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25% I Reincarnated as a Black Hole / Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – The Ultimate Way To Reincarnate

Chapter 2: Chapter 2 – The Ultimate Way To Reincarnate

Zenovis Izel or aka, Izeno's POV:

How would you feel if you found yourself alone in a silent, eerie, pitch-black place without being able to move, and the only possible thing you can do is think?

Apparently, that is my current situation.

It has been 107 billion years now. The flow of time is not running through my senses but through numbers. Seriously... the numbers felt like the only ones that aged so much.

The lingering sensation of my recent thoughts back then after waking up in this space is still present at this point. In contrast to the time I've been here, it is like a day passed, or I should say an hour? I totally lost it.

Currently, the flow of new information is still active. I have no idea when or whether it will stop. But I am not surprised anymore. I think I adapted that I'm starting to lose my sanity.

I'm even starting to think that this is normal. Nevertheless, I'm still clinging to my unfulfilled desires to keep my thoughts in order.

More importantly, the quality and scale of the information that flows into me are increasing at an incredible rate over time.

In my early days in this dark space, I could tell that my knowledge is like more or less average. My information capacity began to expand in this space from filling in the missing pieces of information that once my thoughts couldn't reach before.

Then followed by the further breakdown of the small details, I started to know every correlated information. Starting from minor things until I reached everything you can possibly learn from the Earth.

Naturally, that includes outer space. The neighboring space environment of the Earth is being indiscriminately fragmented as information.

The information that I get is like a blueprint of structures. And it shows detailed data as if you are the one that created it.

There are also pieces of information that come from different points in the space. I don't know the cause behind those pieces of knowledge emerging from a place far away from the Earth. But thanks to them, they became a boost to further escalate the scale of my information growth.

And now, I finally reached the level where my information almost spread throughout the universe.

How did I say so, you ask?

I figured it out using the knowledge of other civilizations of intelligent life forms from different places in outer space.

Using the planets and space objects as coordinates, I connected and calculated their distances to each other to determine the size of the map of galaxies in terms of light years.

In other words, I measured the whole space from where the sources of my information are coming.

However, even after I covered the universe, my information growth is still expanding indefinitely. I don't even know what comes after the universe, and it's still making its way further outside of it.

And because of the never-ending stream of information, my knowledge is unfiltered to the point I'm losing my focus...

Will it reach the end? Hiya~ I'm probably screwed by that time. (lol)

I became like a search engine that even searches outside the Earth... And now that I think of it, this is too ridiculous. I could become the best mysterious protagonist with this insane knowledge... Well, I will put that aside from now.

Ah~ ^_^

To think that I am forgotten in this space... Sigh. I didn't want to believe that I was really about to be reincarnated, but they totally forgot me...

I will curse those guys that are supposed to reincarnate me inwardly forever if they ever show themselves in front of me.

I just wish there was something to vent my frustrations on. Sigh... Too bad, I can only curse this pitch-black space in front of me.




That's it. I feel better now.

Anyway, among the abilities I have in this space, the one standing out a great deal is my dual consciousness. I found myself thinking with two separate minds not long ago, and I became aware of it.

And this ability is too powerful, with the combination of my permanent memories, indefinite expansion of information, and dual consciousness.

The specifics of this ability are the following: I can split my consciousness into two categories, A and B. Consciousness A is me, the primary source, while consciousness B is the duplicate copy of the primary source.

What's good about this ability, you ask? Well, here's the thing, splitting consciousness means multiplying my intellectual capacity in this space, which means more brain power.

You can compare it to a computer's processor. The more cores they have, the more power output they make. But as a consciousness with indefinite memory capacity and expanding knowledge, this is overkill.

For example, I, the primary source, am an independent core that wants to focus my brain power on maximizing my chuunibyou thinking ability.

While consciousness B will support me by processing miscellaneous information like the calculations and predictions that can exceed more than a billion years ahead in the future, in countless variations.

Consciousness B can also formulate a single idea into numerous variations. Additionally, since I, the primary source, and consciousness B are split, I can filter any information I receive from consciousness B.

You can say it's something like a secretary or assistant that will boost and support my purposes.

This ability is going to become very handy if I was just alive... Ugh... I can't help but think about it... I have to put up with it, for now, I guess.

Anyway, the dual consciousness will also keep my humanity intact.

