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66.66% Sky Dragon hero in the Dungeon, time to hoard! / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

It has been three days since the fight between Wendel and Ais took place and to say that the Gods got 'excited' over it was an understatement. Loki had been quick in sending both Ais and Wendel to the Twilight Manor, but before the night was over there were already signs that things would not go well when people from several Familias stood around the place.

Normally Loki would not fear anyone, she was the head of the second strongest familia after all and her place was well protected by all kinds of defensive measures in case of a siege, but when she was faced with the Freya Family, which was THE strongest family, as well as the third, fourth, so on and so forth up to the twentieth strongest families all seeming to be about to storm her house.

Under such odds, much to her dislike, Loki could not just tell them to fuck off.

Well, she tried to do just that anyway, but when she was about to say that she was literally was gagged by some of the members of her familia (Riveria and Finn) who did not fancy such odds.

In the end, the Guild intervened so as to stop the conflict from escalating further into a full-blown civil war inside Orario. The Evilus was still around, after all, and would take advantage of such a conflict to cause even more trouble.

Uranus orders were simple.

'Do an impromptu Denatus, discuss things as civilized Gods, not children.'

The irony of such a statement was not lost on many of the adventurers when they heard of it.

Needless to say, despite many Gods disliking the tone of Uranus when he ordered such a thing, they all obeyed since, first, he controlled the Guild and thus the ability to even enter and leave the Dungeon, and second, they knew that Uranus was simply stronger than any and all of them and no one wanted to fight him after they return to heaven.

As such, all Gods were invited and even those yet uninformed of the situation were told of what has happened in the Colosseum.

"I still don't know why everyone is trying to steal what is mine." Loki grumbled as she sat on her chair, she was very much pissed that she was basically forced to capitulate to public demand.

Sitting beside her was Hephaestus who just shook her head.

"You were the one who felt the need to show off that amazing child before you even added him to your Familia, if it was some other God who did what you did I do not doubt you would have done just about the same as the rest of us."

Loki sent a glare at the taller redhead woman and spoke.

"Why did even you try to snatch him away? It is not like he is a blacksmith and if it was for exploring it wouldn't matter if he joins my Familia." Loki pointed out, and it was true. Whenever a deep enough exploration was done, the Loki and Hephaestus Familias would act together as blacksmiths were essential for traveling deeper within the dungeon.

Hephaestus just shrugged.

"I mostly was just interested in his weapon."

"Weapon?" Loki questioned, not remembering anything special about any weapon he has.

Hephaestus nodded.

"It was that small throwing axe he had at his waist."

"What of it? It didn't seem to be a particularly strong weapon to me or my children." Loki said, having noticed the weapon but judged it was nothing special.

"Maybe it is not strong now, but it is... special." Hephaestus said before her hand moved to her eyepatch. "You should know that I can understand most weapons at a glance, and that weapon was unique in such a way that, even if my powers were unlocked and I went absolutely all out, I doubt I would be able to do something half as good as that."

Loki's eyes grew wide at that, she knew very well how good Hephaestus was, especially if she was not restricted and back in Heaven. Even weapons that could eternally grow stronger were entirely possible and viable things, so hearing that Wendel had a weapon that even Hephaestus thought so highly of was quite shocking.

"But, it is not strong." Loki said with a frown, she remembers checking how strong the throwing axe was and it was not even half as sharp as the worst of weapons the Loki familia uses.

Hephaestus looked excited when she heard that, theories over how that was possible rolling through her mind as she was about to speak up about them, only-

"I am Ganesha!" the elephant-masked God Ganesha shouted loudly, bringing everyone's attention to him as he was the chosen person to organize everything, as was usual in these events and because he was one of the few Gods that did not show any particularly strong interest in taking Wendel as a Child despite sending agents to try and recruit him.

He just didn't want to get swept in the whole situation and, as long as the child went to someone who would not use him for bad, he would be fine enough with that. It is not like he wants to get someone super strong in his familia desperately, wants bragging rights, or just wants to fuck or be fucked by that shota (this was basically the main reason for Aphrodite and Apollo were after the boy as well).

"We are reunited here today for something important. This new child, Wendel Marvell, if the name he gave the guild is correct, is an object of desire for many of us present." Ganesha started and Loki couldn't help but shout.

"And you all can fuck off, that child is a part of the Loki Familia already!"

Freya, on the side, gave an evil smile at that and spoke.

"Then we just need to destroy the Loki Familia, correct? I am quite sure my precious Ottar can speahead such an endeavor right now."

Those words sent a shiver down the back of many Gods as Ottar was decidedly the strongest adventurer in Orario right now by a rather large margin, being a Level 7 and all.

"If he touches my children, I will torture his soul when he dies and make him regret ever being born." Loki said ominously, her glare intense and penetrating.

That was a quite feasible treat, all Gods were just temporary 'visitors' in this lower world and would eventually go back to Heaven just as all human souls are supposed to go there eventually.

