow my eyes at her leaving back.

'She may think all of what I said was a lie to get the desired outcome of her increased focused on the green power rings management.'

'What I said to her earlier was all true.'

'I feel fear all the time.' 

'But not because of my past, or even my deadly enemies.'

'What I fear mostly these days, more than in the past, is the constant increase of mentally weak beings, walking around with cosmic level powers, who are one manic episode away from causing an unmeasurable tragedy.

'That Stress test and deliberate rude dialogue just now Didn't do anything to change my mind that you, The Female Green Lantern, Jessica Cruz, are not another ticking time bomb!

Her volatile nature holding such power in her hands is dangerous.

Which is why I voted for her in and others like her to be under surveillance in the under the illusion of joining the Justice League.

These heroes think the Justice League is all about a hero group coming together with the common goal of serving Justice, and fighting off planetary threats.

That goal is true, but that's just the bright side.

In the dark, the Justice League serves another purpose, its original purpose when the concept was created by me.

It's a global information hub for the secret registration of previously hidden or secluded powerful beings.

When meta-humans that have detrimental abilities are discovered or debut they are 'conveniently' asked to join the prominent and prestigious Justice League.

As city-known vigilantes, it is their honor to join the fraternity.

When they join, I harvests information on their superpowers, secrets, weaknesses, and secret identities of ALL the gathered heroes, and the data on the villains they fight, all become part of my global secret database.

That tower band that connects to the space tower for communication and warping, is actually also a surveillance device to track heroes anywhere on earth.

The tower bands can spy & record on both audio and video 24 hours a day, 7 days a week saving recorded conversations on an archive.

I've tracked countless heroes' true identities with geo-positioning when comparing this data and I've recorded their secrets and weaknesses to neutralize them in the future if needed.

I pull out my wrist computer to place the latest audio and video analysis by my behavioral analysis program in the super bat computer.

And make additional notes that the Green Lantern core judgment is faulty, overall unreliable, and dangerous. 

They are hazardous because when the Green Lanterns corps aren't blowing up planets 'accidentally', they are giving out cosmic-powered rings to the mentally ill.

I refocused on the current situation.

 Almost a month and a half away chasing this Tyrants colony and we are wrapping up, but I feel uneasy for no reason.

They say Most accidents happen right before you get home, with less than 3 miles from home is where people's guard is most lax and something goes wrong.

This unease, is it us, the Justice League will face some unexpected trouble here, maybe earth will encounter a Mishap while the original 7 minus Cyborg and Aqua Man, or is it more personal, dealing with my Gotham?

Batman's mouth frowned and checked on things again. 

Good thing I incited The Green Lantern girl to focus, maybe we can leave sooner.


In a distant universe,

On a planet filled with massive pit holes spewing pulsating flames up into the atmosphere...

The bleak Grey brimstone colored infrastructure is anywhere that's not on fire, as grey skin, bug-eyed, humanoid beasts dressed in blue are flying with bug-like wings on their backs while they are zooming all over the place mechanically to fulfill their assigned task.

A muscular white-haired old woman with traditional features of a man's face walks into a grand palace with several uniquely dressed strong-looking women following behind her.

As she approached the throne room, she subtly shakes in trepidation and advised the women accompanying her to wait outside the throne room.

These women don't disagree with their superior's command, and in fact, even sigh in relief at their leader's rare mercy.

The man-faced old woman enters alone.

Inside the chamber was a massive elevated platform that held a dazzling Throne seat that was currently vacant.

The owner of the seat of this throne was on the side of the chamber looking outside the window. 

The ruler of this firey planet, was this massively robust figure with its hands behind its back, overlooking its hell-scape-like kingdom.

The man-faced old woman did not question why the throne room was dimly lit and quickly bent a knee and reported to the darkness in front of her:

"My lord, the one you graciously blessed and empowered to experiment with our equipment and our resources in order to dedicate armies and galaxies for your glorious name, seems to have stumbled into strong resistance."

She sweat drops as she speaks in fear of taking on the consequences of the apostle's failure to dedicate great works to their God before her.