It will be my memories filter that will prevent me from unconsciously thinking about unnecessary thoughts.

With this ability, I will still stay human at heart no matter how much I will grow further in the future.


131 billion years later…



What do you think if you somehow get into a similar situation? Will you be sad? Will you be happy? Or just let things proceed however it goes? Because I experienced both hell and heaven, and that is until now. And I am about to experience the third, to see the results of my patience enduring both experiences...

Seconds fly by too fast, but the feeling of time is frozen for me at this point. In fact, no matter how much time passed, it will be equivalent to almost a second to me.

I wonder what people will call me now that my age is more than 238 billion years... Would I even be able to stand side by side with the people back on Earth if I came back to them with my current me?

The thought of being called an old man makes me sad, you know? I will be more than just a grandpa at my current age. Ugh, but even so, I'm 24 years old at heart!

Hah~ /(>_>)/

But say no more myself!! Everything will change today!


After 131 billion years of suffering, of course, I made significant development and progress! Especially now that it is related to my very situation. Or should I say that my time has finally come?

I'm feeling very cheerful right now. Do you know why? Yep, my days in this pitch-black space have come to an end! I found it so ridiculous that I wished I had understood everything from the beginning.

Well, anyways! Let me talk about the development and progress I made within those 131 billion years.

First, do you know about outer space? It is the almost near-perfect vacuum and is the question we once could not answer, whether it's finite or infinite. What do you think? Is the space already defined in its bounds, or is it interminable? My answer is yes. Outer space is boundless.

How about the cosmic microwave background? Have you heard of it? It is the basis of learning the origins of galaxies and large-scale structures inside the radiation or heat leftover from the Big Bang, which defines the universe's formation.

How about black holes? Have you heard of them? They are a place in outer space, having a powerful gravitational field that pulls matter and non-matter indiscriminately. There are four classes of black holes, starting from smallest to most enormous: miniature, stellar, intermediate, and supermassive.

The Supermassive black hole is the biggest of the four, formed from the collapse of supermassive stars. When a supermassive star collapse, it will become the 'crystal' or the 'seed of growth' that will be fed to smaller black holes.

The crystal will grant them a boost in their growth and size, transforming them into a supermassive black hole. They are also born by merging smaller types of black holes, resulting in the birth of a supermassive black hole. Well, those discoveries are just until the limits of humanity.

Outer space, CMB, and black holes, yep, those are the reasons behind my situation. I thought I died in a fantasy-like way. Still, the kinds of stuff like those in the manga are also a part of complicated science things that can eventually be explained.

Anyway, to commemorate this moment, after I finally discovered the truth behind my situation and became the first one to experience the impossible and the origin of this incredible phenomenon... I decided to establish my law, the Law of Cosmo-Singularity.

The law of Cosmo-Singularity will be the foundation of the reason for the first and last birth of my situation's origin. In other words, it's something like the trigger to the event that happened to me.

The law of Cosmo-Singularity. It states that when an Infinity Hole loses its anti-gravity force, it will fuse its properties to the field or region where a strong gravitational field belongs.

What's this Infinity Hole now, you ask? It's a new discovery and an object with opposite characteristics to that of a black hole.

But hey, don't you worry too much about it. Science things are not my thing at all. It's to become a Mysterious Protagonist.

And so, to make a long story short, when a cat dies from a duel, the winner has the right to inherit the cat's properties.

But what does that have to do with me, you ask?

*Cough* I know that feeling. Those complex occurrences can be compared similarly to those make-believe fantasies. Still, at some point, this is indeed a supernatural phenomenon in a human sense.

Like those magic systems in the manga I read, they never explained their origin, but they have a story behind them. Like what happened to me in my early days in this pitch-black nothingness space, they are unknown to the point that I even thought this was the dream I longed for.

But in the end, everything is being uncovered to me slowly, thanks to my abilities. I can say it like an early mystery is later an understanding. Yup! Some things are unexpectedly happening in extraordinary ways, just like me.

Well, anyway! Let's go back to the start before I died.

The glowing blueish light that killed me in Japan let me call it the Blue Light. The Blue Light is the result that formed because of a particular black hole.

That black hole in question is by no means an ordinary black hole. It's a monstrous black hole whose size can't be compared to a universe.

