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14.28% One Piece: A Truly Broken person / Chapter 5: Shocking display of power

Chapter 5: Shocking display of power

Flare knew that he had to be careful as the admirals were high admiral level and could even fight a yonko for some time. He turned to luffy who was running beside him.

Flare: "So do you have an idea? Running straight into the war is a bad idea, we need a plan."

Luffy: "Ehhh? I just wanna save ace at all cost. We just need to get close and rescue him. I think we need a key too."

Flare: "I'll hold the admirals off while you and the others save ace."

Flare saw Marco and the diamond guy fighting Kizaru while the other two admirals were a distance in front of them. He also saw Garp and Sengoku on the platform along with ace.

Flare decided to waste no time as he ran towards the closest admiral which was aokiji. The iceman saw him and responded as he by throwing a fist to meet him. As they clashed the earth beneath their feet started to crack as aokiji's eyes widened a bit as he felt a lot of force behind the hit. He was thrown back a bit as he regained his footing.

Aokiji: "What a strong force, he has such strength at such a young age!"

Flare: "That's only the beginning."

Flare rushed aokiji again as he clad his fist in ryou as it glowed golden. Aokiji saw this as his eyes widened even more. Ryou was an advanced technique that one took decades to fully grasp and yet a boy less than 2 decades was using it effortlessly. He immediately countered using armament haki while using his devil fruit.

As they clashed, a large shockwave surrounded the area as the people close by were blown away. Aokiji might have blocked the blow but the ryou had damaged his arm making it slightly ache. He jumped back as he froze everywhere around him, trapping flare deep in a frozen hill of ice.

He was about to turn his back until he felt a wave of heat hit him, he turned his head to see the ice melting as a giant bird made of flames burst out of the ice hill. It soon began to shrink as it landed, it disappears to show flare with flaming wings replacing his hands as his feet became flaming talons.

Flare: "Where do you think you're going? I still need to kick your ass."

Aokiji: "Fire devil fruit? Looking like a zoan type. This is only gonna make me more sleepy, this is so troublesome."

Flare rushed towards aokiji while a ice wall appeared in front of him. Flare kicked towards the ice wall while infusing ryou while also using hassoken to amplify his attacks. As his feet came close to the ice wall it started to melt and evaporate due to the intense heat that was coming from flare. Aokiji who was behind the wall saw the thick ice wall evaporate around flare's body as the kick connected with his chest before he could even react.

The ryou infused kick bypassed his logia intangibility and the force from the kick broke some of his ribs. Even though he used armament haki and tekkai to block the hit it still did I far more damage than he expected. The ryou also destroyed his muscles and blood vessels in his chest.

Aokiji's eyes widened when he felt the force hit his chest as he was sent flying back with blood flowing from his mouth and nose.

Flare was about to continue his attack but before he could do so he dodged an attack that was aimed towards him. As he jumped away he saw a sword slash that split the ground. He turned around to see yellow ringed eyes staring back at him.

Flare: "Dracule Mihawk? just let me pass and pretend you didn't see me."

Mihawk: "You will not pass, I'm a warlord of sea so I'm allied with the marines. Maybe you shouldn't have entered the battlefield."

Flare: "Fine, I'll just have to move you."

Flare deactivated his hybrid form rushed towards Mihawk while taking out ACE, his weapon. Mihawk saw him pull the sword out of thin air and swung it towards him with power. He used Yoru, his blade to counter with an equally powerful strike that ended up causing a massive explosion. Everyone on the battlefield were momentarily stunned when they saw something that shocked them.

Marine #1: "T-The sky.... they split the sky."

Everyone looked up to see the dark storm clouds were parting as sunlight crept through the gap. Everyone was shocked to see this, even Mihawk who wasn't taking it serious until his observation haki told him something dangerous was in the strike so he used about 85% of his strength to fully counter it.

Sengoku was looking on in shock and slight worry, this brat was making things difficult and the war basically just started. So far he has shown mastery of armament haki, observation haki and even conqerors haki... also he saw him use ryou to damage aokiji, plus his devil fruit looks like a zoan... a mythical zoan that looked similar to Marco the phoenix from the Whitebeard pirates.

Sengoku: "Aokiji help Mihawk take care of that kid. He's dangerous and he's a relative of Roger. He can't be allowed to live."

Aokiji: "Ughh just when I thought I could go to sleep. I'm hurt and I want to heal Sengoku."

Sengoku: "Just hurry up and do your job, making Garp your teacher was a mistake."

Aojiki jumped towards where the two were clashing and sent giant birds of ice towards flare to which he just sliced them apart.

Flare: "Can't you see I'm busy right now, go away I'll fight you later."

Aojiki: "Oyee this ain't a game, you're gonna die today."

Flare: "Oh really now, since it's gonna be a 2v1 then I should get serious."