Freya, however, was unmoved as she spoke.

"We would need to see if you can manage to do such a thing, I suppose." Freya spoke making Loki's eye stare daggers in her direction.

On the center stage, Ganesha coughed in his hand to call attention back to himself and, when they all turned to him, spoke up.

"Gods, Goddesses, I understand that many here are more than a bit jumpy, but we must think calmly about this. We cannot simply start a war between all our familias just like that, especially with Evilus running around so rampantly."

As these words rang out most Gods did not show a single iota of care about it, mostly because it was not related to them directly, but the stronger Familias got a bit more serious.

Evilus was a big issue for them, after all. They not only liked to disturb trade routes for Orario, causing troubles all around, but would also actively hunt down, torture, rape, and kill (not necessarily in that order) just about anyone they could, especially weaker members of the stronger familias. They even made a show out of it at times, there was a good reason why they were universally hated.

"How you propose we solve this then?" Freya said, confident she could get her way, one way or another.

She would NOT be denied what she desired and she never desired someone as much as she wanted that shota right now.

Everyone started talking and discussing what they are to do until Hermes had an idea that he thought was just genius and many Gods agreed, even the stronger Familias agreed as they all had unshakable trust they would win this.

Again, Gods tend to be no different from children on a sugar rush, with an intelligence to match.

On a sick bed in the Loki Familia, Wendel was sulking.

"Hey, why is kid wonder sulking like that?" Tiona, one of the two-level 5 Amazones of the Loki Familia, questioned as she poked at my cheek.

In all honesty, the girl was extremely pretty. With flawless and healthy tan skin, short black hair, mischievous golden eyes, and a face prettier than any model while carrying a sense of boyish charm to it, she truly was quite an amazing sight. Her bust was nonexistent, being flatter than even some men, but she had amazing legs and a huge bubble butt that really could draw the eye.

"Could you stop that?" Wendel asks and Tiona puts a finger in her chin in deep thought before shaking her head.

"Nope." She says, going right back to pocking him in the chin.

He grumbles but lets her be for the moment.

From what Wendel can deduce after experiencing it, Dragon Force is a really big double edge sword for him at the moment. Not only does it strain his body to beyond its limits, but Wendel's Dragon Force has also mixed in the power of Etherianus, which is basically anti-magic particles.

That was not a good thing for Wendel, Dragon Force's internal damage was not something he could recover so easily with his healing magic as the anti-magic particles, while amazing in combat, were still not something natural for Wendel to handle.

With time and experiencing this state a few more times, it would no longer be that strenuous or troublesome, but for now that was just not happening.

Thus he was laying down on a sickbed in the Loki Familia while Tiona stands over him messing around.

"Well, at least you are better than Ais." Wendel said and Tiona giggled at it.

"Yeah, she was quite a bit intense over the whole 'teach me' thing. Can't remember the last time she was quite like that." Tiona said with a grin.

Ais has been visiting every few hours to try and make Wendel teach her Dragon Slayer Magic. Even after he explained the dangers of it, and also told her he was still recovering from his ordeal of using Dragon Force, she would still show up every few hours to see if he was well enough to teach her.

It would be endearing, if not for the times he woke up in the middle of the night to see her staring in silence at him as if a ghost, or the times she tried to peep on him when he went to the bathroom, or the times she would just keep asking for dozens of minutes on end if he could teach her already.

... Okay, it was creepy as hell and he wanted her to stop this shit already. Honestly, everyone in the Loki Familia wanted her to stop at this point, but she would not just lower her head and listen.

She was the person to rise in levels the fastest in the history of Orario, her determination to grow was no joke and it showed.

"Still, that was quite an impressive power you had there." Tiona said. "I never thought someone without Falna could become so strong, makes me wonder how strong you would be as a Level 3 or 4."

"Who knows?" Wendel said with a shrug, approaching a glass of water to his lips. "Strong, I guess." He said dismissively, drinking that water.

He doesn't quite remember any contractor in the Company that grew much in levels in Danmachi. After all, to grow in levels one must face terrible odds and risk their lives, not many contractors would stay weak for long enough in the Danmachi world as to where it could still remain dangerous.

"Probably." Tiona said before she had an idea and a mischievous smile appeared on her face. "Hey, how about, when you grow strong enough where you can beat me, we mate?"

Wendel almost spit the water he was drinking, some of it going into the wrong hole there.

"COUGH, COUGH, You Amazones are quite something." Wendel said and Tiona shrugged.

"We are just direct with what we want. You are very strong and cute, guess my type and that of my sister are similar, huh." Tiona said with some amusement.

Her twin younger sister, Tione, was madly in love with Finn, who did not by any metric reciprocated her feelings. Finn, the captain of the Loki Familia, may look like a cute blond trap and relatively young, but he was over 40 years older than Tione. The captain tried to make the Amazones see sense, that he was far too old for her, but she was stubborn as they come and refused to listen.

