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Chapter 1: CHAPTER 001

When I woke up that day I was expecting to go through the same boring routine that I'd sadly gotten used to. That being:

- Wake up

- Get ready

- Go to college

- Attend classes

- Do my work

- Go home

- Read some fanfictions

- Go to sleep

That's been my entire routine for the last 2 years since I've been in college. For any of you wondering, I'm trying to get a degree in Physics so yeah. I first started with computer science and even after learning its drop rate, I thought I'd be one of the few who stayed. As you can tell, I was not.

Back on track, everything was the same until the 'Go to college' part. Since my college is relatively close to my house, only a 15-20 minute walk, I usually walk there. Only calling an uber when I don't feel like walking there or when I'm going home since it's usually dark when I do come home. While I was listening to music through the headphones I had on, I came to a stop at an intersection. I was looking around when my phone vibrated. Taking it out to see what notification I got I felt someone push me forward into oncoming traffic. The last thing I remember is trying to look back and seeing a truck to my left. After that everything went black as I assume the truck hit and killed me.

Now we're at the present, if I were to base my experience on the many fanfictions I've read when I had time then I'm likely in the 'void' where time is likely passing by at either an unbelievably fast pace in my home world or no time has passed at all. I can also attribute my lack of panic due to the 'void'. The only question left is how long I have to wait as there was never a set time on how long I'd have to wait before someone or something finds me and whether that someone or something is good or not. Besides thinking, there isn't anything I can do besides waiting so I'll do that.

"Good thinking"

The sudden voice coming from seemingly every direction I can think of scared the shit out of me which was surprising in and of itself since the 'void' should dull my emotion

. . .

I think

"Yes, my voice does carry an . . . effect if you will. I know that you likely have an array of questions you want to ask me so listen carefully as what I'm about to say may answer some of them.

- Yes, what you call the 'void' does dull your emotions a bit

- Yes, I am a ROB

- No, your death wasn't an accident, you're a part of what could kind of be considered an exchange - program from the will of the omniverse. I'll answer more of your questions on this later.

- Yes, I will grant you wishes but there will be limits to them

- You may take as long as you like to think about what I've said

- Are there any questions?"

It was surprisingly straightforward and most of what he said was easy to understand besides a few of them.

"Yeah, what do you mean by 'Exchange program from the will of the omniverse'?"

"Assuming that you already know what an omniverse is then you should also guess that with it there is an infinite amount of danger to it. That's where the 'exchange program' comes in. Our job is to essentially nip these in the bud."

"Okay… so what requirements do we have to meet to be in this exchange program?"

"People in similar situations as we were. That being that no one will really miss us."

"That's . . . sad."

"Yeah, but in exchange, we were given this chance so it makes up for it."

"I guess. Also, do I have to reach your level of power or is it fine not to?"

"You don't have to, there's an infinite number of Earths similar to ours so it's fine if you stay in the universe you were reincarnated in."

"Okay, so why am I in the void then?"

"Mainly because you'd be calm if you were since I didn't want to have to deal with you panicking and because you don't have to worry about other ROBs watching since the void is as infinite as the omniverse is. Don't think about how weird it is, you'll likely cause yourself a headache."

"Okay, so what are the limitations on what I can wish for?"

"Nothing that'll change who you are and they can't be too strong. For example, you can't wish for something like Gamer's mind or omniscience."

"So what would happen if I wished for an object or power that can get stronger over time?"

"That'd be fine since it's 'overtime' but remember it'll stop once it reaches a certain level since it'll reach a peak of what you or it can handle."

"Then what would happen if I wished for the tech tree of a civilization?"

"As I said earlier, it'd be fine since you're not automatically the strongest and it's easier to do than you think. Is that what you want?"

"Yeah, can I get the tech tree of humanity in Star Citizen?"

"Sure, what do you want to look like and what do you want your name to be?"

"Umm . . . could you make me look like Kilik Rung from Soul Eater and could you make my name . . . Nathan Childress?"

"Yeah, and are you really going with Childress as your last name?"

"Of course, he's the father of the Quantum Core Engine and I plan on being the same in whatever universe you're sending me to?"

"Okay, then what universe do you want to go to?"

". . . You're letting me decide?"

"Yea, now pick?"

"Then. . . could you send me to the Young Justice universe?"

"Okay, but do you even remember it?"

"Not really but since I'm starting with something as overpowered as the tech tree of humanity than might as well add some difficulty to it."

"Alright, you'll be born in 1994 so do you want to reincarnate as a baby or older?"

