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7.93% The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World / Chapter 5: The Prophecy

Chapter 5: The Prophecy

At this moment, Tyler Wine was fully armored and more than ready to kick his friends' asses as he stomped towards their direction. Ever since waking up in his old Minecraft house and becoming his characters' avatar for some unknown reason, he was stunned, he doesn't know how or why but his guts told him it was either the two or his friends.

And that's not the only thing that makes him confused, for some reason when he wields his diamond sword, somehow he feels he experienced fights and battles before, but that doesn't matter yet, he wants to kick their asses and find out his situation.

While he was trying to find his asshole friends, he didn't even pay notice to the monsters screaming in pain, explosions being heard in the distance, as well as his friends laughing their asses off and yelling so loud and quickly that one couldn't even begin to figure out who said that? And what was said for that matter.

As Wildcat got closer to the chaos he saw what looked liked a bunch of half-naked mobs scrambling to try and flee to safety, only to be either cut down or shot by one of his friends with enchanted arrows, usually resulting in one of the monsters being blown up, encased in spider webs, or set ablaze.

What once was a group of 500 monsters of Strurruilk's army was now only less than 30, and that dwindled at a fast rate.

Nogla was charging at the remaining monsters like a mad dog, even barking like one too as he swung a diamond sword at three Hobgoblins. Astonishing, Nogla skills are even with a skilled swordsman which Wildcat knew, that Nogla isn't a fighter back in real life.

Basically was repeatedly slamming his shield against the head of an ogre, who was too terrified of what had just transpired to even move, prompting the beast to try and shield himself from Basically's attacks with his arms.

Terroriser was firing flaming arrows at ten Goblins and a few Hobgoblins that were trying to escape, getting enough smarts to recognize a losing battle.

Vanoss annihilated an ogre by burying a diamond shovel into his skull. It was kinda funny, but Wildcat was too pissed at the moment.

Moo and Delirious were battling against a few brain-dead goblins who thought they could actually beat the people that had them by the scrotum. It obviously ended with a pile of dead goblins.

As Wildcat saw this going on, the green humanoid piglin with fur leader tried to make a run for it in the confusion, and being as pissed as he was, Wildcat's OCD wasn't going to let this fucker live.

Pulling out a lucky bow, Tyler took aim at the fleeing furry Piglin and fired.

What came next, to the surprise of the rest of Team 6, was the sound of TNT going off, causing Team 6 to see Wildcat with an empty bow, and a smoking crater was several feet away from him, with the remains of the proud king Strurruilk, burnt flesh were everywhere on the ground. 

This caused the rest of Team 6 to stop what they were doing, which in this case was beating the crap out of a bunch of dead monsters.

While they couldn't see it, they could definitely feel that Tyler was pissed off.

Rearing his head only a little, Wildcat's angry eyes met the worried eyes of the rest of Team 6 as he finally spoke to his group of retarded friends.

"WHO DID IT?!?!!?"

He yelled out of them, causing a few of them to jump at the sudden volume increase.

Knowing that he was most likely talking about he got teleported to their old server or whenever they were, most of them don't want to get blamed, everyone especially Vanoss pointed at the person who is the last person who is still playing their old server...

"""It's Brian 😐👉😐👉😐👉😐👉😐👉"""

"What the fuck, guys!?!???!" The latter shouted in anger at the traitors.

" *JoJo Shadow eyes* Brian…"

"I did not do this!"


(Location: Royal Palace, Holy Kingdom of Goldrose, 527km Northwest from Vanoss and friend's commune)

The Holy Kingdom of Goldrose was a nation in the western side of the Region, with the population over 52 million of humans and beastmen, it was the 11th most powerful nation among the superpowers that sported a City size military. With more than 7 major cities, 18 more cities and hundreds of towns and villages under its territory, while not a very large nation, it still has strong individuals in its ranks. The Kingdom of Goldrose was equivalent in size as Brazil back on Earth.


In the grand hallways of the royal palace of the kingdom, a figure walk across the halls, she has a stunning look, the woman has short blonde hair, emerald green eyes, while her body isn't considered to be compare to those woman with large melons and asses, however, her beauty won't stop making men can't hold their eyes out of her.

Sherene, is a kind and gentle 20 year old woman, who's very presence is said to inspire a sense of warmth and light.


Ever since her parents died when she was 10, she has had no choice but to be the Queen of her kingdom. She doubts she could be a better queen but now, she gets the hang of it.

