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2.32% Half bloods / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: the dream then a fight

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: the dream then a fight

darkness I was floating in the darkness I didn't know how long it was but all of a sudden something grabbed me and pulled me away from the darkness I didn't want to go but I had no choice I blinked and I was standing in a huge thrown room I looked around the architecture was Greek the whole room was made from white marble I was standing in the middle of this thrown hall but instead of one thrown there was 13 all of them was different and they was placed like a U in front of me the thrown was made from the same white marble next to it on the right side was one made from cloud next to it was a thrown that looked like it was made from see plants and corals on the white throws left was a thrown made from obsidian next to it was a thrown made from plants all of the seats had someone in them but the man on the white thrown looked like the leader he was dark-skinned with a white beard and long hair that was braided he had on white and gold robes his eyes were yellow light lightning beside him in a chair holster was a lightning bolt it sparked with power as for the girl next to him she was beautiful long Brown hair smooth white skin she had on a glue white dress but her eyes were blue like the sky but right know she had a fake smile spread a crossed her face the man next to her was very interesting he had on blue jeans and a black shirt that read hardcore fisher for life over this shirt was a fishing vest he was very tain like he was always in the sun he had long black hair that was pulled into a ponytail and his black beard had sea shells in them round his eyes and cheeks had wrinkles like he smiled a lot his eyes were blue like the sea they held a wonder in it's shine next to him in a fishing rod holder was a three-head Trident we go to the thrown made from obsidian in it was the man I saw in my other dream he had the same robe on and looked the same but he looked tired resting against the back of his throne was a two-head bident the blades and the rest of the weapon was made from black obsidian but running threw the hole thing were vains of red it looked like the weapon had vains of lava in it the rest of the gods were there I stud there dumbfounded the man who I think is Zeus didn't look at me but next to me standing was that girl from my dream that was talking to hades she was strate backed and there were no emotions on her face Zeus started to talk his voice was like thunder you're telling me you and hades had a kid together and you didn't tell anyone explain your self the woman next to me didn't get angry or anything and in a cold calm voice she started to take who said we didn't tell anyone I told my father who then told Odin he was happy maybe a little angry at first but when he sent his ravens to see the boy and when he seen the boys chcharacter he was happy to welcome him into our bloodline cuz unlike you, Greek gods, us Norse gods we may fight with each other a lot but we are family that's something our kids understand us Norse to look after our own as for Hades he told his wife and a few other gods we just didn't tell you Silence Zeus bellowed out you will not in salt me in my own home you undead but before Zeus could finish the man in the fishing stuff who I think is Poseidon cut Zeus off saying calm your self brother this is y we didn't tell you cuz you can't control that temper of your Zeus glared at Poseidon saying you know about this Poseidon y didn't you tell me Poseidon shrugged saying yes Hades came and told me after he told his wife as for y I didn't tell you it's simple we knew you would not let the boy live or you would throw a fit like you are doing know Zeus glared at him his face getting redder and redder the girl next to him put a hand on his arm saying calm down dear you will pot a vain if you don't Zeus nodded saying your right Hera and he started to take several deep breathes the girl Hera nodded and looked to Poseidon her eyes getting sharp who else knew about this step forward Hades and Poseidon of cores did but three others did as well two of them was female and one was male one of the females I knew was Demeter cuz she got off a throne made from sweet she had on a green long dress her eyes were green like grass her skin was dark like she was in the sun a lot her hair was red and long plus braided with plants she had wrinkles on her cheeks from smiling the girl next to her I think was Athena due to the owl sitting on top of her marble throne she had on white robes over these robes was a bronze breastplate and on arm she had on beaver that had a flying owl on them her eyes were cray and shined with wisdom but they were sharp like she could look through anyone her hair dark brown hair was cut a bit short and bullet back into a tight bun as for the third person he was wearing a nice looking tux his hair was gold and cut shirt his eyes where light blue and on his feet were a pair of shoes that had wings on the back of them if I had to guess he was Hermes Hera was surprised that there were this many Poseidon looked over to one man who was sitting on a throne made from skulls he was wearing a camo military uniform and over his eyes was a pair of black shades his hair was buzzed but he had a black beard but in the man's ears was headphones Poseidon side yelling out Ares wake up the man reached up and took out one earpiece saying did you call my name Poseidon side saying yes Hera wants to know who all knew about the boy O Ares simple said shrugging and he put back his earpiece back in saying don't care Poseidon side sadly Hera razed an eyebrow saying so all of you knew and didn't tell us and y are you saying anything know Athena