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2.98% Harem Hypnosis Diary / Chapter 5: 005 The body is so strange

Chapter 5: 005 The body is so strange

Nawatobi Academy——

In the classroom of Class D of the first grade, Chisato sat on her chair in a daze.

In just one night, her life changed drastically. The feeling of being raped by Mu Xiaoxiao last night was still vivid in her memory. The dazed girl reached out and touched her belly with a troubled expression.

In a daze, Chisato turned her head and looked towards the back... Her seat is in the middle of the front row, while Mu Xiaoxiao's seat is at the last one by the window, and behind it is the cabinet for sundries With the trash can.

His seat was empty, and Mu Xiaoxiao didn't come to school in the morning, which relieved Chisato's nervous mood a little.

She is afraid of him.

No matter what, after last night, the two who had never communicated in class before, she could no longer ignore him.




The yelling in her ears finally brought her back from her daze to reality, and when she turned around to see the short-haired girl beside her who was staring at her with concern, Chisato quickly smiled, "Makoto, what's the matter?"

This cute and beautiful girl with short blue hair is called Himemiya Makoto, her good friend.

The chest is also huge.

"I don't have anything to do, but it depends on what you have to do. What have you been thinking about?" Makoto sat across from her, noticing the fact that her friend was frequently distracted, "You didn't even respond to me."

"It's nothing..."

Leaving Mu Xiaoxiao's house in the morning, Chisato tried to confess to her mother, but just like on the phone, she couldn't say anything unfavorable to him, not only her mother, but also coming to school.

Even in front of a good friend, there is no way to tell the truth.

Her body seemed to be cursed.

"Could it be that the confession was rejected? That senior Youren?" Makoto knew that her good friend liked the boy from the track and field department in the senior year, and the only reason for Chisato's depression was him that say "I'm broken in love."

"No," the more Chisato denied, she became more and more sad. It's not that she was rejected, but to a certain extent, it was indeed a broken love.


When a message came from the line, Chisato tensed up, thinking it was from Mu Xiaoxiao, but when she opened it, she found that it was a message sent to her by senior Yuuto, and she felt at ease.

[Chi-chan, let's meet under the cherry blossom tree next to the playground during lunch break. ]

Senior Yuuto...

Senior Yuuto is a member of the track and field club. He has a gentle personality, is good at sports, and has good grades. In short, he is very popular with girls, and Chisato also likes him. Although he has not expressed his heart, she can feel it.

Senior Yuuto also likes himself.

If there is no accident, the two will definitely come together. It is beautiful to go in both directions, but that is in the past. The girl holds the mobile phone with a complicated expression, and now she is someone else's property——

"Mu Xiaoxiao!"

The yelling at the back scared her so much that she almost threw her cell phone out, she was so shocked that she might have ptsd about that name, Chisato turned her head quickly, and saw a man and a woman confronting each other at the door of the classroom behind.

Needless to say, the man is Mu Xiaoxiao. He finally came to school? She thought she would continue to skip classes.

As for the girl, she was a pretty silver-haired girl with a smooth and tender face, red pupils shining like jewels, and a dress wrapped around her waist.

It is the silver hair and red pupils that people in Asian country like.

It's just that the expression is not very good-looking, and she stares viciously at Mu Xiaoxiao who is about to enter the classroom with milk in hand.

"What's up?"


Mu Xiaoxiao, who was sucking the straw, asked lightly.

"Is something wrong? You almost ran into me, do you know?!" The silver-haired, red-eyed girl put her hands on her hips aggressively, "What's going on to you, don't you know how to look at the road?"

The girl named Kisaragi Anna is beautiful, but her personality is a big problem. She is one of the gyaru in the class, at least most of the students don't want to provoke her.

Hearing her undisguised anger and provocation, Mu Xiaoxiao curled up the corner of his mouth playfully, and let go of the straw, "Student Kisaragi, are you deliberately finding fault?"

"Finding faults on purpose? Hmph—"

The commotion here didn't attract too many people's attention. After all, Kisaragi Anna was such a troublesome gyaru, but as Chisato who knew Mu Xiaoxiao's real side, she was terrified by the two of them.

Classmate Kisaragi Anna is so courageous, she dared to take the initiative to trouble Mu Xiaoxiao, she was miserable.

With this thought in mind, Chisato couldn't help mourning for her.

"So what if I deliberately find fault, it's your problem anyway."

"Then what do you want?"

"Apologize, and even better if you compensate me..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was standing in front of her with a smile all over his face. That gentle smile was like a spring breeze. Those who didn't know it thought he was a good man who didn't want to cause trouble, but they didn't know that he put Kisaragi Anna's words into one ear and out the other.

Swept it all into the trash.

Before Kisaragi Anna could finish speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand abruptly, "I understand, I don't care about so much, don't worry about students Kisaragi, let's shake hands to show friendship."

"Huh? Did you hear me say..." ' Did this man even listen to me!'

Before the words fell, the follow-up speech was choked in her throat and she couldn't spit it out. The girl's expression kept changing, and she found herself speaking suddenly out of control, "I see."

"It's my fault, Mu Xiaoxaio, please don't be angry."

What, what's going on? !

Not only did she speak, but her body also became automatic. Facing his outstretched hand, she actually took the initiative to shake it.