While she was queen, she also had another role, which she is also considered as the High Priestess of the Church of the Golden Dawn, worshipping their beloved Goddess of Fate and Judgment, Genesis.

The reason she was chosen as the Holy Priestess of one of the strongest churches was because she has a gift of communicating a deity according to her will, she was one of the few mortals able to talk to a deity which are extremely rare. That is why the Church took an interest in their own queen.

There were once 13 Gods in this world, but after that War the world went through a thousand years ago, there were now only a few left.

The three Deities of this world were the last remaining of them. Each of these deities has a religious faction among them around the continent.

The Church of the Golden Dawn, which was a religious faction that worships the Goddess of Fate and Judgement, Genesis.

The Church of the Rising Sun, which was a religious faction that worships the Sun God, Gleam. The Church was originally created by two parties belonging to the Empire and the Republic, two of the major superpowers of the continent.

And then the Church of Carnage, unfortunately for them, that doesn't count as the third because those are just terrorist that only do bunch of cruel acts and only worships a false god named Monolith, the God of War and Violence.

And then... wait she forgot what's the third, oh yeah...

The Church of the Sapphire Light, which was a religious faction that worships the Goddess of Pure Magic, Gliesia, also an old rival of Genesis, unfortunately for the Golden Dawn, the Church of Sapphire Light won of having the most worshippers 800 years ago, thanks to their population after that non violent war. The Fax religion was owned by the most powerful nation among all of the superpowers of the continent...

...which it's called as the Senadate Theocracy, one of the oldest nations that survives the Second Great War.

Back to the story, at the moment, Sherene was walking through the corridors of the golden citadel, the main palace of the kingdom and place of living for Sherene. By her side was a Golden Paladin of the Church of the Golden Dawn, Samara Leviantine. Captain of the [The Order of the Guiding Light], a knight order from the Church and the Royal bodyguard, and close friend of Queen Sherene.


While she looks to be a regular female warrior, don't underestimate their genders, mate. She was also known as one of the most powerful Demigods in the continent that could rival Pope Lincoln and Wave Zhong, she has the power of a Sainthood Demigod, with the strength of leveling the entire world.

Samara was known to be the stricter of the Golden Paladins, having been trained by the great Demigod Grave Leviantine, her late father who died by another demigod in battle. While she has a very strict nature, she acts like an overprotective mother and is always irritated by someone being immature to her Queen. She has been protecting the Royal Family for over 300 years after her father's death.

As they walked through the halls, Samara couldn't help but wonder what was going on. Her queen has called her, saying it was a matter of importance. 

"My lady, I still do not know what has caused your sudden stir to require aid in visiting the grand chamber". She said as they continued on ahead.

"Well, I guess…" Sherene said as she slowed her pace, looking towards Samantha a little before continuing, "Before I woke, the Goddess gave me a vision."

Her words caused Samara's eyes to widen.

"Was it the same as before?"

The last vision the Goddess Genesis gave the queen sounded more like a nightmare. An unknown evil far worse than the ancient demons and the abominations on the GWI and the GWII, they had reign over the lands of the continent, beings that is never seen before, their simple foot soldiers are strong as their most powerful A-rank Warriors, their elite soldiers slaughtered every Demigods, and have enslaved the people in the entire world, even if its human, beastmen, dwarves, and all races, doesn't matter to them. They are monsters that could also kill the gods themselves.

Sherene tried not to think in such dark thoughts, fortunately, her Goddess told her the events will take place in the next couple of years.

"Yes, well... almost…" Sherene said, looking off to the side, catching Samantha's attention.

"What do you mean?"

"The events were the same as before. Our world was conquered in just a few months after their arrival. The two remaining major superpowers of the continent instantly fell for only 24 hours. And the unknown demons were already facing triumph."



Queen Sherene, kneeling and praying in the grand chamber of the Church of the Golden Dawn, when she was still praying, alone. Something appeared that made Sherene catch her attention.

A yellow orb of light slowly manifested above her, the orb had small shards flowing around it. The orb then slowly took the shape of a beautiful woman of fine physique, her ample chest and curved waists were perfectly balanced as a golden and white dress of magnificence. The woman shined yellow and stared at the young Queen, Sherene looked up and a smile came out of her face.

"Goddess Genesis."