stepped forward saying it's that's easy to answer it's no secret that all three of the brothers have kids in the world but as you remember we had a rule about the big three from having kids and it has only been just recently we got rid of that rule plus Zeus has always had something against Hades kids as for y we are telling you know it's simple the boy is 15 and his powers are growing at a rapid pace it's surprising that the boy's powers just started to develop being how strong Hades and helm are Hera nodded Zeus was shaking with anger but didn't say anything Hera pat his arm saying he is a abomination Hades should never have kids let alone her she looked to helm with discussed written all over her face Athena rolled her eyes but didn't say anything Poseidon spoke the boys is about to camp Zeus jumped out of his throne yelling you dare do this under my nose that's it he's dead I woke up shaking I had a bad feeling I looked out the window it was raining Red looked back to me saying well you're up I was about but before he could finish I yelled swerve Drake did as I said he jerked the well to the left and hitting the road next to us was a lightning bolt it cracked the road I grabbed Sharky so she didn't slam into the window as I held on for dear life Red baaa out holding onto the handle above him Drake spun the well back so we was going straight again Sharky wake up from the jerk she held my arm tightly she looked back yelling was that a fucking lightning bolt Red looked back to us nodding like crazy fear in his eyes yea the only time when I have seen something like that is when Zeus's kids us there lightning powers I side sitting back down letting Sharky go I ran my hand through my hair stressfully Red and Sharky looked at me worldly Hunter what is it Red asked I looked up to them both sying that lightning bolt was for me I think all three of them was shocked how could you possibly know that Sharky said sitting next to me I side again hesitating to say it but what the fuck y not they should know I said in my head I looked up to them and in a shaking voice started to tell them the dream I just had and how I think Hades and Helm was my parent's silence fell soon after I got done talking all three of them had shocked looks on there face and didn't know what to say after a few minutes of silence Red finally spoke up saying if this is true its no wonder a Vampir and two cyclops was at that shelter your half-blood sent can't be hidden by the normal people know cuz your powers are growing and you can see the monsters throw the vail easier than most half blood I side running my hand through my hair again stressfully Sharky put a hand on my shoulder saying I sort of understanding your stress right know since I am also a child of the big three are powers attract powerful monsters to us we are always in danger outside the camp that y most of us stay at camp all year round just know Hunter you ant alone you will always find someone to help you at camp and I think I can speak for all three of us just ask we will help you, right boys, Red nodded fast saying yea she is right Hunter you are still my mate don't forget that I might not have told you I was half goat but we still had some good days right Drake looked up to me in the meer and he simple nodded thank you all I said my shaking stopped and I took a deep breath the stress I was feeling fading away I opened my eyes resolve and determination in them Drake nodded and he looked back to the road we were driving by some small hills and farmland in front of us was a huge farm that had huge trees going around it blocking what was passes them at the biggest tree though there was move meant Drake gralled we all looked forward and seen the trees and what was happening at the biggest tree there were 15 people in bronze armor and holding different weapons they were fighting against what looked like 5 huge mantises Red said Ankheg but Y are they attacking now Sharky leaned forward so she was almost in the front seat I don't care y they are attacking but they are and the humans and doing too hot I leaned forward two and I saw a body fall out of a free when we got closer I seen archers in the trees but they were being attacked by huge hornets Drake ram the closed Ankheg after that Hunter and Red make a run for it we will try and cover you go get more help from the camp Sharky said I shook my head saying I ant running Sharky glared at me her usually joyful look was nowhere to be seen she was looked series her eyes were cold Hunter that was not a request that us a order Red make shore he follows I opened my mouth to say something but Shaky yelled hold on and Drake slammed the gas the van picking up in speed the people in armor seem the van coming and they moved out of the way but one of the Ankhed wasn't so fortunate the van slammed into it throwing it back into a tree Drake slammed the brake we drifted into a tree but we stopped Sharky pulled the door open running out her Falcion already in her hand Drake put the car in park and he got out he charged to the Ankhed that we just hit he took something out of his pocket whatever it was he put one in each hand and appearing over his hands was a set of red gauntlets they looked like dragon clause I hoped out of the van and I was about to do something but Red said no you don't and grabbed my arm and lead me away saying Sharky gave us a order so follow them we ran to a tree but from the tree a person feel down he was holding one of the hornets in his hands he was struggling to hold it back but the stinger hit him in the arm I throw off Reds arm yelling to him go get the help I stay and help Red tried to stop me but I was already gone he side running to get the help I ran up to the person who was holding the hornet I picked up a stick and swing it like a bat smacking the hornet way the person looked