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Game of Spies

After getting thrown out of the tavern, they are also informed of getting banned for life. Even the owner in the brothel sued them for breaking one of their private rooms.

"Well that's bullshit. 120,000 Euros, do we have enough money for that?" Wildcat asked.

"Nope." Basically shook his head.

"Damn, I thought this new kind of adventurer will be more fun compared to our last but it seems only resulting in getting more injuries, do we even need a break?" Moo then asked.

"No idea." Terroriser said as he carried the unconscious Delirious.

While our group of retards all stood up and ready to leave, Marcel, with his sharp senses felt something.

"Guys, I think we are being watched."

Hearing his words startled most of them as they all raise their guards.

"Mm?" Terroriser raised his brow, "Do you mean there is someone following us?"

Basically thought for a moment before shaking his head, "Nope, it seems different. They are not following us. They are just... watching us. It's difficult to explain, but I have felt more than fifteen strange gazes since we just got kicked out from the tavern. Most of the time, it's only one gaze each time, but sometimes, we are observed by two people at the same time. I thought I was imagining things, but now I'm sure. 

Wildcat frowned, "That's bullshit, I thought your superior senses will be more useful."

"Of course its useful, but it seems pretty difficult towards strong people."

"In other words, some group or organization is keeping an eye on our movements, right?" Terroriser said.

"I fear that is the case, guys. They hid their intentions very well, but they can't escape my senses." Basically nodded.

"Are you sure?" Nogla showed a surprise expression, "Why would someone follow us? I don't think we have offended anyone in this city…" Then his expression turned grave, "Could it be, have them discovered something about us?"

Everyone looked at each other. With just a look, the group of smart and dumb men came to the same conclusion.

And that answer is right in front of them.

They looked at Vanoss.


"Who's the one who spread our names several times?" Basically frowned.

Wildcat added, "And who's the one who kills, steals and gain a lot of people's attention so many times?" 

"I know, I know, but it's just an old hobby of mine." Vanoss tried to calm his friends down with a wryly smile.

Moo sighed, "Forget it guys…" he glanced at Terroriser, "Do you think you can locate them, Brian?"

"Of course I can!" Terroriser confidently puffed out his chest, but then vanished when he went in deep thought, "Actually... I'm not sure." 

Wildcat groaned, "You're not helping!"

At that moment, a person could be seen peeked out of a half opened door in an abandoned building not far from them. Just then, when he moved the door slightly, it created a squeaking noise, causing everyone to immediately fall silent, just frozen in place... 


Shaking in fear, the person felt shivered down his spine then to his ass, slowly backed away from the door, he tried to close it as carefully as possible.


The door creaked loudly as it got jammed on something. Getting increasingly nervous, the man repeatedly tried to slam the door shut again and again before finally looking down at what was in the way... 

It was a hand.

"OH MY GOD!" He screamed, attempting to flee through the backdoor of the building and run through the alleyway, but it was futile. In a T-pose position, Wildcat, who appeared out of thin air behind him, grabbed him by his legs and forcefully dragged him back.

As Wildcat suspended him by a leg, Terroriser shined a light from the world's brightest flashback in his eyes, ready to interrogate him.


"Speak! Why are you watching us? Huh? Fucker!"

"Who do you work for?! WHO DO YOU WORK FOR??" Vanoss and Nogla both shouted fiercely.

"You guys are crazy! Help, help! Someone is trying to kill me!" The man shouted with a frightened voice.

Basically sneered, "Stop screaming like a bitch, nobody will hear you. We took you to a part of an alley where no one could hear you, and we learned this from Chicago!"

Although the man could not understand Basically's words completely, he knew nobody was going to hear him.

Looking at the six people around him with a look of fear, he screamed, "W-Why a-are you doing this? I-I don't know you people!"

"Hmph! Trying to lie again? Motherfucker!" Wildcat spit on the floor before kicking the man on the belly so hard.

How could a weak Rank 2 man endure a kick from Wildcat? His body flew against a wall and crashed against it. He then coughed again and vomited another mouthful of blood.

"Do you think we didn't know shit? Speak now if you don't want to see your mama!" Wildcat shouted as he brought out a pistol and aimed at his head like a gangsta with a voice of a gangsta.

The man coughed again and held his abdomen in pain. He then wiped the blood on his mouth with his wrist and sighed.

"Damn, this work does deserve better pay."

Then, he activated his mana.

