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75.86% The Paradox Of The Multi-Verse Book 1 / Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Ren Pov

Ever since Luna told Ren about what happened to his mother and he has many bloodlines within him. He felt an overwhelming sadness and rage which is consuming him. Ren keep hearing different voices everywhere in his unconscious mind. He heard his teammates fighting other people could be the other teams he wasn't sure after a couple of minutes he heard hinata saying something to him but because he was in and out of consciousness he only heard her said 'I have- help others I'll be- back-" after that it's was slience until he heard a scream which sounds familiar to him it was one of his teammates, knowing his teammates are in trouble He know He had to wake up so He did, He willed himself by summoning all the emotions that is consuming him all his rage, hate, disgust, love.

He couldn't see what's going on but all he felt is his body getting up and ran towards something then he felt his hand push through something soft yet mushy and he held unto something beating in his hand when he open this left eye he saw his hand is through a girl's chest, the look on her face was gruesome her eyes wide open staring into nowhere with blood ozzing from the corner of her mouth, she tries to breathe but her body denied it as it began to tremble in pain, she coughed out blood and pain shot throughout her entire body. But Ren in his current state didn't care and with a tug he pulled out her heart out.

She falls to the ground with her lifeless eyes opened the whole in her chest made a pool of blood around her.

Ren looked around and saw everyone looking at him with terror he looked at her still heart red blood dripping from it down his hand into the ground, he throw it next to her and flicker his hands to get ride of the blood which was dropping from his hands. He look back at everyone and saw Team 8, team guy, team 10 and his team on the ground weaken he also saw Sakura next to some dude wearing tight green clothing, he also notice that her hair is now shorter than before But the only team which is still standing was the sound village. Ren has already killed one of their teammates, when they saw him looking at them they both looked at Ren with rage but their bodies were trembling in fear

Sound village boy 1: what have you done!!

Ren laughed with a cold voice: what have I done..? Look at what you two have done!! You actually think you two can get away?! Harming my friends and other teams for what?!

Sakura slowly gets up Lee held into her arm but she shakes him off, she limps towards Ren's side he quickly held her arm to keep her from falling. They looked at each other and She realized something is off about his left eye.. His Sharingan has changed colour it's now black and the two tome is white which made a shiver run down her spine. He looked back at the two sound village members

Ren: I'll make sure that you two won't be hurting anyone anymore!

Sound village boy 2: Your threats are weak! You can't defeat us!-

Suddenly someone bust through sound village boy 1 and 2 chests and pull out their hearts out. They fall to the ground and the rest of other teams gasped in shock and fear as they saw who did it

Ren saw who it was which made him enranged: Madara Uchiha..!

Madara squeeze their hearts and throw it to the ground and looked at Ren

Madara: I'm surprised you know my name Ren knight..

He notice something on Ren's left neck

Madara: hm.. it seems like Orochimaru has give you the curse Mark huh.. No matter what you do you'll either die or become Orochimaru's slave

Ren gently pushes Sakura behind him then turn to face madara: tsk..! I won't die.. I won't be anyone's slave.. I will kill you for what you did!!

Madara: it's ashamed I'm like this.. state not too powerful But it will do and since I'm reanimated, I'm going to kill everyone and have no reprocussion on my side!

Ren places his hand to the sky and summon his blue Rasengan and his body were engulfed in black flames and his left eye turn into a red glowing Sharingan. He didn't say anything but instead Ren yelled in rage and charge towards madara with the rasengan but Madara managed to dodge the Rasengan by jumping He then grabbed Ren's head and threw him deeper into the woods. Madara looked at the weaklinks seeing the helpless look on their faces bright great pleasure to him he huffed and charge at Ren and Ren was him coming and kick him in the stomach and Madara flew back a little bit

Madara: A single kick?! That tickled me! I thought you can do better than that, Fire Style: Great fire annihilation!!

