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1.99% Harem Hypnosis Diary / Chapter 3: 003 Senior, I'm sorry

Chapter 3: 003 Senior, I'm sorry

There are many such bosozoku in Japan, and there are many delinquent and bosozoku among high school students. Many schools stipulate that they cannot ride motorcycles to school.

Mu Xiaoxiao is not a gangster or a bad boy, he is just an ordinary traveler, and he doesn't care about school rules or anything.

You can manage your own identity, your own residence, and your own travel tools.


The motorcycle roared on the road, and the wind blew Chisato's hair on the face, confusing her eyes, and she hugged Mu Xiaoxiao's waist in fright because of the high speed.

The soft flesh on her chest was completely squeezed on his back, changing its shape.

Sensing this, Chisato was full of entanglements, and he forcibly took away her virginity. She knew the resentment and sadness in her heart, and she was very angry...but the speed of the locomotive was too fast, and she dared not let go even if she was angry.

Thinking about it carefully, although she belong to the same class, she have never talked to Mu Xiaoxiao. They are almost a stranger, but she was occupied by him, and she will even continue to be played by him in the future.

The future - what will happen.

Um? Why did the motor stop?

The wandering thought of the girl woke up and looked at the sidewalks and roadsides around her in a daze. After getting off the motor, Mu Xiaoxiao dragged her into a convenience store by the roadside.

Ding dong ding dong——


The clerk was a fat uncle, although he had a kind smile on his face, Chisato shrank her neck, always feeling that the uncle was peeping at her legs and chest.

'Am I too sensitive? I was bullied by Mu Xiaoxiao, a nasty guy.'

"Follow me."

"What are you doing, I will go."

Chisato was forcibly pulled to his side by him, gritted her teeth and hummed softly, "Are you so afraid of me running away?"

"Who is afraid of you running away, I just want to prevent you from being targeted by perverts."

perverts? Besides you, are there any other perverts here? Just as she was thinking about it, she accidentally caught a glimpse of the wretched eyes of the clerk at the cash register. The latter noticed Chisato's turning around and quickly turned his head, but he was a step too late.

that clerk...

Chisato's heart tightened inexplicably, her back felt cold, she lowered her head and hurriedly followed Mu Xiaoxiao, who was picking out goods, and moved closer to him...

Speaking of which, what did he come here to buy?

When Mu Xiaoxiao walked around and came to the cash register, and put down the things with a calm face, Chisato beside him could see clearly what he bought—ultra-thin xl model.


Cheeks flushed.

he! He actually—

The wretched clerk was shocked. He looked at Mu Xiaoxiao, who was expressionless and calm, and then at the alluring girl standing beside him. The plump and tender body wrapped in clothes, full of astringency, made his eyes warm.

He is even more envious and jealous of this young man.

Damn it, such a beautiful little beauty is actually cheaper to such a brat...

"Do you think these numbers are not enough?" Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly said with a smile.

How could it not be enough, so many, how many times does he want to come tonight, no way, she will be broken... She was disturbed by his words, and She lamped her legs, Chisato was a little sensitive.

I just feel that the heat flow below can't be controlled.

'Tch, bragging brat, isn't that too much?' The Fat Pig clerk was cursing in his heart, his face full of sourness.

"Heh," Mu Xiaoxiao laughed with unknown meaning, "I wanted to buy birth control pills, but later I found out that Japan didn't sell them. Chisato, I can only pray that you won't get pregnant because I shoot inside an hour ago."


I'm jealous!

After Mu Xiaxiao finished buying, he paid the money and left with his arms around her. The hand on the girl's chest was still restless, and her eyes were red when she looked at it.

Would I really get pregnant?

On the contrary, Chisato didn't care about the salty hands on her body. She lowered her head and covered her face with her bangs, panicking. Mu Xiaoxiao shot all of them in, and the hot feeling was very clear.

"I'm only in high school, so I don't want to be a mother yet."

However, today is a safe period, so it should be fine.

Chisato have been thinking about this issue, covering her stomach with her small hands, as if she can still feel the heat, swaying around in her stomach.


The motor stopped in a small courtyard.

Chisato stood in front of the door as if facing the mouth of an abyss, she knew what would meet her next.

As Mu Xiaoxiao opened the door, Chisato stepped into the porch, her palms were slightly sweaty, and as the door slowly closed, the last bit of sunlight was kept out, and the girl's heartbeat almost reached its peak.


It was the sound of turning on the light, which made her tremble violently. When she found that Mu Xiaoxiao was staring at her with half-smile eyes, Chisato was a little annoyed.

"You brought me here, what do you want to do?"

"What do you think I would do?"

Mu Xiaoxiao sneered, and led her through the hallway into the living room.

He live alone?

The inside is surprisingly clean, it can be so tidy. She heard from friends that boys' rooms are often dirty and messy.

Chisato thought that after entering the house, he would rush to throw herself down, just like he did in the classroom before, turning into a wild animal, but Mu Xiaoxiao threw down the key and lay down on the ground as if lying dead.


"Tonight's dinner is instant noodles." Pointing to the plastic bag on the table, he said lazily, "There, get me some."


Dusk finally passed, the sky outside the window dimmed, and night fell, Chisato turned on the light in the kitchen, and took a look at the plastic bag Mu Xiaoxiao had mentioned, which contained a lot of bagged snacks besides cup noodles.

