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The Trial of Battle


5500 words approx without A/N.


General Pov

While hero school is quite different compared to normal schools, but the students here still have to take lessons on the required subjects. Similar to any normal school they take lessons on some subjects in the morning and have lunch in the afternoon. In the grand mess hall they get to taste the delicious first class cuisine prepared by Cooking hero-Lunch Rush.

With all the boring stuff out of the way, in the afternoon they have Foundation Hero Studies. The very course that makes this hero school different from others. So in class 1-A, today is going to be the day that none of them will ever forget. After all today is the day, they are going to meet All Might and if that wasn't enough, they are going to learn from him.


'So Jarvis, is there anything fun we can do till the hero foundation class starts. If I remember it right, today is the day All Might is going to grace our class with his presence.'

<I don't remember you being his fan>

'Well he is a great guy. The hero of justice or The Symbol of Justice as he likes to call that.'

<So you are his fan>

'Spare me of this crap Jarvis. He is a good guy but the only superheroes that I like are few, and that definitely does not include him. We will visit their verse in the future. Two of them are humans with no superpowers, while the other one is a human who was granted power by a weaver and another one is an alien and while the last can just turn into different aliens. Though there are others who I like but these five just stand above the rest for me at least. They are great heroes. These guys in this world just don't stand a chance against them. While the last one was my childhood hero.'


"IT'S MEEEEEEE! Coming through the door like a normal person!!!"

' He is here'




'These guys are too excited'

<He is their superhero after all>

'That's acceptable. Well here he starts his lecture, so is going to give the same lecture as in from anime or something different'

"I teach Hero basic training or Hero Foundation. It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take the most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today combat training."



"... Training"

"And to go with that are these. Costumes made based on your quirk registrations and requests you sent in before school started."


"After you change, gather in the ground beta"

"Yes Sir"

'These guys are full of energy'

"Arthur, you haven't turned in your costume design"


"From what I was told, you have chosen to not get your costume from us"


"So have you prepared your own costume"


"Then let's meet in the ground beta"


"All Might sensei"

"What is it? If you have any doubts you can ask me"

"So do you know anything about that light last night?"

"That light hmm!"

"Do you know anything?"

"No. There are people still investigating about it. We will just have to wait till they find anything"

"Even you don't know about it"


'Let's just get out of here'


Ground Beta

Arthur was the first to arrive at the ground after changing into his costume. After seeing no one had arrived yet, he decided to just have a talk with All Might.

"I see that you are the first to arrive Arthur"

"Looks that way"


"So All Might, what is your top speed?"

"Why do you ask that?"

"Just curious?"

"Is it just curiosity?"

"Well yes, I did answer many for your questions about my quirk after all. Now it's your turn"

"Yes. I don't know if it will help you but I haven't measured it myself. But according to one of my friend who tried measuring it had said it to be around Mach 35."

"Mach 35"

"Yes. Even your speed yesterday was Mach 20 wasn't it. You did do a great job and I am sure you can go faster than me in the future, if you train hard"

'His speed is Mach 35, I don't know who this friend of his is, but I thought his speed was somewhere between Mach 5~10 but Jarvis according to you his speed was near mach 30.'

<Yes. I only calculated it based upon the data from your memory. As this data wasn't officially announced we can't be too sure>

"But he did say that it was rough reading and not the accurate one."

"I understand"

"So what about your costume? Isn't it just a normal dress?"

'Well it is a costume to me though. The costume worn by one of my favorite characters in my childhood and also with whose power I have reincarnated in this world. I am wearing Ultimate Alien version dress. I agree that the school has some good connections and can make some superior costumes but even my company is in that business. To top it off I have Jarvis, with him after the data he has collected from my quirk. It is very easy to build a very good suit or armour. Well i and Jarvis have managed to make this dress, while it does look like any normal dress but it isn't. It is bullet proof, cut proff and it is fully resistant against elements. A perfect dress for me'

"Are you here Arthur?"

"Yes. It's not like any costume is going to help me."