Madara spit a sea of fire just like Ren did to Orochimaru, somehow someone grab Ren and move him away from the fire, once it cleared Madara saw who was holding Ren by the arm and it was Sasuke but he form is bigger

Ren looked at adult Sasuke in shock

Adult Sasuke looked at Ren confused as he saw his left eye has a different colour of Sharingan it was glowing and his body covered in black flames that isn't burning adult Sasuke hand. He let Ren arm go and looked at Madara

Adult Sasuke: You may not know me Madara but I know you

Madara: funny, you look like my brother back in the day.. And I can see that you have possessed the Rinnegan, so do i

Madara eyes transform from Sharingan into the purple Rinnegan

Adult Sasuke looked at Ren: kid you need to leave now!

Ren: no! I must kill him for what he did.. For making me an Uchiha!

Adult Sasuke looked dumbfounded at Ren then looked at Madara

Adult Sasuke: fine.. But this is a fight you never experienced before.. Follow my lead

Ren: I'll managed..

Madara laugh wickedly

Madara: Two Uchiha's uniting together to fight me? I'm going to enjoy this very much.

Madara summon five fire tornados towards Ren and adult Sasuke. Adult Sasuke move lighting fast doduging the tornados and head straight for Madara, Ren jump up on the trees and watch as adult Sasuke and Madara fight with great force. Madara saw Ren not joining the fun and summon a wood Dragon that went right towards Ren

Ren: Rasengan!!

Ren summon his Rasengan and attack the wood Dragon and it destroyed it, adult Sasuke stab Madara with his sword in the chest but Madara summon-

Madara: Almighty Push!!

Adult Sasuke and Ren gets pushed far away from Madara and that force destroyed the trees, grass and ground around the area. Adult Sasuke and Ren falls to the ground and Ren dislocated his right shoulder and his eye patch from the right eye removed. They looked around and saw its a open field, nothing on sight except a big dark blue susanoo from far away

Ren: shit.. My right arm is dislocated..!

Adult Sasuke: tsk..! Kid, You need to get to your friends! I'll handle Madara

Ren: I told you Sasuke! I'm not going anywhere until I kill Madara!

Adult Sasuke thoughts: he's stubborn like Naruto..! But this can get him killed

Adult Sasuke and Ren stood up

Adult Sasuke: I had to transformed into my susanoo to fight him again..

Ren thoughts: I wonder if I have a susanoo

Luna: you have but you haven't unlock it yet

Ren thoughts: fair point.. Wait if this Sasuke is an adult then does that mean he's maybe from the future which means-

Luna: he knows everything and how to defeat him

Ren: Sasuke! Do you have a Jutsu that is destructive?👀

Adult Sasuke: I have and it's called Kirin

Ren: good we can use-

Madara: Don't bother


Ren and adult Sasuke turn around and saw Madara standing behind them shirtless with a saged face by his left man tit. He kick adult Sasuke by the face with force which pushed him like 10 yards. Ren punch Madara by the face and chest but he didn't even flinch, Ren realize it too late it happened so fast He got punched in the gut, punch on the face and Ren tumbles to the ground unconscious then madara grab Ren's head and lift him up

Madara: No one can't defeat me, not even you Ren... Pathetic

Madara began to use a Jutsu that sucks Ren's chakra out as he does that the black flakes which surrounds Ren's body faded away, all of a sudden white dots from within the dark blue mark on Ren's face start to shine and flows on Ren's right arm to his right eye,At the left of his chest shoulder Ren's spiral birthmark shines also dark blue. Madara looked at Ren unconscious face confused but then he smirked

Madara: interesting..

Suddenly Ren's right hand grab Madara arm that is holding Ren's head and gripped it tightly

Ren with deep cold voice: You are seriously indenial.. Madara Uchiha..

He slowly open his left eye and Madara saw Ren's Sharingan has a spiral mark

Madara thoughts: He skip the Sharingan tome 3?! To a Mangekyou

Ren kick Madara by the face that made him let Ren head go, then Madara was about to punch Ren but Ren put out his right hand forward and Madara freeze in his position he tried to move yet his body didn't follow his instructions and remains still

Ren: I will give you one last chance.. Be at peace.. Or be obliterated by my hands..!

Madara: I wanted peace when I declared the forth war against the shanobi world!! I almost got my pease but that bit*h Ostustuki used my body to revive herself so no! I've decided to destroy this world and every other Ostustukis!!

Ren: So be it..

