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6.83% Storm's Beast / Chapter 8: Flashback - Makai's POV

Chapter 8: Flashback - Makai's POV


Mama and Papa were going to the Werewolf Council to deliver something important, and we were allowed to accompany them for the first time. Di and I were allowed to go along because we were going on a family vacation once the package was delivered to the Council.

Mama and Papa did a lot of important business for our Pack and the Council. I didn't understand exactly what they did, but I knew it was very important. When Papa announced that we'd spend two nights camping in the woods before catching a train to Denver, where the Council was located, Di and I were even more ecstatic.

Our first night was a blast. Di and I assisted Papa in building a bonfire, and we sat around it toasting marshmallows and enjoying Mama's homemade hot chocolate as Papa told us stories about his adventures. Mama kept laughing and saying that Papa was making things up, but Papa insisted that everything he said was true. I believed Mama because some of the stories were almost unbelievable, but I enjoyed hearing them anyway.

On the second night, Di and I were itching for a run and convinced our parents to allow us to go for a run on our own with the promise that we wouldn't travel too far and would be back in under an hour.

We ran through the woods, having a great time exploring and racing until we realized it was time to return. Dion and I shifted back to human form to race each other to the camp. In human form, I was faster than Di. I was ahead of him and was nearly at our camp when I sensed something was wrong.

I was the oldest. Even though Di would argue that two minutes ahead doesn't make me older, I still felt the responsibility of an elder brother, so when I scented danger, I told him to run to the next pack for assistance while I went to check.

He didn't want to leave me, but he relented after I reminded him that he was faster in his wolf form than I was and that if he went alone, he would be able to bring help faster. The truth was that I was scared that the danger would harm him, and I didn't want that to happen.

As soon as he shifted and bolted away I turned around and cautiously approached the camp. I was terrified, but I was more concerned about Mama and Papa, so I pushed my dread aside and crept on. What I saw made me gag and almost puke. My chest constricted terribly as despair and a deep sense of loss came over me.

Blood. There was a lot of blood, and Mama and Papa were both dead. I could see their lifeless bodies, bleeding and huddled together on the bare ground. I couldn't understand what I was seeing. Mama was delicate, but Papa was a strong wolf, second only to Uncle Nathan in terms of strength. I couldn't comprehend how he could be dead.

When I heard some noises, I raised my head. The intruders had not left.

I bolted and hid behind Mama and Papa's tent when I heard footsteps approaching. There were five men, one of whom was holding Papa's brown leather bag. I could feel the fury rising and overwhelming me when I saw that. I gasped in bewilderment when I recognized one of the men. Why was he with the bad men?

Shifting quickly, I leapt out of my hiding spot and charged at them, my wrath taking control fully. When one of them saw me, he screamed. I could feel his fear. I'd shifted many times before, but this time it felt different. My head appeared to be much farther from the ground than in previous times. I felt bigger, stronger, and more feral than ever before.

I pounced as the other men noticed me and began shouting as well. It was as if I wasn't myself because I could see what I was doing, but it didn't feel like it was me doing it. It was as though I were a bystander watching a rampage.

I saw one of the five men flee, but the other four had my concentration for the time being, and I tore them to bits. I could see myself shredding and tearing limbs, and I could hear their pathetic pleas, but I was dazed and watching it all unfold.

I turned away from them when they were mostly unrecognizable tissue and followed my nose to find the final man who had run away.

I tracked his scent to the edge of another pack's territory, where he most likely meant to seek refuge. Papa's bag was still in his possession. I leapt on him before he could even notice me, my claws sinking into his arm and ripping at the flesh. His loud scream sounded like music to my ears. I opened my mouth to tear him apart when a lovely smell caught my nostrils. Candy and raspberry.

Inhaling, I looked around, but there was no one there. I returned my attention to the man, unsure whether to finish with him or look for the lovely smell. I could hear his heart racing in his chest and smelled the pee, which revealed his terror.

That made me wrinkle my nose in distaste. He had screwed up the pleasant fragrance for me. I gave him one more look before departing in pursuit of the scent. It was faint, but I could track it down as long as I could smell it.

I followed it for weeks, half-numb and unaware of what I was looking for, other than the delicious smell. I fed on small animals and drank water from streams and lakes I came across. I attempted multiple times to return to my human form but was unable to do so. I couldn't communicate with Kitai, my wolf, either.

