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Chapter 38: THE PLANNING

At the warehouse in Ebonmere, John was running around with his guards nervously.

"I want you to get to the village and search for Edward in every corner, take whatever the guards you need, just find him, and if you find him with the silver haired hunter who was in the inn last night don't hesitate about using full power against him cause that means that Edward is in great danger.", Said John nervously, he was looking around for Edward who wasn't in the warehouse.

"At once, Mr. John.", Said the guard standing before John, suddenly another guard came rushing in the warehouse from outside the main gate.

"Mr. John, they're here.", Said the guard who came rushing in.

"Who?", Asked John worriedly.

"Mr. Edward and guard master Shisk, they are outside and coming close.", Said the guard, John quickly ran towards the gate in fear and after he had gotten out, he saw Edward and Shisk reaching the gate before him.

"Edward, where have you been?", Asked John in fear, it was obvious that he was afraid that something bad might have happened to Edward.

"I was doing the small investigation that you wanted.", Said Edward calmly, Shisk was behind him.

"I told you to send a couple of guards not to go by yourself and taking the risk of being exposed by yourself then who knows what might happen.", Said John in fear.

"Don't worry, John, I needed to do it by myself to ensure that no mistakes might happen.", Said Edward confidently, John looked at him before he started looking relieved.

"All of you, get back to what you've been doing, and I need someone to take this wheat sack from Shisk and give it to any of the workers here, they will know how to use it properly.", Said Edward before the guards returned to their main positions except for one that took the sack from Shisk and got it inside.

"Shisk, stay here while I talk in private with Mr. John.", Said Edward in a commanding tone while looking at Shisk.

"Whatever you seek, Mr. Edward.", Said Shisk.

"Come on, John, let's talk in your office.", Said Edward while moving inside the warehouse, John started following him.

"What were you thinking, Edward?", Asked John nervously, they are now in the office with no one around them.

"It was the right thing to do.", Said Edward.

"And what if he noticed you, who knows what he will do to you if he knew that we're planning to take the child.", Said John.

"The chance of the exposure of our plan is much lower if I did the questioning around, if the guards did it they may be exposed easily cause they don't know who we're dealing with, I know what I'm doing, it's for the sake of your plan.", Said Edward seriously.

"I do not want you to sacrifice yourself for the success of my plan, this was not my goal from the beginning, that's why I told you to send the guards not you, cause they mean nothing to me compared to you.", Said John nervously, Edward was surprised by this reaction but then he smiled.

"Don't be afraid, John, I was taking my caution well, I wasn't going to face the hunter, but I couldn't risk that the guards misdo it and put you in a bad position before your father, I promised to help you and that's what I'm doing.", Said Edward in a caring tone, John looked at him before sighing.

"Don't leave like that again, at least without telling me, I thought something had happened to you.", Said John calmly.

"As you wish.", Said Edward while smiling.

"Now, what did you find?", Asked John.

"You were right about the part were the hunter has something to do with the old man that served us the drinks, his name is Miller and he is the owner of the inn, the one that I asked didn't know exactly what he has to do with the hunter but it looks like that the people doesn't like the idea that a hybrid is staying with them in the same village and this created a fight at the inn yesterday morning, and guess what, the hunter was involved in it.", Said Edward.

"What happened exactly?", Asked John.

"Due to the overwhelming unacceptance for the girl's presence spreading between the villagers, a lumberjack named Larry decided to face the hunter along with his two companions, and I guess that you can expect the result.", Said Edward.

"They got beaten up hard.", Said John.

"Indeed.", Said Edward.

"So what other information can help? Did you talk to this lumberjack or anyone about this Miller?", Asked John.

"The farmer that I was questioning didn't know much about Miller but he told me that this Larry knows a lot, I didn't want to go asking around to avoid getting attention, my best bet was talking with this Larry.", Said Edward.

"Using the hatred inside him towards the hunter can be useful for us, he did make him look like a fool between the villagers after all.", Said John.

