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87% Rise of the pervert healer / Chapter 86: 86. A message

Chapter 86: 86. A message

"Please forgive me patriarch and matriarch Carter, but I can't take your daughter as my wife, you see I already have some women who I am planning on marrying including the 3rd princess."

But hearing this Carter family didn't get discouraged, instead matriarch smiled and said

"I wouldn't expect any less from you, I am sure these women of yours are all exceptional beauties like the 3rd princess. I wouldn't force you to take my daughter as your wife, how about you take her as your concubine?"

Andy was a bit stunned hearing this. Wasn't their family ranked 4th among all the noble families in the entire country and they were the patriarch and matriarch of that family. Why would they want to give away their daughter as someone's concubine when they can easily find a young master of a noble family to marry their daughter to who will become the patriarch in future.

Patriarch Carter immediately read Andy's face and knew what he was thinking and said

"Please don't think too much about it, the reason we are willing to give away our daughter as your concubine is that we are sure you will become an exceptional figure in the future. It has been only a week since you came to the capital and your achievements are already immeasurable. You took down 2 high ranking noble families, healed 3rd princess and daughter of matriarch Faye, both of them even headmistress couldn't heal and you are going to marry the 3rd princess soon. I am sure my daughter will be much happier as your concubine rather than someone else's wife."

Andy was taken a back a little and before he could say anything, matriarch Carter continued

"Fufu~ all of that doesn't matter, most important thing is that you have already got the approval of the 3rd queen and I have never met a person who is a better judge of a person than her."

Andy then sighed and looked at the cute girl who looked like she would start crying if he say no.

"Alright, I can take her as my concubine, but after I marry Melty"

Hearing this a beautiful smile bloomed on Clara's face and her mother asked her

"Go on, you can hug your future husband now"

"Yes mother!" said Clara and ran towards her future husband who got down on his knees and hugged his future concubine.

"Big brother please always take care of me!" said Clara and kissed her future husband's cheek.

"Y-Yes I will"

"Alright our 15 minutes are almost over, it is time to go. Also in case you need any help related to transportation, some information or forgery- I mean documentation work, you can always come to my family." said the patriarch Carter. Andy then looked at him with judging eyes for a second then said

"Please don't worry about such things from now on, you can come to meet me anytime without worrying about time constraint. Also please take back the money you gave to Freya, I will walk you out" said Andy and started leading them to the exit.

"Dear son-in-law we can't possible take back our dowry can we?" said matriarch Carter with a teasing tone.

"Please matriarch Carter I insist, you can give the dowry to my mother the day I take your daughter as my concubine." said Andy, hearing which matriarch sighed and agreed. She was hoping her son-in-law would immediately start calling her mother-in-law, but it turns out she would have to wait.

After seeing them off Andy once again got back to work. When he came back he saw there was a platinum VIP card of Carter family on his table.


Near the end of the day when Andy was waiting for his next patient to come in, Freya came in instead with a worried face.

"Master we have received an urgent message for you from headmistress, here" said Freya and handed over an envelope.

Andy quickly opened it and read its content



While I was roaming around enjoying my 'fishing trip' I heard some commotion while I was near the border of our kingdom and Kingdom of Quire, when I went there I saw a small war like situation, there were many casualties on our side and even more people were injured.

I immediately investigated a bit and found out that border patrol knights of Quire have been constantly trying to provoke our knights for a long time now and it seemed like they were waiting for our side to initiate the attack. Eventually one of our soldiers couldn't handle all the insults and bad things they were saying about his family and finally attacked, which caused the condition to escalate quickly.

Although the situation is getting worse with time, neither sides have launched a full scale attack just yet, and only low-tier and mid-tier knights and mages are involved in the fight so far, hence I am staying at the military camp near the border and just healing the injured without taking a direct part in this war. But there are just too many injured, myself and military healers who are stationed near border are no where enough to tend to all of them. I have already requested the king to send reinforcements and more healer at the border, but I also need you here.

You don't have to worry about your safety, I will personally guarantee it, and anyway our camp is far enough from the border so we will be safe here. Also bring some extra clothes and take care of other things first since it will take a few days for this situation to calm down.. or maybe escalate into a full scale war.

- Elenor


Kingdom of Quire was one of the 2 kingdoms with which Kingdom of Rhodes, where Andy lived, shared the border with, and they were always like fire and water, never getting along each other. Around 35 years ago there was a full scale war between the 2 kingdoms which ended up in a draw with huge casualties on both side... or so was the news spread among the general population of kingdom of Rhodes.

Looking at the grim expression of Andy's after he finished reading the letter, Freya asked worriedly

"What is it master?"

"I need to go away on a 'fishing trip' for a few days. I will be directly leaving from here, so can you inform my family? And also I need you to do one more thing, go to royal family and meet with 3rd queen and her daughter, I need you to touch the 3rd princess and inform me via telepathy, then I will heal her condition and will also place a mark on her. When you meet the 3rd queen you can say that I sent you with a medicine which will take care of her condition for 2-3 weeks since I will be busy with other things and won't be in capital city for a while."

"Yes master" although Freya had lot of questions, she didn't disturb her master and agreed.

"Alright let's close the clinic for a few days and hang a temporarily closed sign outside"


Since Andy never visited the border place he couldn't just use the teleport skill to go there, so after closing the clinic, he went to the outskirts of the capital city and found a high speed carriage which was mana powered and ran on mana crystals. Most of the premium carriages like this one were owned by Carter family in this country, and it was basically impossible for commoners to use them even if they had the money. Good thing he now had their VIP card.

After leaving Andy looked back at the capital city which looked small in the distance and thought

'I guess I won't be coming back for a while'

=========== End of Volume 1 ===========

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