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92.85% Born By Will  / Chapter 13: ch 13

Chapter 13: ch 13

Bored blue eyes stared into the dense forest that surrounded them.

The owner gave a simple yawn as he side stepped the spiralling ball of chakra held in the palm of a young child flew straight past him, easily lifting his foot to plant in the child's stomach, causing the attacker to fly back as the wind was knocked out of him.

"You know you will have to do a lot better than that if you want to touch me Konohamaru," the taller blond stated as he watched the dark haired child fly away from him, before effortlessly avoiding a pair of assaults from his sides.

"I will admit that you have gotten better but you are still nowhere near my level," the blue eyed blond stated as he watched the trio of children lift themselves off the ground.

"That's not fair! You can't compare us to you! We don't have the power of several thousand people and all the bijū!" the short orange haired girl shouted indignantly at the older blond.

"That may be true but you kids are still just genin level, just because I'm considered to be a god by the majority of the shinobi nations doesn't mean I can't identify the level you're at," the black clad blond stated as he stared passively at the trio, "anyway, that's enough for today, I've got an engagement I'm supposed to go to now."

"Oh come on, ten more minutes!" Konohamaru practically begged.

"No. I'm already cutting it fine as it is, but tomorrow I'll take you on a C-rank to make up for this," the vampiric blond told them, earning a look of awe off the young children.

"Really?!" they said with hope filled voices.

"Yes, now I'll see you tomorrow," and with that, the blond vanished in a colony of bats.

It was strange, to think that just three years ago he was a useless idiot and now, thanks to Zabuza's attack, he was now a Jōnin sensei and officially the most feared being in the world.

He was also one of the ones the Hokage asked the opinion of when in doubt… that was why he was aware of the 'new Iwagakure' as it was regularly referred as. It had popped up about half a year ago in the crater that was once Iwa, however there was one thing that concerned him in that new village… the presence of something Seras called a 'church'.

Now if it wasn't for what she had told him about the Vatican and Iscariot unit, he wouldn't have paid it any attention, however discovering that this religion possessed methods of at least restricting a vampires power gave him cause for concern… if this 'new Iwa' possessed the same techniques, he would have to be far more careful than he had ever needed to before.

"So what do you want Tsunade?" Naruto asked as he walked into the Hokages office.

"Actually, I'm the one that asked for you to be called over," came a familiar voice that Naruto hadn't heard for a couple of years.

"And why would that be 'dear godfather'," the blond asked with sarcasm dripping from his voice.

"(sigh) there are two problems, one, New Iwa, I've managed to get a spy to infiltrate the village and the news they brought me wasn't good… apparently they are preparing for an all-out war with you," the white haired man stated seriously.

"Preparing for war with 'me'? Not Konoha?" the young vampire asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, apparently their leader wants to, I quote, 'purge the world of the evil that consumed my love', in other words I think you might have eaten someone close to them," the spy master deadpanned.

"Oh well… then I'll just have to kill them all."

"Yeah, about that… my spy also said that they had ways of weakening you and making you killable."

"So what? If that's the case then I'll just crush them quickly instead of drawing out their demise," the black clad blond stated in a bored tone.

"Fine then, the second point I'd like to make is concerning Akatsuki," Jiraiya stated in his serious tone yet again, "we have reason to believe that those towns that keep disappearing all over the continent are caused by one of their members."

"What makes you say that?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Because there was recently a single survivor… they said they saw a man wearing a black cloak with red clouds, they didn't see his face because he wore an orange spiral mask," the sage informed them calmly.

"And what's the problem ero-sennin?" Naruto asked with little concern in his voice.

"This is the kicker… this guy used highly advanced Jikūkan ninjutsu and drank his victims blood," the room was filled with silence.

"So did anything else stand out about this person?" Naruto asked with actual interest in this case.

"(sigh) that is all we know right now, other than that he used exploding clay, human puppets, tendrils and black fire," the old man informed them.

"Well it is definitely a possibility that this person is a vampire, if that is the case then he will be far beyond your capabilities to defeat, so leave him either to me or Seras," Naruto stated after a few seconds.

"Alright then, is that all Jiraiya?" the Hokage asked, earning a nod of confirmation from the other Sannin, "alright then, everyone is dismissed."

Walking back to his house, Naruto was thinking about what was said in the meeting. It appeared as though he was being targeted by a village that specialised in anti-vampire warfare, simply because he ate someone their leader was in love with… then again a good fight every now and then definitely made him feel better, so why look a gift horse in the mouth.

Suddenly he felt a pair of fangs digging into his neck, though he didn't do anything about it.

"Hello Anko-chan, may I ask why you're wasting your time trying to drink my blood?" he asked calmly as he continued to walk home.

"Oh come on… why do you keep those mental blocks in your blood?" she asked him with a pout.