up to me and I got a clear look at him he was dirty blonde he had on leather armor on the armor had a sun on it he was probably a son of Apollo his arm was turning green from the poison he had a bow next two him and a quiver of arrows on his back quick as lightning I picked up the bow and took an arrow out of his quiver I turned around pulling back the arrow to see the hornet I smack away charging at me stinger out I seen some poison drop off it I realest the arrow which sank into the hornet's head it turned to ash as soon as the arrow hit it the man was surprised seeing my accuracy he took off his quiver and throw it to me I cot it and put it on my back I will cover you as you leave I said he nodded and ran off into the camp holding his poisoned arm a hornet swooped down to sting him but it turned to ash when my arrow sank into its chest the man was save I ducked hearing a hornets wings behind me it flow over me slamming into a tree it's stinger sinking into the tree I stabbed it with an arrow I didn't even look back to see it ash but I turned around again pulling the arrow back I aimed up seeing another hornet charging strate at someone but this person back was turned I replaced the arrow it sank into the hornet stings the person turned around to see it turn to ash I scanned the trees for more there were only 3 left and 5 archers I turned to the battle on the ground Sharky was taking on two of these Ankheg Drake just ripped the one he was fighting arm off as for the group of 15 they were fighting against three 5 for each two of the groups were doing fine but one group was fighting the biggest one I side saying to myself you are a fool Hunter I reached up to see how many arrows I had 5 this is a stupid idea Hunter but gods it will be fun I didn't realize it at the time but I was grinning with a crazy look in my eyes I charged at the biggest Ankheg pulling a arrow out and ass I was running I shot two arrows at it but they bounce off its armored back it turned to me I shot two more arrows aiming for it's eyes it blocked one with one if it's mandibles but three of the people grabbed the other mandible so it could not move it the arrow sank into its left eye it let out a loud clicking noise it's Sharp jaws snapping I pulled my last arrow out it swung it's right mandible I want to my knees leaning back I slid under it and I stabbed my last arrow into its soft stomach it screamed and turned to ash with me still under it I laid there on my knees leaning back the ran following onto me and the Ash sticking to my skin the arrow fell next to me one of the armored people walked next to me and extended a hand out to me I took it she dragged me up she had on bronze Greek armor and her helmet had a red plume on it she was tain her eyes where blood red and emblazoned on her breastplate was a boar head the sine of Ares on her hands was gauntlets and in her felt hand was a silver shield on her hip was a xiphos or better known as the leaf blade classic Greek armory I thought to my self she was about my age 15 I brushed some of the ash out of my hear saying thanks the girl was about to say something but I heard Sharky yell out Hunter lookout I grabbed this girl's leaf blade and spun around unsheathing it as I did as I was spinning I was swinging the blade lucky I was cuz when I turned around I seen one of the other groups Ankheg swinging both mandibles at me I barely ducked under them it cutting into my back cut as it did I cuts it head off it turned to ash I glaring at it rolling my shoulders feeling the pain of the cuts and this rain waste helping everyone converge around me all the monsters dead I turned back to the girl and held out her blade saying sorry I took it without your permission she took it laughing you are all good she sheathed it I heard many more running footsteps coming from in the trees and running out was a centaur his skin was dark his hair was black he had a bow strung over his back as for his horse underside it's fear was black with gray dots on it on his hip was a long sword his eyes are gold they shined with kindness riding on his back was two people the first was a small mostly man he had long grown hair and beard both had wings in them on his hip was a hammer and around his neck was a necklace at the end it hand a small upside down Mjolnir the small man jumped down as sown as they stopped he pulled the hammer off his hip looking around ready for a fight the second person was a woman she hopped down she had on a pink and white kimono on her hair was long and fiery red it was pulled into a bun and sticking out of these buns was hold spikes her skin was white and smooth her eyes where fox-like gold and black and on her head was black fox ears and coming from her back I saw three black fox tails the tips was white he held a hand fan all there's if they were looking around the centaur stepped forward saying has everything been taken care of Sharky nodded yes Chiron and it would seem our newest members to the camp needs an ass-kicking for not following orders she glared at me I shrugged saying I have never run from a fight y should I start know Sharky glared at me more Drake walked up to me and pat my shoulder like he was telling me good job Chiron stepped forward saying introductions are in order I am Chiron that's Gimli he pointed at the short man who nodded to ms and that's Fox he pointed at the girl who bowed to me slightly and you are he asked I stud up straight saying I am Hunter nekros I nodded to both Chiron and Gimli and I bowed back to Fox just a bit lower she was a bit surprised but didn't say anything Chiron nodded saying ok well thank you, Hunter, for your help you look like you need a shower come let's go bring you to your siblings I hesitated at that but decided to tell him sorry sir but I don't know who may parents are I am an Orphan Chiron was a bit