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58.87% The Odyssey of the Chosen One / Chapter 128: Chapter 128 - Hera and Lina

Chapter 128: Chapter 128 - Hera and Lina


In the sky,

Fighting for a while, Lev looked at the young man and the person with him evading his endless attacks as several blocks of ice were constantly forming around them as he was abusing his infinite mana.

"There's no end to this, Magi. We need to attack the caster, or we might as well retreat." The other man beside the young man said while casting spells and Borg trying to block and counterattack.

"I won't believe this person had endless Magoi on his body. Thalg Al-Salos." The young man said before several blocks of ice also started forming in the sky wanting to attack Lev thinking that he must be running out of Magoi soon.

"Heh. Allor Hajiz." Lev smirked before a barrier started forming around him and Yamraiha protecting them from the young man's attack and even deflected it.

"M-Magi!!! This isn't good. This man isn't a magician but a King Vessel. We need to leave." The other man said in panic upon seeing what Lev just did.

"Y-You!!! How could you use magic!!!!? The young man couldn't believe what he had just seen as he was also sure that it was a Djinn's ability.

"You're no interesting, Magi." Lev said upon losing interest in them, especially towards the young man thinking how he could be so weak or just maybe because he got quite become stronger.

"Extreme Magic." Lev said thinking about ending this when a sudden eight-pointed star magic circle then appeared on the sky.

"Fornal Sum Al-Matar." Lev followed and the sky then suddenly turned dark as if a calamity had appeared and not long after that, blood-colored rain then started pouring down.

"What was happ---- aarrgg!" The young man wanted to say something but was stopped after feeling his shoulder burned before finally seeing that his flesh got torn off by something.

"Magi!!! Cast a Borg. This rain is strange." The other man said with his already bareback after already making contact with the rain.

"Curse you!! I'll definitely kill you next time." The young man angrily said while looking at Lev who was smiling at him which made him more furious.

"You have to survive first before thinking about revenge." Lev said while using Thalg Al-Salos again wanting to make it more difficult for them to leave.

"Magi! Let's retreat!!" The other man shouted and the young man also left thinking that the situation wasn't in their favor.

Seeing them leaving with difficulty, Yamraiha couldn't help but hold Lev tight before looking at him. She didn't know what was running on his mind so she asked, "Lev, do you really just let them escape?"

"Yeah, since they still had a purpose to do later on so I just let them be for now." Lev said while smiling as he already put on some shadow soldiers with the two of them earlier but his attention this time was on the effect of Forneus' ability which really surprised him.

With that, they then just stayed above for a while before finally heading down directly towards the palace thinking that they still had work to do in this small city.


---Two weeks later---

Qishan City,

Time had passed and it had been two weeks since Lev conquered the dungeon. In the past two weeks, Lev mainly worked for the betterment of the city especially to its military aspect seeing that the city really needs some protection since he was already planning to leave.

During these two weeks, the people that Parsine sent had already arrived in the city and already started working with the guidance of Lev before finally handing down its management to them.

One thing that also happened in the past two weeks was Alibaba wanting an audience to Lev upon not seeing Aladdin in the city. Lev said that he didn't know as per the original plan and gave him some words of encouragement which Alibaba then decided to leave the city and find Aladdin.

On the other hand, Lev, Yamraiha, Pisti, and Morgiana could now be seen in the palace preparing themselves as they were about to leave the city.

"Are we finally leaving now Lev?" Yamraiha asked excitedly as she really wanted to leave this small and deserted place after becoming so bored from not doing anything.

"That's right. I plan to head out again in some place but that would be several months later so we might as well head back to Artemyra." Lev said as he also missed Queen Mira and the others who were working hard back in Artemyra.

"Hehehe. I will tell Mama and my sisters about my time here." Pisti cheekily said wanting to boast about it, especially to her sisters who were locked up for educational purposes.

"Let's go, then." Lev said as he used Ruler's Authority before embracing them all together which surprised Yamraiha, Sia, and Morgiana not knowing what was happening by his sudden action.

"Shadow Exchange." Lev, however, just smiled as he decided to use this ability instead of the Flying Thunder God Technique which right after that, they were devoured by the shadow before disappearing into the palace. He, however, felt that he had forgotten something which was bothering him.




In the seemingly quiet open space, a shadow then suddenly appeared. Moments later, it was replaced by four people namely, Lev, Yamraiha, Pisti, and Morgiana, and was immediately filled with the salty taste of the sea air.

"L-Lev, what was that?" Yamraiha immediately asked while holding her head feeling a bit dizzy not knowing what just happened. She then just looked at the place which gained her shock upon seeing a familiar scenery.

"Mama!" On the other hand, Pisti suddenly called out after seeing a woman get outside of something like a house and she then immediately headed towards the woman and embraced her excitedly.

"I-Is this Artemya?" Yamraiha asked with shock upon seeing the woman who was none other than Queen Mira which could only mean that they just teleported from Qishan to Artemyra.

"It's another magic of mine. It's cool, isn't it?" Lev said as he just used an ability exclusive to Shadow Monarch enabling him and the others to teleport from one of his shadow soldiers.