"Because you never know when another vampire will take a bite out of you and I don't want to be forced to destroy the continent to beat someone that's equal to me.


"How am I mean? I was the one that turned you don't forget," the blond stated questioningly.

"Yeah, yeah, but you don't let me absorb your memories," she answered.

"That is because the world only needs one monster of my level," he told her calmly.

"But wouldn't it be fun to fight someone equal to you for once?"

"If I was to fight someone equal to me then this entire continent would be destroyed… despite how fun that might sound it would make things more boring in the long run," the blond Uzumaki stated casually.

"So? Things will get boring anyway so why not have as much fun now as possible?"

"Because it will be more fun if I leave it as late as possible."

"So you're saying that it is like revenge?"

"A dish best served cold," the blond answered with a small smirk.

"Hinata-sama, one of our spies in Konoha has sent us a report, apparently the new genin team 3 have been promised a C-rank mission tomorrow," came a calm voice from within a massive hall with rows of benches with a single shelve on the back holding a several copies of a single book for the row behind, while in front of them all was a small alter with a small balcony behind it(1).

"That is the team led by that monster isn't it?" a young girl with long purple hair and lavender eyes asked from her seat on the balcony.

"That is correct Hinata-sama," came the crisp monotone from the person that brought the information. He was about thirty years old and possessed long red hair and ripple like eyes. He was dressed in a long white robe with gold buttons holding it together, while a single black band with red clouds decorating it wrapped around his left arm.

"Then prepare one of the bishops and do what you must, Nagato-sensei."

"Hai Hinata-sama."

Hidan was pissed. As soon as Madara discovered just how powerful he could get, what did he do? Slaughtered everyone except Zetsu, though he didn't know why.

The only reason he had survived was because he was immortal… not that it did him any good considering that he was currently stuck as nothing more than a head in a vault, Madara having long since cremated his body.

The only reason his head hadn't been cremated as well was because Jashin had somehow managed to protect him from total annihilation, apparently there was still something that god wanted him to do despite being nothing more than a head… and if Jashin had a job for him then he would do it no matter what the cost, or his name wasn't Hidan.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"

"No and if you don't shut up I'll shoot you," Naruto said in irritation as his genin team kept acting like little brats and asking the same question over and over again.

"Hey, uh, Naruto-nii? Who was that woman that I saw going into your house a couple of days ago?" Konohamaru asked after a couple of minutes of silence.

"The Godaime Mizukage, Terumi Mei, let's just say that we're 'friends with benefits'," the blond told them as they continued to walk along the road towards their destination.

"Pfft, womaniser," came the pouted response from the young Sarutobi.

"Shinra Tensei."

Suddenly the three genin were thrown back with massive amounts of force before four kunai and seven people appeared out of nowhere. As soon as the seven aggressors landed, a massive barrier erected itself around Naruto and the seven attackers.

Looking at the aggressors Naruto couldn't help but notice the white robes and crosses that decorated six of them. Those six all had several features in common, orange hair, metal piercings and ripple like eyes Naruto recognised as the Rinnegan. The last one however possessed slicked back black hair, amber eyes, a grey trench coat, black trousers with steel toe capped boots and a white shirt and a strange gauntlet with several glowing inscriptions on it.

"Do not resist heathen, for it will only prolong your suffering," the black haired man stated coldly as his gauntlet was suddenly engulfed with white flames and he disappeared from sight.

Dodging to his left Naruto wasn't surprised when the black haired man flew past him, however he was surprised when he suddenly felt himself getting pulled towards one of the orange haired men, though he managed to use chakra to ground himself and stab the unique one through the heart.

Turning towards the other six Naruto was surprised when he felt a burning hand grab his head. What surprised him most however was that he could feel his power draining under the white flames influence… until he proceeded to shove a Rasengan into the man's stomach.

He didn't get a chance to observe the grey coated man as he was forced to dodge an attack from a massive rhino with the same eyes as the six similar attackers, though it was an easy matter to shatter its head with his incredible strength.

Quickly activating a Byakugan he had obtained courtesy of Danzō's genetic store room, Naruto took advantage of its enhanced visual capabilities, easily noticing his panicking genin outside of the barrier.

Observing the seven enemies, Naruto was surprised to see that the six with the same eyes could only be called puppets while the grey coated man's gauntlet was overflowing with what could only be described as 'holy' chakra, that was probably the reason why he could feel it draining his strength when it touched him.

To make matters worse, each possessed a large number of knives with the same inscriptions as the gauntlet, meaning that the blond would have to be careful about getting hit by too many of them.

"I take it you two are assassins of 'New Iwa'," the vampiric Jōnin stated.