Eyes flash bright red in the throne room, illuminating the darkness briefly and the being says:

"It's of no matter or value to me, since the beginning, as even if I lose, I still win." This being's baritone voice full of majestic power rumbled the hall slightly.

"Collect all the data and recall that waste Kalibak from behind the scenes of this intergalactic war."

The man face old Woman, was feeling she had gained amnesty for not taking on other people's faults, but she was soon unnerved by his next sentences of her dignified Lord God:

"What I'm more concerned with, Granny Goodness, is the whereabouts of my wayward daughter, whose movements you'll all we're supposed to have watched. 

Have you found her?" Said the Godly being still gazing out the open window without turning around.

The man faced old woman, Granny Goodness's buff body trembles in fear once again, and replied:

"I- I, we are desperately scouring galaxies for her where abouts my lord."

"Find her." The Godly being simply said.

"Yes Lord God, Darkseid." Replied Granny Goodness, tremblingly in dread as she was leaving the throne room.


Meanwhile on Earth,

Gotham City,

Former Teen Titans Hideout,

The Titans of Yesteryear are Hanging out again like old times, minus one of the original members.

The atmosphere was harmonious and relaxed as they reminisced recalling old times.

Until a certain green skin man child says in a reflexive action:

"Grayson would have loved that joke, haha-"

At the mention of the former Robin, Starfire shows a complicated smile.

Raven frowned at her green skin boyfriend, who also realized he was wrong, so he hurriedly screamed:


But it was too late as magic has already enveloped him.

Raven tossed Garfield, Beast Boy across the room with a wave of her hand.


Cyborg face palmed at the drywall damage he must fix again later.

'Just like old times, huh' Cyborg thought.

"It is okay my friend raven, we have had a miss communication about life, and I believe Robi- I mean Nightwing will rekindle our friendship one day." Starfire smiles from her heart innocently.

"I know Star, but my boyfriend is too insensitive, his natural stupidity nature needs to be fixed," Raven said with glowing hands at the upside down, beast boy in the distance.

"Forget it, I hardly ever see you guys so do not fight let's do something fun." Star Fire pleads for the beast boy's survival.

"Let us talk about interesting things to each other, and tell stories over the years." Starfire said.

"Here is a funny story Recently"....She concluded with a fresh tale about a event the other day she found interesting.

"I did not know who he was, but he acted like I knew who he was, is this not a silly tale?" Star Fire said with a laugh.

But Raven And Cyborg shared a look not laughing at all.

While Beast Boy laughed along with Starfire and said: 

"Yeah, that guy must be shocked if he found out he's not as famous as he thought he was, Pfft hahaha."

Raven and Cyborg walk out to the kitchen with the excuse of getting refreshments while their friends are giggling in ignorance.

Cyborg collection speed is fast, as all the surveillance cameras on the scene are found. 

After many times reprocessing the available footage, Cyborg gets a break and zeros in on Starfire seemingly talking to herself but, no wait, it's an outline of a person briefly seen when they were done talking with Starfire.

"It's a high probability he was there for the kryptonite." Said Cyborg watching the video playback.

"But that doesn't explain why he interacted with Starfire. 

After taking some kryptonite he could have left to go home with us none the wiser." Asked Raven.

 "Unless maybe he's flirting with Starfire, she's many peoples type you know." Cyborg jokes.

Raven just looks at cyborg with a deadpan face.

"Okay, not funny, I know, flirting is doubtful without asking Starfire's for her social media and or phone number, it seems unlikely."

"How is he unseen, is it magic?" Asked Raven ignoring trivial things spewed by Cyborg.

"It's partly environmental stealth camouflage, on my best guess, it seems magical." Cyborgs guessed based on their intelligence.

"What?" Raven asked.

"Basically, when he's still then it's near perfect blending into the environment, unless the observers have very, very, high-quality senses he won't be seen with the naked eye."

 Then otherwise he can instantly blend into any surroundings, but when he initially moves from out of a still state, if you focus using extraordinary means, like myself, you can see the distortion barrier between his suit or ability and the environment surrounding him before it readjusts."

"That after image of his environmental and camouflage being out of sync leaves a brief body outline distortion, which is the only reason we know he exists at all that night if not for Starfire's interaction with them."