"Uhh . . . if I choose to reincarnate older then will I take over someone else's body?"

"No, you'll just be sealed until you reach that age."

"What do you mean sealed?"

"It's like when you're on autopilot, you do it automatically. It's kind of like that."

"And I'll still be me?"


"Then I'll choose to reincarnate older. Could you make it a month after the Appallaxian invasion?"

"Sure, and out of everything you remember the one thing that was mentioned like once throughout the entire show?"

"Yeah, they were creatures made entirely out of energy so I found them interesting."

"Alright, then is there anything else?"

"Is it possible for me to add or take things out of the tech tree?"

"Yea, what do you want to add?"

"Could you add the Omni Tool from mass effect, a quantum core engine that can reach the speed of light, and could you switch the drones in the tech tree with the drones in oblivion?"

"Um. . . okay, done. Anything else?"

"Could you make me an orphan, I'd rather not have to deal with parents and I'll let you decide where I reincarnate."

"Alright, since you don't want to deal with parents I'll make sure the orphanage is lax. They'll take care of your basic needs but besides that, they won't care. Just in case you're famous I'll pick one whose matrons don't pay attention to the news. Hope you have fun."

I was going to say thanks and bye before everything went black.

'Is this like the loading screen?'

I waited like that for a while looking around and seeing nothing no matter which direction I turned my head. Until I blinked and found myself in what I could assume was my room. As I looked around I got a splitting headache and all my memories from till this point flowed in.

Like I wished, my name is Nathan Childress. Shortly after I was born, my mother dropped me off here in a basket. Since the matron didn't know what my actual name was she gave me a random one. I don't have any friends since I usually avoid all the other kids. Though I make up for it with my great grades. There isn't anything to talk about other than the fact that the Appellaxian invasion happened a month ago and the damage they caused is still being fixed. Luckily though, Dakota City wasn't hit so there isn't anything I have to worry about. (The Appellaxian invasion was in February of 2003 so it's March)

Pushing up my glasses that were about to fall due to my moving around I looked around and noticed that the sun was just coming up and there were kids in their beds still asleep. From my memories, there are 9 other kids in this room not including me so I'll have to be quiet. Me being on the bed farthest away from the door also doesn't help. To my left, there is an alarm clock on top of a nightstand telling me that it's 7:05. From what I can remember the matron is going to wake us up at 7:20 to get ready to go to school so I might as well use the extra 15 minutes to get ready.

Following my memory, I reach under my bed and grab my hygiene box. It's just a box that the matron gave us that has our toothbrush, toothpaste, a bar of soap, a comb, and lotion. The shampoo is in the bathroom. After grabbing it and bringing it out I reach down again and grab my towel and school clothes. All of our clothes and backpacks are under our beds so we don't have to go far.

Getting up, I slowly walked towards the door through the aisle between all of our beds and walked out of the room making sure to quietly close the door behind me. Again following my memory I walk towards the bathroom and slowly open it just in case anyone is in there. Since no one has yelled or done something to warrant me closing the door I walk in and close it behind me.

Turning on the lights I closed the door making sure to lock it. I then went and took a quick shower. By the time I came out, I could already hear the matrons walking around so I assume I'd been in there for about 10 minutes or so. Hurriedly putting lotion on and my clothes I begin brushing my teeth.


I hear the matrons yelling after I finish brushing and leave. Afterward, I can hear her ringing the bell that she usually does after yelling so that we don't fall back asleep. As I'm walking back to my room to get my socks that I forgot I pass by several kids slowly walking while rubbing their eyes wanting to go back to sleep. I shake my head and go to my room, put my socks on, grab my backpack, and walk downstairs.

Walking downstairs I can see the shoe rack that has all our shoes in it and grab it. Putting it on I walk out the door and close it behind me then walk the road that based on my memory should take me to school.

With the 15-something walk to school, I have plenty of time to think about what I should do next. Though there is one question that I desperately want to be answered.

'How does my Tech Tree work?'

I'd sadly forgotten to ask the ROB and now I'm left confused. Besides that, I'm too young to invest in anything and it's not like I even remember what the stock market was like so that's a bust. If I can I'm going to make a social media platform, likely twitter since I was most used to that with it being the center of the rare few online dramas I knew about. There's also discord that with it being used by a lot of people in my old world then it'll likely be the same here.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I noticed that I'd finally reached my Elementary school. 𝐃𝐚𝐤𝐨𝐭𝐚 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥. They clearly weren't good when it came to naming things but that's not my business. Shaking my head I walk in.

DrearyEyedSlumber DrearyEyedSlumber

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