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44.44% League of Legends: The Grim Wolves / Chapter 11: Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Chapter 10

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"Come on Jinx look for an opening!" I encourage Jinx as we spar together.

"Grrr, I'm trying!" She yells out, swinging at me.

I dodge it before swiping at her feet, knocking her to the floor. As she groans I chuckle "You're fighting like you're a giant Minotaur, long swipes and strong punches. You're small and fast, use that to your advantage. You get me?"

She gets up "Did you just compare me to a cow?" She glares as she gets into a fighting position.

I shake my head as I too get ready. She charges and shows she at least knows something with hand to hand fighting. She must've learnt it from someone at a young age, probably from this Vander guy or maybe her sister. Either way, who taught her was in a different weight range than she will ever be, probably. She knew to keep her hands up and where to strike, but she doesn't have the mass to back up her strength.

It had been a few days since Igris joined my gang of Shadows and since then, there hasn't been any trouble. But that was because word spread... of me and a red knight destroying an entire factory while fighting. I had started to help Jinx in improving herself, since she doesn't seem to leave my side. Her strength and skill in fighting has improved drastically.

As a demonstration to her improvement, it seemed she was taking my advice properly. Instead of trying to block my far stronger strikes, she would dodge them and hit at parts of my body's weak points like the ribs and behind the knees. Not only that, but her attitude changed as well, more in control and calm. Though she's still the euthanasic jokester, she knows to be calm and collected in a fight.

Of course she hasn't been the only one showing improvement. I had adjusted my army to get used to the additions of both, the gang of Sharpshooters and Igris. What caught my interest was that Igris is unlike all other Shadows and with reason too. The power he held has made him unique to all Shadows, thus far. While other Shadows have no personal identity besides being completely loyal to me, Igris has his own personality. He is chivalrous, never willing to fight an opponent that has no chance against him. When I tested Igris against some wild wolves he killed them before cutting off their heads and bringing them to me and kneeling in front of me. I don't know where the Black Rose found this guy... but I like him.

The thirty guys with guns were a nice addition as well. They along with my mages can provide good advanced units my forces lacked. If the new plan is to fight against Noxus and not Ionia, that means I need to be much stronger. But at least Noxus is more predictable as Ionia is a place full of confusing magic and people. I have instead been slightly sabotaging the process of shipping out the Shimmer. Enough to slow progress while still not arising suspicion to Swain or Silco. Who knows maybe I'll find an opportunity to completely ruin future deals between the two.

Over the few days I also got to meet three notable individuals: Jayce, his partner Viktor and none other than Professor Heimerdinger. While I met Jayce and Viktor the other day I met Heimerdinger when he came to me in the library. He's quite the wise fellow, being here since the city's founding.


Flashback to some days ago:

I do a little stretch as I finish another book, this one was on an old empire on the southern continent called Shurima. Both the continent and the empire were named it but that was because the empire spanned the entire continent. It was no doubt the greatest empire in history.

"Ah, Shurima! A remarkable place for adventures!" I hear to my left.

I look over to see no one till a little hand pops up from below. I have to look over a pile of books to see a Yordle, those hairy little magic things are apparently from another realm entirely. This Yordle however, was special. "Professor Heimerdinger? It's an honor to meet one of the city's founders." I say pushing the pile to properly meet the scientist legend.

"The honor's mine. Tell me did you read all these?" He says gesturing to the dozens of massive books around me.

"Yes Professor. I like to come here whenever I can." I say with a little nervous chuckle.

"Oh, don't be ashamed. I must say you have quite the skill in quick reading. Why have I not seen you around here before, Young Man?"

"My name's Dire, Professor. And I'm a traveler from Noxus. I was hired to help out with some shipping and to avoid the stuff going on there."

"I see, Noxus is an aggressive nation. Though I like their idea of freedom, I don't tolerate the amount of death their ways cause." He says looking away. He then looked back to me and gasp "Oh! I don't mean to insult your home my dear boy."