"Yes. But you should wear one incase you are attacked before you can transform. While it will also boost your image as a hero"

"Well I prefer this"

"It's your choice"

'Hmm! The main reason I chose this dress was because I couldn't think of anything else.'


"So now that everyone is here, let me tell you how everyone is going to participate in this battle"

After everyone had arrived, All Might gave the same speech that he had given in anime. After giving the speech and explaining the rules to everyone, it was time to decide teams.

In this battle, everyone is divided in teams of two. It is a battle between two teams at a time. While one team plays as hero team, the other team play as villan team. So for the battle teams are:

Izuku Midoriya & Ochaco Uraraka (Team A) vs. Katsuki Bakugo & Tenya Ida (Team D)

Shoto Todoroki & Mezo Shoji (Team B) vs. Mashirao Ojiro & Toru Hagakure (Team I)

Fumikage Tokoyami & Tsuyu Asui (Team H) vs. Eijiro Kirishima & Hanta Sero (Team J)

Denki Kaminari & Kyoka Jiro (Team G) vs. Momo Yaoyorozu & Arthur Stark (Team C)

Yuga Aoyama & Mina Ashido (Team E) vs. Rikido Sato & Koji Koda (Team F)

'All the teams are the same except me, as i seem to have take Mineto's place.'


4th Match

'Well every match went exactly as it went in anime. It was a show, the match between Bakugo and Midoriya. They managed to destroy the whole building.'

"It's our chance now, Arthur"


"Now it's team C versus team G. Team G is the hero team while Team C is the villan team. Now get to your positions"

After listening to All Might's instructions, team C and G moved to their designated spots.


In the Building

"So what's our plan, Momo?"

"Since we have three options to choose from Anodite, Lodestar and FastTrack. All three of them are good option. If we were hero team you could have just used Fasttrack to touck the bomb before they could sense us. Since we are the villan team, the options available to us are very few. Anodite has healing powers, Lodestar has power to control magnetism while FastTrack is superfast. "


"We can use Lodestar to lock this room."

"We can improvise our plan a bit."

"What do you mean by improvise?"

*Green Flash


While Arthur's new transformation did surprise her a bit, but the same can't be said for those outside,who are watching this match. They were shocked beyond measure. While a person can have one transformation with his quirk but having multiple transformation is unheard of. While at the same time they are all different looking and have different and unique powers.

"So this transformation is called as Feedback right"


"So what can he do?"

"He can absorb any type of energy and redirect it in the form of electricity."

"That will it a lot easier. Since Kaminari's quirk is related to electricity, you should be able to absorb it. While Jiro's quirk is sound. We should be able to manage something here"

"That's the plan"


Team C Pov

Just as Momo and Arthur were planning their moves, Kaminari and Jiro were on their way to the bomb.

"They are coming"

"Where are they?"

"They have just entered the building"

"So you also possess tracking abilities, in this form?"

"Something like that"

"When do you think is best to intercept them?"

"Let them come to us, rather than us going to them"

"Okay, but don't you think that's it's a but dangerous to let them come near the bomb?"

"Don't worry we can handle it. So can you create a cloth to cover the bomb from all sides"

"I can do that"

"Now let's just wait for them"

"But why do you need a net?"

"In case his lightning attack moves towards it."

"But wouldn't that also disqualify them"

"Yes, but I doubt if he even has control over them"

"Fine, an insulating cloth it is, right?"

"Yes, now we just have to wait for them"


Team G Pov

"I can sense them, they are both together near the bomb. Also they don't seem to be moving from their position"

"They must be too confident of winning"

"Well they are both top students of our class"


"And from what I have heard, Arthur has two transformation. One allows him to control magnetism and other let's him run fast."

"If we were to combine our powers, I am sure we can beat them. My electrification quirk combined with your quirk. We can definitely beat them"

"Both of them sound strong. The one he used in entrance exam seems to have no limit on his powers. The same could also be said about his other form."

"Are you ignoring me?"