Now that I had obtained the necessary information to uncover the essential parts, I finally passed through a supposed end.

But you know what? Reaching an end does not necessarily mean that everything is over. What do you think will happen when you come to the wall at the road's end, only to find out that the road is still extending behind? The answer is you find out that there's no end...

As I said before, when you reach the wall at the road's end, there's still the road extending behind it. It applies to the Earth's Universe. When you go to the wall at the universe's end, you will find an extending space that houses other universes. In short, there are other universes aside from the ones that Earth is in, or so what we call the multiverses.

Let me name the Earth's Universe, Zakref. Since it's too vague if I keep calling it the Earth's Universe.

Currently, my stock information covers the range of Zakref's multiverse. In other words, my information network is currently limited to that multiverse and its neighboring space environment.

Still, it's not far soon until I take over the other multiverses. I also theorized the possibility of having about 92 more levels of archverses after the multiverse.

An archverse is a stage-level collection of verses. The multiverse is the next level after the universe, which consists of multiple universes. The next level after the multiverse is the megaverse, which consists of multiple multiverses, and so on.

In short, you can think of it like a web of sets. For example, a blue box contains small red boxes, the tiny red boxes contain smaller orange boxes, and the smaller orange boxes contain the smallest green boxes.

But currently, my network is still at the lowest level of the archverse, the multiverse. There are more pieces of information available for me to acquire than you think. A higher level of intelligent lifeforms and civilizations you can't imagine existing lurking in the upper levels.

I only wished to become a mysterious protagonist, but to think that I've made it to something even more extreme than that...

Yep! My situation far surpassed my expectations of fantasy to the extreme level of science fantasy!

I don't regret anything now, you know? In fact, I'm very grateful because I can do more than become a simple, mysterious guy.


I also found it funny that I kept blaming a God or something similar like those in the manga that is not even involved with my development and progression until now.

Still, after this speculation, I'm less than an atom in the eyes of the higher lifeforms' viewpoint, lying down somewhere in space... They might be something or someone even more terrifying than me. But my growth is still extending through… I might be one of them someday… someday… nope. Forget it. FORGET IT!!

AHEM! *Cough*

Back to my case...

Outside the universe, there lies the black hole in question. But what does the Blue Light's connection with that black hole? The Blue Light is the black hole's doing.

Well, that black hole is something that transcended its kind. Or, to be precise, a black hole that evolved into something even more monstrous than the supermassive one.

Yep, its origin lies in my Law of Cosmo-Singularity.

In space, there is an unknown core whose structure is not a physical substance or matter nor radiation, and a powerful buoyant anti-gravity field surrounds it.

That core emits wavelengths that far surpass what the human eyes can perceive. Which means it's invisible to the human eye. It's the one that holds all universes, the core of the multiverse, or the one that I call Infinity Hole.

I named it Infinity Hole as its characteristics live up to its name. An Infinity Hole's lifespan is infinite. Nothing can destroy an Infinity Hole except for its opposing force, a gravitational field more potent than the anti-gravity it holds.

Notably, that core can move anywhere around its territorial space, and the heart is an intelligent lifeform. It can control anything within its range. But the more an Infinity Hole grows, the longer the spectrum it can have, which can reach the outside of the multiverse up to the speculated 92 more levels of archverses.

The control it can do is to manipulate the universes it holds, which means its properties and concept of existence is the Infinity Hole's Will. In simple terms, an Infinite Hole is like a god of creation on a different level.

The black hole responsible for the Blue Light is the result of the destruction of the Infinity Hole.

Usually, a single supermassive black hole is not enough to destroy an Infinity Hole. But in this case, the Infinity Hole entered the abyss garden. It is a region in the multiverse where the 'crystal' or 'seed' of growth is always present.

They become a spot where food is available for black holes or the territory of supermassive black holes. The gravitational force in this region is so powerful that none other than the infinity hole can put up a fight with it.

It's like a fight between a president of a country and a big mafia group fighting for authority.

Of course, for the first trillion years, the Infinity Hole holds its ground against the never-ending attack of supermassive black holes spawning over simultaneously.

But throughout the battle, the Infinity Hole loses its anti-gravitational field, weakening its power continuously until the black holes start to devour the core.

This is where the Infinity Hole dies and exits the multiverse. But something is born out of it in its place as the core of the multiverse.