In the fifth week, I was finally able to get a better whiff of it. It smelled so good that I wanted to bury my nose in it, but I was so exhausted that I fell asleep for the first time in weeks, happy to be very close to the lovely scent.

I woke up to the sweet smell I had been tracking so close to me that I could almost taste it, and I opened my eyes to discover a young child staring at me in amazement. I inhaled deeply, still tired but feeling relaxed and happy.

"Hey! You are awake. Are you okay?" He asked, his blue eyes concerned as he peered at me. He was a lovely child; small and delicate, with dark curly hair that framed his face and covered most of his forehead. I just gazed at him, feeling the beast's contentment.

"Is it okay if I pet you? When I'm a wolf, I enjoy getting pets. Maybe you would as well," he added with a bright smile, tentatively approaching my fur with his hands. His smile brightened when I moved my head closer to his palm, and he run his hands over my fur.

"I know you're a werewolf because I can smell you, but I've never seen one this big before. When you're in human form, are you that big?

I don't respond, but he doesn't seem to mind and continues to pet me. "Can we be friends? I'm Storm. I think you will like being my friend. Everyone says I'm a great friend."

I made a sound in agreement that seemed to please him, and after a few minutes of enjoying his pets, I turned around to look at him. His small face was thoughtful as he stared at me.

He opened his mouth to speak, but we hear a frantic shout. "Storm! Storm where are you?"

I tried to follow him as he scrambled up, but he gave me a sad look. "Dad is looking for me. I think you're cool, but others may be afraid of you because of how huge you are. I will tell them to come and find you but you have to be in your human form when they come, okay?"

We heard more calls for Storm as another voice joins the first. I gazed at him, thinking about his words before making another affirming noise that appeared to please him. He gave me one last pet and rushed away. I cocked my ears to listen and heard him being chastised by someone I assumed was his father.

"When I taught you how to cloak your smell, I didn't mean for you to use it to play Hide and Seek in the woods outside the pack lands. Your mother would skin me alive if something happened to you."

I could hear Storm apologizing. "Sorry Dad, I didn't think you would be worried. It's "hide and seek", and it's more fun when you can't find me by smelling me."

"Come on, Runt, you scared the crap out of me. Let's get out of here. " adds the younger voice.

"Wait! I found someone back there! I think he's very tired and hurt," I heard Storm say, and the other voices were quiet until his father asked, "Are you sure? I can't smell anyone."

"But I was able to detect his scent! He's definitely a werewolf. Dad, please help him. I think he's wounded and in pain."

I looked at myself, I finally noticed scratches and scrapes as well as some swelling around my legs for the first time. I hadn't noticed them before because I had been focused on locating and being around the sweet scent, and now that I had, I was calm and content.

"Even if it's true, Storm, we can't just admit anyone after the attack we just had. What if he's a plant sent here to cause havoc?"

Storm began to cry, and hearing it bothered me. "H-he's n-not a p-plant. H-he's my f-friend."

"Fuck," I heard the younger voice curse.

"Don't cuss, Quinn. Okay, Storm, stop crying. We'll help him, but Quinn will take you back to the house while I go and check on him. I want to be sure he isn't a danger."

There was a short silence, then I heard Storm ask tearfully, "P-Promise?"

"I promise."

I had been afraid I wouldn't be able to shift back as I had promised Storm, but by the time his father got to me, I was in my human form again; shivering, dirty, and feeling sick. I had stayed too long in my wolf form.

Before he could say anything, I passed out. When I woke up again, I was in a clinic, and I had no memory of who I was or how I had ended up there. I was confused and suspicious, and I attacked the doctors who had attempted to treat me. I was strapped down by four men, but even while strapped, I didn't let anyone get too close to me, and I didn't speak. They were at a loss for what to do with me.

Then, later that night, a woman arrived at the clinic. As soon as I saw her I relaxed and lay down calmly while she fed me, washed me with a moist cloth, and applied ointments to my wounds.

She was incredibly patient with me and always understood what I was conveying. She could understand me even when I didn't speak.

I was at the clinic for a week before I felt strong and my skin had cleared up from the pale sickly cast I had come with.

And when she asked whether I wanted to move in with her at the end of that week, I found my voice and remembered two things. "My parents are dead," I'd told her, and her eyes had welled up with tears of surprise.

