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Demonic Nun pt2

-Flashback as Rex was summoned and our Charming Demon Sophie left-

The moment my Queen has left to get some sleep I looked at the woman I was ordered to teach... I am happy that my Queen has summoned me for this tasks... she just knows all of her subordinates skills and personality as if we were her family... I wonder why.

"I see that you can play this trick with those flying Swords but I don't think that a lowly demon can defeat me in an actual fight... Luminous-sama wouldn't it be better to be trained by the Clerics of the Seven Luminaries ?" Hinata said as she stood up

'Hmm? I guess she has quite a grudge against demons uh. Still accepting my Queen tho. As expected my queen is truly on the level of the Primordials' I thought

"Hmm Hinata don't be stupid... your ignorance will kill you someday and when that happens I'll ask Sophie to let her subordinates tortue you down there for it" Luminous said and turned around walking to the throne


"Make sure to take your training serious from now on Hinata" Luminous said with a cold voice as she sat down on the throne

"I'll never let a Demon train me!" Hinata shouted and I looked at Luminous she seemed to be just as confused as I am... didn't she wanted my Queen to train her ?

"Hinata... what I hate the most are people who talk bullshit and waste my time even if it's someone as cute as you... didn't you just want Sophie to train you? She is a Demon too you know " Luminous said and I could tell she was pissed.

"B..b-but Sophie is different.." Hinata said shy looking away

"Ara Ara~ look at that... interesting, you! Rex was your name right ? I'll allow you guys to fight here. Make sure to make her accept you as her teacher without killing her" Luminous said in a somewhat ordering tone

"Tsk... Remember that I'll only follow your orders as longs as my Queen doesn't say other wise" I said to her in a cold tone

"As expected you are loyal to her... I would have been disappointed if it were not like that" Luminous answered calmly

I nodded and then looked at Hinata... really this reckless girl already charged at me the moment I talked to that Vampire. Seems like she has dropped the disgusting human way of thinking. Such things like cowardness doesn't exist in a real fight.

But her rapier was slow not only that but i didn't know why she would start with a swing... a rapier isn't made to be swung around like that! It's a weapon suited for a fast fighting style that mostly favors pierce attacks.

Not only that but there was not an ounce of Holy Magic attached to it so I could stop her blad with my bare fingers ... to be exact two of them where enough. A blast of wind was created as I stopped her attack.

"Interesting... that's entertainment indeed" Luminous said laughing

"Why did you swung your rapier like that little one?" I asked her... seeing her angered face I didn't expect any answer

"Tsk... you are you mocking me old geezer ?! I'll pay you back" Hinata said and first took a few fast steps back... why tho? I wasn't attacking anyways.

"May the Light pierce you lowly Demon!!" Hinata shouted while her rapier began to glow in a bright yellow color... this time she at least is going with a piercing attack... that way she was faster then before.

Should I stop it with my hands again ? Hmmm probably now... I should show her something different "expand" I simply said and in a circle of 2 meters around me the darkness appeared or better said [Death Magic]

The moment she stepped inside the space I just created her light ot should I say something more like a firefly dissapeared from her sword. Hinata was shocked and stopped her attack which resulted in my first lesson for her.

I stepped one step forwards and kicked her into the next wall, I made sure it wasn't hard enough to break her bones tho. "First lession... never be suprised or distracted in the middle of a fight little one"

Luminous stood up suprised at what she just saw "Impossibe what was that? Demon Magic? Isn't Holy Magic supposed to be the greatest weakness of demons ?" she asked confused

"Heh.. let me explain. You are right it is Demon Magic.. no more then that actually it is a Intrinsic Magic of us Demons but only a few of us are able to give it a form and only one Demon at the moment mastered it to an absurd excent my Queen's friend miss Blanc" I said

"Wait.. only the Primordial Demon mastered it to some point... then how are you able to do it? You are just a Greater Demon" Hinata asked suprised

"Hahaha Hahaha haaaa... you aren't thinking that I actually am even close to her ? This little trick is all I can do and that even maybe only around 5 times per day. I had realized this as I watched my Queen doing something simillar with her [Shadow Magic]" I explained

As I saw their faces saying It's not enough, tell us more I sighed "[Death Magic} is the complete opposite of your [Holy Magic] therfore it eleminates the other part completly... of course would your power be stronger then mine it wouldn't dissapear like that"

"So that's how it is hmm? That is indeed good and important information" Luminous said and sat down on her throne again

"Tsk annoying... anyways that means I only need to attack you five more times like this and you won't be able to defend yourself against it" Hinata said standing up and picking up her rapier

"Hoo ? Already on your feet again mhh? I hope you'll remember my first lession" I said and looked at that idiot... I mean using the same strategy twice ?! No not twice even five times ? And so she once again dashed towards me... it was the same attack from before so I could read it perfectly which resulted in Wall 2 Points versus Hinata 0 Points.

That's right... I send her flying again I could see her coughing up some blood "How... how were you this fast and at my weakest point in that moment ?" She asked

"2nd lession... never use the same strategy ever again or at least build in some feints... even tho a expert would expect some feints" I said looking at her 'What a mess... she needs a lot of training' I thought

"Come on Hinata stand up again... even tho you died two times already, hmm not that you need to worry I would never let anyone kill my cute little Hinata here~ How about you need to put on a maid costume if you'll die two more times ?" Luminous suggested with shining eyes

As I looked at that face I relized something 'Kufufu that's why I have this feeling her Unique Skill must be from the Lust- Series haaa... how I envy her for having the same Skill series then my Queen' I thought and then suddenly a cold shiver run down my spine 'What'll happen when my Lord will learn of this fact?'

