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Chapter 4: Warriors


Note: I will use

"…." Whenever someone speaks.

'...' Whenever someone thinks.

<...…> Whenever someone speaks directly in mind.


Lee continues after some time.

<Now not every person can become a warrior. The aptitude is necessary to become a warrior. Every creature is born with a combination of six basic elements in its body. Those elements are fire, water, air, earth, light, and dark. A combination of these 6 elements is called mana. Mana is present everywhere on the Altasia.

Aptitude represents the disorder of elements in a body. A mortal body forms from an equal amount of each element like mana. But few people have some element present in excess amount in them which converts their neutral body to slightly ionic of that element. That said element will be the natural element of that person.>

Seeing the confused look on Eric Lee further explains.

<Master, let's say a mortal body is made of 50 particles of each element. Now those with an aptitude for a warrior may have 52 particles of wind element. Now those extra 2 elements of wind element will somewhat change the body of a mortal. That person is easily able to form a mana core inside his body to become a warrior. To become a warrior a person has to form a core inside their heart. This core is meant to store mana.

Warrior has 7 known levels from 0 to 6. When a person forms his core he becomes level 0. Now each level is divided into 3 stages. These stages represent the capacity of mana you can store in the mana core. At stage 1 1/3 of the core can be filled with mana. At stage 2 2/3 of mana can be filled with mana core and at stage 3 whole core can be filled with mana.

Increasing the stage is known as a minor breakthrough. It represents how much mana is stored in the core. Now going from 1 level to another level is known as a major breakthrough. When a warrior has a major breakthrough, his core reform and becomes more firm and big.

Master minor breakthrough is very simple but major breakthroughs required many conditions to be fulfilled. These conditions become harder as your level increases. Due to this reason, only a few people can achieve higher levels of power.

As warriors increase their strength their core will also increase in strength and size.>

<Master that being said now I have to tell you that your natural element is the dark element.>

"Mm, I already know that"

<How do you know it?>

Lee asks.

Eric confusedly spoke.

"Oh, you do not know it. I thought that you will able to read my memories"

<Master, a legacy is only a guide that helps you to train. It cannot interfere with or know about your personal life. I am only giving advice that you may follow or choose to ignore. I need your permission for everything and I cannot read memory.>

"Oh, things are like that."

<Now master can you permit me to scan your body, I will get most of the answers from there.>

After some thought, Eric agrees as their nothing harmful in the know the same thing one more time.

"Well, OK you go with scanning stuff"

Then Eric's whole body starts shining in blue light. After 2-5 min it stops and Lee's voice once again comes to his mind. By now he become somewhat used to this mind voice thing.

<Master, you are already a warrior but you have a dormant core with little power in your heart. As we speak mana in your core is getting constantly decreasing.>

Hearing Lee's voice Eric becomes stunned as he says.

"What my core is not damaged?"

Ask Eric in a hopeful tone.

<Yes, master your core is not damaged but for some reason, mana is getting vanish from your core little by little>

Hearing that Eric become happy as he thought that his core shatters. But now, he can regain his power much faster than he thought.

With some concern, Eric asks

"Lee, what will happen when all mana leaves my core? "

<Master, if all mana leaves your core then your core will become fragile and slight power can break it. You need to know that a warrior is not able to use all mana present in his core. There is 2 % mana which always remains present in the core. This 2% is responsible for the wall and defense of the core. The warrior body also has little amount of mana inside it. This mana strengthens their body.

Master in your case both your body and your core are losing the last of the mana present in them. This will make your core fragile and your body will revert to the same as when you were mortal.>

Hearing this Eric panicked. He does not want to lose his second chance. He hastily asks.

"Lee there is no way to stop it. Do my core break."

Eric knows that once a core breaks everything about becoming a warrior will be over. Lee speaks to him.

<Master your core will not break but remain weakened. There is no need to worry so much about it. I do need to calculate the best possible solution for this so please wait.

Hearing Lee, Eric becomes concerned that his core may break but then he composes himself as he has no solution for that all he can do is wait for Lee to finish his calculation.

Inside a dark cave, Eric sits with some concern waiting for Lee's answer while his eyes are shining with the thought of a better future.

Lee speaks 10 mins later.

<Master, can you tell me how you become Warrior and then how are you in your current state?>

Hearing this Eric raises eyebrows and stares at Lee thinking 'you are the one who tells me that a legacy does not need my personal life information now you are the one to ask me. '

Seeing Eric stare at him instead of answering Lee clarifies.

<Master, I need to know a brief description of your experience and the reason you are in the current state. This is all to tell you the solution based on that.>

Well, Eric does not have any world-changing secret himself in the first place so he started telling.

"I belong to a small village at a far distance from here. I lived with my abusive father who died when I turned 11 years old. In every village, every three years a Warrior comes from the Academies federation to take any child from 12 -18 years who have an aptitude to become a warrior.

When I reached 12 that's the year, I was tested to have an aptitude and I got selected to become a warrior with a dark natural element. From there I and other children like me gathered at the Destiny plaza where many other near village and city children came with Warriors.

At the selection plaza, we got to choose an academy from many Academies present in our region. There I became a student of 'Griffin white academy'."

Saying till now Eric takes a deep breath to calm himself down as the name of the academy resurfaces many betrayals for him. Calming himself down Eric continues

"In the academy, we were taught much basic knowledge about warriors and wars. They explain the paths a warrior can take and they test us for which path we were suitable. There they only tell us about techniques which are useful if you work in the army and nothing else.

From childhood, I was always skinny and weaker than the rest of my peers. So, I choose the mage path, and from that day my journey begins as a warrior. In the academy, I was one of the few dark element warrior mages from our year. I was happy at that time. I thought I will achieve greater heights in the academy. But my dream shatters when I come to know that I only have D rank potential.

Even with a D rank potential, I tried to become stronger. And I even got early success. At the start of academy year when talent does not matter much I defeated many of the higher talented students.

From childhood as I always remain the last of the bunch, this change gets in my head and I made some stupid decisions in my life. I got in love with a girl not perceiving her true self.

After some time my talent come in the way and I became much slower in mana manipulation than others and slowly everyone starts getting ahead of me. I was once again slowly getting toward the last of the bunch but before than would happen regional war for mortals started after 3 years of my joining the academy.

In the war, I did my best to perform well but because of my lowly strength, I was not able to do much. Almost at the end of the war, I got my hand on a treasure which would improve my strength but then that girl betrays me saying that the treasure is better used on her than me."

Saying that Eric becomes Eric's eyes glint but overall, he remains calm. He does not want to get affected by his past. He needs to move on. Eric continues.

Champsing Champsing

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