As Shirou walked silently to school, earlier than necessary, he hummed slightly as the slight amount of prana in the air... Hmmm intensifies.
It took twenty minutes to reach the school from where he was currently, which was a complete waste of time, if he was being honest, in those twenty minutes he could have spent tempering metal... which was what Muramasa was probably doing right now.
No need to feel envious that he was there, enjoying life while he had to spend time in prison.
(Ah, this forge is quite pleasant.)
Fuck you, saber.
He could hear a chuckle in his mind but shut off the connection before he could make any more comments. This was the ideal situation for him... he just needed to pretend like he didn't have three command seals that could control one of the heroes from the past for a day... how hard could that be?
As he walked past the school gate, he raised an eyebrow at the sight in front of him. There stood Rin in all her glory, facing away from a very creepy-looking guy. He had short wavy purple hair, was hunched over with hands spread out slightly to his sides, and had a very creepy look on his face.
Walking past the creep, he kept an eye on him as the distance between Rin and him closed.
"Who's that creep?"
He asked in the most passive tone he could pull, getting a scowl from the said boy and a sigh from his friend.
"That's Shingi."
He stared for a moment, first at the boy, then at Rin, then at the kid again.
"Shitgi? Never heard of him."
Rin let out an unladylike snort that she tried to cover up with a cough but anyone with eyes could tell that she was chuckling, judging from her shaking shoulders. Shitgi scowled, glaring at him with enough venom to poison a normal man, a good thing he was a sword, then.
"Shingi, he's the one I told you about in the library, remember?"
She cleared her throat and "corrected" his honest mistake but amusement was still visible in her eyes. Shirou shrugged, not bothering to acknowledge it, he turned to the entrance of the building, walking inside with her following behind him.
As he took off his "outside" shoes and put on the stupid slippers the school provided, he put his bag over his shoulder as they walked to the stairs.
"Hey, Rin, you wanna study in the library again today?"
She hums for a little while shaking her head in the negative.
"I'm busy today and will be for the next week or so."
Nodding, Shirou waved at her as they went in different directions when they reached the second floor. His eyes drooped as he neared his classroom, he had to sit in a room full of hormonal teenagers now, great.
"You know, kid, when you said "recon," I thought we would be patrolling the city... without the popcorn."
Saber remarked with a blank look, grabbing some popcorn for a bite while Shirou just shrugged, what did he expect? he wanted to have the first-row seats for what was going to happen... and the trolling potential was just too great to miss out on.
They were chilling on a rooftop, sitting at the edge of the roof as they watched the schoolyard, waiting for something to happen.
"Meh, I didn't want to miss out on the action, plus, just walking around the city will be boring as hell."
Grabbing a handful of popcorn for himself, he continued to stare until something finally happened.
A figure appeared on the roof, jumping over the fence, her long hair flowing in the slight wind from her jump as her red jacket clung to her body, held down by the bindings.
It was Rin, who crouched down, inspecting something on the floor.
Shirou hummed as Muramasa took some more popcorn and began chewing, looking more and more bored by the second.
"I'd much rather be in a forge right now."
He ignored the complaint as he watched her work, using prana to reinforce his eyes even further than they already were.
The sudden disturbance above her got his attention, seeing prana shifting about, forming a tall figure holding something in his hand. What looked like a stick was placed on his shoulder as he crouched down and tilted his head, observing Rin with what seemed like amusement in his eyes.
… For some reason he was having second thoughts about this.
Shirou frowned, his circuits flared and as the man in blue revealed himself and started attacking Rin, a hammer hit the anvil.
A bow appeared in one of his hands, a broadsword materialized in the other, prana flooding it as its shape changed into a spiral.
"Change of plans, the show is postponed, were going against the lancer."
Muramasa released a confused "huh" as he finally paid attention to what he was doing. Sighing, he stood up and took off the yukata that he was wearing, and with an exaggerated twirl of the cloth, a sword without a handle materialized in his hand, its production was covered by the yukata.
As lancer swung his spear at rin, she tried desperately to dodge, where the hell was Archer?
As he placed the projectile on the string, he pulled back, the metal bow creaking with strain as a result and he flooded the "arrow" with prana. Lancer had protection from projectiles so he would have to time this right.
As Rin jumped from the roof, enhancing her legs with reinforcement, she plummeted to the ground thanks to gravity.
But thankfully, she was caught by an invisible form that shivered into existence, his white hair ruffled thanks to how fast he was going and the red waist cloth fluttering behind him.
Absently wondering if that thing ever got in the way, Shirou watched as the two landed on the field with Lancer following behind them. As Rin ran after landing on the ground with the blue-haired servant in pursuit, as he watched the spear go closer and closer to her, he released his hold on the string.
The spiraling sword ripped through the air, and it headed towards its destination, right in the middle of Rin and lancer. Rin noticed it hit the ground, but not knowing what it was and assuming that lancer missed her again, she continued running while the said servant stopped in his tracks, looking at the sword with a surprised expression.
A second later, the spiraling sword glowed, cracks appearing on its surface as it exploded.