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17.64% System Memories / Chapter 3: Dreary Cave

Chapter 3: Dreary Cave

Time: Mid-Day

Location: Unknown

The forest was lovely today, there was a practical exam for the kids at NightFall Academy. The exam required they survive 3 nights in the forest by themselves and they had done just that. Unfortunately, not all had survived about half had died, bringing their total numbers from 1,000 to 500.

Among the 500 survivors were 7 whose exam grade was exceptional, whilst most others struggled; these 7 completed the exam like it was nothing. These 7 were known as the kings/queens of NightFall Academy, the top academy on the continent.

In other words, these were the strongest students below the age of 30 on the continent. At this very moment, these 7 individuals were having a meeting alongside some of the teachers at their school.

"There was an immense spatial disturbance at the location in which the exam was taken"

A teacher said, his voice filled with concern and discomfort.


"SO? The only times we've seen spatial disturbances as immense as this is when gods fight."

The teacher replied to a young boy's snappy response, this time the teacher's voice was filled with annoyance and even more concern.

"Then what is the purpose of this meeting? Do you have an idea of what caused the disturbance?"

This time the teacher did not respond and only looked towards an old man who had said nothing up until now, he was the school principle.

"Nothing too big, I'm just issuing a mandatory emergency mission: Find the source of the spatial disruption in WrathFall Forest"

The student did not respond this time, he simply nodded and started walking towards the door. Following him the other 6 students did the same, afterall they had just been issued an emergency mission this was of upmost importance!

3 days ago

Somewhere in the middle of WrathFall Forest was a cave, this cave was not normal. It omitted an ominous aura that scared away all normal or weak lifeforms. There in front of the cave suddenly purple particles descended from nowhere and started forming a small cube, the purple cube then grew in size and then after getting big it started falling apart into millions of particles. The particles were blown by the wind and disappeared as soon as they had appeared leaving in their place a very confused man.

< Goblins Cave, Threat level: E >

< Rewards: ???, ???, ??? >

<Complete the dungeon: Goblins Cave>

"Why would I? Or rather why should I?"

In his confused state the boy decided not to do as the system told him, he turned around and walked Forward and away from the eery cave.

Alas his efforts were for naught as after walking substantially away deine the cave he was met with-






The boys face went dark as he turned around and ran back towards the cave. Although presented as a choice there was no real choice. The system wanted him to go into the cave and so he did just that.

Walking forwards and into the cave he went, into the unknown and the dark.

As he took one step into the cave a cold gust of wind greeted him and caused him to shiver. However he didn't let this detour him as he continued forward into the cold cave.

Present time

One girl could be seen flying over a huge Forest, the forest stretched all the way to the horizon and beyond.

The girl flew with the wind as if she herself was a part of it. Ubruptly however she stopped, her eyes grew big as she looked in one particular direction.

There several hundred miles in the distant horizon one could see a barely visible dot. The dot however exuded a deathly aura of demise.

The girl began flying towards the dot, eventually the dot would expand and upon further investigation one could see a small hill of broken rocks.

The rocks were all positioned in such a way one would never know what it once was if not for the sign which lay on the ground some distance from the rocks.

== Goblins Cave ==

Threat level: E

'The pile of rocks was a dungeon? But how could it get like this?' thought the girl in confusion.

Even the weakest dungeons, Rank E dungeons, are extremely durable. They don't erode or are easy to destroy.

The girl walked towards the hill/pile of rocks as the wind began swirl around her. She left her right hand and pointed it at the pile of rocks.

Wind rushed towards the rocks as it began lifting them and throwing them some distance from their original positions.

One the dust which the rocks kicked up cleared the girl could be seen standing before a staircase.

The staircase led into the earth and was not lit giving it an eerie vibe. Alas that was not the worse part the once ignorable aura of demise was now stronger than ever.

The aura hit the girl like the heat from an opened oven and made her freeze.

She froze in what one could only assume was fear until she shook herself free from her fearing trance.

She took one step than another, eventually one could no longer see the girl. The area once again returned to "normal".

2 days ago

Deep below the planets surface in one of the smallest continents on the planet one could see a tunnel this tunnel connected one part of the cave to another.

At this very moment a small green humanoid being could be seen dashing through the tunnel with haste. It was running for it's life, just an hour ago it was going about it's day like normal when some strange and powerful human came along.

As the small being remembered the human it got goosebumps, the human was more of a monster than it was!

"Come back here you little f&$king rat, I'll kill every one of you goblins!"

Some distance behind the goblins ran a young man as he had an expression of rage on his face.

He ran towards the goblins with a sword in hand, slowly catching up.

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