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Chapter 3: The Game of Life

General POV

"So mortal boy who were you conversing with?"

"Hmm... You see.. "

"Before you answer I know you were conversing with the readers"

"how did you know..."

"Cause I'm Omniscience I know everything just wanted to let you know"

*ROB has a Smug face



"So mortal boy do you understand in what position you are in? "

"Yes that I died"

'Now that I have died. I don't know what to feel about death, I had never considered about death that to this early in life. I was born in India and as I grew up I was just doing whatever my parents told me about life and education. I found it a pain in the ass to study but I did it anyway. For reality check when I was in school my parents told me to study hard and score more in 10th then I can have relaxed chill life, but after 10th my parents told me to just study hard for 2 more years then I can have chill and relax and then after 12 (after 12 years of hardwork) I had to face reality again, there they were my parents telling me to study a little more in life then you can have your chill life after saying they told me I can do anything in my life and gave me two options in my life to be either a doctor or engineer and after contemplating my 18 years of life or hard labour *sorry studying I choose engineering as I didn't have much interest in medical field and didn't want to become a doctor. Then here I was as I was doing my engineering as any normal student and going about my normal life where nothing significant thing had never happened in my 19 years of insignificant life or significant for some, then suddenly I find my dead. Died by lightning strike. So now what"

"So now what"

"So let's continue our discussion now that you have completed your monologue as for that girl and dog nothing has happened to them except that the truck was burn to Ash"

"Ohh.. Wait the truck was burn to Ash"

"You see it wasn't a natural lightning I tempered with fate and brought that lightning upon so in a sense i killed you"

"Wait why did you kill me. I hadn't done anything to you, not that I can remember it and if by any chance I have harmed you that was not intentional"

"You were intresting a existence. You managed to defy fate or destiny whatever you consider it and escape death. For starters you see fate or destiny is a law or rule which no mortal can escape from and for that matter nor can any diety can escape it or defy it or anything less."

"So am I special and you didn't answer my question about why you killed me, wait does this have anything to do with me defying fate"

'I knew I was special from the moment I was born I always felt out of place in that world anyway. I couldn't socialize like those popular people. It was like I was out of that world'

"No you are not special it was just your luck. You see you were just lucky in that moment"

"Luck. Wait I was just lucky the hell with luck. If I was lucky why did I have those near death experience and if I am lucky then why the hell did I die"

"For you to escape that accident was majorly part of your luck. You were destined to die that day by getting hit by the bike when that bike was coming with full speed its tire would slip because of rain and crash into you. But there was a irregularity and it was you looking towards that girl, if you hadn't looked, the girl would have just walked back home from her grocery shop vist before which she would witness your accident then go call for help and then will she return home safely. As for the truck, the driver was dead even before he reached your point it was able to come near you because of fate trying to correct itself and bring about your death it was correcting itself but that truck could have bought that mortal girls death with yours you thought you had thrown that girl out of the way but half her body was still in the path of truck so it was just passing you as irregularity and was going to ignore you and just postpone your death. "

" I wasn't lucky, if I was lucky just as you say I wouldn't have died and I wouldn't be here now sitting in front of you and talking to you"

"Yes, you correct and wrong in that deduction of yours because, you are lucky you were able to escape death and free yourself from your fate and wrong because fate or luck or any other concepts doesn't factor themselves with me. I am beyond fate, death, space-time, immortality and for any other and every concept. For I am Omnipotent,Omniscience, Omnipresent. I am space, I am time, I am galaxy, I am universe, I am omniverse for I am even embroidery of creation, destruction, life and death. So me killing you has nothing to do with your luck"

"Then why the hell did you kill me"

"It is simple because I thought you were special and suspected you were even beyond me."

"Why would you need to suspect it. Aren't you Omniscient"

"Yes I am omniscient, so you see you must read some fiction works in your world were higher being descend without the the some other high level being knowing then when he tries to see him all he can see is normal being and even sees the future where he easily killed him off, but when the time comes he can't do anything but die. Even in my knowledge you are nothing but an ordinary being without any specialty in you except your luck being high enough to defy fate but I grew curious if you were that sort of being, even in my knowledge I could kill you and I killed you but for experimental sake I killed you to check the results. "

" You killed me because you were unsure and for your experiment sake, *starts laughing hahh hahh I can't believe it."

"Yes and I was disappointed"

"the hell first you kill me then you are dissappointed"

"Yes and this is the first time I am dissappointed"

"Anyway who are you, you said something about being this and that but who exactly are you."

"You can consider me anything you like I am a lot of things I am who I am, I am whole lot of things. I appear different for every being. So you can consider anything you wish for."

