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86.2% The Paradox Of The Multi-Verse Book 1 / Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Hermione Pov

Hermione waited on the couch for Ren while Yoshi is up in Ren's room, she gives some thought by what she will do about the marks on her and Ren's shoulders and she wrote it down in her red notebook

Hermione: okay so.. Ren has the spiral Mark but I have a dragon one.. Maybe in that ruin where Minato and Sasuke found me. It maybe has the answer that Ren and I looking for but I'm not sure if Minato will allow us.. *sigh* I wonder-

She heard the door open and she thought it was Ren but it was Naruto and others. They went in the house but didn't notice that Hermione were sitting on the couch

Lena: Naruto it's her choice and we have to respect that

Naruto: but she can't just say that to him! My brother loves her ya know

Hinata: i-i agree

Sasuke: hmm.. I don't think-

They entered and saw Hermione sitting on the couch watching them

Naruto: ummm.. Who's you and what are you doing in my house??

Hermione: oh!

She got up and walk towards them

Hermione: you must be Ren's brother Naruto right? I'm Hermione Granger, your father adopt me

Naruto eyes wide open out of shock

Naruto: h-huhhhhh!!!? Why dad didn't tell me that?!

Lena: nice to meet you Hermione, I'm Lena Hatake. And this is Sasuke Uchiha and next to Naruto is Hinata Hyūga

Sasuke: Hey

Hinata: h-hi

Hermione: it's nice to meet you guys

Naruto: why do you speak like that?

Sasuke slap Naruto heard not too hard.

Naruto: ow! Dude what the hell-

Lena looked at Naruto: Naruto! You can't say something like that to a girl!

Naruto: but-

Hermione: n-no no it's okay, I'm British so that's why I have this ascent

Hinata: ohh well I don't think ever met any British people in the leaf v-village

Hermione: really?

Hinata nods

Hermione: I see.. Wait where's Ren?

Lena: u-um he's gone somewhere to come back..

Hermione: oh.. Okay

Hermione thoughts: I wonder if he's with his ex..

Naruto: Wait my dad adopt you right?

Hermione nods

Hermione: yes he did, why?

Naruto: where are you staying?

Hermione um.. I don't know as yet.. Your father said he will talk about it with the three of us

Naruto: Damn right! Because he has some good explanations for leaving and bring a girl here no offense Hermione

Hermione smiles: none taken Naruto

Ren Pov

Ren: m-mom..?

Kushina: R-Ren? What are you doing here?

Ren looked confused at his mother

Ren: w-what do you mean..? i-i saw you-

She walked to him and hugs him tight

Kushina: shh I know.. I know.. You are in shock so I'll explain it to you in a second..

Ren doesn't hug back. He started to think of he's seeing a ghost or if his mind playing tricks on him. She stop hugging him and she face at her daughter

Kushina: Naruko. Sweetie, can you go to your room and when I'm done talking to.. Ren I will meet you there soon

Naruko: okay mommy!

She run upstairs and Kushina looks at Ren worried

Kushina: please son have a seat..

Ren was so shock that he can't move, Kushina gentle grab Ren's shoulders and make him sit down on the couch with her

Ren: t-this must be a dream..

Kushina: oh Ren.. This is not a dream *caress his cheek* trust me

When he felt his mother caress his cheek he knew his mother is was real, Ren start to tear up and hug his mother and then cry

Ren: i-i saw you die m-mom..! R-right in front of m-me..!

She runs her hand on Ren's back, up and down slowly

Kushina: shh it's okay Ren.. I'm going to explain it to you so I want you to listen to me

They stop hugging and Ren nod

Kushina: okay.. Well after that.. Place exploded.. I was somehow outside.. And I was.. Someone else..

Ren: w-what do you mean?

She sigh and she slowly touch something on the back of her left ear and something that was from the back of her ear form her face. It was the mask that Kushine had and her hair turn blonde. Ren was starstruck as he saw that his mother was Kushine the whole time

Ren: y-you were our sensei?? This whole time..??

Kushina: yes.. I had to blend in as Kushine UnderHeart.

Ren: why? Why didn't you come and talk to us.. About you..?

Kushina: I'm sorry Ren.. I couldn't.. I had to blend in.. the person i.. Was.. She was working in the same place where Afton kidnapped you kids..

Luna: what? Wait I knew she looks familiar! There were two of Kushina!

Ren: w-wait there were two of you?

Kushina: yes.. There were working on a rock that from space.. I think it was connected from you

Ren: from me..? Wait that still didn't answer my question-

Kushina: Rennie.. Danzo was working with them

Ren eyes widen

Ren: Danzo..?

Kushina nods

Kushina: he was there when you kids were trap in the fnaf testing place..

Ren: why would Danzo be there? I-is he-?

Kushina: I don't know.. If he saw me he might use me or my daughter hostage so he can go against Minato.. But I feel like it has already begun..

Luna: sounds like he wants power.. More power in fact..

Ren: i-i had to go back home and tell dad about th-

Kushina: Ren you can't tell my husband and Naruto not yet

Ren: why? They have to know mom.. Just them

Kushina: when the time is right I will.. But I want you to do something for me

Ren: what is it mom?

Kushina: Danzo will send Roots to received the rock that.. I was exclaiming on I want you to find that rock and keep it in our home only show it to your brother and your father, no one else

Ren: but I don't understand how it is connected to me

Kushina: Ren I saw you fight Madara I also saw that man help you out.

Ren: y-you saw??

Kushina: yes that's why I want you to get it.. I have a feeling your chakra is from that. If Danzo get it he will get powerfull

Ren sigh

Ren: okay mom.. Wait.. Mom Naruko is my.. Sister?

