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11.11% Homicides
Homicides Homicides original


Author: DaoistSwIxUB

© WebNovel

Chapter 1

I rubbed the back of my palms on my sleepy eyes as I yawned and picked up my glasses and returned them to my eyes.

" just this last one and am off to bed"I said to myself as I stared at my laptop screen.

I began hearing clouds barking aggressively, he was barking so loud that I could hear him from the heavy rain falling outside.

I stood up to check out the window for who or what he was barking at but before I could get to the window, someone began banging on my door.

I looked back at my laptop screen to check the time and it was past 11.

Who comes knocking on someone's door by this hour of the night.

I was scared to open the door at first but the banging continued, I slowly held the door knob, hesitatingly, opening it slowly, I looked outside and I saw a tall figure who stood upright with his head facing down.

" how can I help you" I asked with a low tone of voice and he looked up at me and my heart skipped when I saw that his left eye was glowing but I couldn't see his face.

He wrapped a scarf around his neck which covered half of his face.

" please,help me , please" he said and I looked at him , wondering what type of help he needed but when I noticed he was bleeding from his head and really wet from the rain, he must really need help.

I slowly opened the door for him to walk in, not sure if what I was doing was right.

I watched him hop into the parlor like his leg was broken and I wondered what could have possibly happened to him, or maybe he was robbed and beaten up.

" what happened to you" I couldn't hold it any more.

He turned sideways to look at me

" not even a seat first" he said in a very unfriendly tone which scared me a bit.

" you can seat over there" I pointed towards my white couch and as he walked towards the couch, I stared at his wet, dripping body , not wanting to think of what my white couch would turn to after now.

I kept staring at him still trying to see his face but the only source of light was coming from my laptop screen and that eye that seemed to be glowing in the dark.

" I am asking this same question again...,what happened to you"it sounded almost like a command and I noticed the way he looked at me in a way that made my stomach turn

Maybe I shouldn't have said it like that, now am not getting an answer.

" the police are af..."I thought he wasn't going to say anything but before he could end his sentence,another knock on the door interrupted, I looked at him before going to open the door and as I did , I met two police officers .

" sorry to disturb you this late ma'am"they first apologized and I nodded to that with my arms folded .

"So how can I help you"I asked.

" please ma'am , have you seen anyone that passed here"They asked looking like they were in a hurry for answers but it was now the realization hit me , it was at this moment I remembered what that guy was telling me before the knock came in ,he said the police were after him, even if he didn't say the rest of the words I knew them already.

" no sir , I haven't seen anyone pass here,is there any problem" I asked as I noticed them stretching their necks to peep inside the house .

The house was dark so they wouldn't have seen him.

" no problem ma,we were just asking,thanks for the information" they turned to leave but one of them still glanced back at me before heading away and I shut the door and immediately turned to look back at those glowing eyes that were staring back at me.

"Why are they after you"I quickly asked.

"Thank you for helping me"he said and I just thought about it , why did I even help him,whatever,I was just being nice without still knowing the reason he was chased after.

" can I stay here for the night" he said as I switched on the light and when I turned to look at him, he quickly turned his face away,something was wierd about this guy.

As he turned his face away ,I noticed his head was bleeding but he interrupted my thoughts.

" lemme just stay for the night and I promise to leave tomorrow morning"he said and I could tell he was uncomfortable with the light.

I was about giving an answer to what he just said and it was now I just spotted the gun he was holding in his hand.

My heart dropped at the sight of it, this guy was a criminal and he could just force me to do whatever he wants and God knows what he would do to me if I refuse.

I stared at the gun still speechless, my heart racing so fast my chest almost began to ache.

He noticed I kept him on silence and he turned to look at me and he knew I was staring at his gun.

" shit"

I heard him mutter under his breath.

He quickly tucked the gun behind his trousers in his back pocket and looked back at me.

"Listen,I am not going to hurt you okay ,

I just need you to help me stay a night and I promise to leave tomorrow"he said and I finally took my eyes away from the gun and looked at him,my hands already shivering from fear.

" o..okay, I um ,I mean , you can stay for the night"I didn't even know if I wanted him to stay but God knows what he would do to me if I said no.

He took a deep breath and whispered

" finally" to himself and he looked at me.

"Will I be sleeping on the couch?" he asked and I shook my head , my precious white couch, NO,even if he wanted to sleep there I had no choice, he could just put a gun on my head and threaten me.

" follow me let me show you where you will sleep"I said and began walking towards an empty room where he was going to sleep.

After I led him there , I turned to leave but stopped when he said.

"Thank you"

I quickly got back to the parlor and shut down my laptop and ran to my room and made sure I kept the doors locked:

This guy was not to be trusted.

I laid on the bed as I closed my eyes to sleep and trust me,

I slept with one eye open.

DaoistSwIxUB DaoistSwIxUB


It’s my first time writing on web novel

So please I would like you to comment to let me know how good my work is

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