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11.76% System Memories / Chapter 2: Death?

Chapter 2: Death?


[Name: ???]

[Age: 16]

[Soul Age: ???]

[Level: 2]

[EXP: 51/100]

[HP: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Dex: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Available SP: 10]

Opening his eyes and being greeted once again by the beautiful night sky, the boy stood up dazed and confused.

"What? … 16?"

His eyes bulged at the realization of the updated age on the screen. Unfortantutly he wasn't given time to think as his stomach growled.

"I need to eat meat."

This time his eyes glowed a slight tinge of purple as veins appeared on his face. Losing his rational mind he ran into the trees in a strange trance. Due to his erratic movements and occasional loud growling eventually, he came upon a wild wolf.

The wolf was big, easily thrice his size and the boy did not falter. In his strange trance, he raced towards the wolf and attacked with a crude punch to its nose.

The wolf retreated a little having been caught by surprise it had been hit. Thankfully this wouldn't happen again, it attacked once it had realized the little threat of the boy who stupidly attacked it.

It bit at his arm nearly tearing it off in the process.


The boy screamed in agony but did not falter, he had one goal in his eyes and he would stop at nothing until he achieved it. Just like the wolf, the boy bit right back, aiming for the wolf's nose and striking.

After getting a firm grip on the wolf's nose he punched at its eyes whilst resisting the force of being flailed about. Hitting and clawing at its eyes eventually causing permanent damage which for this wolf was basically a death sentence.

Unfortunately for the boy, the wolf's flailing would be too much for him to bear with his measly strength. Being thrown onto the ground the boy could only scream in pain as the wolf took full opportunity and mauled him. The wolf did not try to kill him, it tried to make him suffer after all thanks to the boy it would eventually die.

Despite the wolf's efforts the boy's eyes eventually closed once again being fed darkness.


[Name: ???]

[Age: 17]

[Soul Age: ???]

[Level: 2]

[EXP: 51/100]

[HP: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Dex: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Available SP: 10]

< Congrats you have aided in the kill of a [Primordial Wind Wolf] >

< Received 50,000 EXP >

< Received Skill Upgrade Token >

< Received Memory Fragment >

< Leveled Up >

< Leveled Up >

< Leveled Up >

< Leveled Up >

< Leveled Up >

< Leveled Up >


[Name: ???]

[Age: 17]

[Soul Age: ???]

[Level: 8]

[EXP: 18,451/20,000]

[HP: 10]

[Strength: 10]

[Dex: 10]

[Vitality: 10]

[Available SP: 40]

The boy gazed at the system panel in front of him, the number had once again changed, also he could swear he had died what was happening? Taking in a large breath of fresh air his eyes bulged as the scent of meat entered his nostrils.

He stood up and there not too far away lay the body of the very wolf he had assisted in killing. Strangely however its body was fresh as if the wounds had been inflected recently and it had died recently. However, the boy cared not for these discrepancies as he hurried towards the meat and started eating it raw.

Thanks to his skill he could eat it raw but the fur coat was tough, he would not have been able to kill this animal by himself. Thankfully the meat was much less tough, though still abnormally tough he could manage.

After some time he had reduced the corpse into nothing more than some bones and a warm fur coat. Now that he was no longer starving the boy snapped back to his senses as he lay by a tree.

"Haaa, if I remember correctly the tutorial said I could allocate SP into stats right?"


[Name: ???]

[Age: 17]

[Soul Age: ???]

[Level: 8]

[EXP: 18,451/20,000]

[HP: 20]

[Strength: 20]

[Dex: 20]

[Vitality: 20]

[Available SP: 10]

"That's good enough for now, it also said I should name my soul right?"

"I can't think of a good name so I'll do that later"


>basic survival knowledge handbook

>A sweet candy

>Skill upgrade token

>Memory Fragment #24

"Skill upgrade token?"

<Upgrade a skill to its next level>

<Upgrade skill: Eat?>




>Eater - Rank E

<Skill Eat upgraded into: Eater, this skill allows you to eat anything that can fit into your mouth>

"I feel scammed…"

Getting up he walked in the familiar direction towards the cave which was now his home, temporary… probably.

Arriving at "his" cave he was met with a shock, the cave had visibly aged at least-

"2 years… so my age was correct?"

In his stunned form, the boy failed to notice a big brown blob of fur in the far right corner of the cave, the cave was deep enough to not allow much light to reach the corner.

The blob in question was a bear, a brown bear. It had previously been slumbering however due to the boy's presence had woken up. It stood up still half asleep, its huge body would put terror into the eyes of any who saw it. The boy was no exception, he froze upon realizing "his" home was no longer "his" or maybe it had never been "his" and he had just gotten lucky previously?

The bear wasted no time in ridding his home of the pest that had just walked right in. One swift movement is all it took, in one swipe the boy's life had been ended, again.

His vision faded to black and almost immediately it faded back, only to once again be met by a bear. Which this time was feeding off of unknown meat. Being angered because of the repeated intruder the bear once again killed the boy.

Fade to black and then once again light filled his eyes as he "woke up" again. Once again the previous scene repeated itself. Again and again and again.

It was not fun, waking up only to be killed. This cycle would repeat until…


[Name: ???]

[Age: 24]

[Soul Age: ???]

[Level: 8]

[EXP: 18,451/20,000]

[HP: 20]

[Strength: 20]

[Dex: 20]

[Vitality: 20]

[Available SP: 10]

< Warning Timer = 0 >

< Warning You will now be transported into: Dungeon 1, Goblins Cave >

< Goblins Cave, Threat level: E >

< Rewards: ???, ???, ??? >


The boy tried to move only to be met with a great surprise. His body couldn't move, strange purple particles rose from his feet as they enveloped him in a huge blanket of purple. After being fully covered the blanket started to condense, it condensed and condensed until all that was left was a small 1 by 1 by 1 inch purple cube, and then.


Just like that the cave returned to its usual calmness, there was now no evidence left of the boy's existence.

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