"Precisely, that's John that I know, I went to his shop but we found the shop closed, Shisk asked around and found that he and his companions are cutting wood at this hour.", Said Edward.

"Damn it, when will they be back?", Asked John.

"Probably by now, if not they will be there at the time I'm there, I decided to inform you about what I did until now while the lumberjack gets back, I guessed that you would be worried if I was absent for a while.", Said Edward while smiling.

"Yeah okay, I'm the one who will talk with the lumberjack.", Said John seriously.

"What?", Said Edward in surprise.

"As you heard, I can't let you risk your life twice, that's my plan after all, I've to do it.", Said John seriously.

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, John, but that's a risk I'm not willing to let you do it, if something happened to you not just Mr. Alphonse won't forgive me, even I won't be able to forgive myself.", Said Edward worriedly.

"Just tell me what you told that farmer while asking about the hunter?", Asked John.

"I told him that I'm looking for a good monster hunter and I heard that there is a great one here.", Said Edward.

"Perfect, where's the lumberjack's shop exactly?", Asked John.

"No you're not going anywhere, young man, your safety is my top priority, I can't let you go, John, leave this to me and I promise that everything will go fine.", Said Edward seriously.

"Never.", Said John seriously too.

"Come on, John, why being stubborn all of sudden?", Asked Edward.

"What's your problem, Edward? You told me that you trust me, is that how you show your trust? You can't even believe that I can go and gather some information on my own for the sake of my own plan.", Said John seriously.

"It's not about trust John, mistakes can happen to anyone, but according to your talk mistakes with this hunter means a death penalty, I can take the risk but I can't allow you to take it.", Said Edward in fear.

"You've done it and nothing happened, the same will happen with me, I can't live with guards around me everywhere for all of my life, I need to prove myself, I'm 25, not young anymore, leave this to me, I know the exact type of information that I need from this lumberjack to execute my plan.", Said John seriously, Edward looked at him in concern, John wanted to do this due to two reasons, the first one is that he doesn't want anything bad happening to Edward, he's like his godfather, he was closer to him than anyone including his father, always supporting him whenever his father shows how he did not live up to expectations, so he indeed loves Edward and respect him, the second reason is simply because it's his plan, he can't let anyone do this for him, he wants to prove himself by doing everything in it, he also knows the exact type of information he needs for it.

"Fine, John, it's your right to execute your plan the way you see right.", Said Edward, John sighed, at last Edward listened to him.

"Finally, I thought that you will start acting like my father.", Said John in relief.

"But take Shisk with you.", Said Edward.

"Who?", Asked John.

"The guard that was with me, you can depend on him, and before you think that I'm not trusting you, I've taken a guard with me, so don't even think about going alone, you need someone to ensure your safety.", Said Edward, John thought about it.

"Fine, I don't see any harm in this, precautions aren't wrong.", Said John.

"Exactly.", Said Edward.

"Well I need to go now if I want to catch up with the lumberjack.", Said John before wearing his jacket then going out of his office with Edward following him.

At the front of the warehouse, John was going to leave.

"Take care of him, if anything happens your top priority is Mr. John's safety, just make sure he's safe.", Said Edward to Shisk.

"Of course, Mr. Edward, I'll do whatever it takes to protect Mr. John.", Said Shisk politely.

"Come on, guard.", Said John who started walking away, Shisk started following him while Edward looked at John with a smile.

"I haven't seen him care about anything like this since Cristina, he must have a good plan for such confidence, you can make your father proud, John, I know it deep in my heart.", Thought Edward while smiling.

At the inn where Jaxith and Irene were staying in, Jaxith was enjoying his usual orange juice at the counter alone with a tray of food before him, Miller was preparing the inn as usual, it looks like Miller hasn't opened yet, it was very calm at this time.

The door of one of the rooms was opened and Irene came out yawning, this room was different from the room that she burned, she walked until she reached Jaxith, pulled a stool then sat on it beside Jaxith.

"Good morning.", Said Jaxith while drinking.

"Good morning, Jax.", Said Irene while looking at the food.

"You slept like a baby, you weren't joking about playing for too long with your new friends.", Said Jaxith.