Just have this for dinner?

In less than ten minutes, Chisato came over with a cup of noodles, bit her lip and glanced at the 'dazed' Mu Xiaoxiao, and put the freshly soaked noodles on the table in front of him.

The boy who was checking his status window looked up.

Why just one bowl?

"You don't eat?"

"Don't eat."

Chisato stood beside her and said in a muffled voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao sneered, "Yes, you have eaten it before, it seems that you prefer to eat my essence than ordinary food, if so, I will feed you again, come to my house as a guest, I can't g can make you hungry, can I?"


After Chisato get out of excitement, she understood the meaning of his words in seconds, recalled the strange taste that filled her mouth before, and said quickly, "I, I will eat! I will just eat it."

Half oppressed, half threatened, Chisato finally sat opposite him and ate dinner as if surrendering.

Chisato's phone ring, here comes the call.

"Hello? Mom, mom?"

"Chi-chan, why haven't you come back yet?"

Her father was on business trips all the year round, and there was only herself and her mother at home. Seeing that it was her mother's call, Chisato's hand holding the phone trembled, and she was a little nervous, so she sneaked a glance at Mu Xiaoxiao.

"I, woo—"

Chisato wanted to ask for help, but the next second her pupils trembled, and she found herself with her mouth open, unable to say anything.

The words for help were stuffed in her mouth, and her mouth opened and closed, like performing pantomime.

what happened? It's difficult say something, could it be that... Her eyes drifted away, and seeing Mu Xiaoxiao sitting there eating noodles calmly, without looking at herself, with an attitude of not knowing anything, Chisato felt a chill down to her spine.

She knew that he must have done it!

This kind of ability... this kind of terrifying ability completely controls her body, and she can't even ask for help. No one will help her.

She can't resist.


"No, it's okay, Mom." There was no way to ask for help, but other words could be said, and Chisato could only say, "I, I'm at a friend's house."

After finally coping with her mother, she looked to him anxiously, "You, what did you do to me?"

"Didn't you notice it?" Mu Xiaoxiao put down his chopsticks and smiled.

It's just this smile that scares the girl a little.

"My ability has not been lifted, your body is still under my control," Mu Xiaoxiao stood up and walked in front of her. Although he didn't directly control her, any act of resistance or harm would fail.

This is [absolute control].

Staring at her pale face, he stretched out his hand to grab the soft flesh on her chest, deeply embedded his fingers in it, constantly changing its shape in the palm of his hand, kneading, "Student Chisato is really disobedient~ It seems that I need to continue to punish you."

"no, do not want!"

"no disapproval"


In the room, ambiguous voices gradually sounded, the clothes were spilled, and the girl's tender body was completely exposed in the air, from head to toe, from chest to legs.

No part of the skin was spared by Mu Xiaoxiao.

All of it have been touch and caress.


"Haah, haah..."

Chisato panted delicately and made an ambiguous voice. She wanted to be patient, but couldn't help it. She wanted to refuse, but she couldn't.

The hot thing in her body made her tremble all over.

Every cell is trembling, every nerve is touching.

Why is it like this, why is it so comfortable, the brain is about to melt, and the body is about to melt, from the inside out, it's not allowed, if this continues, she will sink.

'He's just a jerk, a scumbag, she's been forced, she's been forced. Nggghhh~! ! !'

Warm and tight, the sudden contraction and spasm made Mu Xiaoxiao take a slight breath.

"Haah haah..."

Chisato's body was slumped on the sofa, her head was sweating and flushed, her eyes seemed to be unconscious, full of spring and water, her fair and delicate skin was rosy, and her red lips opened, exhaling hot air.

It's just that when she, who was on the bliss, unconsciously met Mu Xiaoxiao's face and his eyes, all the girl's pleasure, bliss, obsession, and rippling spring heart disappeared in an instant.

What is that look?

Calm, indifferent, and clear, his pitch-black eyes were as cold as black holes, making her palpitate.

He was doing the most intimate thing, and his body was connected to her body in the most intimate way, so there was a look of intoxication on her face, but his eyes still remained calm.

Chisato didn't have time to think about it, and was soon hit by the second wave of pleasure, making her dizzy.

ring ring ring——

The phone just rang again.

"Senior Youren?"

Why at this time, don't... I don't want to answer it!

While shaking her body, she looked at Mu Xiaoxiao nervously. The latter didn't pay attention to her mobile phone at all. He glanced at her and continued to work hard.

Senior, I'm sorry.

Hang up directly, but Chisato made a mistake, and she clicked on the answering position.


The call is connected!

It's Senior Youren's voice, no, no.

Chisato was immersed in the torment. On the one hand, she was the senior Youren whom she liked, and on the other hand, she was pressed on the sofa by another boy and entered by him.

Feeling Mu Xiaoxiao's shape and heat repeatedly, her whole body was limp and weak.

"What's wrong with you, Chisato? The voice is a bit strange."

"No, huh~ It's okay... huh," biting her lips tightly.

The body is becoming more and more sensitive.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand grabbing her buttocks suddenly surprised her which makes her tightened.

Chisato's pupils shrank, and her body trembled violently.

"It's just that the body is a little... mmmmhhh!"

Ph... Phoo...

Can't speak, can only keep panting.

I'm sorry, Senior Youren...

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