Ren palm shows a light blue spiral Mark it let out a force which push Madara away. Madara body flung and landed on his feet and he summons a huge fire toward Ren, Ren remain calm put his hand toward it and the fire takes whole of Ren. After that the spiral Mark from his plam absorb the fire into himself and revealed Ren shirtless, with a glowing dark blue spiral on the left chest shoulder.

Ren and Madara stood there staring at each other on a stand off of smiles whole the other has a blank expression then they both rush towards each other and began fighting in hand to hand combat, although Ren and Madara fist kept clashing with each other causing the ground to shake but in terms of tijutsu Madara has the upper hand, Clashing after clashing Madara decided to up the battle and summon his perfect dark blue susanoo, he summons his sword and aimed it towards Ren with it.

Ren knows he is not up to Madara's level but that didn't mean he would give up he thought of something and summon a different kind of Rasengan. The Rasengan is yellow with small pebbles of rocks surrounding it. He leap upward to hit the sword with the Rasengan suddenly the sky turn grey, rain falls and lighting clashes. A huge roaring sound appear and a two blue lighting Dragon with red eyes look right at Ren

Adult Sasuke shouted: Let see this will work. Ren get ready! Be gone with the thunder clap!! Kirin!!

The two Kirin descended and hit Ren's Rasengan and the two energies merged together unstable, the Rasengan grew bigger with the rocks surrounding it. Ren yelled feeling the heavy weight of the Rasengan combined with kirin and his right eye glows

Ren: Madara!!!!!!!!

Madara: Ren!!!!!!!!

Madara sword and Ren yellow kiringan clashes

Ren and Madara: UUUURHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!

Madara susanoo and sword still can't be break through, Ren saw Madara using all of his chakra struggling to keep his susanoo from breaking

Luna: Ren!! Noww!!!!

Ren: Celestial Howlll!!!!

A white spirit wolf with red eyes appeared and howl to the sky and summon dark blue lighting it strick down at Madara susanoo cracking it piece by piece

Madara: what?! Impossible!!!

Madara susanoo sword breaks and Ren's Rasengan hits Madara susanoo after that a bright light shines and Madara susanoo was destroyed completely. Madara weak body falls to the ground and Ren landed in his feet.. Ren exhale and inhale while looking at Madara

Madara: i.. I thought Might Guy was the strongest but here you are Ren.. The one who is still standing

Ren: I told you.. But you choose to defy peace.. *his eyes glow dark blue on the right eye and black flame on the left eye* and you have chosen to fight with a Celestial

Suddenly a black dragon shape with a wolf head come out from the left palm hand and blue from the right palm hand and it grab Madara hands and lift him up. He start to laugh but Ren didn't care, Ren jump up and slam Madara head to the ground along with his body cut in half. Guys and pieces of his body on the ground and Ren left eye turn back to normal.. He turn around and looked at adult Sasuke

Ren: i..I think I sh-

??: He's a monster..


Suddenly Ren spiral birthmark glows red and Ren heard a familiar voice that sounds like Sakura, he looked around and saw she isn't here it was only adult Sasuke and pieces of Madara's body

Lena: how can you say that to the guy you claim to love?! You even kiss him!!

Sakura: i..I thought he was a normal shanobi a normal person.. but.. He...he kill someone.. We don't kill people we just wound them.. Did you see his eyes they were cold, soulless he just killed without blinking

Lena: He has protected all of us! He's even fighting a legendary shanobi Madara Uchiha! For everyone! For you! Don't tell me you fall out of love for him just because he killed that girl who made you cut out your own hair?! Imagine what else she would of do e if he didn't get to her first

Sakura: yes.. I'm..I can't love a cold blooded murder I'm sorry..

Ren felt his heart shatter, tears stream down his cheeks he start to back away slowly and then he felt drozy and fall to the ground unconscious

Adult Sasuke Pov

Adult Sasuke slowly walk to Ren unconscious body and check up on him, he also saw the spiral Mark on his right shoulder

Adult Sasuke: so.. He and her are connected.. But why? And why was he crying..?