shocked but nodded saying that's fine we can but he stopped for some reason, many people stepped back from me gasping they were looking over my head Sharky smiled saying well that solves that problem look up Hunter I did as she said and over my head two images were fading but I saw what they were one of the rights showed a three-headed dog each head going a different way as for the left one it showed a girl's head one side of getting face was a skull the other was normal the images soon disappeared I smiled looking up the rain dropping onto my face I started to laugh well Sharky you are right that answers that but it also leads me to more questions and probably more problems whatever I will deal with these when they come I looked back down to Chiron saying I assume you don't got a building dedicated to both Hades and Helm right he laughed no child we do not but don't look at it that way look at it like you get to choose between staying in the hades cabon or the Helm cabon I laughed saying yea that's an interesting choice I will have to see them for my self He nodded and turned to Gimli saying do you want to lead him to the big house to get cleaned up and to get medical attention she shrugged and in a gruff voice said I don't care mate up to you Chiron nodding saying take him I got to talk with Drake and Sharky Gimli nodded saying come on lad let us go I nodded following him passed the trees when I got past the tree line I was shocked first of all it was only sprinkling on like outside but also this place was huge and open and in both the east north and west was cabins all different make but all had people not as many as I thought it would have but still, an ok number in the middle of this place was a white big house around it was farmland and to the northeast and northwest was huge woods I saw two rivers one was fresh water the other was salt water I tried to close my mouth but it would not listen to ms Gimli laughed saying welcome to your know home kid hope you can live long enough to see it grow I shook my head shouting my mouth finally Gimli y is there so few people here I asked he smiled o you noticed that it's simple its school time so the people who are here are the people who permanently live here but let's start moving I nodded we walked down the path towards the big house I was still looking around trying to find every little detail so I didn't say much after a few minutes we got to the bug house he leads me to one side of the house that had a medical cross over the front door we walked in and I seen many of the archers being treated of their poison Gimli great me to a room where a doctor cleaned out my cuts and they gave me a drink and left y did he give me this I asked looking at the drink Gimli smile widely drink it and find out I did and it tasted like cheesecake after that I practically chugged it my back didn't hurt I touched my back and I felt my cuts I looked back to the drink saying the fuck did you put in my drink Gimli laughed simple magic come I will lead you to the showers we got up and walked passed more people I see the man that I took his bow from I returned it and the quivered the man thanked me ever chance could get but after a bit I walked away Gimli nodded he brought me into the house as and to a bathroom with a show get cleaned up and put these on he gave me a clean set of clothes just a black shirt and sweatpants I simple nodded he told me where to go after I was done and walked out I took my clothes off and in the meer, I looked at my back there were only two white scares from the cuts cool I said to myself I took a shower washing off all the monster ash the hot water also helped me think and to help my body relax I got out and put on the clothes Gimli gave me and I walked out if the bathroom I walked through the pretty big house the walls were painted white on these walls had pictures of old camp members there was even some monster heads on the wall over a picture I opened the front door which leads me out to a porch I look to my right sitting at a table was Sharky, Drake and Red they had their heads down like they just got scolded a crossed from them was Chiron laying on the ground next to him was Gimli and next to him was Fox all of them was silent you all look lively I said taking a seat next to Red all of them jumped Hunter how long have you been there Sharky said I shrugged just got here Red razed an eyebrow how did you just appear here I rolled my eyes saying Red I may have fought off some monsters but that was mostly with a bow one of the shelters had Archery and I was the best shot in the hole place with practice but I am still new to my powers remember so like a normal person I used the door you all just was zoned out Red still looked at me with suspicion but I didn't care so y do you all look so happy I said with sarcasm in my voice Chiron side it's really nothing Hunter just that these three have told us what happened on your trip up here from start to finish I simple nodded they also told us about your dream and how right after that you were almost hit by a lightning bolt Fox said with a little smile ok I would expect nothing less it was a close call there I said nodding Sharky and Red was surprised but Drake nodded at my words Sharky asked slowly so you're not angry with us for talking about your dream I shrugged it doesn't matter to me if you did or didn't but if I was in your place I would have beside even if you didn't I would have so it's whatever Sharky and Red side but Drake looked at them in a way saying I told you so Chiron stud up saying come Hunter let's show you around the camp and to where your two cabin are I simple nodded and got up as for you three go get some proper rest he looked to Sharky, Drake and Red who nodded Gimli and Fox getting up and followed us.

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