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16.66% Sky Dragon hero in the Dungeon, time to hoard! / Chapter 1: Chapter 1
Sky Dragon hero in the Dungeon, time to hoard! Sky Dragon hero in the Dungeon, time to hoard! original

Sky Dragon hero in the Dungeon, time to hoard!

Author: carlos_henrique_5786

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

As I lay inside a pool of cold water of a river I wonder, who did I piss off from the management for the place they decide to drop me in being so deep inside the dungeon?

Seriously, I have seen a lot of people selected to enter the Danmachi world before, but I have never seen someone who is thrown inside the Lower Floors from the get-go. I sigh again as I see a giant fish trying to jump at me again, but I almost snort at this action.

I have seen the anime and people act as if the dungeon was alive, but if so it clearly is a very stupid organism.

I get out of the water and cloak one of my legs in a whirlwind of a Sky Dragon's air, thrusting it at the stupid fish.

"Leading Sky Arrow!"

The air hits the fish, decimating it entirely right through and leaving nothing behind. The dungeon may be dangerous and all, but with my build, the place I am is just not enough to put great pressure on me unless I go face the dungeon boss.

Which I won't, because that is dumb.

After being in this place for long enough I will admit, on one side I really like the fact that I have chosen this build, but I should really have bought at least one waifu, it would have made things so much more berable.

I open my company smartphone and check my details one more time.


Starting World: Danmachi

Starting budget 225

Possess a Wendy Marvell (M) of T6 -50 [175]


Company Stamp free [175]


Sticky Fingers -5 [170]

Faerie Feast -10 [160]

Sticky Fingers: Brown Sugar -15 [145]

Zenryoku Zenkai -20 [125]


Body Talent -10 [115]

Communication Talent -10 [105]

Soul Talent -10 [95]

Blessed Talent -30 [65]

Martial Talent -10 [55]

Template Stacking I[Wendy Marvell has Rishia Ivyred] -20 [35]

Template Stacking II[Wendy Marvell [Rishia Ivyred]] -20 [15]

Misc Perks

Universal Calibration -10 [5]

Sexual Calibration -2 [3]

Fertility Calibration I -2 [1]

Generic Waifu Perks

Paper Trail[Wendy Marvell] -1 [0]


Maybe I should take a loan to buy someone? It would certainly make things so much easier if I just do that, but I can still go on, for now at least.

Deciding to start as a male version of Wendy from Fairy Tail was certainly a good call, her physical conditioning is quite good and her magic is very versatile. She lacks a bit in a defensive capacity, but her support magic, healing, and offensive magic are all top notch, it should be more than enough for me to join just about any Familia I so choose.

As for the template for Rishia, I figured that it would likely be safer to be a 'jack of all trades' instead of someone who depends far too much on others and she fits the bill nicely for that. With the Template Stacking II on me, I basically have access to all her skills, including her basic ability for all types of elemental magic, her techniques with Henge Musou (a martial arts that can be used in weapons or hand-to-hand and that can ignore defenses) as well as gives me the Vassal Projectile, a hero weapon.

It is a handy little thing, it is basically like the legendary hero weapons from Rising of the Shield Hero. It is able to change forms to any sort of throwing weapon out there. Things like a throwing knife, Kuni, shuriken, throwing ax, rope, hatchet, short sword, short spear, knife, boomerang, anything that can be classified as a throwing weapon can be formed for this little beauty in my hands.

Like the hero weapons it also has an enhancement method, but only one that centers on using money to enhance the forms of the weapon. Not that this is all good news since it has a level restriction in it. Namely, any weapon form I get on this floor with the monsters's materials around is entirely useless for me since they are Level 3 monsters and I don't even have a level. The best thing I could get is a water shuriken that is oddly like the one I remember in Ash Greninja when I let it 'eat' the water that runs around here, but it is really weak right now so I don't bother using it.

A grumble could be heard as my stomach again complain to me about the lack of food I am getting, I am basically eating the mushrooms in the dungeon to try and stave off starvation and using healing magic to heal myself from any poisoning or something they might generate, but it still is an awful taste and it just isn't filling.

I could really use a burger just about now.

Deciding to no further think of taking any loans from the company, or think of the food that is still beyond me, I stretch a bit as the fish starts to disintegrate. Shame the bodies don't stay behind, I could really go for some sushi just about now as well. Since that was just wishful thinking, in the end, I just take the magic stone and drop it into a makeshift bag I created using some leather that dropped with some of the fish monsters I have killed on these days here in the dungeon

It still feels ever so slightly annoyed at the fact that, once again, my bath was interrupted. And I really needed one, I am completely and utterly lost here and have been wandering this place for the good part of at least a week now with only having found the stairs up once, so I might be at floor 26 or 25, I don't even know which.

Seriously, who the fuck decided to drop me off in this place? Whoever it is, I will kick its ass!