Adult Sasuke questions himself but was unable to co.e up with any answers he decided to forget about it for now, he grab Ren and put him over his shoulder and lighting speed out of the field to a medical

Two Hours later in the night

Ren Pov

Ren slowly open his eyes as he feel something wet by his left cheek when he fully open his eyes he saw an adorable looking dino with green skin and white sit on its belly, it's long tongue is on Ren's cheek as it stares at him.

Ren eyes widen: w-what the hell!

He backed away causing him to fall of the bed and falls to the floor then he got up facing the creature he saw it staring at him as if it's observing his reaction it properly realised he was cautious of him so he sat down and lilt it's head looking adorable by doing that Ren realize if it wanted to eat or harm him it could of done so when he was asleep he then ask the question question that popped into his brain

Ren: w-what is your name?

Yoshi: Yoshi!

Ren: Yoshi?

Yoshi nods

Ren: o-oh okay.. What are you doing in my room..?

Yoshi used it's tongue to point at the big wardrobe that is next to the drawer

Ren look at the creature confused: okay.. Is there something is in there?

It nods

Ren: okay..

Ren slowly make his way to the wardrobe his felt as if many pins were piercing his body but that didn't stop his curiosity he slightly open it and peeped inside but all he saw was darkness as he almost open it fully the door of the wardrobe abruptly open up by something in there.

??: Stupefy!

A light hit Ren and make him flew and landed on his bed

Ren: ah what the hell was that?!

As he looked towards the wardrobe and he saw A girl with brushy Brown hair, wearing a pink jacket, blue jeans and shoes and she holding a weird looking stick, looking at him with caution When he saw her his heart skip a beat making him nervous

Ren: um..hey

??: H-hi.. I'm sorry I thought you was going to attack me..

Ren thoughts: what's up with her accent.. She sound attracting..

Ren: w-what? No I was just confused, Yoshi here told me there is something in there so I had to check it out... why are you and him in my room Wait what was that you hit me?

??: Stupefy? It's a stun spell

Ren: a spell? Like magic?

??: S-something like that

Ren: sounds cool-

Ren felt his left arm isn't dislocated anymore

Ren: You actually fix my arm, thank you

The girl thoughts: d-did he just thank m-me?? And why is he s-shirtless!!

Ren sit up on the bed

Ren: what are you two doing in my room?

??: I-i woke up here, your not the only one who is confused here.. That blonde man named Minato told me that this is his son's room.. Which means you?

Ren: u-um yes, huh dad brought you here?

She nods

??: He told me he found me in an ancient Ruin all clean no cuts or burses or anything.. He also said he and Sasuke saw a rift and that's how Yoshi that dino thing was brought here but it was an egg when it was brought here

Yoshi sits on the floor smiling at Ren

Ren: okay.. But you don't remember why you were there? Or how you got there?

??: no.. i.. Don't remember but he also told me that the spiral Mark is somehow connected with the mark I have..

Ren: where is the mark?

??: I'll show it to y-you

She start to unzip her jacket and she slowly walk to him making Ren blush more, he cleared his throat darting his eyes everywhere around the room, she fully unzip her jacket, she has on a orange vest, on her left she has a spiral Mark with a dragon

Ren looks at it: t-that looks like a birthmark like mines but I just have a spiral birthmark

She zip back up her jacket

??: what does it mean? A-Are we connected?

Ren notice she's also blushing

Ren thoughts: to be honest.. She honestly look cute when she blush

Ren: i-i don't know we just met so I don't know..

She looks down

??: I-im sorry-

Ren: n-no don't be sorry, maybe when I fully heal up we can find answers to this together ok?

She looked at Ren: are you sure?

Ren: I'm sure and if you want, we can be friends

She smile brightly and embrace Ren by hugging him

??: Of course I can be your friend and thank you for being my first friend..!

Yoshi saw them hugging and began wagging his tail

Ren didn't know how to react so he hug her back

Ren: y-your welcome and I'm Ren.. Ren Kn.-

they separated from hugging and she looked at Ren

??: Huh?

Ren: s-sorry Ren Uzumaki. What is your name?

??: Oh!

Her thoughts: my.. His name really suit him and he's really handsome

Hermione: I'm Hermione Granger

To Be Continue

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