"It's fine sir, to be honest I lived a sheltered life so I'm only Noxian by birth."

"Is that why you're looking into Shurima? Looking for somewhere to move to? Though... I must admit, Shurima is mostly filled with nothing but desert nowadays."

"No, I'm doing a job for Councilor Kiramman that relates to Shurima."

He chuckled "That would explain it. I could see that adventuring glow in your eyes." A creature even smaller than him known as a Poro gave him a little nudge. "Ah, I must get going. It was very good meeting you Dire."

"You too Professor." I smile as he walks off. I giggle a little at his Poro. I read about how their origins aren't entirely known and that they only originated from Freljord. They are quite adorable with the Professors being up to his Yordle knees so it would fit in the palm on my hand.

I sigh and look at a nearby clock, noticing the time I decide to put my things away.

(Flashback Over)

"Alright, good! You've improved a lot." I tell her.

She instantly falls to the ground in a large pant "You just... wanted to stop... because, I was beating you..."

"If you want to think that, you can. But come on, let's go get changed and get something to eat."

At the mention she bounces up to stand, making me laugh. The day after the fight with Igris we got some more clothes from that same store I got my suit from. Just some more stuff for casual as well as some clothes for training. It was also to get something protective for her, but I got an idea for that.

To help her exercise instead of taking the lifts up we would just climb up. At the start I would have to just pick her up and then climb the the rest, but now she's able to climb up even when she has been training since the morning. She does it quite slow, but it's progress.

"Are we going to go hang out with Jayce and Vikky after this?" She asked.

"Why are you calling him that when you know it annoys him?"

She laughed "That's exactly why."

I roll my eyes "Yeah, we are going after this. I'm still helping them out afterall."

"Yeah and while you three nerds are having fun with that stupid blue ball I'm going to continue my project." Lately she had started crafting a new gun, this one already has a name: Pow-Pow.

"It's Hextech Jinx, the stuff is revolutionary."

"So why can't I help out?"

"Because you'd try to make it a gun wouldn't you?"

She was quiet as she crossed her arms and huffed "It would've been a very cool gun at least."

I look at her with a face fill of sarcasm "Oh? A VERY cool gun?! Why didn't you say so?"

"Asshole." She glares at me before turning away.

I chuckle "Jayce and Viktor want Hextech improving lives, not taking them." I then start to remember when I first met them, the passion and drive they had for wanting to improve people's lives with Hextech was quite a sight.


Another flashback:

I got it. One day after some stuff Jinx and I were returning to rest when the innkeeper told me I had gotten a letter from none other than Jayce Talis. I took it and went to my room. "Who is that from?" Jinx asked me.

I didn't answer her as I ripped open the letter and read it:

[Dear Dire,

I'm happy to tell you that after talking with my partner Viktor, we are delighted to offer you to help us using your knowledge of the arcane. We believe your insight may lead to us better understanding Hextech and could lead to a breakthrough.

If you aren't busy, please visit us at our workshop. We spend most of the day there so anytime should do during the day. We hope to see you soon.

Jayce Talis.]

"Jayce Talis? Hey, isn't that the famous 'Man of Tomorrow' or whatever? What does he want with ya?" Jinx says poking her head over my shoulder.

"I met him at that party and showed him that I was a mage." I say putting the letter away. "Let's go pay them a little visit."

"What? right now? I thought we were going to do some more training." Jinx pouts at me.

"Why are you always keen on doing training but hate it when we start? Besides, they're inventors like yourself. I'm sure if you show them your talent they'll let you fiddle with their scraps... maybe."

"Argg, fine!" Jinx groaned as I grabbed my jacket.

Jayce's letter had the location of their lab as we soon arrived. It was in a good spot just outside the main city hall. There were some Enforcers guarding the place, but they let us through saying that we are expected.

We were taken to their laboratory. I knock on the door and soon Jayce opened it and stared at me "Ah, Dire, you're here! Great. Come in, please." He says as I walk inside "Who's this?" He says standing in front of Jinx.