"Then what was it you being full of darkness and being full of light"

"You choose to see me differently at that time. You saw me as space talking to you or the very abyss itself then as a god and now you are seeing me as some omnipotent being"


'Fu*k I was speaking like that to an omnipotent being. Now I don't want to imagine what will happen to me after this if I even have a after this.'

"Sorry. Please forgive me this transgression"

"It's fine and sorry accepted. For me you see there is very disstinct difference between me and rest of others including you"

"Yes, you are Omnipotent and a whole lot of things"

"Yes, but I was talking about emotions. I don't have or feel emotions atleast before meeting you or knowing about"

"OK, I guess that's something. I don't know what's it like having no emotions"

"Yes, so there you have it"

"So now that's done and out of the way so what now? Or what's after this for me and why am I here?"

"You were bought here by me to let's say meet and introduce ourselves and inform you that I killed you."

"So now what"

"So now that it is done and you don't have anything much to say and you don't have the courage to curse me outright for killing you because I am an omnipotent being and have further control over what happens to you"

"Yes, and I am sorry"

"I have never interfered. This is the first time and I have never felt emotions and this was also a first time for it. So this situation is also a first time. This thing brought up a lot of first time happenings. There is a first time for everything and you were the first person to make me feel emotion even though that was negative emotion "

Protagonist has a very bad feeling about this

Continues ignoring mc" So let's play a game to decide your future. We will play The Game of Life game"

"What sort game is it, don't you think it is very irresponsible playing a game to decide my future. My future."

"Yes I know it. So a game it is"

"So there is other option"

"Yes, there is no other option other than this."

'My life is fu*ked up'

"So now let's begin the game, you see in this game we have wheel in which there are a lot of future options written on it and you will spin the wheel to find out your next course of action and the result willi determine your future. See its that simple. "

" So where is this wheel"

"It's just to your right"

When the mc turns his head to the right he finds the spinning wheel which was for sure not there a moment ago.

'Guessed as much'

When he observed the wheel,

"There is nothing written on the wheel just it has different colors."

"Well it is that way for it to be a surprise for you. You won't the options till you spin in it. The options are there on the wheel but there is a colour sheet stick to it, so you will remove the colour sheet of colour on which the wheel will stop at."

"So do you know the outcome of this draw"


'Thought so'

"This is definitely a Pandora's box"

"It might as well be, but you should look at the bright side among them there is a option which will let you go back home just before you died and there even is a option where you will be send back to the morning of the accident just before you wake up that morning for your college "

" So that is also a possibility then, but you mentioned that it may also be a Pandora's box so it will even contain some horrific options "

" Yes, among them are you will be sent to after life, your soul will be destroyed and sent to oblivion and many other options"

The Mc thinks while walking towards the wheel;

'This is my life's most important moment, please don't fail me, my supposed ultra pro plus luck'

"I don't have much of a choice might as well get it over with"

And spins the wheel *Wheel spinning noise and the wheel slows down a bit,

'Please don't fail me my luck'

The wheel slows down even more than before and stops at black colour sheet.

"My fu*King luck"

"You should check what option it is"

"Don't you know it"

"For your sake"

"Nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong, everything will be alright, everything will be alright, everything will be alright, everythingwillbealright, everythingwillbealright, everythingwillbealright, everythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealrighteverythingwillbealright,

and he slowly moves to open the sheet, he closes his eyes while peeling of the sheet and pulls it off completely while his eyes is closed. After pulling it off he slowly opens his eyes to check what it is and is petrified to see what it is


"What the fu*k"

"So now that you have selected the option let's move onto next stage"

"Give me some breathing time, I don't know if I even need to breathe now that I am dead but even so. And I didn't select it. It was given to me."

"Do you have a problem with the generated option"

"No thank you, it is far better than getting your soul destroyed or getting your soul sent to oblivion"


"I didn't ask you this before but what about my family"

"You shouldn't worry much about it, remember when I said I tempered with the fate and sent the lightning to you. That lightning was not any ordinary lightning, it has killed the already dead man or rather burned his body, removed your very existence from that world and made it so that you were never born in that world and sent the truck to the oblivion. So there is nothing for you to be worried about, for your family you were never born and you don't exist in that world"

"It makes me sad to know that my family wouldn't remember me or would not know me as i don't exist for them. But I guess this is for the best now wouldn't have to worry that they will keep grieving about me."

*RIP Truck-kun.

"So are you ready for the next stage of this game, which will decide the next course of action and determine your future"

"Yes and please don't remind be about it again and again how a little misstep in this game can cost me very dearly. And how fu*ked up my life is"


"So let's begin this next game, and what will this game entail and what is it for?"

"This game will decide which fictional world will you get reincarnated in and as for what it is..."

*******************THE END******************

Vanitas_24 Vanitas_24

So this is the 3rd chapter of my fanfiction and hope you enjoyed it. Now let's meet at the chapter. Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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