And the one who immediately notices it first is Marcel as his expression changed. 

"Not this shit again. Brock!"

Brock kicked the ground and appeared in front of the man. He pulled out a pill then shoved it right through his mouth.

Instantly, a surge of mana rushed into the man's body. The overwhelming magic energy invaded his mana channels and suppressed his mana, stopping it from going berserk, thus stopping the man's suicide.

"Wow, what is that?" Terroriser questioned.

"A type of medicine I got from a Pharmacy or Drugstore, it could stop or calm down the berserk on someone's mana in a matter of seconds." Moo explained, "But their medicines are quite more advanced and expensive. They even have potions that could cure cancer!"

"Woah, neat."

Back to the man who is about to go suicide, although he was quite surprised, but he did not lose his calm. Instead, he vomited another mouthful of blood. And this time, the blood was black.

"What the? Poison?" Moo furrowed his brow, "The keeper told me it has no poison."

"I don't think it's the drugs, Moo."

Hearing their words, the man smiled wryly, "People in our line of business don't fear death. Instead, we fear to suffer a fate worse than death. We are used to having more than one way to kill ourselves. You know, in case one of them fai-"


Cutting him off was when Vanoss delivered a knuckle sandwich on his face, sending him to the ground, which resulted in a small crack in it.

"Wowy, you sure are very talkative." Vanoss remarked.

To his surprise, the man only chuckled bitterly, "These are my last words after all."

One second later, black blood started to flow from his eyes and ears, and in a matter of seconds he died.

"Well, this didn't go as well as we expected." Nogla said.

None of the group did not answer and instead, Marcel searched for clues in the man's clothes. But as he expected, he failed to find anything useful.

"They are very professional."

"That fucker did not even hesitate to kill himself." Wildcat groaned irritably, "Man, these people are strictly trained to never reveal a secret. Even if we capture one of them and find a way to stop him from killing himself, that person will probably not speak."

"We just need to think of another way then." Moo said.

Standing while touching his forehead in thought, Marcel finally has a thought.

"I have an idea. Brian, can you find another of them? Remember we sent dozens of drones all over the city earlier?"

"Yeah, I think I get what you mean. So maybe I can."

"Then let's go on a hunting spree!"

The group of six left the deep alley and continued wandering the city. Soon enough, Marcel and Brian felt another gaze on them.

They had just killed the man and the information about his death had not spread to the rest of the people observing them. Thus, a new fish quickly took the bait.

It was a middle-aged man with a kind face. To be honest, he seemed nothing like someone secretly spying on a group of youngsters.

This time, the group did not attack him. Instead, they approached the man while feigning they did not know anything.

"Excuse me." Terroriser called out at him, using a tone of an innocent British bystander, same as his friends as they are trying to act as innocent group of friends as possible, not look like some sort of suspicious young gang who sells drugs to kids

The man was startled. For an instant, a nervous expression appeared on his face, but he hid it quickly.

"Yes, how can I help you?"

"Do you know where we can get information about the surrounding kingdoms?" Terroriser asked with a feigned expression of apology.


"Yes. You know, like a place where we can pay to buy the information we need."

The man thought for a moment before answering, "You can try in the 7th City section, I'm not sure. Perhaps you will find what you are searching for there. Oh right, go at night. Most of the establishments are closed during the day."

Terroriser smiled gratefully before saying, "Thank you very much, nice man. I'll keep that in mind." He then nodded at the man and walked away.

The man frowned for a brief moment, but when he confirmed neither Terroriser nor his friends seemed to have realized something, he walked away too.

Meanwhile, some of his friends were staring at Terroriser confused.

"What was that?"

Terroriser curved his lips up and took out a very tiny on-like thing from his pocket.

"I created it just a week ago in case some situation like this happened. It's a tracking device I've downloaded. It only works at a certain distance, so we can't be too far from the target, but otherwise, it's perfect.

"Holy shit. Does your Gaming Workshop thing have any limits?" Nogla asked in amazement.

"Don't know. I realize Minecraft and Gmod were not the only type of games I can download. But it has drawbacks, I can download the minor objects very easily but things like Nukes couldn't for some reason."

"Wait, what did you do then?"

"I put one on his back. We only need to wait until he reports to his superiors and we will find who is the person behind him and with a bit of luck, the reason they are keeping an eye on us."

"That is a good plan." Moo smiled in satisfaction

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