"Yeah, it's good to feel like this again.", Said Irene happily.

"That's good, now you should eat, I know you're hungry, we can talk while you eat.", Said Jaxith.

"You know me right.", Said Irene while raising her thumb and looking at the food before starting eating, Jaxith looked at her while thinking about something.

"hey, I wanted to ask you something.", Said Jaxith.

"Go on, Jax, what's on your mind?", Asked Irene while eating.

"Was your appetite always like this?", Asked Jaxith.

"What do you mean?", Asked Irene, she stopped eating while looking at him strangely, he was silent.

"Wait, are you making fun of me again?", Asked Irene, Jaxith smiled.

"No I'm really asking if it has always been like this, I'm thinking of something.", Said Jaxith, Irene looked at him in silence.

"Hey, I'm not really making fun of you, girl, there is something I'm suspecting.", Said Jaxith while patting her head, Miller noticed how Jaxith was always talking with Irene, it's like he's someone else, not the usual boldness he got.

"I really wish to know more about your past Jaxith, you're a good man that's something I can guarantee, but I've seen a lot of men hiding pain behind their faces, but you're hiding more than just pain.", Thought Miller while looking at Jaxith.

"Okay I believe you, just put your hand down.", Said Irene while looking at Miller from the side, she doesn't want her soft side towards Jaxith to appear in front of anyone even Miller, the tough looking hybrid is a shy young girl after all, Jaxith noticed that and didn't want to push her further, he now knows how easily she can be irritated.

"Since you brought this up, I think my appetite has become greater lately .", Said Irene, Jaxith looked at her while narrowing his eyes.

"It started lately with your dreams, right?", Said Jaxith calmly.

"I can't really say when, wait a minute!", Said Irene while looking at Jaxith in surprise.

"What?", Asked Jaxith.

"I think you're right.", Said Irene in worry, Jaxith hummed while looking at the glass in his hand.

"Is that something bad?", Asked Irene in fear, the fear she has from her demonic side never leaves her.

"I told you more than one time to toughen up.", Said Jaxith while still looking at the glass.

"Fine I'm not worried, see!", Said Irene while faking a smile, Jaxith looked at her while drinking

"Now tell me what does this mean?", Asked Irene impatiently while dropping her smile, Jaxith smiled at her attitude.

"Don't worry, girl, I don't mean that this is bad.", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Then what does that mean?", Asked Irene, still impatient and worried.

"I think it got something to do with the recent changes happening to you, maybe your body needs more energy to develop the demonic side in you.", Said Jaxith.

"But I don't want to develop it.", Said Irene.

"This is not a choice.", Said Jaxith.

"No it's my own life.", Said Irene angrily.

"Then what do you suggest?", Asked Jaxith while raising an eyebrow.

"Easy, I'll reduce the amount of food that I eat, I can do it, this way I'll stop my demonic side from developing.", Said Irene while pushing the food away from her.

"You're not suffering from obesity to do this.", Said Jaxith while looking boldly at her.

"Hell no, I'm natural and I'll keep up with a new diet to control my dark energy.", Said Irene proudly.

"You shouldn't lose any more weight, you are currently lighter than my sword.", Said Jaxith, Irene looked at him angrily.

"You're just jealous that I'm fit more than you.", Said Irene.

"For real?", Said Jaxith calmly.

"Don't deny it.", Said Irene with a smirk.

"Fine, do tell me, what's that diet exactly and how it will help you control your energy?", Asked Jaxith while smiling.

"I'll start by just eating this piece of bread for breakfast, this will make me use the energy that I only need, this way I will prevent any energy from going for the demonic side.", Said Irene proudly before taking the piece of bread then took a bite, Jaxith looked at her in silence and all the place was silent too.

"You know that you can't control what your body use, right?", Said Jaxith boldly, Irene stopped chewing the bite in her mouth while looking at the food before her, she slowly averted her eyes towards Jaxith without moving her head, Jaxith raised his eyebrow again, Irene slowly looked back in front of her before lowering her head on the counter.

