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4.65% Reborn in Twilight as a Werebear / Chapter 4: Ch.4

Chapter 4: Ch.4

(Alice Cullen Pov)

Emmett sent me a text right before lunch saying to meet him by his locker before going to lunch. Curious I decided to meet with him, humming to myself and skipping my way there since I am excited to meet my mate. This gets me a lot of stares mostly ones weirded out by me and I can hear many of them talking about me behind my back making fun of me. This would normally depress me but the thought of meeting my mate keeps me happy. Arriving at Emmett's locker he and Rosalie are standing there talking in hushed voices.

"Hey guys!" I say to them while skipping up to them smiling, both turn to me and smile at my approach. However, the others around us are calling me a freak or weirdo as I make my way toward my family.

"Fucking bitches," Rosalie says in anger and loud enough for them to hear and they all quickly leave towards the cafeteria.

"Hey Alice, I got some news for you," Emmett says while laughing at Rosalie for scaring the teenagers.

"Good news I hope, did you finally fix the dent you made in Rosalie's car the other day?" I say to him which makes his smile drop and fear on his face. Rosalie looks beyond pissed now.

"HE DID THAT! I thought you said some jerk hit it in the parking lot!" Rosalie says to him while giving him a death stare.

"Sorry I thought she knew," I say in embarrassment for ratting out Emmett.

"Uh yeah it's not about that, but I believe I met your mate earlier," he says while trying not to look at Rosalie who is still staring at him in anger, but eases up when hearing he said that and now looks at me. I couldn't hold my excitement or happiness anymore so jumped up for joy.

"WHAT WAS HE LIKE?! Is he as amazing as I bet he is?!" I say to him beyond excited.

"Wow, calm down first yeah, and I guess he is coolish, well compared to most people he seems chill. Though hes' was kinda awkward when we first met he ignored me and just stared at me like he was about to attack me. Gave me a feeling that a beast was gonna eat me, like that time I almost got eaten by a bear," Emmett says with a shrug.

"That's cool! Maybe his vampire power is going to be shapeshifting or super strength like you," I say to them while imagining it, my shirtless knight in shining diamond skin with fluttering hair in the wind, and saving me from all our enemies.

I tell them I need to use the bathroom to check my appearance, making sure I look as good as possible since I most likely will run into him at the cafeteria since all the students will be there. Entering the bathroom I do some last touch-ups and the girls in the bathroom smirk at me and start making fun of me quietly. Ignoring them I head to the cafeteria I see Edward ahead of me and I skip in behind. Walking in I look around the room and then make eye contact with the most handsome man I have ever seen. I can feel myself being drawn into his eyes, I quickly lose myself in his eyes. Then I see another vision one where we are holding hands, kissing then it leads to our wedding. After the vision ends I quickly make my way to the table with my family, I can't sit still as I am thinking about him and then our eventual wedding.

"They are humans like I thought, we can not turn them into one us. They do not deserve this punishment," Edward says while trying to not look at his mate.

"I do not care if you want to abandon your mate like an idiot, but I will not leave mine after finally meeting him!" I say to Edward with anger in my voice for trying to convince us to leave them.

"Do whatever you want Alice, but if you tell them about us before turning them, then you could bring the whole Volturi on us," Edward says while giving me an annoyed look.

"Calm down you two and brother she finally found her happiness, and so did you, so stop being an idiot like she said. Plus we have to tell Carlisle first and go from there," Edythe says to them while trying to soothe the heated argument forming.

Then hear we Jessica telling them about us. What she says is pissing all my siblings off and what she says about me depresses me, because what if my mate now hates me.

"Ignore that dumb jealous bitch, your mate won't think any different of you," Rosalie says to me seeing that I look like on the verge of crying if I could cry.

"Your mate may just kill her! I have never felt someone so angry before," Jasper says surprised looking over at their table.

We can all hear how angry she made my mate and then he quickly leaves the cafeteria.


(Matt Pov)

"Who are they?" Bella asks no one in particular at the table, breaking me out of my vision and staring contest with Alice who is now sitting at the table with her family. She is not sitting still seemingly bouncing up and down in joy while smiling at me and I can not help but smile at her like an idiot in love.

"They are the Cullens, the adopted kids of Dr.Carlisle Cullen. They are also together, like dating together, it's fucking weird," Jessica says while looking at them with jealousy.

"I mean it's not that weird, they are not blood-related," Angela says to Jessica in between listening and eating her lunch.

