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58% The Odyssey of the Chosen One / Chapter 126: Chapter 126 - Aladdin and Alibaba

Chapter 126: Chapter 126 - Aladdin and Alibaba


---The next day---

Qishan City,

A yellow-haired boy could be seen carrying a bag of fruits in his hands and heading somewhere but was stopped upon seeing a skinny kid on the ground. The yellow-haired boy put down the fruits that he had as he immediately ran towards the kid wanting to know if he was alright.

"Hey, are you okay?" The yellow-haired boy asked wanting to wake up the kid seeing that he was still alive.

The yellow-haired boy tried to wake the kid up but no matter how hard he tried, the kid didn't seem to respond. The yellow-haired boy became trouble not knowing what to do before he decided to take the kid with him as he carried him up to his place not knowing that the person he just helped would greatly change his life.


Palace Hall,

At this moment, Lev could be seen standing on the window looking at the tower-like structure in the city fully knowing what it was since this is also one of the reasons he has come to this place.

"Lev, is that what they call Dungeon?" Suddenly, Yamraiha asked upon getting closer to his side while also looking at the tower. She knew very well what they were since there were books about them back in the academy.

"Yes." Lev replied while thinking of whether to steal the Djinn inside or not but the thought that the future would greatly change made up his mind not to steal it, but it doesn't mean that he wouldn't duplicate it if he had the chance to.

"Eeeh, so that's a dungeon." Pisti, who just arrived, on their side looked at the tower with interest upon seeing one for the first time since she had always been listening to her mother about how she conquered one in the past.

With that, Lev then just looked at the dungeon waiting for a certain kid to come as he arrived a bit earlier than him but all he knew was that it was around this time that the story would begin.

"Lev, do we need to stay here a little longer?" Yamraiha asked and leaned on Lev as she felt too bored in this small city. There is nothing interesting in this place aside from the tower and him.

"Hmmm. Yes, but we will leave this place after the people Parsine sent will arrive." Lev answered as he knew that they were already on their way here from the news coming from the Shadow Soldier that he planted in them.

"It's Morgiana." Pisti said after seeing Morgiana enter the palace as the two already become close in just a week's time. Hearing Pisti, Lev and Yamraiha then also looked back to see Morgiana before seeing her looking at Lev.

"Morgiana. How's your night?" Lev greeted and asked upon seeing Morgiana fully knowing what she was doing last night in his room.

"I want to spar." Morgiana replied. She really wanted to spar against Lev again wanting to test the result of her late-night training yesterday.

"Okay then." Lev replied hearing Morgiana's request as this has become their way of communication.


Military field,

Lev and the others then went to the military field again, but it has now already been renovated seeing that it became much more formidable and sturdier than yesterday after being nearly destroyed. 

"Is this the only thing that you can do after training late last night?" Lev provoked while blocking Morgiana's attack, but he could tell that she was getting better and better in using Niko Style and thought that their race really was born to be a formidable fighter.

On the other hand, Morgiana didn't reply but her face showed a look of anger seeing that even what she trained last night was still not enough to fight against Lev. Though she really didn't expect anything, she thought that she might somehow put on a fight.

"Hehe." Lev sneered seeing her face before suddenly stopping after one of his shadow soldiers perceived something.

"Why did you stop?" Morgiana, who was about to attack, suddenly halted upon seeing Lev lowering his guard down with his expression changing which she thought something must have happened.

"Nothing." Lev said before attacking Morgiana but he was actually happy deep inside him after finally knowing that the time had come after one of his shadow soldiers reported that the person he was waiting for had finally arrived.

"Tch." Morgiana blocked Lev's kick as she flew back before gaining her composure again thinking Lev must have intentionally lowered his guard to make her distracted.

"You're still weak, Morgiana. There were a lot I knew who were much stronger than you in using this Martial Arts." Lev said while thinking back on those warrior women of Artemrya who constantly trained for the years that had passed.

"But it will only take time before you surpass them and that is solely because you're a Fanalis." Lev followed as he dashed forward initiating an attack seeing Morgiana's surprised expression.

Morgiana lost in thought for a second upon hearing Lev's words which she couldn't evade his attack on time and could only take it head on.


Morgiana flew and crashed into a building after blocking Lev's normal kick leaving her immediately unconscious.