"My bodyguard." I say. Of course it's a joke but he didn't know that. "Her name's Jinx, quite the feisty one."

Jayce looks at me, confused before stepping aside to let Jinx in. She went wide eyed as she awed the place. Multiple little gadgets and tools laid around. As an inventor it must've been paradise due to Jinx's look.

Jayce then walked to stand next to his partner, a scrawny man that required a cane to walk. "This is my partner Victor." Jayce introduced him.

I walk up to him and shake his hand "Dire, nice to meet you, Viktor."

"You too, Dire." Viktor replies.

"So, you wanna get into it?" I say to them.

As if I switched clicked they both went wide eyed as Jayce said "Right!" He leads me to a little device and inside was a Hexcrystal. "We've been trying to further stabilize it. It's power can be explosive if not properly cared for."

"You've taken a version of runes." I answer them. "The reason you're version isn't properly stabilized is because you've underestimated it's power."

"We've learnt to properly control it to teleport a Skycrusier across the world. I think we can understand our own invention." Viktor says.

I shake my head "I apologize. I am not saying you don't understand it. I'm just saying you're looking at it like scientists when you should be looking at it like mages."

"But, neither of us are mages?" Jayce said.

I rub the back of my head trying to figure out a way to explain it till I find a blackboard. I walk over to it and grab a piece of chalk. "Magic is what connects reality together. In fact there are supposedly runes that had been pumping magic into the world since it's creation." I tell as I draw on the blackboard as a way to explain to them. "You've been thinking energy and magic are separate when energy, ALL energy is just a part of the magic that holds the world together. You may have figured out how to teleport things around, but it's only scrapping the surface with what magic can do."

I may not be a scientist, but I'm confident I know what i am talking about from my own experience and the books I've read. In the end of my explanation I had covered the blackboard in drawings and physical descriptions. Though they seemed to somewhat get it by the looks on their faces.

Of course this is my own theory, about magic being a force that keeps reality together. But due to my superhuman nature and the amount of sheer magical power I have I can sense magic as naturally as telling that the air is cold or that a storm is on the way. Every little thing from every little creature you can find to the very air itself has some degree of magic. Mages just have the senses to tap into that ancient power to do many things, from creating storms of fire, to raising the dead.

"Oh, I believe I'm starting to understand. We've been treating the magical energy from the Hexcrystal as if it created it's own magic." Viktor started.

"When in reality the Hexcrystal simply took the magic of the surrounding area and it uses that." Jayce finished for him.

"Good, you understood." I sigh relieved, I didn't really want to explain again, but I'm not telling them that.

"Do you think the reason it's so unstable is because it absorbs more than it's vessel can contain?" Viktor theorized.

"It makes sense. A mage's magical potential grows as they get older so that's likely the case." I answer.

"Then if we can somehow put a limit on the amount of magic it absorbs..." Jayce said.

"We can create a more stable version of it!" Viktor finished for him.

I swear these guys are secretly in a relationship or whatever judging by how often they finish each others sentences. But maybe that's just the product of a great partnership. Jayce and Viktor started to get to work as I watched giving advice and answers when they get stuck. After an unknown amount of time, at least an hour or two, I realized something.

"Oh! Jinx?! You still here?" I ask turning around.

"Don't mind me you little nerds. Just ignore me." Jinx answers. The three of us notice that she had been working on something of her own on the other side of the room.

"Jinx, don't take Jayce and Viktor's stuff." I warn as I walk over. She was working on another gun, this one clearly much bigger since she needed to hold it in two hands.

"It's fine, it's mine but I barely touch these things." Viktor says walking next to me to see what Jinx was doing. "What are you making?"

She turned around and raised her hands high in the air "Pow-Pow!" Very quickly she began rapidly listing off parts, functions and in her words 'accessories'. Turns out it's a gun meant to fire rounds extremely quickly.

"It's a firearm?" Viktor asks before realizing what she was actually making "I don't condone making firearms."

"Oh, relax Vikky. Gun's don't hurt people."