Any mortal being would die of excitement of seeing a living deity in front of their eyes, Sherene however has talked and met with the Goddess since birth, so she got used to it.

The woman slowly descended to the ground. She was smiling as she waved her hand, a magic barrier in yellow color manifested around them. Sherene already knew that she was going to do that, because she always does that everytime when they have a conversation.

"Love the design of this place. But I don't quite understand why my... old blue friend in the Theocracy actually hates both of our churches designs. How annoying she can be."

"Probably she wants it more blue, not a single different color besides it."

They both chuckled.

"You've always been my favorite one here, young one." The Goddess spoke.

"Thank you."

"But we need to take this seriously, the topic is the same as before." 

When the goddess says that, her happy expression suddenly disappears.

Seeing her goddess expression changes, Sherene began to frown.

"Was it the vision you showed last year? I thought you said our fate was already sealed by the time they arrived."

"I know, but suddenly, my future prediction suddenly changes, I don't really know how or why, it's not that outcast goddess Regina but something else, or isn't a deity who did it."

"What do you mean?"

"Queen Sherene, I think there is gonna be another summoning hero who will arrive in our world, except it wasn't summoned with any rituals nor any deity summons it."

Hearing the words of her Goddess, Sherene gave out a surprise look.

"You mean a being from another world will save us? There's gonna be hope?" Sherene said as her eyes filled with hope.

"I'm not really sure, you already know my fate prediction abilities were only 40% chance to be true, right?" The Goddess reminded.

"Yeah, you told me lesser Deities like you aren't omnipotent compared to the Elder Gods."

"Correct, and there might be a low chance that he, her, or they could defeat these enemies. We're not really sure though. But I can give you a glimpse of these strange newcomers."

All of the sudden, everything around them started to change, at the same time the Goddess recalled her prediction to the Queen.


"A city on fire, people forcibly pushed into a large box, carried by some sort of flying beast as it took off, nobody knows what happens to the people inside. Both the enforcers and the military of this city were already annihilated by the invaders' powers.

Women and children were about to suffer the same fate as the beings with red eyes moved closer to them to capture and take them whatever they came from.

However, something different had occurred. Something new... and something very odd...

Just before the few unknown beings were about to capture the innocents, everyone started to hear the sounds of... singing?"

🎶Do-do-dodo-Banana Bus🎶

🎶Do-do-dodo-Banana Bus🎶

🎶Do-do-dodo-Banana Bus🎶

🎶Do-do-dodo-Banana Bus🎶

Next thing happened as the Banana Bus Squad exited a Fortnite Battle Bus, weapons at the ready as Vanoss pointed his finger towards the unknown beings, shouting something as all of the Team 6 jumped into action.

Genesis: An Owl Beastmen, their leader I believe, ordered his men into the fray, and one by one, the evil that plagued the world fell in droves as this strange group fought back.

Sherene vision ended with the group standing triumphing over the bodies of the unknown beings.


"So?" Genesis asks.

"That one song sounds funny, but that last part of the vision looks and sounds very cringe." Sherene answered.

"Hey, don't blame me, I'm not that good at animating visions, you know. And also you already know that the other gods hate when I try to increase more than 40% of my ability's prediction, shame. Well, I better go, I have other things before the world ends."

"Yeah, well, better see you again, best buddy!" The Queen or the High Priestess shouted as she waved the Goddess goodbye.

Goddess Genesis could only give the Queen a smile while she shook her head in amusement. Sherene nervously giggled a bit.

"See ya, best buddy…"

With a wave of goodbye, the Goddess vanishes, her mere presence was nowhere to be seen in the mortal world, as if she didn't even exist in the first place.

Sherene, still smiles, being with the Goddess in her whole life feels like they were long friends, the Goddess even felt that. Any of her worshippers will be completely envied on the Queen being friends with their beloved Goddess.

However, before Sherene leaves the grand chamber of the Church, there is one question present within her mind. Who were these people that the Goddess showed her off to? And if a Saintess like Sherene saw them with the Goddess...

...Do the two Popes in the other churches know about this group as well?


A/N: Hi guys, I know you now know the book I have been fanfic Team 6 with... my own.

In the Synthetic Survivor: Machine Age book, I only showed you a small piece of places and knowledge about Tilleria/Fordalt/the New World. So I have decided I'll show you more world background about it.

And another note, Sherene already mentions it, this event of the book took place a few years prior to Artemis' arrival. It's more like a Prequel story.

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