"Do you think he/she was with the gaggle of metropolis villains?" Raven questioned.

"No, 'he' going by Starfire's description of his voice, seems to be a wild card." Said, Cyborg. 

" But we can not rule out he's a backhand secretly arranged in case the villains failed to take the kryptonite." Said Raven.

"But, if he wanted to do us harm, attacking Starfire solo, or us all in the heat of battle would be easily done to achieve some results with his stealth." Cyborg disagreed.

"But I did find it strange He targeted Starfire out of all of us, he might have an evaluation on us all, which is why he chose the most trusting and lax-guarded Starfire to pry information on something." Cyborg said.

"You mean he might be another obsessed person like Death Stroke, who's mainly focused on Starfire instead of Robin?" Raven asked with a frown.

"I don't know much other than the fact that he surely has some kryptonite in his hands now". Said, Cyborg. 

Seeing Raven scowling like old times Cyborg said quickly:

"I can make a specific radiation detector to search the city, as long as the samples are not behind any concrete or lead encasing, I can find it and maybe his position as well." Cyborg consoled.

Raven nods. 

"That's good, do it, as an invisible enemy in the dark is bad enough and an enemy who can turn literally Invisible is especially scary to us women." Raven stated threw clenched teeth.

Cyborg nods knowing what she meant, but feels nothing, as he's been essentially a eunuch for years now. 

So Cyborg just says: 

"Our ideas are all speculation, for now, I'll go covertly ask Starfire about this guy's composite look and make her tell us the moment she encounters him again."

"Don't worry too much, Star Fire is not weak or she wouldn't be a Titan.." Cyborg reminded.

Raven nods again, then looks back at the two of the most important people in her life, laughing carefree in the media room.

Raven makes a fist in determination and thought to herself.

' I will find you, you stalking perverted peeping bastard.' Raven thought grinding her teeth, while radiating magic.


 Not aware his interaction with Star Fire for a Sign-in made him into the next mix of a perverted version of Slade "Death Stroke" Wilson, and a perverse Invisible man in the former Titan's eyes.

In the meanwhile, when all these events were taking place at more or less the same time, currently Markov arrives home after touring Gotham City.

End chapter|



|A part of Markov's Mind, Body, And Soul`


{{{-Wolverine X-gene: Hyper Healing Factor, Screwball's Parkour Mastery, 'Havoc' Summers X-gene: Plasma Energy Conversion and Energy Blast-}}}


| Items That Markov can outwardly manipulate, equip, or operate.|

(Occult, Magical, And Technological Resources/Weapons /Tools/ Attire /Attachable Commodity. )

{{{-Captain America's Shield, WW2 Hydra Energy Gun, White Tiger Amulets Of Power. (Complete Collection Of Three.)-}}}

Random Miscellaneous Sign-In Reward Items in System Storage Space:

(Items and commodities Markov has a glimpse at once but most likely never taken them out of the system storage space, because of his disappointment in its practical uselessness.)

{{{-Tony stark Fountain Pen, Peter Parker's homeroom notes, Shields Leather Eagle Action Team Jacket, Tony Stark's Mustache Comb, Jubilee's Hot Pink Sun Glasses, Nova Core outfit, Gambit's spare 52 Deck sexy lady playing cards, Inhuman Black Bolts Combat Costume, Peter 'Star Lord' Quill Sony TPS-L2 Walkman Headset (+Loaded Cassette Tape Mixtape), Steve Roger's Brown Bomber Leather Jacket, Dr. Henry "Hank" McCoy's Reading Glasses, Copy of the Daily Bugle Newspapers (Headline Titled: 'Spider Menace?'), (Lady Sif's Gift) Lucky Undergarments of Aesir God, Thor Odinson, Red Sheer Lace High Side Teddy Nightwear Lingerie of Natalia 'Natasha' 'Black widow' Romanoff, (Good Drink)Thor Odinson Drinking Mug For Asgardian Ale (Rune Inscribed To Auto-repair When Smashed To The Ground), Etc...}}}

****If you have ideas for 'Miscellaneous' (Trash) Marvel Worlds Reward Items for Markov past Sign Ins to be possibly added to the end of the next chapter, then leave them in the comments.🙂****


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