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62.42% Marvel God of Blood / Chapter 211: Chapter 211 : Celestial-Human

Chapter 211: Chapter 211 : Celestial-Human

Upon hearing the commander's command, all of the Omnicrafts activated their attack systems and targeted Ego.

Ego became aware of the Sovereigns' lock-on and felt a twinge of annoyance. He thought to himself, 'How dare these arrogant beings be so disrespectful to me?'

Despite his anger, Ego suppressed his emotions and spoke, "I am just an old man who wants to see his son. Can you at least allow me to speak with Peter?"

The commander didn't respond with idle talk, simply ordering, "Attack."

All of the Omnicrafts simultaneously launched their attack, with a barrage of energy bullets being fired at Ego. Ego was now truly angry. Two massive energy whips appeared behind him and swept towards the Omnicrafts .

With a series of explosions, all of the Omnicrafts that were hit by the energy whip were destroyed. None remained intact.

"Impressive," commented Carol, who had just arrived on the scene.

Ego spread his arms wide and said, "I do not wish to fight. I just want to speak with my long-lost son."

The commander shouted, "There is no son of yours here. You are now deemed an enemy of the Sovereigns."

Before Ego could respond, Carol's voice boomed from a distance, followed by a bright energy blast that flew towards him.

Ego grew increasingly annoyed. He slammed his blue-white energy whip into the energy wave, causing it to explode in the air. Carol appeared beside Ego in an instant and kicked him fiercely in the waist.

Carol's kick was incredibly powerful, causing Ego's waist to dissipate. Carol was surprised to find that despite the strength of his attack, Ego's body was surprisingly fragile.

"Carol, how could you kill him?" asked Thor, who had arrived on the scene, in amazement. But at that moment, Ego's body lit up with blue-white energy rays, and the missing part of his waist rapidly healed.

Floating in space, Ego spoke coldly, "You wish to stop me from seeing my son?"

Relieved to see that Ego was not dead, Carol shouted, "If you do not have your son here, surrender yourself to our custody, or don't blame me for being rude."

Ego, who was not known for his patience, replied, "Really? I would like to see just how rude you can be." The energy whip spread rapidly and slammed into Carol, who tried to defend herself by crossing her arms in front of him, but she was still sent flying.

"What a powerful force," Carol was taken aback, and quickly regained her balance in space. She then teleported behind Ego and delivered a punch to his back.

Ego countered Carol's attack with an energy whip and smacked her with a flick of it. Fortunately, Carol was durable and emerged unscathed from the hit.

"Carol, let me handle this," Thor said as he laughed and swung his hammer at Ego. Ego countered by smashing Thor's hammer away with the energy whip and throwing it at him.

"Good move," Thor didn't dodge, but instead shouted and summoned a barrage of lightning bolts. These bolts coalesced into a giant sword, which Thor swung at the energy whip. This was a new ability he learned after his competition with Carol.

The energy whip was split in half by Thor's lightning sword, but it didn't disappear. Instead, the two halves of the whip coiled around Thor like flexible snakes, binding him tightly.

"Let me go!" Thor struggled, trying to break free from the energy whip, but it was too strong. Ego looked on disdainfully and said, "You're the son of Odin? Your thunderbolts are weaker than your father's."

Thor's fury was sparked and he yelled, "You can't trap me!" With his roar, Mjolnir returned to Thor's grasp. The lightning on his body intensified tenfold, destroying the energy whip and dissipating it into light spots.

"Die!" Thor rose higher into the air and brought his hammer down on Ego with a deluge of thunderbolts. Ego countered with a forceful throw of his energy whip at Thor.

At that moment, Carol appeared behind Ego again and struck his back with a dazzling energy blast. Ego quickly created a small energy whip to defend himself, but he underestimated Carol's anger and the whip was destroyed by her powerful fist.

Carol's fist then hit Ego's back, piercing his chest and coming out the other side. The distraction caused Ego's energy whip to falter, and Thor was able to smash it with his hammer before hitting Ego on the head, reducing his head and neck to ashes.