The sound of metal hitting something hard suddenly could be heard, my eyes widen at it since this likely meant that there are others in this place!

"Human interaction!" I say excitedly, jumping toward the direction the sound was coming from.

Reality, as usual, was disappointing. I was hoping this would be a great chance to actually meet other humans, but by the time I arrived, it was only four people left alive with only two still able to struggle against a giant monster who looked like a wingless dragon made out of bones.

"Kid, run away!" One of the last survivors, a red haired woman shouted as she tried to block the bone-ish dragon after she saw me showing up.

I feel a tick mark spring on my forehead at being called 'kid' though. Sure, by possessing a male Wendy my age was dialed back to look like I am 13 years old, but my mind is still closer to 30. I am NOT a child!

I jump out of the way as the dragon dismissively waves its tail in my direction and didn't even look if it hit or not.

Is this little shit looking down on me? Oh, it is on now, bitch.

I shout.

"Get out of the way!" As I do so I do not wait to see if they will do as I ordered as I take a deep breath before roaring. "Sky Dragon's Roar!"

A hurricane was expelled from my mouth directly at the bone dragon who was launched in the distance.

"Kid, magic doesn't work on it!" Another of the survivors, a black-haired one wearing a yukata said as she prepared her katana.

I just raise a brow, it seems to work pretty well for me.

As the dust settles I can see that several of the bones it was hit by were craked and the dragon looks worse for wear.

It doesn't surprise me, this thing clearly is some sort of dragon and I use dragon slayer magic, even if it has some sort of magic resistance it wouldn't work against magic engineered to be more effective against dragons. It is just logic.

The creature, however, seems to still have plenty of fight in it as it stands back up and moves way too fast in my direction. I did not have time to defend, but th red haired and black haired duo got in the way and managed to stop the beast.

Seeing this I do not hesitate to start using enchantment.

"Ile Arms, Ile Armor, Ile Vernier!"

Ile arms doublse the strength of the target, Ile armor doubles the defense, and Ile vernier doubles the speed. As the enchantments were designed to hit both of them at once, it works pretty well as the two now seem able to barely keep up with the beast. I concentrate, however, on giving the finishing blow as those enchantments cost a lot of energy to keep and I do not want to keep it up for loo long a period of time when it is not strictly needed.

Concentrating all my magic energy, I move into a wide stance, spreading my arms wide and causing a fast wind barrier to form, which surrounds everyone in this place and prevents any of us from escaping. I then move my arms in a counter-clockwise direction, causing the wind wall to contract inwards around me, the concentrated tornado is then sent directly at the bone dragon thing.

"Shattering Light: Sky Drill!"

The impact sends the thing bouncing off the wall and crushing it into the ground for a good distance. I lay on the ground, tired from the ordeal, hoping it was enough already, but the thing stands back up again.

"The hell, is this thing a cockroach or something?" I complain as I try to get back up again to breathe in, and see if it can help me recover my magic, but the thing seems to have reached some sort of limit as it disintegrates into dust.

Well, at least that worked out. I lay myself on the floor to rest, not paying attention to anything else as I just decide to relax for a moment before continuing to try and get the fuck out of this place. I still want a normal bath and, most importantly, I still want some good food!

As I lay there, relaxing, I saw one of the two girls, the black-haired one, approach me while the red-haired one seem to be trying to treat the wounded small girl.

"Thank you for your assistance. I do not know what would have happened if you did not help us when you did." She said and I waved her off.

"Don't worry, if you want to repay me just tell me where is the exit of this place. I have been lost here for a while and really want to get out." I say honestly and she frowns a bit.

"How do you not know where the exit is? Did you not come down here with your familia?" She questions and I shake my head.

"Nope. I just woke up here a while ago and have no clue how I even got in this place. As for a familia, the fuck is that?" I say, deciding to play as if I AM a transmigrator from Fairy Tail world. I know it is not true, but it works for me well enough to explain how I got here and it would give an explanation as to how I got so strong without a falna.

The woman's eyes widen before she looks back at the other female survivor who was barely hanging up in the arms of the red-haired woman. Deciding to play nice, I say.

"Bring the tiny girl here, I will hear her right back up." I say, knowing that I did not have the energy to heal her fully, but it should still be enough to have some use.

They look a bit wary, but soon the girl was brought over and I cast Heal on her. I have to eat air a bit to recharge somewhat, but it is enough to heal the girl right back up. I then cast it in the others as well for good measure.

"I, I do not know how to thank you for what you did." The red-haired one said and I shrug.

"Just help me get out of this place. I am fully lost and have been eating mushrooms at random to not starve to death, I just want a good meal." I say honestly and the three smile.

"We will give you a feast, Astrea-sama will certainly agree to do that much as thanks for the help you provided." The red-haired one said and I freeze slightly at that.