"Whatever. Anyway the blonde and the muscled man are Rosalie and Emmett, they are together. The one who always looks like he is in pain is Jasper and the black-haired girl is Edythe and they are a thing. The handsome loner or prince as some call him is Edward, but don't get your hopes up he has denied anyone and probably thinks he is too good for anyone here. Finally, the last one is the weirdest of the bunch, Alice, she skips everywhere like she is in a fairy tale and is just a freak in general," Jessica says to Bella as we are still staring at our mates, though the last bit pisses me off.

"The FUCK did you call her!" I say angrily and with a deep guttural grow at the end. Having the feeling of jumping over the table to attack her. I quickly do my best to suppress it. The amount of anger that I felt surprised me. Making everyone at the table even Bella jump in fear and look at me like a psychopath.

".......I have to use the bathroom," I say after some awkward silence at what just happened. Running into the bathroom and sitting in a stall I think to myself.

'I have never felt this level of anger in either life before, though now I know Alice is my mate thinking about what just happened. However, why are my emotions all over the place. I almost attacked her like I was in some blood rage. These heightened emotions are fucking with me.' I think hoping to regain control of myself. Then I hear the bells going off signifying that lunch is over, grabbing my bag I head to my next class.

My next two classes are unimportant and nothing interesting happens in them, luckily none of Bella's 'friends' are in my classes either. Then my last class comes, an elective I had to take which was art. In this class sitting in the back by an empty chair is Alice, who upon seeing me stiffens up and just stares at me. Pushing down all my different overwhelming emotions I sit down next to her.

"Hey....I'm Matt. Uh nice to me you," I say while practically stuttering it out in nervousness.

'What the hell get your shit together you idiot,' I tell myself while still holding my hand out to her in greeting and smiling.

"Hi Matt! I'm Alice! Nice to meet you too!" Alice says to me giggling at my nervousness and shaking my hand. At shaking my hand a zap of electricity goes through us making us both jump slightly at it.

Then the rest of class she kept talking to me about all the art she likes and how she loves painting. I could not pay attention to anything that happened in that class as I was too distracted just staring at Alice.

"So Matt, want to be my partner for the big art project we have to do?" Alice asks me catching me off guard.

"Uh what? Partner? For what?" I say confused and hearing the bell telling everyone that school is over.

" The are project that is due by the end of the year. No one wanted to be my partner and since we have an odd number of students until you joined I was going to do it by myself, but now you're here, so want to be my partner?" Alice says to me looking at me with puppy-like eyes.

"Definitely!" I say immediately, wanting to spend as much time with you as I can.

"Awesome! Then here is my number, that way we can keep in touch about the project," Alice says handing me a piece of paper and then skipping out of class. Just stunned by what happened and watching her leave I'm just staring at her ass in the tight jeans still holding the paper in shock. Shaking the horny thoughts from my head I look down at the paper.

"Fuck yes! I got her number!" I say somewhat loud to myself in the empty classroom, but then hear her giggle come from the hallway making my face extremely red.

Walking out of the classroom she is not there anymore, so maybe I was just hearing things. Going outside to Bella's truck I see her waiting inside the truck with her head on the steering wheel.

"Bella, what's wrong? Did someone do some stupid shit to you?" I ask her my anger resurfacing.

"Do I smell bad?" she asks me while lifting her head up to look at me. Taking a sniff as I get in the truck.

"Yeah what the hell Bella did you shit yourself in the truck?" I say to her in fake surprise.

"WHAT! I DO…..Wait FUCK YOU MATT!" Bella says to me in agitation.

"Nah you don't smell Bella why? Did some asshole you reject tell you, you smell or something? Who was it I will have a one-on-one talk with them," I say giving her a smile and suggesting I will beat their ass.

"No nothing like that don't worry about it," Bella says starting up the truck and then looking over somewhere one last time before driving home.

Looking where she just looked I see the Cullens and I make eye contact with Alice who smiles and waves at me. I return the wave and smile back. On the way home I remembered that she thinks she smells because of Edward.


(Alice Cullen Pov)

"So you are even more excitable than usual. What happened, I am assuming it has to do with your mate?" Edythe says to me as they watch me wave at Matt.

"YES! We talked all class long, then he agreed to become my art project partner, and finally, I gave him my number!" I say to them jumping with happiness.

"That's great! You did better than this idiot at least," Edythe says while pointing at Edward who is sulking in the car waiting to leave.

"Can we leave already I need to talk to Carlisle about some things," Edward says with annoyance.

"Sure thing my 'prince'," Emmett says giving a fake bow to him. We all chuckle as we enter the car and head home with an even more sulking Edward.

Anomander_Adaar Anomander_Adaar

BAM another Chapter. Though this is the last one for the week most likely, so if that is the case see you all next week.

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