"People with guns do..." Viktor glared at her

"Oh ya, then they kill everything." She laughed it off like it was a joke.

Viktor was about to say something further when I placed a hand on his shoulder. He looks to me as I whisper "She's a little... eccentric. But believe me, she means well." He looked like he was about to argue when I spoke to Jinx "Is that for Ionia?"

She giggled "Sure is! Those Noxian weirdos won't know what hit them!"

"Noxus is invading Ionia?!" Jayce gasped out.

I sigh "In a few months, yes. Jinx and I are going to go there to help as many people as we can right?" I finish looking at her.

Jinx's expression turns into one of seriousness as she looks at her hands "Yes. There are many people I couldn't save. So I'll make it up to them by helping as many people as i can."

Her vow shocked the two scientists. I smiled at her determination shining through as she quickly switches back to herself and goes back to working on her new gun. "I know you may not condone weapons and I respect that. But if this can help us save lives, we have to take it. But of course, if you want her to leave she can, just know I'll be going with her."

Of course I want to help them, nor do I want to threaten them with leaving if they don't accept Jinx. But she's the closest person in my life at the moment. If she's always willing to stand by my side, the least I can do is stay by hers.

Jayce and Viktor were silent before looking at each other Jayce then asked me "How do you hope to fight against an entire nation with just you two?"

I chuckle "Let's say I have a couple buddies that are more than fine with helping me out."

Jayce seemed to be okay with it so he looked at Viktor, giving him a little nudge. "Fine. But only if you can swear to me it's only used for saving innocent lives and NOT taking them."

"You hear that Jinx?" I say to her.

"Yeah yeah, whatever." She replies without turning to us, going with a wave of her hand instead.

"That's the best answer we'll get right?" Jayce sighed.

"Yes." I almost laugh.

"I must admit, I admire that you're still willing to fight against the strongest military in the world." Viktor speaks up as the three of us leave Jinx to her work. "We too, want to save lives." He says looking at his partner.

Jayce nods "Hextech will change the world for the better when we are able to stabilize it."

I like their attitude, but Hextech is an extremely powerful tool. Someone will use it for bad intentions, it's in human nature for one of them to use something for evil. Hopefully we can avoid that. Hextech in the wrong hands can be a horrific thing to witness.

(Flashback over)

Since then Jinx and I have been regularly going over to work on Hextech. Or rather, I have. Jinx has been working on Pow-Pow while improving Zapper with Jayce and Viktor's far superior materials compared to junk.

We've gone far, but not far enough. I could tell we weren't close to fully stabilizing it for public use. But still, improvements are improvements. Jayce and Viktor's understanding of magic is far better now so even when I leave Piltover they'll be good.

As we make our way into the lab, Jinx runs in so she can quickly continue her work. But when we enter I notice another person besides Jayce and Viktor. None other than Councilor Medarda. Her exotic looks appear to be from Shurima or the tribes of Targon. Targon is on the far left side of the Southern continent of Shurima and is where the tallest mountain in the world is located. The mountain, of which Targon is named after, according to legends scraps across the heavens itself. It is something I must check out one day.

"Hey Dire." Jayce greets me, making Viktor and the Council member look at me.

"Jayce, Viktor, and of course Councilor Medarda." I say politely.

"We were just talking about you." Viktor told me.

I walked over to shake her hand. But as she did I noticed the mistrusting look she gave me. She then looked over to Jinx "Who is that?"

"Her name is Jinx." Jayce answered.

"Does she help as well?"

He nervously chuckled "Well, no. She hangs with Dire. We just let her work over there in her own little corner."

"Building weapons." She says disappointed at him.

"Councilor Medarda, I assure you Jinx and I--" I was about to keep talking but she interrupted me.

"I know exactly what you could be capable of, Dire of the Grim Wolves." She glares at me. "Why is a mercenary of Noxus helping Piltover when there is an invasion not far away?"

Jayce and Viktor are clearly shocked "Dire? You're a mercenary for Noxus?!" Jayce gasped.