Star-Lord, upon witnessing the transformation of his father, shouted in surprise. Suddenly, two more energy whips appeared and both Carol and Thor were thrown back. Ego's body then radiated energy, and his back and head regenerated at an incredible speed visible to the naked eye.

Star-Lord was stunned, as this was not the father he had imagined.

Ego spoke to him, "Peter, I am your father. I am glad that you are concerned about me. Do not worry, I am not dead. I will have a good talk with you once I deal with these two."

Ego then clenched his fists and summoned nine energy whips that struck Carol and Thor one after the other.

Previously, Ego had been playing around, but now he was serious and had summoned a great amount of energy.

"Do you think you'll win?" Thor and Carol taunted simultaneously, controlling their lightning and energy rays to battle with Ego's energy whips.

The aftermath of their fight left the Star Port in disarray, but thankfully, there were not many people there.

Peter, watching Ego go head to head with two powerful opponents and hold his own, was confused, "Is that really my father? What is he? How is he so strong?"

Gamora was speechless. She asked, "Is there anything you would call your father?"

"What species is he?" Star-Lord mumbled to himself, "Carol and Thor are incredibly strong, capable of destroying battleships."

"I've never seen anything like this," Gamora thought for a moment and then looked up and down at Star-Lord, asking, "Your father is so strong, why are you so weak?"

Star-Lord shouted in dissatisfaction, "How am I weak? I'm a well-known playboy in the universe! My ex-girlfriends could fill an entire city."

Gamora looked at Star-Lord with disgust: "Have you only inherited the wrong part of your father's abilities?"

Rocket chimed in: "What's going on up here? They're completely different species of the same level."

Star-Lord protested: "Hey, he may be my father. How dare you call him that?"

Rocket retorted: "Didn't you call him that first?"

Gamora intervened before the argument escalated further: "Whether he is or not, let's get them to stop fighting first. If he is truly your father, then he's not our enemy."

Star-Lord was a little arrogant: "I haven't admitted that he's my father."

With the communicator, Star-Lord shouted into space: "Stop! We need to clear things up."

But Ego, Thor, and Carol were too caught up in their fight to listen.

Frustrated, Star-Lord threw the communicator on the ground, 'Didn't you come to find your son? Why do you forget your son when you fight?'

"Still so irresponsible," he muttered. He made a decision, denied the other party's claim, and shouted: "Carol, Thor, come on! Kill that thing that doesn't even know what it is."

Rocket laughed, "I don't usually let others call the shots, but I'm quite happy."

Star-Lord's scolding left Ego speechless, but since they had no father-son relationship, he simply pretended not to hear it and focused on fighting Carol and Thor.

Both Carol and Thor were strong, but Ego was stronger. He took advantage of an opportunity to whip out three long energy whips and tied Thor and Carol firmly.

Thor tried to burst into lightning but was unable to break free from the bindings of the three energy whips. Carol attempted to teleport, but only managed to flash in the air before reappearing in the same spot as the space around her was disturbed.

"Your understanding of space is still too shallow," Ego stated. "Admit defeat, I am here to find my son today and I don't want to kill anyone."

Thor roared, "I, Thor, the God of Thunder. How can I lose to a mere old man like you?"

Ego was slightly surprised. Although Thor's strength was average, he had unlimited potential and was indeed Odin's son.

"In this world, only my master can make me admit defeat. No one else can," Thor declared.

The space around Carol burned with light like a flame, and then a phantom of space appeared behind her, blessing her with infinite power.

Ego was taken aback, "You can harness the power of other dimensions? How is that possible? You're not a demon, are you?"

"I am the apprentice of the Blood God, the Owner of Space Stone," Carol replied with anger.

The three energy whips shattered as Carol transformed into a streamer and flew in front of Ego. She pressed down hard on his head, causing it to sink into his chest. She then proceeded to squeeze Ego's limbs into a ball.

