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50% Reborn in HP / Chapter 28: 28

Chapter 28: 28

"Ok, so, if I successfully extract the remaining elixir of life from this philosophers stone, I can feed it to the tree of life, hastening its growth. This way I will no longer have to worry about the bastard sucking my life out every day." Harry muttered to himself back in his apartment in London.

In the corner of the room, a tripod cauldron sat with an intense white-hot flame burning under it. Surrounding the tripod were layers and layers of metal wires intertwined with each other with paper tags hanging from them.

Dense runes inscribed with cinnabar ink filled the paper tags, preventing the heat and mana from escaping the area around the tripod, as well as to prevent any outside interference to mess with the potion making process.

The blood red liquid in the cauldron was being heated for the past 15 days, purifying and repurifying constantly, to extract the remaining essence from a bunch of rare ingredients and the philosopher stone.

The potion would keep bubbling for the next 6 days, and on the 21st day of the purifying process, the improved elixir of life would be completed.


The day turned into night, and eventually 6 days passed.

During this time, Harry had been roaming around the country, visiting the famous monuments as well as any place with a collection of books, both magical and mundane.

"DING" a metallic ding sounded from Harry's coat pocket in the middle of the day.

"Ah. It would seem the potion is ready for the final step." In the middle of a museum tour, Harry removed a small kitchen timer that had been slightly modified to ring when the potion was 30 minutes from completing.

Walking out of the museum, Harry hailed the Knight Bus as he made his way home.

"How are you my sweet little elixir. Are you ready?" Harry babbled to the red-hot cauldron sitting in the corner of his apartment room.

Walking closer, Harry verified the colour had successfully changed from a blood red to a deep maroon, indicating success.

Snip. Snip.

Carefully, using a pair of pliers, Harry snipped the tense metal wires around the cauldron in a specific pattern, and reached out to the cauldron wearing a pair of dragonhide gloves.

Carefully placing it on a prepared table, Harry pulled out a piece of sky-blue crystal.

"Now, I just have to add in the horn of an American horned serpent, and the elixir of life is finally complete." Harry silently muttered to himself as he nervously, but carefully placed the sky-blue crystal into the bubbling liquid.

GUSSHHH, Sizzle.

As soon as the crystal hit the surface of the maroon liquid, a white vapor escaped into the air and the crystal melted instantaneously.

Combining gently with the incomplete elixir of life, the maroon colour slowly turned a shade lighter, and the temperature dropped from 200 Celsius to 20 in a blink of an eye.

"SUCCESS". Harry cheered loudly as the improved elixir of life was finally complete.

Grabbing the cauldron with his bare hands, Harry sent a stream of mana intentionally to his connection with the Tree of Life and chugged the contents of the softball sized cauldron.

"Uhhaaaaa." With the most content sigh of his whole existence, Harry chugged the elixir faster than a frat boy at an initiation ceremony.

The cool stream of maroon liquid instantly mixed with his mana core and hitched a ride with a stream of mana towards the black hole known as the Tree of Life.

"Now we wait." Harry contently sat down on his bed and laid down, inspecting the tree's condition regularly with the heavens path library.


Hours passed as finally, a long burp escaped Harry's mouth.

"There we go. There goes the excess essence. Lets take a look at the Tree now shall we." He removed his shirt and stood in front of a mirror.

The original tattoo of a small sapling near his sacrum had finally disappeared, leaving behind smooth and flawless skin.

"Byaku Sharingan." A purple glow covers harry's eyes as his irises turn purple with two magatamas revolving around his pupil.

The scene reflected in his eyes changes as he takes in the changes occurring inside his body.

The dragon veins fused with Harry's core were now fused with root like structures, which occasionally pulsed with a red light, nourishing his core along with his body.

Every cell was filled to the brim with the red energy before it was dimmed and circulated back to the core.

Looking closely at the core, inside the hazy blue gas that was his mana, a shadow of a tree could be seen.

If one needed a comparison, it would be akin to looking at a snow globe with blue snow and a humongous tree.

"You better live up to your expectations, otherwise, …" he really didn't know what he would do, if he knew, he would have ripped it away the moment he figured it would nerf him too much for 3 whole years.




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