"Lev, you're back." Queen Mira greeted as she held Pisti's hand and walked towards Lev seeing him back without any notice.

Lev, on the other hand, just smiled as he looked at Queen Mira who was more ladylike, unlike her strict appearance before pulling her into his embrace and kissing her lips deeply and passionately.

Queen Mira, who didn't see Lev for a while, immediately let go of Pisti's hand as she wrapped her arms around his neck and started kissing him back.

Seeing them kissing, Yamraiha couldn't help but look at Morgiana who was now covering her eyes with her hands while peeking from time to time. She could only smile upon seeing this before shaking her head.

Lev and Queen Mira kissed as if they were only the people in the place and it was only put to a stop after one of them was running out of air.

"L-Lev, how about moving to our room." Queen Mira whispered seductively in Lev's ears as she couldn't hold on to her lust and wanted to release it but in the midst of doing that, she surprisingly saw Morgiana who was looking at her shyly.

"A Fanalis, such a rare race." Queen Mira returned to her usual attitude while looking carefully at Morgiana.

"H-Hello, I'm Morgiana." Morgiana introduced herself shyly upon seeing the woman who was kissing Lev looking at her.

"Mira, Queen of Artemyra." Queen Mira introduced herself but right after saying that, she was being carried by Lev leaving the three behind.

Morgiana, Pisti, and Yamraiha looked at their leaving backs making the place quiet again.

"Q-Queen?" Morgiana asked while being surprised after hearing the woman's name introducing herself as a queen.

"Hehehe. My mother is a queen while Lev is our King." Pisti proudly said while looking at Morgiana who was still shocked before she held her hand wanting her to see the place as she called on a Giant Bird.

"Maybe it's not still too late but welcome to Artemyra, Morgiana." Yamraiha said while looking at Morgiana before suddenly blushing after hearing something coming from the house. She then told them to leave the place after two giant birds appeared behind them.


Lev's room,

Right now, Lev could now be found fucking Queen Mira from behind as she was now kneeling on the bed on all fours while moaning loudly without holding herself back and didn't mind if everyone would hear it.

"L-Lev, I missed your cock so much." Queen Mira said upon feeling Lev's cock penetrating her craving pussy again for a long time. She then just holds the bed sheet with her face started unbecoming for a queen.

"Yeah, I missed your tight pussy too." Lev replied as he keeps on thrusting his cock making a mess on her tight pussy after not tasting it for a while. Holding her waist tightly, he felt an otherworldly pleasure as he could no longer stop his hips from moving.

" good....aahh..... aahh." Queen Mira moaned while she bends her body more leaving only her ass sticking up and letting Lev make good use of it.

Seeing Queen Mira's new position, Lev smiled as his cock had just squeezed inside which he couldn't help but groaned from the pleasure before he accelerated his thrusting upon feeling his semen started rising.

"aahh.... aahh... aahh....aaahhh." Queen Mira moaned loudly with her eyes widening while her tongue sticking out after feeling Lev's cock start filling her womb with his hot and addictive semen.

"Hughh." On the other hand, Lev groaned while loading such a great amount of semen after not doing it for a while as he ejaculated for almost fifteen seconds before stopping.

Shortly after that, the two then lie on the bed which Queen Mira could be found leaning on Lev's chest while Lev was caressing her waist.

"Lev, where did you find that young Fanalis?" Queen Mira curiously asked as it was really rare to see a Fanalis as they were really famous for something.

"Well, we met her in the country that we stayed in." Lev replied truthfully while smiling remembering the days Morgiana was still uncomfortable with them.

"Hmmmm. Then what are planning to do with her?" Queen Mira asked while looking up to see Lev's face wanting to know why he let her come with them.

"I'll train her." Lev thought for a while before replying as he really wanted to see what would happen if she somehow brought out the power of Niko Style because just thinking about it was a bit scary.

"Train, huh. Hehehe or maybe you want to train her for something else." Queen Mira replied as if she knew what was running on Lev's mind before she moved and got on top of him.

"You're jumping to conclusions again. I think you need some more punishment." Lev said while smiling seeing Queen Mira teasing him. He then changed their position after pinning her down on the bed being him on top before spreading her legs.

"Let's start your punishment, Mira." Lev said before thrusting his cock in one go all the way to her womb and start thrusting it in and out roughly. With that, Queen Mira smiled like crazy after feeling such roughness and she then started cooperating with Lev by moaning seductively.



Inside the house,

As the night went down, Lev and the others were now in the dining room seeing everyone start eating while talking to each other, especially about what happened back in Qishan City.

"Lev, did you really encounter a Magi in that small city" Queen Mira surprisingly asked after hearing it from her daughter, Pisti.

"That's right and to be exact I encountered two of them." Lev replied with a smile after knowing from the shadow soldier that he planted on Aladdin that he was still sent to that place just like it should be.

"Tell me more about them then." Queen Mira said wanting Lev to tell her who are those two other Magis as she only knew one from the Reim Empire which greatly piqued her interest.