"Can't you regenerate? I have turned you into a ball. How will you regenerate?" Carol said as she continued to squeeze Ego.

"You dare?" Ego asked, furious. He controlled the three energy whips that bound Thor and threw them at Carol. Thor, in turn, formed a cage of lightning to block the energy whips.

"Do you think I don't exist?" Thor roared, and the thunder bombarded, causing the energy whips to shrink.

Rocket chuckled and turned to Star-Lord, "Peter, your father has become a ball. You are a child born from a ball and a woman on Earth."

Star-Lord's expression was dark and worried. He urgently shouted, "Carol, can you not be so cruel? He might be my real father."

Carol hesitated. At that moment, Bert's voice echoed in her ear, "Release that guy, he's just an energy projection, not the main body. Killing him won't do any good."

Carol was surprised, "So the projection was already that strong? How powerful is his real body?"

"It's comparable to that of a Devil," Bert replied with a smile. "Carol, there are more powerful beings in this world than you think."

"I know that. Someday, I'll surpass them," Carol declared confidently. She then stopped releasing energy and Ego broke free from the shackles, flying to the side as his body quickly regained its form in the energy light.

"Earthling, how dare you?" Ego's face contorted in anger, he had never experienced such humiliation before.

Carol sneered, "If you still want to fight, I'll accompany you."

Thor shouted, "Yes, keep fighting! This time, I'll take care of him."

Ego gritted his teeth, put away the energy whip, and said, "I'm only here to find my son."

Carol said, "You're free to move around in the Star port area, but you're not allowed to step into Sovereign Star unless you're given permission."

"Good," Ego said, nodding and looking at Carol coldly. He knew that when the plan started, he had to smash her into pieces.

Carol was aware of Ego's killing intent and snorted coldly before turning into a ray of light and returning to Sovereign Star.

"Is this the end?" Thor asked, pouting and waving his hammer as he tried to catch up with Carol. He was dissatisfied and said, "Carol, why didn't you use that trick earlier? Do you look down on me?"

Carol replied honestly, "Yes, I do look down on you. What's the problem?"

Thor was a little crazy. At a time like this, shouldn't he be humble? What happened to the traditional virtues of Earthlings?

As Carol and Thor continued their fight, Ego took a deep breath and tried to appear kinder as he flew towards Star-Lord.

After landing, Ego said to Star-Lord excitedly, "My son, I've finally found you. Don't you remember me?"

Star-Lord took a step back and asked, "Wait, what exactly are you?"

Ego was speechless. He replied, "I am a Celestial. Peter, you are too. You have half the blood of a Celestial."

Rocket laughed and said, "The blood of the Celestial? Old man, you're really joking. He's a weak chicken, even I can beat him."

Star-Lord said, "Let's not talk about Celestials and blood. Why did you leave me and my mother?"

Ego said guiltily, "I had things to do and had to leave. I asked Yondu to pick you up, but that bastard Yondu kept you for himself. I've been searching for you for decades."

Star-Lord said angrily, "Why did you ask Yondu? Don't you know that Ravagers can't be trusted?"

Ego sighed, "Ravagers don't usually abduct and sell children. I didn't know Yondu would be such a jerk. I regreted my choice every day."

Star-Lord was silent. To be honest, he didn't know what to do with the sudden appearance of his father.

Rocket whispered to Gamora, "Did you know that Drax always thought Yondu was Peter's dad? They look so much alike."

Gamora was speechless.

"You can't deny that Yondu has been good to Peter," said Rocket, shrugging.

Star-Lord turned his head, with an unhappy expression, and responded, "Good? Did you know he threatens to eat me every day?"

"I'll kill him eventually," Star-Lord muttered.

Ego scolded, "Peter, I'll take you back to my planet where you will inherit everything and master the power of a Celestial. And, by the way, your partners are welcome to come along too."

Star-Lord was taken aback. "Your planet?"

Ego smiled, "A planet beyond your imagination."

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