She nods

Kushina: yes Ren I found out I was one month pregnant with your father child.. I was going to tell him but.. That happened.. Now go home,

Ren got up and hug Kushina

Ren: I miss you mom.. We all do

Kushina hug her back

Kushina: I miss you too and my boys

They got up and Ren walk out Kushina cabin

Kushina Pov

Kushina walked to her room and sit on her bed, she sigh and she got up and walked to her mirror and press the middle of it it start to show the living room of Minato house, she saw team 7 sitting on the couch talking to a girl that Kushina doesn't know who she was

Kushina: who's that girl..? where is Sakura?

Naruko: mommy?

Kushina looked behind and saw Naruko looking at her and Kushina walked to her and kneel to her level

Kushina: what's wrong sweetie?

Naruko: who was that boy..? He have the lines as me

Kushina: well.. He's someone that you will get to meet soon enough ok?

Naruko nod and Kushina embraced her by hugging Naruko

Kushina thoughts: don't worry my pumpkin.. Soon you will meet your brothers and your dad..

Minato Pov

Minato is at the Hokage office talking with Fugaku about what happened

Minato: Fugaku, my son is wounded from Madara he's in bed rest

Fugaku: I know and I will give him time to heal, I also want to know how your son has the Sharingan?

Minato: I don't know

Fugaku: my clan heard your son has it, it is rare that an Uzumaki can have the Sharingan and defeat Madara.. They want to meet him

Minato sit on his chair

Minato: maybe when my son healed up and if he wants to-

Danzo enter in Minato office

Danzo: Lord Forth, I heard your son defeat Madara may I speak to him?

Minato and Fugaku share a glance because they know that Danzo doesn't really ask for Ren, they looked back at Danzo and Minato answer Danzo

Minato: he's fine.. He's at home resting, also he didn't defeat Madara, someone did or when Hiruzen killed Orochimaru it affect Madara

Danzo: that is not what one of abbu said, they saw what happened Lord Forth

Fugaku: why do you really want to meet Minato son Danzo. like he Lord Forth said, Hiruzen killed Orochimaru and it affect Madara

Danzo looked at Fugaku

Danzo: I wasn't talking to you Uchiha! Maybe it was your clan who summon him to destroyed the leaf village because Minato wasn't here

Fugaku: do not bring my clan into this Danzo! My clan hates Madara for what he did years ago! And I would never betrayed my honor for Lord Forth. My own best friend!

Danzo: maybe you just using that to get close to him-!

Minato: Danzo!

Danzo looked at Minato

Minato: Fugaku is trustworthy, he and his clan has nothing to do to what happened yesterday and what happened 14 years ago so drop it!

Danzo has an annoying look on his face

Danzo: tsk! Fine.. As you wish..

Danzo turn away from Minato and Fugaku but mumble something without letting home hear him

Danzo: Minato..

Danzo exits Minato office

Fugaku: I swear I will put him to jail

Minato: same here but you can't, some people wish him to be the next Hokage.. I want one of my son's to be the Hokage

Fugaku: why one of your son's?

Minato explains

Minato: Because one of them will bring balance this village.. Maybe all villages all over the world..

Fugaku: I hope that will happen, and at least there won't be any forth war happening

Minato thoughts: it might.. Maybe soon enough..

Ren Pov

Ren walked at the middle of the side walk heading home while talking to Luna in his mind

Ren thoughts: it doesn't make sense my mom is alive and you told me she's dead

Luna: i did say she's dead, some how that woman and Kushina fusion wth each other when you cause the outpost to explode

Ren thoughts: outpost?

Luna: i-it's nothing..

Ren made it to his house and he open the door and enter, he saw his team sitting on the couch with Hermione. She got up and run towards him and she embrace him by hugging him tight

Hermione: you took so long I was worried about you

Ren felt his face burn red and he hug her back

Ren: s-sorry I went somewhere to clear my head

They stop hugging and Naruto and others stay quiet while watching Ren and Hermione

Hermione: it's okay.. Your friends told me everything

Ren: did they really?

Hermione: yeah they did

Naruto: it was Sasuke and Lena told her not me and Hinata!

Sasuke: you also told her about the incident 7 years ago Naruto at the lab

Lena: I wasn't there, I was in bed rest at that time..

Hinata: h-he's right Naruto

Naruto: yea yea sure but brother come here for a second

Ren goes to Naruto and sit on the empty couch that is two feet from Hinata and Lena sitting at the left couch. Naruto was sitting next to Sasuke at the right couch and Ren and Hermione sit at the middle couch

Ren: what is it brother?

Naruto: can you explain that shadowy form you used? Other teams and you guys saw but I didn't

Ren: shadowy form?

Hinata: yes

Ren: I have no idea.. There are a lot that I don't know

Hermione: Wait you guys have powers right? What they called?

Lena: it's called chakra it's our life force, we used that to perform Justus

Hermione: okay, then maybe from that chakra Ren maybe have a special kind of chakra

Naruto: a special kind of chakra?

Sasuke: that explain why Ren have the Sharingan even tho he's not a Uchiha. Ren let's see it

Ren: see what?

Sasuke: your Sharingan, if what Hermione said it's true you maybe have a different kind

Ren: um.. I don't know how to activate it

Sasuke: try to focus and flow your chakra into your left eye

Ren was about to speak until they heard the door knock

Ren: excuse me

Ren gets up and head to the door and he open it. He saw a girl who looks like a 10 year old, she has on a blue jacket and a pink skirt, her eyes are blue and she has the same horizontal lines on her cheeks

??: U-um hi, is grandfather home?

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