"Crap, I think I went too far. Hahaha." Lev laughed while scratching his head after suddenly becoming excited upon hearing the news that he just received earlier.

"Lev, you minnie." Pisti said as she immediately headed to Morgiana to help her.

"Sorry about that." Lev said before also walking towards Morgiana making her eat a magic bean and carrying her. Shortly after that, the group headed back to the palace leaving the place needing renovation again.



Palace dining hall,

As night came, Lev, Yamraiha, and Pisti could now be found eating dinner leaving Morgiana back in her room still not waking up. They were having a conversation and talking about things back at home.

"Yamraiha, I don't know if it will still happen but three days from now, two people will probably come here and I want you to watch them." Lev said while eating as he wanted to greet them and leave some of his shadow soldiers behind for monitoring.

"It's rare to see you interested, Lev. Tell me, what is so special about these two people?" Yamraiha curiously asked thinking who are these two people who have caught Lev's eyes on them.

"Well, only one of them was actually significant and that is because he is Magi." Lev replied with his imagination then ran wild imagining what it's like to have a Magi as a shadow soldier on his side.

"Magi?! As in those legendary Magi?!" Yamraiha was so shocked that she got up from her seat as she looked at Lev upon hearing what he said as the thought of meeting one was really such a rare occasion.

"That's right. The boy that I often talk to you about, he just arrived here early in the morning and to tell you honestly, he is also a Magi." Lev replied while smiling seeing Yamraiha's expression who was greatly shocked upon hearing his words.

"T-Then there will be two Magis here after three days?" Yamraiha couldn't properly take the news as the thought that one legendary Magi was coming to this small city while the other one had just arrived earlier.

"Probably." Lev answered. Right after that, Yamraiha started bombarding him with a lot of questions leaving Pisti who just let herself focus on eating since she wasn't interested in what they were talking about.


Morgiana's room,

After a long sleep, Morgiana could now be seen looking at the ceiling thinking back what happened earlier. She thought that Lev really was mysterious and powerful and the thought that he still wasn't doing his best makes her frustrated for some reason.

"Strong. I want to become strong." Morgiana said as she stretched out her hand towards the ceiling while getting excited after remembering that there were other people who were stronger than her in using Niko Style from Lev's words.


---Two days later---


Dungeon entrance,

Outside of the dungeon, two people could be seen looking at the entrance which was now free to all people who wanted to try their luck.

"So, this is a dungeon." One of them who seems like a kid with blue hair said while looking at the tower with his hands tightly holding something like a flute hanging on his neck.

"Yes, a place where your wishes would come true." A yellow-haired boy replied as he looked nervously at the dungeon entrance before looking at the kid next to him.

"Hey, mister. Do you want to enter the dungeon too?" The blue-haired kid asked suddenly upon seeing a person who just arrived and was standing next to them.

"Yes. I also want to try my luck." The person replied politely which was actually Lev who was waiting for their arrival. He couldn't help but smile seeing them still headed towards this place at night even though they could come here anytime.

"How about coming with us, mister?" The blue-haired kid asked while smiling inviting Lev to join them since he felt that he was not a bad person and the thought of coming together would be merrier.

On the other hand, the yellow-haired boy next to the kid couldn't help but look at Lev. He knew Aladdin possessed a Metal Vessel since he saw it once after three days of living with him but the thought that someone else would join them bothered him, especially the man they were talking to as he was sure that no one was following them earlier.

"Is that really, okay?" Lev asked before looking at the yellow-haired boy seeing him become cautious.

"Of course, mister." The blue-haired boy replied while stretching his hands wanting a handshake.

"I'm Aladdin, a traveler." The blue-haired boy introduced himself with a smile.

"I'm Lev." Lev replied while smiling seeing the other two original protagonists of this world and this night will be the start of their journey.

"L-Lev?! Y-You mean t-the current Lord of the city!?" The yellow-haired boy couldn't help but shout upon hearing this as he knew that there was no other person around the city with the name Lev aside from the current Lord who was responsible for killing the past Lord and changing the city for the better in just a week.

"What is it, Alibaba? Do you know this mister?" Aladdin asked seeing Alibaba was so shocked after hearing the name of Lev.