"Please concentrate on the battle"

"Yes. We can defeat them with my quirk. My classmate who was in same group as him said he had turned into some metal and metal is a good conductor of electricity"

"So what if he turned into the one he used in the test"

"Don't worry too much, i am sure we can win. Just follow my lead"


"So are you free after this"


"There is this good cafe that I found last week"


"I am sure we can go some another time"

"They haven't moved from their place"

"Your quirk is really helpful"

"Let's go. They are on the next floor"



General Pov

As Jiro and Kaminari made their way to the bomb site,only to stop a bit distance away from the room housing the bomb. Jiro used her quirk to find Arthur's and Momo's position, unbeknownst to them Arthur also has similar ability. He was using Feedback to track their location since the beginning of the match. What they assumed to be their advantage was just one of the many abilities of Feedback.

Arthur did like Feedback from the show but had only used it twice since reincarnation. He had used it once while training under Damon and other time to just play around.

"I'll attack with my lightning by spreading it across the whole room and then you can just attack them if they are still standing"


While she wasn't too sure about it but she had to move forward, and they can't just keep standing here forever.

"Let's go"


"They are just a floor below us"

"Okay, so you are going to fight them while I have to defend the bomb, right"


"Let us do our best"

"I always try to win and I doubt there is anyone in this world who can force me to go all out"


"They are here"


Just as Arthur warned Momo, Kaminari entered the room while Jiro waited outside just as they had planned.

"All according to plan. Now feel my lightning"

Kaminari as soon as he entered the room attacked them by blindly discharging electricity with no control over it. Though Arthur's new form was unexpected for him but it was something they had discussed, while he was a bit hesitant but moved on with the attack.

Since the beginning he knew in his heart that, his classmate Arthur is someone way above his league. He is super strong but he never ever expected him to just absorb his electric discharge so easily.

"How?" Was the only reply Kaminari could think off.

Hearing Kaminari's shocked voice Jiro ran inside the room frantically, only to find her teammate just standing there in the room with a shocked expression, while Momo was standing guard near the bomb while there was an alien type of being standing in the centre.

'Why isn't he attacking?'

"How did you do it?"

Hearing her teammate's question and what could be assumed as Arthur's new form, was all she needed to understand that their so called full proof plan had failed and she needed to counterattack and counterattack she did. She used her ear plugs to create sonic blasts to attack her opponents, but to her dismay Arthur came out unfazed while she did manage to give some damage to Momo.

"Well your attacks are weak"

She was devastated seeing her attack being useless, but before she could attack again, she heard Arthur's voice once more and possibly the last time in this game.

"You can have it back"

While the power discharged by Kaminari was weak to Arthur but it was enough to release a electric wave.

'This should be enough to paralyze Jiro.'

"Momo are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just feeling a bit unstable"

"Take it easy"


'Glad that it works, I just tried copying that Pokémon move. The one used to paralyze your opponents. Now that electro-boy is the only one left. He can just absorb my electrical discharge, but even he has a limit. There are limits to what a human can do, while Feedback can not just absorb all sorts of energy but also absorb the amount of energy capable enough to destroy the whole universe and in the show he was shown to have no limit for the amount of energy he can absorb while also being physically stronger.'


While Arthur was waiting for a bit after releasing a electric wave, Kaminari was flabbergasted to see Jiro fall. He was shocked to see Arthur just absorb his attack and throw it back at them. While he was able to absorb that power back but the same couldn't be said about Jiro his partner.

His bewilderment could be justified, as he would have never expected someone to have same power as him.

'He must have same quirk as me in this form but even he can't possibly absorb high power discharge. Just like me even he should have a limit.'

"Aren't you going to attack? I am waiting for you Kaminari. While your last attack was very weak but even you should be capable of more than that"

"Just you wait"

As Arthur was taunting him, maybe due to the taunt or perhaps the helpless situation that he had found himself in, with his teammate unconscious and his opponent having a perfect quirk to counter him, or just that both the factors had forced him to attack his opponent with his full power. A suicide charge perhaps.

