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Chapter 8: LUST and GLUTTONY

Lee speak

<Master, person's strength has many parameters but in these 2.5 years, we will focus on mental and emotional strength.>

"Mental and emotional strength, like doing meditation and concentration stuff. "

<No, what I mean by mental strength is planning and plotting. Emotional strength is related to the emotional control of a person.>

"I get about mental training but the emotion of a person. Can emotion be trained how is this possible?"

<Master, emotional control is necessary for a warrior. If you are not able to control your emotion well then you will be used by others in the war. With intelligence, you may know that they are using you but your emotions will deny your logic. This conflict will create chaos in your mind and you will dance on the other hand.>

Shamefully Eric asks.

"You mean like that girl from academy use me".

After saying that Eric's face becomes very red from anger and embarrassment. That incident caused Eric's last hope to die and almost caused his death.

<Yes, master for training your mind you need to plan each and every action of your day daily. You need to think of the problem from a different person's perspective. After making these plans you need to work on them and see if you can get the result or not. Master repeatedly doing this practice will show a positive result. You need to do this for 2 years daily.

Now for the practice of Emotions, I have two methods. You have to choose either the 'Path of monk' or 'Path of seven sin'.>

Eric gets the point about training the mind but he confusingly asks about Emotional training.

"' Path of monk' and 'path of seven sin' what are these and what is the difference between them"

<Master, emotion can be mastered in two ways. These 2 methods are a common way by which a warrior or even mortal can control his emotions.

1st you train yourself in a way that no emotion comes to affect you that is the 'Path of monk'.

2nd you train yourself in a way that you can control your emotion which is the 'Path of seven sins'>

Scratching his head Eric asks "what is the difference and tells me the pros and cons of both techniques."

<Master, 'Path of monk' is where you have to train yourself in seclusion. Training this path makes your will strong but you will lose the capability to feel some emotions. This method makes you always calm.

The path of seven sins on the other hand is where you have to do a variety of things to experience the seven sins which are related to major emotions present in a human and slowly take control of them.

After training, you can control your emotions and feel others' emotions. But it has a high probability to corrupt your will if fail to practice it properly.>

Eric goes into thinking. The 'path of monk' is relatively safe and less rewarding. On the other hand 'path of seven sins' is dangerous and more rewarding. Eric remembers the scene where a few words from Max change his whole life and give him new hope.

Thinking of that scene still gives him a chill. That voice filled with pride and power, It incites him to earn that power. The power to control emotion. Eric wants that kind of power so he chooses the second path with determination.

"Lee I will choose 'Path of seven sins'."

<Master, training of emotion cannot be done in little time even great master Max is not able to fully master the path of sin so you must have patience.>

Eric becomes shocked to hear that even Max is not able to master the path of sin his whole life. He becomes more determined in his training.

<Master, the path of seven sins has seven different sins. This path is very vast. You cannot achieve great height if you try to train in all seven sins. The best way to train is to focus on 1 or 2 more suitable sins and then train them to a greater height.

The name of the seven sins is Pride, Wrath, Gluttony, Envy, Lust, Sloth, and Greed. In these years before the war, you will start training in Lust and Gluttony. You can also train in others but the focus will be on these 2. From your circumstances, these paths fit you well.>

"Lust and Gluttony you say OK. How to start training."

Eric gets the hype up and starts doing some body stretching.

<Master for training Gluttony you have to eat until you almost die and then you have to starve till your last breath. You need to continue this cycle for 4 years. In each cycle, you will experience the hunger of hell.>

Eric almost fell and thought is this seriously training not some torture? This looks more like torture than training. He fearfully asks

"Then what about the path of Lust."

<You have to sleep with every woman you like. You have to live to sex. Every week you have to get sex with new women. Every month you have to increase the number of partners you are having sex with. You need to live the life of a pleasure seeker. You need to do this for 2 years.>

Eric's heart stops for a movement. His face becomes red from shame and he shyly asks.

"You are joking, right? How can this be training this is something else. Lee, don.t jokes with me. Hehe for a movement I thought you are serious about that."

Seeing Lee's seriousness Eric swallows hard.

- Gulp

He regrets choosing a 'Path of sins' now. Now he understands the danger of this method. Saying this method danger is still low. He can die from overeating and sex. This path is not as simple as his decision to do and think will happen. He needs to find resources to train. But now that he made his decision he will never back down.


He also has some expectations from lust training. Who can blame him? He is still a young virgin. Eagerly Eric asks.

"How do I start this training."

<Master, that you need to figure out. You can either steal food and eat it or become a beggar and beg for food. All you have to do is eat until you almost die.

The lust path is the same, you can either force someone to do sex or can date them or go to a brothel it depends on you.

But You have to remember master once you start you will have to do food training for 4 years and sex training for 2 years. In between, you cannot take a break or you have to restart the training in the worst case your emotion goes into chaos and your core gets shattered.>

Hearing this Eric becomes solemn as this method is regarding his mana core. This is related to his path to becoming a warrior. Eric will never make a gamble on his core.

At Eric's side, Lee says.

<Master after every extreme emotion you have to try controlling your emotion in the reverse way you are feeling.

If any time you are feeling to get overexcited you have to focus all your emotions on your core which will help to calm it. But you have to do that only in case of emergency as your core is already very weak. When you finish this you will enter the beginning of the Lust and Gluttony path.

These two paths are easy to start for you. You have to always remember that you are controlling emotion and not vice versa. If you never lose yourself in emotion then you will achieve great success in this training.>

Saying all that Lee disappears and the same blue kind of status appear in front of him.


Training Path of seven sins:

Pride: --

Greed: --

Wrath: --

Envy: --

Sloth: --

Lust: Sex maniac.

Gluttony: Eat and starve.

Task 1: Sex maniac.


· You have to do sex with multiple women.

* Time: every day.

· Each week you have to with a new woman.

*Time: at least 1 time a week.

· Each month You have sex with multiple women at the same time. As time increase you have to increase the women you have sex with.

*Time: At least 1 time a month.

*Month: not started No of women: --


Task 2: Eat and Starve.


· You have to eat till you almost die.

· You have to starve until you almost die.




Champsing Champsing

yup, I was not kidding when I said I will release 100k words this month. Now go and add this book to your collection.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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