"That is correct, though I must admit that I'm surprised that you know that we are only two people," the amber eyed man stated calmly as suddenly pulled eight knives out of his coat and launched them at the blond, who effortlessly dodged them before pulling out his gun and blasting a hole in the man's head, only to find a massive pulse of chakra throw him away and into the barrier.

He was surprised at the burning sensation that the barrier gave him upon contact, combined with the feeling of his power draining, he had to admit it was quite troublesome. That didn't stop him from focusing on the black haired man, who he noticed was rapidly regenerating from the bullet to the head despite not being vampiric in nature.

He didn't get chance to remove himself from the barrier as one of the orange haired assassins placed their hand to the ground, resulting in a massive ox appearing out of nowhere and slamming into him and pinning him to the anti-vampiric barrier.

Rapidly feeling his strength leave him, Naruto decided it was time to do something he had never been forced to do before.

"Cromwell Initiative, level five release," came the quiet statement from the blond as the seal on the back of his gloves began to glow.

The assassins were shocked upon witnessing the massive release of power that accompanied the release of the restriction seal, it was great enough to throw the ox to the other side of the barrier and blow a hole where the blond used to be.

"Shinra Tensei!" came the call of one of the puppets as the blond appeared with his hand poised to decapitate the summoner, failing to throw him away as he glued himself to the ground courtesy of his extremely powerful chakra and proceeded to incapacitate the orange haired puppet.

"What's wrong? I only released level five, my current power is only 3% of my true strength," the black clad monster stated calmly as he proceeded to vanish, before reappearing with his fists slammed through another orange haired attacker, easily tearing it in half upon opening his arms.

Just as he had finished destroying the second fake person, a flaming hand smashed into his face, the impact feeling greater than normal due to his regenerative powers being temporarily subdued. Naruto was quickly caught up in a fierce flurry of 'holy strikes' each one weakening him a little more each time.

Growing annoyed with the constant attacks, the blond did what came naturally… pulled out his gun and blasted the 'holy knight' where it don't grow back.

"AAAAHHHH!" came the agonising cry from the grey coated stranger as he fell to the ground clutching where his 'trouser snake' once was.

Quickly forming a flaming Rasengan in his hand, Naruto didn't have time to strike as one of the ripple eyed aggressors appeared out of nowhere and proceeded to absorb the flaming ball of death before attempting to decapitate the blond with one of the 'blessed bayonets'.

The offending machination didn't know what happened when it suddenly discovered a diamond hard hand cutting through it like butter while its precision strike missed the blond completely.

Suddenly the blond noticed one of the moving corpses standing above another, before to the blonds surprise, a phantasmal entity was summoned and one of the immobilised assassins was, for lack of a better word, resurrected.

Naruto proceeded to strike down a strange bird like summon that the resurrected entity called upon, before he was once again stuck by the white flames of the grey coated man, this time from his blind spot.

Suddenly he found himself impaled by several of the 'holy blades' before the amber eyed man proceeded to backhand his face and once again knock him into the barrier, where he was once again pinned, this time courtesy of a sharp horn that took pride of place on the nose of a giant chameleon that appeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto was definitely surprised, he had NEVER faced such fearsome foes before, each one specialised in something and each knew how to back up the other… all in all it was proving to be exciting.

"HeheheheheHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FINALLY SOMEONE THAT CAN PUT UP SOME RESISTENCE!" came what could only be called a deranged cry from the red eyed blond as he proceeded to disperse into a colony of bats before reforming in the centre of the box.

"Yōton: Yōgan Hara!" came the call from the maliciously smirking blond before he slammed his hands to the ground, causing the ground within the barrier to suddenly melt, though the seven assassins succeeded in using their chakra to walk on the red hot rock, the chameleon wasn't as lucky though.

"Fūton: Kaze Kaiten!" and with that call, the once stationary magma was lifted into the air as it circled around, before suddenly being thrown in every direction.

Looking at the area his victims were located, Naruto wasn't surprised to see them completely unharmed by the attack, courtesy of one of the orange haired bodies standing at the front of the group with its hand outstretched… before it didn't have one.

"HAHAHA! COME ON! FIGHT HARDER! FIGHT STRONGER! FIGHT FASTER!" came the psychotic call of the vampiric blond as he floated in the centre of their container with an arm visible within his hand.

Once again the summoner of the group called forth aid, this time in the form of a giant crustacean that immediately began to spit out vast amounts of water, hardening the once liquid rock, before it found itself getting shredded by a giant ball of spiralling chakra, sending countless pieces of its shell flying in every direction, with several pieces succeeding in taking down two of the puppet assassins.

"Dammit, what happened? We were winning just a minute ago," the black haired man asked his partner.

"Obviously that brought out the monsters bloodlust and it is no longer toying with us like before," the one armed assassin stated as they watched the vampiric Jōnin tear another body to shreds.

"If this carry's on then it'll kill both of us."