"Full power electrification" [A/N: Just make do with this lame name for now]

While he knew the repercussions of using it beyond his limit but seeing the impossible fight ahead of him, made him decide to just go all out while fighting.

Soon as he released his power hoping to take down Arthur down with him, well this new form of his did give him worry, after he first laid his eyes on him but since the battle had commenced, so he couldn't just back off.

While with the discharge power getting more powerful, Kaminari had to face short circuit in his brain. It was already too late for him and much to his disarray Arthur had managed to once again absorb all that electricity. Though that is something Kaminari couldn't witness due to the short circuiting in his brain after the discharge, but the battle was almost over or perhaps it was already over the moment Arthur stepped in the fight. Arthur just walked in front of the paralysed Jiro and to the now dumb Kaminari.

With just a flick of finger, he brought Kaminari down. Though he wasn't unconscious yet, but was out of commission.

"The fight is over."

Arthur after hearing All Might's announcement returned back, to meet up with Momo.

Soon All Might arrived with some bots. But seeing Kaminari and Jiro he was worried.

"Are they going to be fine?"

"Don't worry, I haven't used any offensive abilities against them. While Jiro is just paralysed and has passed out from the shock I guess and as for Kaminari, I haven't done anything to him. It was his own quirk that brought about this. It must be due to overuse of his quirk. You should know about this from watching the match right "

" Yes. I was just worried for Jiro, since she got knocked out after getting hit with that lightning attack you used"

"It wasn't a damage dealing attack but whatever"

"That was a great fight now, let's talk about your match at the observation deck"


"Let's go now. They should come back after their treatment"

"Let's go Momo"

"Yes Arthur"

'Is it just me or All Might doesn't have his usual joy and high mood while conversing with me'

Well it was obvious as to who won the match but since this was an evaluation, they still had to listen about their performance.


"It's faster this way and don't push yourself"

Arthur had already picked up Momo before she could respond, in a princess carry. This action not only shocked Momo but everyone who were watching the live feed.

"All Might let's race"

"But aren't you tired from the fight"

"That fight wasn't even worth for my warm up. The exercises I do, strain my body more than that fight. Let's go now"

As He lifted her in a princess carry, and she, while overwhelmed with embarrassment, struggled to refuse his gesture, all the while attempting to conceal her flushed face but it was already too late for that.

He was already moving or perhaps running would be more suited to describe him here, and while her mind was trying to process the situation, they had already arrived at the observation deck. A good minute before All Might.

Today a lot of things had amazed All Might, but speed at which raced him while carrying his classmate was really amazing. 'Since his power is related to electricity, running along the power lines must give him a big boost. This form will really give him a big advantage while fighting in the cities'

While everyone were talking about the fight and Arthur's bold move, a completely different thought was going through his mind. 'They should work on their power transmission lines. Who the fuck places their power lines like that and I guess I am starting to understand why Ben liked Feedback. He really is a great alien, while he can absorb almost any type of energy while at the same time being able to counter his enemies with their own energy. He is even agile and flexible to fight'

'As for Momo, I think she trusts me more than anyone else in the class. She has this trust in me which I doubt anyone except her family has. While she did refuse to be carried by me but didn't show much resistance towards it. Since I am new to this, I am not too sure about this but if I have to trust my instincts, she doesn't hold any romantic feelings towards me. The relation that we have between us is one of friendship.'

Everyone was excited about the match with the exception of Momo, she was too embarrassed to think straight, her face had turned as red as a tomato, flushed with embarrassment. It did take some time before she managed to compose herself.

Soon All Might declared team C as winner and Arthur was declared as the MVP of the match.

After their match there was one more match to held after which they disbanded for the day. While everyone left their own way, Arthur left with Momo towards his car where he transformed into Anodite, and healed Momo and opened a portal to her house. After dropping her to her house safely, Arthur used his Clairvoyance to spy on Midoriya and Bakugo. After all Deku did share his secret with Bakugo at this time in the show. He watched the whole interaction between All Might, Deku and Bakugo. It played out just like in canon with some changes, where they had conversation about today's fights. The main difference would be about Deku bombarding All Might about the matches that took place after he was taken to the nurses office.