"F**k!", Said Irene angrily, Jaxith smiled again before taking a sip from his juice.

"Fine, white flag, I get what you mean.", Said Irene with her head still dug between her arms on the counter.

"You said it yourself, you're natural, there are things that happen to us we can't simply prevent it, because it's our nature.", Said Jaxith.

"Easy for you, you're not the one with demonic blood.", Said Irene, she is still in the same position.

"I'm talking about the overall nature Irene, these are things we can't change, like a tall young kid who doesn't want to be taller than this so he does the same like you and at the end he will find himself weaker and still getting taller, we were born like this, doesn't matter a human from a demon from a hybrid from a monster from an elf, all of them have their own natures that they can't change because simply they don't like who they are.", Said Jaxith confidently, he was giving Irene another lesson on how to deal with her demonic side better, she slowly raised her head while looking at him, she was surprised by his talk but in the same she knew he was right.

"You can't control your dark energy by cutting the amount of food you eat, that's just foolish, the only way is by controlling your negative thoughts and emotions, you shouldn't let your emotions drive you, that's the key for the dark energy, and what you're doing now is simply succumbing to your emotions, and that doesn't mean that I want you an emotionless person, I want you focused, use your emotions in the right way, think positively.", Said Jaxith confidently, Irene was convinced by him.

"So what do you suggest?", Asked Irene seriously.

"Eat.", Said Jaxith simply.

"But what if my demonic side grow stronger and I lost control again?", Asked Irene nervously.

"You will never lose control if you keep your emotions tight, whenever you feel like you will lose control just think about what you thought the night you lost control, and I'm not going to go through this talk again, don't ever hate yourself just because you're different, accept it and prove you're different only by blood and that you're more human than many people.", Said Jaxith seriously before standing up, Irene looked at him before looking at the food then she pulled it towards herself.

"Good, looks like you can understand somethings through that thick skull of you.", Said Jaxith with a smile.

"And you're the most weird person I've ever seen, including that you're dumber than me by the way, I'll prove it to you someday.", Said Irene without looking at Jaxith.

"I hope I don't grow up and get dementia while waiting for that moment.", Said Jaxith while handling his glass to Miller, Irene sat in silence with a happy smile on her face without looking at Jaxith but deep inside she was very happy, she doesn't know how he always knows the right thing to tell her, his words look like they are coming out of experience, she decided to start eating again for now.

Miller took the glass from Jaxith while winking at him.

"What?", Asked Jaxith boldly.

"Nothing, it's strange to see that soft side of you, no offense at all, you're a good man Jaxith but always bold, I can't prevent myself from thinking that this girl might be special to you, not just protecting her.", Said Miller, Jaxith looked at him before looking back at Irene who wasn't noticing what they were talking about.

"Hey, you can go and play again after you finish your breakfast.", Said Jaxith.

"Are you sure? We don't want to keep Lance blind about what happened for a long.", Said Irene.

"Don't worry, he will eventually know, remember what I talked about the negative thoughts, having fun is important specially after what you have faced the few days ago, you deserve a break, don't you?", Said Jaxith.

"You don't have to tell me twice, Senka and I will get busy.", Said Irene while eating.

"You're doing the right thing, she needs those happy moments, don't push her to leave unless she asks you, she's clearly happy.", Said Miller.

"I know, it's good that she made friends to have fun with, that's a chance I can't let it go without making a good use of it.", Said Jaxith.

"You're in the best village around, young man, not even Lumina is a better one, by the way, how did you know all of this about the dark energy?", Said Miller.

"Books.", Said Jaxith.

"Didn't take you as a reader.", Said Miller.

"It's fictional one actually.", Said Jaxith.

"You're helping her to control her dark energy based on information from a fantasy book?", Said Miller while looking strangely at Jaxith.

"What can I say? I don't know anyone who uses it to help me.", Said Jaxith calmly!

darkash darkash

I'll leave the discord server link if anyone wanted to learn more about the novel, I have just made it as a way to narrow the distance between me and the readers:

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