Astrea? Wait, is this the Astrea Familia who should have been decimated by the... did I just kill the Juggernaut? Well, not really 'kill' as I am quite sure I did not really defeat it, more like stalled until it stopped working (if memory serves me right, it usually just stop working and disappears automatically after some time passes), but it is still amazing that I did just that.

Anyway, this still means I just changed the plot by quite a bit as now I have saved the Astra Familia from complete extinction. Sure, most members still died, but now, instead of just one out of 12 that survived, it is four out of 12. It is still a third who survived and, if I am not mistaken, the captain and vice-captain are the red and black-haired girls respectively, and with the two alive and well the Astrea Familia is not over.

Will this be a good or bad thing for this world? Who the fuck knows, I just know that they have enough money to give me a good feast and all the remaining girls of the Astrea Familia are eligible waifus I can capture. Also...

"Is that dude who ran away with you guys?" I ask as I note how the cat guy had run away at the end of the conflict there.

The three stiffen and note that one of the Evilus guys ran away. Guess Jura's luck was really quite absurd, in CANON he survived the Juggernaut by simply being ignored for long enough for it to stop working, and now he was ignored enough to run away when the Astra Familia members weren't paying attention. His fortune seems quite remarkable, even if it could not match our lord and savior, Captain Buggy.

But, to be fair, no one can match that except King from One Punch Man. I should really see to buying the template for either of them later, just their BS luck would be worth the points.

Soon we were on the move. They could not take the bodies of all the dead adventurers as that would cost them far too much time and they physically couldn't take so many people with them, but they took the weapons and other mementos before burning the bodies as a funeral of sorts. By then I had recovered some of my magic energy back and we could move freely through the place, it took me just two hours to be out of this dammed floor. TWO HOURS, and I was lost in this place for three days of aimlessly walking and hitting dead end after dead end while monsters kept hunting me down as if they particularly hated me.

Needless to say, I was pissed about that and decided that I would most certainly find some way to get myself into a familia or something to have someone to give me fucking directions.

In the end, with the help of the Astrea Familia who knew the way to the surface well enough, it took us only two days to get back to the surface.

I spent more time wandering aimlessly on one floor than it took experienced adventurers to maneuver through 24 floors. It was a humbling experience, to say the least.

I personally wanted to have made a pitstop in Riveria, at least see to having a good meal, but the others would have none of that and wanted to get back as soon as possible to inform their goddess of what happened and to tell Ryuu that they are alive. I can't begrudge them that, even if I do feel that a short break of a few hours for a meal, a bath, and a decent sleep that wasn't on the cold floor while fearing for a monster to attack wouldn't have been so bad.

Oh well, at least I should be able to get some money for the magic stones and monster drops I accumulated, that should get me by for a good while at least.


"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" The goddess in front of me said continuously to me as she holds my hand and bowed to me in thanks.

She was quite shocked when her group returned, it seems like Ryuu got back around three hours before us and only had the strength to inform Astrea of what happened before she passed out from sheer exhaustion. The goddess has just come back from the guild where she requested for help to rescue her familia when we arrived at their mansion.

"Please don't mind. They helped me out as well." I say with a small smile. They certainly helped me considering I really needed help to get out of the dungeon.

"I will pay you back for it, thank you." She says one last time before going back for her Family members. It was quite a sad sigh to see those women crying together over what happened, it was a bad mood all around, but I could only feel embarrassed before deciding that, yes I will leave them to mourn and go to the guild. I did question the girls when we were on the way in how to get to the Guild, so with some luck, it shouldn't be too much of a problem.

As I leave the mansion, the Stardust Garden, and look in the direction of the guild. Putting a finger under my chin in thought I remember that it is kinda necessary for adventurers to be in a familia before they can join the guild to sell their drops and such. Maybe I can wing it for the first time?

It should be worth a try, even if the exchange rates would certainly be awful. Shame Astrea doesn't accept males in her familia or I could just ask her to put me in it real quick, but oh well.

The promised feast will need to wait a while, I guess.

It takes me about half an hour to get to the guild, and almost another hour until I get to talk with a guil employee responsible for the exchange of items.

"Sorry, but we can only exchange drop items and magic stones if you are a part of a familia." The employee said, making me almost growl in irritation.

This was starting to become absurd. But you know what? Fuck it, I heard that the Hostess of Fertility accepts magic stones as payment for meals there, and I just need to eat something good for once.

"DIE!" I could hear a shout and, next thing I know, some crazy psycho blond had a sword impaled in my abdomen. Her eyes blazing in fury as she does so.

I might have been able to dodge or defend myself, but being caught unawares at such speeds while tired is more than I can handle. Thankfully someone tackled the blond idiot away from me and I could remove the sword from my body, casting healing magic in myself before I passed out.

Who would know, I could spend an entire week in the dungeon filled with monsters and be just fine, but walk around just a bit in Orario and I am close to death already. Makes one wonder if it wouldn't be safer to be surrounded by the bloodthirsty monsters, at least they don't decide to introduce me to their swords by their pointy end.

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