All Might did answer his question, seeing as Midoriya was feeling positive while taking about the matches. He knew about the internal struggle Midoriya was going through, about not being able to lie about his quirk to his friend. Which according to Arthur was pointless, Midoriya was someone who clearly loved his family. He could easily lie to his mother about the quirk albeit while feeling guilty but had problem lying about it to his childhood bully who he considered as his best friend.

After sharing his secret with Bakugo, Midoriya felt the tension weighing on him lift off, which prompted him to fire off one question after another towards All Might and his so called best friend aka bully.

While unbeknownst to both All Might and Midoriya, Bakugo was having his own crisis. He just couldn't forget Arthur's match. The way he fought was domineering.

He was having his own internal struggle torn between Midoriya, who he thought was quirkless his whole life, was someone with a very powerful quirk. He felt his whole world crumble. The quirkless boy that he bullied had been the one with a powerful quirk and he felt Deku was the one toying with him rather than the other way around.

But after getting to know the truth about the matter, he felt relieved. He didn't hate him for getting such a strong quirk but he felt relieved that Deku was still a loser who just got lucky.

Arthur did have to hand it to Bakugo seeing as he never complained about not getting that quirk himself. He might have thought about what if scenarios but never showed any feelings of jealousy or greed openly towards Deku or All Might for One for All. He might have felt a bit jealous but the feeling of overpowering that quirk with his own quirk dominated his feelings. It was the only thing that he shared with Arthur.

While Arthur might get jealous about something owned or created by someone, but unlike most people instead of feeling the need to take or snatch the thing that intrest him. The feeling of building something himself which outshines and surpasses, dominates. Similarly after getting reincarnated in this world he could have tried to get One for All or All for One, but wanting to dominate those powerful quirk with his own dominated him, though he was born with a strong quirk, that would have made the situation unnecessary but even under the condition of being reborn with a weak quirk or no quirk would not have changed his thoughts. His pride didn't allow him.

He would have tried hard to get stronger with his weak quirk or would not have even tried if he was reborn quirkless but would have never tried taking the those quirk using his show knowledge. It is just his pride speaking or it might be that he didn't wish to get involved in this mess by taking those quirk. After all if he did take any of those quirk, he might still have to struggle a lot and get punched on both sides while living the painful life in this messed up situation. Rather than suffering, it might be better to just live a comfortable life while using his knowledge of story, somewhere far form the canon. [A/N: Dropped this info dump on Mc, just to get the readers have a clear idea on Mc's character]

Bakugo was relieved for the most part, after knowing the secret behind Deku's strength did calm him down but he still couldn't accept the fact that Deku managed to outsmart and defeat him but he could train harder to defeat him. But Arthur wasn't similar. He seems to have an array of strong transformations, with each of them possessing unique and strong powers. That was made known to everyone there, today. He was established as probably the strongest student in their school or possibly whole Japan today.

The transformation he used today was able to absorb electric strike used by Kaminari and throw it back. If that wasn't enough, he was fast. Even his previous transformation was fast. Fast in the realm of impossible. He was fast, and he knew deep down that, even with all his efforts he could never go faster than him. That was bothering him a lot. Only the future may show the reaction this action has caused.


Mc Pov

'It was pointless. There was no need for Midoriya to share it with Bakugo.'

<It was his wish to share, it maybe due to him feeling guilty about it>

*Green flash

'Never mind that. Our aim is higher. Way higher than what can be imagined by these mortals. Lets just concentrate on our battle strategy, but before that, have you found anything about that psychopath who wishes to murder me'

<On it, we will find about him as soon as possible. He seems to leave no digital footprints of his deeds. Which is making it more difficult to find any trace of him. While we still can't use Ultron openly in this world which is delaying the search>

'That is troubling but that can wait. He doesn't seem be active these years so we can wait for a bit, but do it quick. I want to get rid of him as soon as possible.'