Meanwhile, Hera and the others also looked at Lev wanting to know what their adventure was like as they were left bored in this country while being taught by their mother.

Seeing their curiousness, Lev then started talking about his encounter with them especially what happened during the dungeon dive right after that. Following that, they decided to rest in the garden outside wanting to have some time together.


In the garden,

Sitting on the grass, the place was very beautiful to look at as the moon shone brightly added by the scenery of several beautiful women talking and getting along with each other in the garden.

"Lev, when do you plan on leaving again?" Queen Mira suddenly asked who was now leaning on his chest while looking at Yamraiha, her daughters, and the newly added Morgiana.

"I'll probably stay here for half a year." Lev replied while caressing Queen Mira's back deciding to stay here if nothing happens back in Qishan.

"That's good then." Queen Mira said while smiling wanting to use this time to the fullest since Lev was still around.

"Hera. Lina. Come here." Queen Mira suddenly called out two of her daughters to come closer thinking that it was now time.

After hearing their names, Hera and Lina who were talking to Yamraiha and Morgiana immediately head towards their mother with elegance showing what their mother taught them.

"What is it, mother?" Hera, who was the eldest, asked after being called while Lina was also there waiting for what her mother had called for them.

"Lev, like I was telling you, these two daughters of mine were already passed the right age. Why not do it with them tonight?" Queen Mira suddenly said and suggested that it would be great to let her two eldest daughters be with Lev this time around.

Hearing her words, Hera and Lina immediately felt shy as their faces started getting red while looking at Lev from time to time waiting to hear his reply feeling excited and nervous at the same time.

Lev, on the other hand, couldn't help but feel surprised upon hearing Queen Mira's words before he looked at Hera and Lina thinking that they really were of the same age as Yamraiha seeing their bodies already caught up to their mother.

With that, Lev could only smile at them before holding their hands and pulling them gently to his sides. Hera and Lina were surprised to see him embracing them and they then didn't want to lose the opportunity and immediately embraced him back.

"As much as I want to, let's make a good time for it and tell me if you still really love me at the time." Lev charmingly said not wanting them to rush such decisions on their life but he himself really was holding back feeling their soft breasts were being pressed on his shoulder.

"My King." Hera and Lina couldn't help but call out while looking at Lev after being moved by his words seeing how gentle he was. The two then suddenly kissed his cheeks before hugging his shoulder tight.

Queen Mira saw this and thought of Lev's words which she then looked at her other daughters thinking that from now on, she would no longer push themselves to Lev guessing he didn't like the idea about it.

"I'm sorry, Hera. Lina" Queen Mira then said while looking at her daughters at Lev's sides seeing them peacefully leaning on his shoulders.

"Mama." Hera and Lina looked with surprise seeing their mother apologizing. The two then couldn't help but want to hug her but before they could, they were suddenly being pushed away from Lev instead.

"Since it comes to that, then wait for your turn, my daughters." Queen Mira said as she embraced Lev tightly wanting to show her superiority to them as the first wife.

Hera and Lina couldn't help but laugh upon seeing their mother acting like a teenager which they then pounced on them wanting to be with Lev.

Lev looked at this while smiling before seeing Yamraiha looking at him pouting which he could only wryly smile and compensate her later.

With that, Lev and the rest stayed there for the next few hours while talking to Morgiana, who was still in a trance, from time to time before finally heading inside the house to take a rest.


Yamraiha's room,

Instead of resting in his room together with Queen Mira, Lev could be seen kissing a half-naked Yamraiha on the bed. The sound of their lewd kissing was the only thing that could be heard inside making the temperature of the room started to rise.

"Yamraiha, you still get jealous of your sisters. You are really still my small Yamraiha." Lev teasingly said before kissing Yamraiha's soft lips seeing that for the time that they were together, Yamraiha really was easy to get jealous.

"I-I couldn't help it." Yamraiha replied while her eyes were already lost in lust as Lev was doing rough today feeling how good his hands were at squeezing her breasts and ass at the same time.

"You don't have to get jealous, you know, because sooner or later I will completely make you mine too. I can't wait to put my cock inside yours, Yamraiha." Lev said before moving one of his hands towards below Yamraiaha heading towards her pussy.

"L-Lev, aahh" Yamraiha couldn't help but moaned after feeling her body being melted by Lev's touches.

"Yamraiha." Lev called out her name as he was already on the verge of losing his mind as Yamraiha right now was really way too attractive.

"Help me with your hands." Lev then whispered to her ears and Yamraiha immediately did what he told her.

Following that, Yamraiha easily took off Lev's belt first before taking out his hard cock while getting drowned by its scent with great excitement feeling how hot and hard it was. She couldn't help but get charmed by it seeing her mouth leaking with her saliva.

"You can play with it." Lev said before as he smiled while holding Yamraiha's head.

With that, Yamraiha looked at Lev first before her hands then started stroking his cock while getting addicted to it after feeling it throbbing every time she stroke it. Right after that, the two then continued to indulge themselves in pleasure until midnight before finally taking a rest for the day.


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