I groan "You're as clever as a fox Councilor. But you misunderstand my intentions."

"I think I understand your intentions Necromancer."

"A Necromancer?!" Viktor repeated completely taken aback.

Dammit, I should've known that little performance back at the Immortal Bastion would bite me in the ass. I had my pride poked at and I slightly lost control. But it's clear this lady has some connections to Noxus.

"I should have you taken out of here and sent back to the Immortal Bastion." Councilor Medarda gritted through her teeth. Before I could say anything she started to leave the room.

As she was about to leave I sighed before yelling "Wait!" She turned to keep glaring at me as I said "Yes, I am a mercenary from Noxus. I was... different back then even if it was only a little over a week ago. But I've changed. I understand the agony my actions that I would've done if I continued on that path." I look down saddened "Agony similar to the pain I went through. But I've met people. I've made friends, people I can trust. Even if it's only three people."

Everyone was silent. Jayce, Viktor and Jinx surprised and flattered knowing it's those three I was talking about. I then look back to Councilor Medarda. "So I decided that I was going to use my strength that was going to be a weapon for the evil to be a shield for the innocent."

"What about your so called 'Shadows'?" She asked me.

"All of them aren't the actual people themselves. My powers aren't to raise the dead but to bring forth shadow forms of themselves." I answer her. To show her I bring forth Igris, shocking the three people who have never seen him. "And believe me, no Shadows are made from innocent people. I vow to never use the Shadows of an innocent person."

She looks at me, probably trying to see through my lies if I was in anyway deceiving her. After a time she sighed "You don't appear to be lying. But why haven't you at least warned Ionia of their impending doom?"

"As far as Noxus knows, I'm still their mercenary. Besides I doubt Ionia would believe me if I tried to warn them."

Her lips moved slightly upwards "They are a strange people." She then looked a little at Jinx before looking back to me "You can remain in Piltover for now. But if I catch I whisper of you still helping out Noxus I will watch you get thrown out of here do I make my self clear?" She warns.

"Crystal." I chuckle. To be honest I doubt Piltover could stop me if I tried to stay, but I'm not telling her that.

She nodded at Jayce and Viktor before leaving. After she left I sighed and turned back to my friends, all who were admiring Igris. Igris shrugged at me as I laughed a little. "How does this work?" Jayce asked. He then starts to poke Igris "He's clearly not made of a metal, yet he's solid."

"Like I said magic is capable of endless possibilities." I respond.

"How are they created?" This time Viktor asked "You said it's a shadow form of them. Could you elaborate that?"

"To be honest I'm not entirely sure myself how it fully works. I know Necromancy on this level is not possible for a living person before I came along. But from what I know I take their soul and copy it before turning that piece into something of my own liking. All of them are linked to me and grow stronger as I do."

"How many do you have?" He then asked.

I think for a bit "Around a two hundred minus Igris here. He's on a higher level compared to the others and serves as my second in command of sorts."

They go wide eyed "Two hundred?! You have a small army at your call?" Jayce awed.

"Basically, yes."

"Quite impressive my friend." Viktor compliments.

It felt nice when he called me his friend. We started on our work on the Hexcrystal which was at the moment building a device that can stabilize it's power. Of course I had no idea what they were doing but it was still interesting. "Can I help?" We all hear Jinx ask.

"Aren't you working on... what is it called... Pow-Pow?" Viktor said.

"Yep! And check it out!" She says as she whips out a complete Pow-Pow from behind her back. She laughs as she pulls a trigger making the three barrels at it's front spin quickly.

"Wait stop!"

"What are you doing?!"

The two of them cry out as they duck for cover. Soon after her gun stops spinning as she looks at them, confused and with a smile on her face "What are you doing? It doesn't have any bullets genius's."

She starts to laugh hysterically as they look at me before laughing.

PS: Also i'm going to change the timeline as all the things happen when Apollyon gets there (Azir's awakening) because if you think Apollyon can solo GOD (Mordekaiser) without alies you're delusional.

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