'Who wants to shake hands with him! ! What's wrong with me? Okay, why do I have to apologize to him, what a joke!' Kisaragi Anna gritted her teeth angrily, and she was about to explode when she realized what she had said.

In the next second, her face was blood red, and she swallowed all the outburst words.

What... what's going on? my body...

The moment they shook hands, the moment she touched Mu Xiaoxiao's skin, an electric current rushed out, and the tingling electric current slipped along her palm all the way into her heart, and her body trembled undetectably.

The inexplicable desire continued to rise.

This, what is this? !

The girl was stunned by the abnormal changes in her body. She wanted to take back her hand, but she was very reluctant in her heart. Obviously Mu Xiaoxiao didn't catch it, but she couldn't pull it back.

The blush on her face spread to the base of her ears and neck, staining a large swath of red. She opened her mouth to speak, but she let out an ambiguous gasp. Her eyes, which were sharp a few seconds ago, were now filled with a layer of water color.

Sparkling, spring water flowing.

The body aspect is even more so - under the trembling delicate body, waves of pleasure are coming, the slender white thighs under the short skirt are trembling slightly, and the panties inside the skirt are getting wet a little bit where no one can see.


Kisaragi Anna pressed her lips tightly to prevent herself from breathing ambiguously.

It's so strange, the body is so strange~

"What's wrong with me?" Mu Xiaoxiao glanced at the hand she was holding on to, "Oh, you're blushing! What's wrong with student Kisaragi? Are you sick?"


How should I put it, could it be that my body is not quite right? Kisaragi bit her pinky lips, her mouth was hard, "No!"

"Oh, it's fine if you don't have one, but you don't look quite right," Mu Xiaoxiao still smiled, "Since you're fine, can you let me go?"

He motioned for her to let go of his hand.

However, not only did the silver-haired beautiful girl not let go, but she gripped even tighter. She was going crazy in her heart, and I wanted to let go too. Who wants to hold your hand, but, can't be done ah.


Just as she was thinking, Mu Xiaoxiao pulled out her hand suddenly, causing the silver-haired girl's pupils to shrink.


Don't get me wrong, there is no change in the body, it just simply lost its support and collapsed to the ground.

"Student Kisaragi? It's very dangerous," Mu Xiaoxiao hugged her to avoid the fate of this gyaru from falling, but also let her completely lean on his chest.

Ambiguous embrace.

[Kisaragi Anna]:

——[Strength]: 6

——[Agility]: 5

——[Wisdom]: 5

——[Physique]: 5

Her attribute value is a little higher than that of Chisato, but it is still within Mu Xiaoxiao's control range. Naturally, her abnormal body and behavior are all from [absolute control].

This is the terrible thing about absolute control, not only can control the physical body, but also the five senses, and Mu Xiaoxiao uses this ability to make her have an orgasm-like pleasure.

'I am becoming more and more proficient in my abilities.'

But after using it, he still pretended not to know. Faced with the innocent expression on Mu Xiaoxiao's face, Kisaragi Anna didn't know that all the abnormalities in her body were caused by him.

The body is nestled in his arms, and being held in his arms, the breath of a boy blows towards her face.

At this moment, the student gyaru only felt ashamed and annoyed, and wanted to leave, but the surge of pleasure in her body became stronger and stronger, and she even had some bold ideas, which shocked her.

Kisaragi Anna, you must have lost your head!

"Student Kisaragi, you are so hot. Are you really sick? Shall I take you to the infirmary?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked harmlessly, with a look of concern.

He felt the softness and warmth of the girl's delicate body, and held her in his arms, which was weak and boneless. The faint fragrance and the smell of hormones were stimulated, making people feel some kind of the most primitive impulse.

The softness of the chest is squeezed, and the touch is amazing.

Look at this arrogant gyaru with silver hair and red eyes, now she has become coquettish, seducing people to commit crimes.

Kisaragi Anna's strong self-esteem made her grit her teeth and use her perseverance to break away from Mu Xiaoxiao. She wanted to swear but couldn't swear, but in the end she could only choke out a sentence, "No, no need!"

Shame, shame!

I actually—


Trembling back to her seat, lying on the table without saying a word, she buried her head in her arms. Seeing this, Mu Xiaoxiao shrugged his shoulders, with a flash of smile in his eyes, he came to his chair and sat down .

Finding a gaze looking at him, he looked up, just in time to see Chisato hastily withdrawing her gaze, and raised his eyebrows.

'What's wrong with me?' Even after being separated from Mu Xiaoxiao, the feeling in her body still didn't subside, and Kisaragi Anna, who was tortured by the sudden pleasure, went crazy.

The gyaru student has never experienced a relationship between a man and a woman. When she suddenly encountered this situation, she was not only confused, but also a little flustered.

But the longing and comfort of her body made her obsessed again.

The thighs under the table were close together, rubbing lightly, a little dissatisfied with desire, so she quietly reached into her skirt, and Kisaragi Anna's eyes, whose forehead was pressed against the cold table, almost dripped water.

She hummed charmingly.

'Why is my body like this?' Kisaragi Anna didn't understand, so she could only immerse herself in her clumsy craftsmanship.

The panties are soaked.

All of this was seen by Mu Xiaoxiao. Of course, apart from him, Chisato also saw it. Although Chisato didn't know what happened, she saw that gyaru retreat.

She knew that Mu Xiaoxiao must have done it.

Still as scary as ever...

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