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Chapter 3

Seth indulged his green tea as Nessa walks in, placing some documents on his table.

"Huh? What's this?" Seth asked, looking confused. Nessa took a deep breath and explained, it was the documents for the auto car's Mobil he took over.

He completely forgot that he had to do some paperwork, but thanks to Nessa he doesn't have to. Nessa gave Seth a warm smile as she walks towards the door.

"Would you like to go for lunch?" Seth asked, taking a sip of his tea. Nessa was a hard-working young lady who gets the job done right, and lately, he could tell that she worked herself up by doing all this paperwork for him.

"Do you want to have lunch with me, sir?" She asked.

"Yes, I do" Seth smiled as he took the documents from the desk and place them in his bag.

Nessa was happy that Seth wants to have lunch with her and that also made her nervous, she had a little crush on Seth, but he never seems to notice her, for him, it was just a dinner with an employee, nothing more nothing less.

* * *

Angela's manager, Mr. Wayne walked into Ava's company wearing a black suit and holding a black briefcase. With every step he took, he kept imagining how Angela would bury him alive if he fucks this up.

"Excuse me" Mr. Wayne walks slowly to the cashier "I am looking for the manager of this establishment, can you call her over?"

The cashier nodded politely, picked up the telephone, and dialed a number. The phone rang for 3 minutes then a female voice came up, the cashier explained and nodded repeatedly. After placing the phone back, she asked Wayne to wait a bit longer.

Mr. Wayne was waiting impatiently for 20 minutes looking at his watch countless times, just before he was about to completely lose it, Macy walks in. "There she is," the cashier said.

Wayne walks towards Macy, introducing himself, she was eager to hear his motive for being here, so she took him to her office.

Wayne sat down and without wasting any more time he went straight to the point, telling Macy that his boss Angela would like to buy the company, Macy didn't know if she was going to cry or laugh. She quickly rejected the offer, Wayne sighed as he asked for the CEO of the organization.

He kept the briefcase on the desk as he opened it, it was filled with cash and two documents. Macy's eyes lit up as she realized that he wasn't joking.

"Who the hell are you?" she asked looking concerned, but Wayne just smiled as he asked for the CEO again. Macy took out her cell and dialed Ava's number, explaining the situation, Ava was there in 10 minutes. As she walked into Macy's office, she saw the briefcase filled with money.

"Ms. Ava, it's a pleasure," Wayne said, giving Ava a firm handshake. She sat down, and he explained everything again, Ava shook her head in disagreement, this is a company she built from scratch, and she can't just sell it off. Wayne tried to convince her by letting her know that Angela won't take this lightly.

"Tell Angela to go fuck herself!" Ava said as her eyes were filled with anger, who the hell Angela thinks she is? Ava thought to herself. Wayne could tell the atmosphere was getting unpleasant, and it was clear that the deal was rejected.

"Very well, I bid you a good day," Wayne said as he stood up, leaving the office.

He walked past the cashier as he waved her goodbye, he brought out his cell and dialed a number.

"Yes… You can close the accounts" Wayne smiled as he opened his car and zoomed off.

* * *

"Do you need anything else?" the waiter said as he poured in more wine for Nessa who has been waiting for Seth in Saint Luiz Restaurant, she understands that he can be late most times, being his secretary for three years Nessa knows Seth never keeps up with time, but she hopes that even if he's late, he should be here.

Seth placed his foot on the accelerator, he remembered that he had a date with Nessa and his 30 minutes late. After getting an invitation to Marcos Sweets Lodge, he forgot about Nessa when he went shopping. He drove his Mercedes 2012 model, not too fancy, but he likes staying low-key whenever he goes out.

Nessa got tired of waiting she paid the bills and took her bag walking towards the exit, she opens the door and Seth walks in.

"Am so sorry" he apologized looking Nessa in the eyes.

"You're late and the restaurant is about to close," Nessa said, looking disappointed. Seth could tell that he made her sad.