It's the black hole in question, the Abysmal Black Hole.

ABH is born from the battle between the Infinity Hole and the army of supermassive black holes. The merging of supermassive black holes after the simultaneous collision with the Infinity Hole.

This resulted in forming a Black Hole with a core holding the properties of an Infinity Hole. I called it Abysmal since it was born on the battlefield between the two monstrous fields, the abyss garden.

So back to my Law of Cosmo-Singularity. Since the Infinity Hole is defeated, the newly born Black Hole will naturally inherit its properties, abilities, nature, and intelligence. This event welcomes the Abysmal Black Hole to existence.

ABH is an intelligent lifeform, holding both the characteristics of an Infinity Hole and a Black Hole. But let me summarize its abilities and features: The abysmal black hole can control anything, no, it's everything, their concept of existence without boundaries. It also has complete control over the force of gravity and anti-gravity in a boundless range.

And lastly, the ABH core's structure is made of Parallel Matter. Parallel Matter is the forced fusion of antimatter's positron, dark matter's mass addition, dark energy's cosmic driver, and degenerate matter's light-reflecting characteristic.

Antimatter, dark matter, dark energy, and degenerate matter are like the building elements in space.

And yep, Parallel matter can only form during the event of Infinity Hole's destruction. In simple terms, Parallel Matter is like a god's particle, the one that holds the authority over everything.

So back to my death case, the blue light!

That blue light is by no means a normal blue light. Ugh! That reminds me of my limbs being torn apart after getting sucked by it…

Uwa~ It makes me shiver!

That blue light is a Parallel Matter disguised as 467 nanometers of wavelength. It's like in a certain manga I read. Getting swallowed by light as you get summoned to another world, except for me being torn apart.

And yep, that Parallel Matter came from the Abysmal Black Hole, to be exact, from its core. But how, you ask? Well, single dust of parallel matter shouldn't be able to separate from the black hole, and it's almost impossible to happen, but… it's not totally impossible.

In fact, the chance of a speck of dust escaping ABH is 12.6 x 10^10^100. It should be near impossible to escape, but the odds are weird. The chance of the escaped dust reaching me is 1.004 x F7 x 10^10^100. So combining those two probabilities are questionable if it ever happens.

I was surprised, you know? I overcame the odds of that impossible chance almost near the smallest infinity. But I feel lucky!! Of course, because this situation of mine is the most surprising!

Because after I got hit by the Parallel Matter, my consciousness reacted to the high compatibility and fused with it, which is connected directly to the Abysmal Black Hole.

To make a long story short, the Blue Light, also known as the Parallel Matter in disguise, came to me on Earth and hit me like a stray bullet.

My physical body on the Earth is obliterated but not my consciousness. My consciousness is a separate element that reacted to the high compatibility with the ABH. In response, it swallowed me and fused with it, directly connecting me to the Abysmal Black Hole.

In short, I became one with the Abysmal Black Hole. And you heard that just about right. The intelligent personality of ABH is not a dependent consciousness like I do, so I took over the intellectual identity governing the body of ABH. Resulting in me becoming a living black hole.

Naturally, all of ABH's abilities will be passed on to me. My abilities, which initially belonged to the ABH, automatically function after I wake up in this space. That explains the sudden growth happening to me.

The mystery of the information that flows into me is because of my black hole's nature. Instead of having a strong gravitational field that pulls everything, my nature became neutralized because of Infinity Hole's anti-gravity property.

It doesn't pull everything but becomes connected with everything in the space. The range of gravitational pull instead became the range of expansion of my body as a black hole. In short, it's something like as long as my body reaches anything in space, all of it will become my property, my possession.

However, my body is still an independent object. It can act independently according to my will.

Additionally, this pitch-black space I reside in is just a wavelength filter that makes everything invisible to me by default. That explains why I can't see anything but darkness. (lol)

Hah~ ^_^

Well, if I change my core's wavelength perception to that of a human's, I can see the beautiful view of the multiverse in outer space. The heart in my body acts as the eye to see...

Yep, with that, everything is finally cleared.

I just practically reincarnated as a black hole...

Well not that it matters.

Because no matter what it takes, even if I have to become a fish, as long as I have the ability to fulfill my dreams, no one can stop me.

Fufu~ My desires will finally be realized not so long soon.




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