"No, it will only kill you."

"What did you just say?!" the amber eyed man asked in shock.

"You were chosen for this mission due to the simple fact that you are the weakest of the Bishops and losing you won't cause much damage to our fighting force, I came to assist you and observe Alucards abilities, this outcome was expected," came the emotionless reply from the ripple eyed man causing the grey coated warrior to look at him seriously.

"If I die here then just make sure that my sacrifice isn't in vain… destroy this monster and bring peace to this world."

"Don't worry, we will destroy it, then leader-sama can spread the word of the bible around… then hopefully peace can reign."

Looking back at the immeasurably powerful being trapped in the same area, the amber eyed man pulled out several blades, before charging in headfirst.

"YES! THAT'S IT, FIGHT!" Naruto shouted as he was slashed by his opponents 'blessed blades' before striking back with a backhanded blow to the head.

Vanishing in the blink of an eye, the near immortal reappeared in front of the repelling enemy, swiftly crushing its head with his overwhelming strength before once again vanishing.

Upon reappearing he found a pair of blades erupting from his chest, which he simply snapped in half despite the burning inscriptions, before using the anti-vampire weapons to bifurcate another orange haired assassin.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" the psychotic blond laughed out before creating a spiralling ball of wind in one hand and slamming it into the regenerating dark haired man.

The orange haired aggressors could do nothing as they attempted to shield themselves from the massively destructive attack as it proceeded to kill every last cell in the gauntlet using fighters body… that is until they found themselves getting thrown into the centre of the destruction courtesy of the blond Jōnin.

Once the attack had finished and the corpses had fallen to the ground, Naruto wasn't surprised to see the barrier simply shatter, allowing him access to his stunned genin.

"Well then, should we continue with the mission?" he asked them calmly as the Cromwell reactivated it's restrictions on him.

"So the Jinchūriki truly is too powerful," came a simple statement.

"It would appear so Zetsu… that is why I will get that power and use it to achieve my goals," came the call of a familiar masked man, "however I'm also concerned about Nagato's presence here and his usage of holy weapons… even after devouring more than a thousand people, there is still no guarantee that those weapons won't kill me."

"Yeah, but you have to remember that restriction seal the Jūbi's container has. Yeah, if he releases that then we can kiss our assess goodbye," the bi-tonal plant-man stated.

"Do you honestly think I forgot about that? During that fight he admitted that he was only using 3% of his overall power, I am currently nowhere near his level yet," Madara admitted with venom in his voice.

The last member of Akatsuki realised something strange when he noticed the blond make an angry face after absorbing some of the 'paladins' blood. After doing so, the vampiric blond left with his students, prompting the Uchiha to warp down to the corpses.

"Hm… I wonder what made him so angry," the spiral masked man muttered before proceeding to absorb some of the large amount of blood the blond left, "AARRGGHHH!" was his agonised cry as he felt the holy power that coursed through the holy knight flow through him, damaging his unholy body with it's purity and blessed nature.

"Madara-sama/Madara-sama!" came the concerned cry of the plant as its master fell to the ground in agony.

"Dammit! That's what got Uzumaki so angry, this assholes blood overflows with holy power, I can't handle it!" the older vampire stated in agony.

"What can we do?" the plant like person asked.

"There is nothing, all I can do is wait for it to wear out completely… dammit to think that even if I was to drink Nagato's blood it could do this to me and still give me nothing… this just keeps getter better and better," the masked man stated sarcastically.

"Well at least you're still alive," the black half stated jokingly.

"Am I? That's the real question… can something that doesn't die really be alive?"

"So how powerful was it Nagato?" Konan asked as she looked at her childhood friend.

"At just 3% of his total power, he completely decimated the six spares and Melchiah," the red headed Rinnegan wielder stated as he rose from his meditative position.

"So it is even stronger than anticipated."

"Even if it is, we will find a way to defeat it," the ripple eyed man stated seriously as they proceeded to leave the area.

"Naruto-sensei… why did you look so angry when you drank that assassin's blood?" Moegi asked suddenly as the team walked towards their destination.

"It's simple… he had holy power flowing through his veins, so it hurt a little and until my corruption has dealt with the purity then I won't be capable of gaining any use of that soul… and even when I've finished absorbing it everything it experienced after becoming holy will be inaccessible to me," the vampiric Jōnin stated calmly, earning looks of realisation from the genin.

"So is this holy power really strong?" Udon asked curiously.

"Heh, if I was a lesser vampire then I would be in agony and would never gain anything from the blood, however I am as close to a god as can be, something as simple as holy chakra cannot defeat me," the blue eyed sensei stated with a smirk.

"Yeah! So you're still the most awesome!" Konohamaru cried out happily.

"Of course I am, what else did you expect?"

(1) just think of a regular church

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