Then, "My name is Makai." It was many years later before I remembered my surname.

She had taken me into her arms and cried with me while softly rocking me in that small clinic bed. I cried my heart out, despite the fact that I couldn't recall my parents' faces or even why I was crying. I felt another kind of loss, but I didn't know why or what was missing. I simply had a vague recollection that they were no longer alive, and it filled my heart with pain.

"I'm so sorry, Makai. I can't replace your parents, but I'm going to mother you and love you with all my heart."

I never cried again after that day.


I wake up with a start, sweating profusely, and throw off the covers. Walking into my adjoining bathroom, I wash my face and change into some sweatpants before heading to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. It was early morning, and despite the fact that the sun hadn't yet risen, I was already awake and knew I wouldn't be able to sleep again.

Thoughts of Storm had made me unable to sleep last night. I wonder if he has already found his mate and if his mate would be in attendance at the celebration. The thought has me gritting my teeth, and I can feel my beast unsettled.

When I get to the kitchen Mom is sitting at the counter, a pot of coffee already prepared while she sips a steaming cup. I hug her carefully from behind and give her a quick kiss on her cheek, making her smile as she pours another cup and hands it to me.

"Nightmare again?" she inquires, her eyes wide with concern as she examines me. I shrug, taking a sip of my coffee from the other counter stool. For the past few years, I've been having these dreams which always come the night before I have a Pit fight."

"Makai, perhaps this is a sign that you should take a break-"

"I think I know why I've been experiencing those dreams when I'm going to fight in the Pit," I interrupt before she can suggest again that I stop.

Neither Mom nor Storm understands why I fight for the Pack. Nobody was forcing me to do it, but I know that if I tell the two people in my life why I do it, it would upset them.

I'm always happy to be in the Pit since it's the only time that I feel like I belonged. That was the only time I felt accepted by the Pack which had come to my rescue when my parents died, and given me a fresh start.

They may not be comfortable around me, but I don't blame them. They could sense the wild beast in me and that scared them. Only Mom and Storm were unaware of it because the beast was calm around them.

So for those few hours when the Pack yelled my name and cheered me on as I easily defeated opponent after opponent, I was one of them, and they weren't afraid of me. I was accepted, and it felt like I belonged. I feel compelled to belong to this place, to this pack. I don't know why I do, but I feel the need to be rooted here. Because of that, I yearn to belong.

"Well? Why do you suppose it occurs?" Mom demands when I don't continue.

"I think I get that recurring dream before my Pit fights because it was the first time I was violent. It was also the first time I transformed into my beast. Before that day, I don't think I had even sensed its presence. It was triggered by the rage I felt after witnessing my parents' death."

Mom cried out, her brown eyes glistening with sadness. "Did you witness it? After you were discovered, the only thing you remembered was that they were dead. You didn't recall anything else but that and your first name. Alpha Ben sent word to the Council about a missing child to see if we could find your origins, but nothing came up. In the end, we just assumed your parents must have been killed in the inter-pack conflicts that had just ended and you got left behind."

"I think I remembered more from it this time. The memories were clearer, and if what I recall from the dream is accurate, I got there after they had been killed. I- " When I sense the beast's rage mounting, I take a breath.

"We should probably continue this discussion after the fight. I don't want the beast to become upset and push me to use more force than necessary."

Mom nods and pours the remaining coffee into my cup, then went to the sink to wash hers and the pot. I don't bother telling her to leave them for me. She won't listen.

Something in the dream was tugging at my mind, and I needed to know.

"Mom? Do you recall who found me in the woods?"

I saw her stiffen slightly before she resumed her washing.

"Why do you ask? Did you remember something?"

"I think I did," I answer hesitantly, unsure why she was nervous about my question.

She says nothing else as she rinses and dries. I think that maybe she doesn't know, deciding to forget about it, but when she's done she walks over to me and combs her fingers over my hair in that soothing way I like.

Letting out a deep sigh, she kisses the top of my head and takes one of my hands into both of hers.

"I suppose I should tell you now. It's been so long that it doesn't matter anymore, especially in light of..."

"In light of what?" I ask when she pauses and just stares into my eyes.

She gives a wry smile. "Fate has a way of always connecting what needs to be connected, and there's not a damned thing we can do about it most of the time."

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