'So about the game, what do you think we should do. I feel hopeless thinking about my situation. Completing the game fast may give positive points while even completing it late could give negative points. Since my opponents in this game are me it is just... Let's just give up. I can't think of anything that could possibly make me win this game'

<Already giving up>

'That's the problem, I feel like giving up but I can't. Since this is a game ROB has organised, it might be related to entertainment. How about putting on a big show for ROB, though he will know about the future but we could possibly gain some points through it'

<That sounds possible>

'From now on I will be the actor and this world a stage. Lets try to make every situation as entertaining as possible.'

<This could make it>

'There may be others, my avatars who could have also thought of the same and could have already completed the race with this tactic. This isn't joke anymore Jarvis. I may get erased, never to live again with the exception of ROB bringing me back.'

'Lets just take it easy and complete the race. While having as much fun as we can. We should enjoy it while we can, who knows what this game has in store for us.'

'So Jarvis has the quest option initiated'

<It will get unlocked after you have completed the story transpired till the end of season 1>

'So we still have time'

<You have received two Omniverse draws and one OmniGame starter pack for this game>

'When did I get this?'

<Right after you reverted back from Anodite>

'Two Omniverse draws hmm.. One for battle trial and why did I get the other for?'

<One for Battle trial and other for Midoriya and Bakugo meet. You were present in their conversation, which has fulfilled the quota for the event point>

'That's interesting, I think I can use this feature or loophole a lot'

'Open Omniverse draw'

<Opening 1st draw>




<You have acquired>



'what the fuck is that. What am I supposed to do with SpongeBob. Am I supposed to fight Rimuru or Goku with that form, or wait it is supposed to help me against Anos'

<The pull you get is totally random>

'I understand, it is useful but it is definitely not going to be of much help. He is one of the many forms that I have to collect and I just so happen to get it now. But it does reignite my memories and the nostalgia I am feeling right now'

'Now onto to the next pull'

<Opening 2nd draw>




<You have acquired>


'Finally some good find. Slyrak the Fire Eldwurm. He is the Ember Eldwurm whose soul supports the universe as one of the eight pillars of creation. He is also called as the father of fire. He's a character from Dota verse. They even had an animated series called the Dota: Dragon's Blood. While I hadn't played the game but I did watch the whole series. He wasn't the strongest dragon in the show, but he was strong. I don't know how he scales in this world but he is powerful. As the Eldwurms are the reality itself in the ddb verse. They can't even go to the physical world with their true form and just use avatar. He is the father of fire, he who presides over fire'

'So what about Omnigame starter pack'

<OmniGame Starter Pack Opening>


|Benjamin Kirby Tennyson Uniform|


|Armoured Vehicle |

|Space Ship|



'That's indeed good starter items'

<All of the items provided cannot be destroyed permanently. Though they can be destroyed or vapourised but they will spawn in the storage space provided in your Omnitrix>

'So I can store things in my Omnitrix now'

<No the above provided items are the exceptions>

"We have arrived Arthur"

"Thanks Damon"

'So I don't have any convenient storage system or something'

<No, they are stored in your dial and you can access them anytime>

'That's fine, so about the armoured vehicle and the space ship'

<You can decide as to which model you wish for, but they have to be from Ben 10 verse>

'Can't he just give them straight away, it's not like there is any need for these formalities'

'Anyway, can i have hybrid of different vehicles. No use wondering about what ROB is thinking. Does he even think. Never mind'

<It seems you can>

'So for the armoured car, get me a hybrid car, with the combination of Kevin's Car from Alien force and Omniverse with Mach 10'

<Car had been delivered>

'Good. Now onto the space ship, not like I am going to use it anytime soon. So for it, can you make it a combination of the Chimeran Hammer the one and only Vilgax's ship, Fulmas 2, Rusk Bucket 3 and Lovely duck. It is overkill, which will definitely make me crazy strong. But compared to some other space ships in anime or Marvel or DC they aren't that strong. Especially Unicorn, though he is a transformer but you can't forget that he is a type of space vehicle. HE IS A FUCKING PLANET'


'So, is he also on the list'


'Guessed as much'



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