Flare body suddenly exploded with golden flames which formed an armor around him. He didn't get any phoenix traits with fire being an exception. Heat started to radiate around flare to the point where aokiji and mihawk had to jump back due to the intense heat. Even aokiji's ice melted quickly under this level of heat.

Flare: "Heat level 2: Golden carnage."

Flare suddenly rushed towards aokiji while coating his sword in ryou while aokiji created his ice saber and imbued it with haki. He managed to block the blow but the force still sent him flying back. Before flare could attack again, he turned around and blocked a slash from mihawk who started attacking him. He fought with mihawk for a few seconds until mihawk jumped due to the heat.

Mihawk: "This heat is intense! And your swordsmanship isn't too bad. You seem so young yet you're already this strong, astonishing. Maybe after this we can get some alcohol and talk, I'd love to have a fair match between us one day if you survive today."

Aokiji: "You should focus on taking him down instead of talking to him."

Flare: 'Gosh this is gonna take too long to deal with both of them together. My current strength should be a low level yonko, I have to use the other form.'

Flare jumped into the air as the blue flames on his back began to spread all over his body. The previous yellow armor turned blue as a blue helmet covered his face, only glowing yellow eyes could be seen underneath. It had pitch black armor on it's chest, hands and feet that was slightly glowing golden. Suddenly 8 blue wings shot out of his back. They looked similar to his normal wings but they were made out of blue flames instead of the normal black feathers. This mode as a combination of his devil fruit, his bloodline and his haki. In this mode he could fully use his awakening. (The armor is built for strength but it isn't bulky. It's also built for speed.)

Flame: "Heat level 3: Rigel's fury"

Flare shot towards aokiji and punched him so hard and he broke through multiple buildings. Mihawk was shocked because he was multiple times faster than he was previously. He readied his sword as he dashed towards flare intending to slice his back but he was surprised to see his sword was stopped by his wings. They were coated in haki so he jumped back and prepared to attack again. This time he managed to cut leg but was surprised to see that it healed. He was sure that he infused haki into the strike as well as it was cut by a black blade which negates devil fruits except regeneration fruits like Marco's.

Mihawk: "So you're devil fruit is similar to Marco's."

Before he could say anything more, flare twisted his body and gave mihawk a surprise kick to the side which almost broke his spine and sent him flying into a giant wall. The kick burnt all of the shirt he was wearing and also burnt mihawk severely. If it were normal flames then it would have been alright but this level of flames were far beyond what mihawk could block. Ryou and hassoken were also infused into the attack so it also fractured multiple bones in his body as well as tore some of his muscles.

Everyone was completely silent as even Whitebeard was shocked. He looked at this kid as a thought popped into his head. He laughed as he thought back to the prime of his time, when he could shatter mountains with only his physical strength.

Whitebeard: "This kid is almost equal to my strength in my younger days, but that's only when using physical strength but he would lose if I used my devil fruit and haki..... this kid may be the one that roger was telling me about, a man that would permanently change the world for good."

Everyone began to freak out as they saw a marine admiral and the strongest swordsman in the world get beaten by a young man who wasn't even a pirate. The pirates were cheering and advancing towards the marines while the marines looked scared at this new powerhouse who appeared on the battlefield.

Sengoku was one of the most shocked people as he could recognize this level of power. He had fought with many great pirates throughout his career and has seen vast powers and abilities and this kid was already similar in power to those legends. Even though he is using a devil fruit to enhance his power, to reach this level is a feat that few can reach.

Sengoku: "Garp, deal with this. I will send Akainu later on if you need backup."

Garp: "Ahhhh! And here I thought I could just stay here and eat rice crackers until this was over."

Sengoku: "Garp get your ass down there and do you damn job!"

Garp: "Alright, alright I hear you. You're such a buzzkill, that's why your daughter doesn't visit you."

Sengoku: "Why you stupid fuc-MMHHhhmmmm... Just do your job."

Garp jumped down and ran towards flare ignoring sengoku was looked ready to explode. He sped towards flare as flare also ran towards him. When they clashed, the entire area changed color as blue flames collided with armament haki. Flare felt his haki break as he felt himself getting pushed back even though he used ryou and hassoken along with his devil fruit. He felt a massive pain in his chest and saw that garp had punched him directly in his chest. He was shot backwards as he felt pain like he has never before, he felt blood shoot from his mouth as this punch broke his haki and bypassed his devil fruit defense on top of his natural defense. It was much, much, much worse than getting crushed by gravity in the mantle of the earth. He did a backflip and pushed his body into the ground as he tried to slow his body down. Soon he came to a stop but saw his haki infused chest armor was shattered to pieces. Soon he felt his regeneration kick in as he healed his wounds.

Flare: "H-Holy shit, you fucking oldman! Are you trying to kill me?"

Garp: "BBuahahahaha, you're still standing? I was sure that one would knock you out. It seems that you're different from the other, even kuzan was knocked out from that. It seems that I have to use this old bones again."

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