Wendel thought for a bit before getting a small idea, a smile playing on his lips as he turned to Tiona and spoke.

"How about if I give you something as a sign of promise we will do that?" Wendel proposed and when Tiona was not immediately against it, he touched the Vassal Projectile.

Hero Weapons had all sorts of functions, not only were they able to absorb materials to create new forms or potions of all kinds (if there was a formula, to which there were forms of the Hero weapon unlocked as well), but they could also serve as storage.

In truth the main reason as to why Wendel did not use this function in the dungeon was because he feared losing some materials if he tried to put them in the weapon, mainly magic stones and such that the weapons kept absorbing without being put in the inventory as to try and unlock new forms, regardless of his own wishes.

Tiona observed in shock as, from the kunai he was holding, a chocker appeared. It was a pretty dark blue, almost black, color and was not too big nor too small.

"Can I put this on you?" He asked and Tiona, who was admiring the accessory, quickly nodded her head and turned around, presenting her back and neck to him.

The Amazonian culture was rather unique, the stronger one was the less they would wear back in their country, but one thing did not follow this trend, namely, accessories. Rings, bracelets, chockers, anything that could be considered an accessory was more than welcome.

"Consider this a gift." Wendel said before explaining. "This will make you grow stronger, maybe it will make it so I won't beat you before I even reach Level 2. But, if you take it off then I guess you were not serious about this bet."

At this teasing, Tiona smirked.

"Sorry, but I have no intention of making you trying to conquer me easier or giving you any excuses to back down. If it was too easy, what would be the fun?" Tiona said, and she completely meant it.

She was not much different from her sister in regards to love and desires, the main difference was that, unlike her sister, who was a-okay with a fake shota with a rather normal-sized dick (not much stays hidden for long when deep in the dungeon and such modesty was entirely pointless and Finn knew that way too well), Tiona would much rather a truly hung shota to please her (she checked his size when taking him to the infirmary, the tomboy liked it).

Wendel just smiled, she was his very first capture in this world but he would need to wait 10 days before the capture was complete and the effects of the binding showed fully. As to why he bound her, that was rather simple-

She clearly stated she wanted to mate with him. Why would he just ignore a potential hot waifu literally throwing herself at him?

They would have talked some more, but Ais showed up yet again at the door.

The stoic girl with long platinum hair and a beautiful face stared at Wendel for a bit before asking.

"Can you teach me Dragon Slaying Magic now?"

Wendel just wanted to say 'no' to that, knowing perfectly well that dragon slaying magic was not such a simple thing and it was entirely possible that Ais would simply not be able to learn it. He was just about to say no when a thought struck him and he said.

"I can't do it right now, but later I should be able to. But only if you prove to me that I can trust you." As he said this, a second chocker appeared in his hand from the Vassal Projectile. "Put this on and, after 10 days, if you did not remove it then I will teach you what I know of Dragon Slayer magic."

As Ais put the chocker on, Wendel almost laughed at how absurdly lucky this whole situation was, especially since he was not lying about her needing to wear the chocker for 10 days before he would teach her.

Wendel had no clue if Dragon slayer Magic was compatible with those from Danmachi normally, but if he used a TS0 on Ais she would be able to unlock that magic. With how determined she was, he doubted Ais would ever stop her desire for the magic he showed, she would most likely take the chocker even if she knew precisely what it did, as long as it resulted in her getting the magic she needed.

As Wendel saw both girls with the chokers on, he felt that he was extremely lucky. Of course, such thoughts all but demanded things to hit the fan right after.


The door to the infirmary was smashed open and coming in, were several Gods and Goddesses.

"What is going o-"

"I am Ganesha. And we need you for something." Ganesha said with an excited expression as even Loki had a shit-eating grin at this chaos, even if she did not like the situation particularly much.


That was enough for Hephaestus, who was amongst the gods dragging Wendel away while trying her best to examine closer his Vassaal Projectile, spoke up.

"It is an, gosh I can't believe I agreed to this idea, an emergency quest. Your presence is mandatory. We are going dragon hunting."

Wendel's face paled at that, he was not yet fully healed and, even if he was, he was not sure he could actually defeat a dragon. Wendy, in Fairy Tail, never managed to get too close to such a feat.

"I am not ready for such a fight. Get somebody else." Wendel said as he started to squirm, almost getting out of the hands of the Gods that were allowed to enter the Twilight Manor.

"Silly child, your presence is essential. How else could we hunt a dragon if the dragon isn't around?"


"We are doing a once in a (human) lifetime experience, hunt and recruit the baby sky dragon! The winner is whoever can capture and take you back to their respective base."

Wendel looked quite ticked off at becoming some sort of hunt trophy for the Gods.

He was about to complain when Ganesha spoke up.

"There is also money in it."

"... Go on." Wendel said and Tiona, on the side, sweatdropped at how greedy this kid was.

Oh well, he seemed greedy for her booty just a well, so she was fine with that. What hero is not greedy, after all?

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