"I-I'm A-Alibaba, Lord Lev." Ignoring Aladdin, Alibaba immediately introduced himself respectfully seeing Lev for the first time while getting nervous about why such a man wanted to enter the dungeon.

"Hahahaha. There's no need for honorifics, right now, we were just fellow adventurers wanting to explore this so-called dungeon." Lev laughed seeing Alibaba suddenly become so stiff after knowing his identity.

"Eeehh!! So, you're the Lord of this city. You're so amazing, Uncle Lev." Aladdin said with surprise and exchanged the way he addressed Lev from mister to uncle after feeling amazed seeing the Lord of the city not expecting that he was such a person.

"A-Aladdin, be more polite." Alibaba whispered seeing Aladdin acting so close to the Lord without respect.

"How about we head inside and clear this dungeon?" Lev suggested seeing that there's no end to this childish conversation.

"Alright, let's head. Uncle Lev, Alibaba." Aladin excitedly said while holding the flute on his neck before entering inside which right after that Lev and Alibaba then followed behind him.


In the palace,

Right now, Pisti and Yamraiha could be seen staring at the Dungeon after Lev left them to look at the palace and also being reminded of what he said about the other Magi that would arrive tomorrow.

"Pisti, where is Lev?" A female voice suddenly sounded and Yamraiha and Pisti immediately looked at their backs seeing Morgiana.

"Lev is in that dungeon, Morgiana." Pisti replied before walking to her with a smile.

"Do you want a spar again? Unfortunately, Lev won't be back for a while so how about a spar with me instead?" Pisti then suddenly had a thought and asked while looking at Morgiana's troubled expression.

"Y-You?" Morgiana confusingly asked upon hearing Pisti as she was quite sure that she didn't know to fight and was just following Lev and Yamraiha around.

"Hehe. Don't underestimate Pisti, Morgiana. She also trained those martial arts given to you by Lev for several years." Yamraiha said with a smile after remembering the time Pisti was forced by Queen Mira to train together with her sisters.

"I'm strong you know. Hehehe. Praise me, Morgiana." Pisti sneered while posing like she was a special person and her nose was starting to get big as she looked at Morgiana.

Morgiana couldn't believe what she just heard from Yamraiha. She couldn't accept that the harmless Pisti she had talking to for a week actually trained in the Martial Arts that Lev had given her for several years already.

"Sparring is off limits today. Come with me instead." Yamraiha said after looking at how Morgiana dressed as a woman.

Meanwhile, Pisti and Morgiana looked at Yamraiha thinking where they were going but they still followed her behind before heading somewhere in the palace.


Lev's room,

After walking for a while, Yamraiha and Pisti could now be seen inside Lev's room while looking at Morgiana who was feeling awkward about being stared at.

"D-Do I need to wear this?" Morgiana asked with her red cheeks while feeling uncomfortable wearing such a beautiful dress with some jewelry on her as this was her first time wearing such things in her life.

"Yes, a girl should maintain her womanly side as no man will take interest in a woman who only thinks about fighting." Yamraiha replied seeing Morgiana was really cute setting aside her likeness towards fighting. She came to this idea as she wanted to train Morgiana to become a better woman just like how Queen Mira had told and taught them back in Artemyra.

"W-Womanly?" Morgiana asked in confusion as she didn't need such a thing as aside from fighting, there was nothing really special about her so she wanted to keep it that way and didn't plan on changing herself.

"Yes, and also to prepare yourself for marriage." Yamraiha replied while smiling thinking how beautiful Morgiana would become when she grows up. She then thought that it was no wonder for Lev to take interest in her.

"M-Marriage?" Morgiana started to panic upon hearing such words as she suddenly pictured someone in her mind.

"Of course, do you think Lev would treat you like this if he wasn't interested in you? Of course, he wants you to be his wife." Yamraiha teased seeing Morgiana who would probably explode any minute seeing her face was really red upon hearing her words.

"L-Lev...W-Wife." Morgiana couldn't properly process the words coming from Yamraiha anymore as she was now overheating.

"Hahahaha." Pisti laughed before she headed towards Morgiana helping her to calm down, but she was also amused seeing her cute reactions.

On the other hand, Yamraiha just smiled realizing that she went overboard telling such things to an innocent little girl before looking at the tower outside again hoping Lev would be alright out there.


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