"I got an invitation from the Sweet Lodge… Mind tagging along?" Seth smiled as he admired Nessa's body and how the dress hugged her, really brings out her ass.

Nessa nodded with a smile, Marcos Sweet Lodge is one of the most expensive hotels in the USA. The lowest dish you can get is $10,000 that's a place most ballers go to spend money, drinking expensive wines, bragging, and talking about business.

As a secretary, Nessa knows that she won't be welcomed, but she can't reject Seth and would relish any opportunity to go out with him.

Arriving at the hotel, Seth parked his car and opened the door for Nessa, he might be her boss, but he's still a gentleman.

"Tonight you're not my secretary" Seth holds Nessa's hand "You're my date" Nessa's face turned red as Seth's words rushes through her body like adrenaline.

They both held hands, looking like the perfect couple as they showed the security guards the invitation card. He scanned through it and nodded as he opened the door.

Nessa's eyes lit up as the hotel was more beautiful than she imagined, the place was filled with so many business tycoons, she can't afford to mess this up.

They walked to the wine cellar as Seth got a bottle of wine with glasses, he saw how Nessa blushed as he offered her a drink, she was a beautiful young lady and also well-mannered, Seth was happy that he brought her.

He made jokes, making her laugh, she told him about her first time cooking and how she almost burnt down the house. They were having a good time, Seth excused himself as he went to the restroom.

Nessa walked around the hall keeping a smile on her face whenever she made eye contact with anyone, her legs were trembling as she got tired of walking around in heels.

She tried adjusting it and accidentally bumped into a waiter who was about to serve a drink, he missed a step, and the glass shattered on the floor.

"Look what you've done" He yelled as he bent down to pick up the pieces.

"Am sorry" Nessa said as her eyes filled with tears.

"Pleading is hopeless, Mrs…" a voice came in through the silence. It was Spencer Richman, a wealthy and powerful baller. Spencer smiled as he walked towards Nessa everyone's attention was on her, they were all mumbling.

Spencer bent down to pick a piece, holding it close to Nessa's face. "$7 million…. You'll have to pay $7 million" Spencer said, giving Nessa a cold stare.

"Sev…EE.n mil…lion dollars?" Nessa stuttered. "I don't have that kind of money" tears were rolling down her cheeks.

"Huh? You don't have $7 million, then what are you doing on this occasion?" Spencer said, as his eyes were filled with rage.

"She came here to steal… SHE'S A THIEF!" a man shouted from the background. Nessa was crying and shaking her head because she was not a thief. Spencer got annoyed and slapped her, she fell to the ground and pleaded.

"You're just a low-life dog, who managed to sneak past security, so you can steal from us," Spencer said as he slapped Nessa's face repeatedly, Nessa was defenseless all she could do was beg. Everyone knew Spencer was someone you shouldn't offend.

Seth came out of the restroom and notice the sudden silence in the room, he didn't care to find out what was going on, he went looking for Nessa. He went to the wine cellar but didn't see her. "She left already?" Seth whispered to himself. He heard someone screaming in the crowd, and it sounded like Nessa, Seth ran pushing everybody out of the way, he saw Nessa on the ground as Spencer was about to give her another slap.

"Don't you dare" Seth said as he walks towards Spencer.

"Are you her low-life boyfriend?" Spencer laughed.

Seth walked past him and went to Nessa, he bent down and wiped her tears off

"Am sorry for leaving you alone" he whispered in her ears. Nessa couldn't help herself, so she cried some more. She broke La Diamante a 925 Diamond Sterling Decanter.

It's made of hand-blown glass, coated in silver and platinum, and topped off with 4,000 diamonds. All of that cost a cool $3.5 million, unfortunately for Nessa she broke two of them.

Seth stood up and walked towards Spencer, slapping him on the face. Everyone was shocked because anyone that dares to lay a finger on Spencer is a dead man.

"How dare you touch her!" Seth's eyes lit up with anger.

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