Hinata seems to be dumber then I thought and i can say you... I didn't placed the scale for that high "Tsk..." Hinata was emberassed... she never was in such a situation "You wait and see I'll kill him with my next move"

Then something suprising happened that cought my attention... suddenly Hinata was surrounded by five spirits 'Hoho... interesting to have such a strong connection with spirits' I knew her enxt attack would be able to scratch me so I decided to just dodge it after all she doesn't have good swordsmanship at all.

The Wind Spirit made her faster , the Earth Spirit strenghened her body , the Light Spirit strenghened her [Holy Magic] , the Fire Spirit coated her sword in fire and the Water Spirit controlled her blood. Of course they can only controle the flow of the blood and nothing else meaning she wouldn't loose as much blood then normal from any injuries.

It was truly something I didn't expect... a great attack for her strengh but it uses way too much from her magicules... she will probably faint after a few seconds or minutes. I wonder why those spirits don't stop her... maybe because they know she wouldn't die? After all this is just training.

I decided to summon two swords helping me to block a few attacks so that i wouldn't need to dodge everything with speed alone after all I am an old man right ? Hahaha!

"You! Where did you get those ?!" Hinata suddenly shouted and attacked me even angrier not that it helps her... this way she is only waisting her Magicules tho I am curious what she meant. I should ask her some time about those swords.

And so I defeated Hinata today with nothing more but dodging her angry attacks "3rd and last lession for today... know your limits and make sure to train hard to increase them" I said as she passed out the next moment.

"It seems like I overrated her" Luminous said a bit dissapointed and i knew why she was thinking like that

"Even when I am a Greater Demon... I am still older then many Arch Demons in the Demon Realm. They say Demons grow stronger with their age and i am the only one who goes against this law of the World... I don't know why the World refuses to accept my evolution to an Arch Demon but even without it I have a lot of experience. That Girl would be able to defeat most of the Greater Demons only those who stand close to their evolution would be impossible to defeat for her" I explained

As you may have noticed she lost and what did Luminous say ? Right a maid outfit and that's why we were standing in the garden together and I need to say even I can enjoy this moment for a few minutes right ?

"Sensei help me!" Hinata said but there is nothing I can do right ? A few seconds the vampire butler brought my Queen and they were discussing one big event. The Announcment of my Queen as a Messanger/Highest Nun of Luminism.

-flashback end-


I walked to the room where I was supposed to wait... as i entered I was suprised by three maids they seem to be humans and after I entered they all bowed.

"What is going on here, who are you ?" I asked

"Pardon our presence your excellence , we were ordered to help you change your clothes and prepare everything for you that your excellence would want" One of them said

'Wow... they are that religious and formally huh? What they would do if they knew I am a Demon' I thought smiling

"Changing my dress hm? Is there something wrong with my current dress" I asked them

"Of course not! We do not dare to say such a thing!" Another one shouted instatnly and the last one calmed her down saying "If your excellence want to stay in this dress it wouldn't make any problem"

'Mhhh...' I sighed "Alright then help me bath and dress me the way you were ordered too" I said to them and all of them suddenly had a aura of excitment around them.

The next second I was laying in my bath being massaged by those three and washed... they were all blushing "Is there something wrong with my body" I asked them as they stared at me for a moment.

"Of course not your excellence you posses a body from the Goddess of Beauty" one of them said

"Haa please just call me Lady Sophie" I said a bit annoyed after all excellence is something for assholes from a royal family.

Then after my bathing and dress up session I was finally ready in a white uniform matching my beautiful hair. Roy then walked me to the balcony from where we will announce my existence to the World.

I could see many Knights the normal folk among them even children cheering and beeing at awe seeing my beauty. If I would want I could use [Charm] on all of them but my leaving Magicules are already enough for them to respect or even love me.

Then the Knights that were standing below the Balcony I stood on suddenly drew their Swords and getting into a kind of Pose then a yellow haired knight walked out of the line

"My name is Reiynard Jester! I am the vice captain of the Ten Great Saints! Pope Roy will speak to us now! I demand your absolute attention towards the balcony of our great Church!" After Reiynard said that he went back into the line and the crows stopped speaking.

'Hoho.. he has quite the controle over those Humans huh? Great Saints ? I shall take a visit personally later' I thought

Then Roy began his speech I was suprised how serious he could say all this invented shit "Countless years ago God Ruminas has send us a Messanger as you can see next to me standing Highest Nun and Messanger of God Ruminas personally she will represent the Love of our God towards Humanity!" He shouted this and countless other stuff

The crowd of humans erupted into cheers and prayers to God Ruminas... seriously they are obsessed with their God not knowing it's a vampire using their blood as meal.

"Ehem.. before this Announcment ends I want to say a few words. God Ruminas has heard your Prayers! I know how she loves all of humanity... in her eyes even criminals that sinned have their place in Heaven! My name is Sophie... the name was given to me by God Ruminas personally so wish you to call me that" I said and then went back inside

"Ugh.. I could throw up" I said as I entered the church again

"You did great even tho I am not sure why you said that at the end but it made them only love you more and you even deepend their faith into my Queen" Roy said happy

"Haha.. haaa, don't sweat such small speaks haha" I said and thought at the same time 'You don't know the pain to be refered as your excellence... it was something that had to be done'

ParadexTM ParadexTM

Hello everyone as you know today is the release day of the chapter as promissed ill keep the consistancy of 1 chap a week every weekend but today is special i m working on a second chapter today so expect a second one .

as always The discord " ".

RetrosTV =).

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