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Chapter Five

I decided to remain a spectator for a moment, watching as the student continued suffering along the hallway before I couldn't see them anymore from the small window in the door.

Reaching for the lock, I turned the lock, getting a resounding click in response.

I winced internally, cursing the spring-loaded locks, and slid the door to the side slightly, only not noticing the same person that walked past the room stop, turn around and head right in my direction.

I readied my nail gin, leveling it on the corpse's head, because let's be real, no one can survive half of their neck being ripped out.

As the thing came closer to me, I sent a quick glance to my right, making sure that the area was clear. It was.

Moving to the right, I kept the hall in my peripheral vision as I slowly got out of the things way.

Under my watch, the corpse rammed into the door and stood there for a few seconds.

After being done with whatever it was doing, it let out a groan and slowly turned to face the inside of the classroom and continued shuffling inside.

Narrowing my eyes at the abnormal behavior, I checked my surroundings once more before returning to the room and watching it roam around, tripping and hitting the tools.

Closing the door behind me, I locked it again, getting another click, which seemed to get the... Zombies? Attention.

As soon as it started walking towards me, I pulled the trigger, putting a nail into the zombie's head and it dropped to the floor.

I kept my weapon up as I slowly moved closer. Grabbing a thin plank on the way, I poked its head a few times, just to make sure it was dead.

Letting out a hum, I placed the nail gun on the desk next to me and crouched down, flipping the body over.

The skin was discolored, and the injury on the neck seemed to be in the process of... Turning slightly green.

Whatever happened, it had gotten the neck artery, this thing had no right to be walking around.

I looked at its face, observing anything that might be off. And immediately noticed that the eyes were different from, you know, normal eyes.

The iris was turning clear and the pupil was bigger than normal, almost covering up the whole iris.


I muttered, furrowing my brows. So, either smell or hearing...

I lifted my hand and sniffed my armpit a few times.

I took a shower today, so no, I do not smell. But let's not cross that possibility off just yet.

Even despite the grievous wound, the shot to the head killed it instantly. I didn't want to waste my nails, so I went with the easiest shot, but I still don't know if a shot to the heart would kill things like this.

Making a mental note to record this later, I stood up and grabbed the Nail gun again, going for the door again.

The mission was simple: Search and rescue. Objectives we're finding Shizuka, Saeko, Kohta, and securing their safe exit from the building.

I slid the door open and leveled my makeshift gun at around the head level.

Checking my left side first, I narrowed my eyes at the few undead that were walking up the stairs. Adding that fact to the things to write down later, I spared a glance at the other end of the hallway. It was clear. Moving away from the zombies that were coming toward me, I turned around as soon as I gained enough distance from them and headed toward the other set of stairs.

Looking back one last time, I rose an eyebrow at the four zombies that were trying to aggressively... Uh, hug the door?

No one from the second floor should have been able to hear that, so the enhanced hearing just made an appearance on my mental list.

Things were not looking good already.

Finally reaching the stairs, I turned to go down the last flight and stopped in my tracks.

"Bloody hell."

There were too many and this was only the third floor.

I could go through all of my nails but I would only eliminate probably one-third of them.

Heaving out a sigh, I took off my bag as quietly as possible and took out the nail clips.

Taking out one of the three box cutters, I decided to leave it behind. I couldn't fit all of the nails in just one pocket and they would make too much noise constantly hitting the knife.

I still had two, so it wasn't a great loss.

Standing up, I looked at the box cutter for a moment, before sending a glance at the zombies.

Pursing my lips, I picked it up and threw it as far as I could down the hallway.

As soon as it hit the ground, a crack sounded. Every single one of the Zombies slowly turned their head toward the sound and started moving.

Slowly but surely, the area in front of the stairs cleared up and I started walking down quietly.

Checking the hall to my right, I moved back to the stairs when I spotted a few dozen zombies coming my way.

I waited for the small group to pass me and I turned around the corner, my weapon aimed straight.

The zombies from here were too close together, something must have attracted them.

I waited for a few seconds before one of the classroom doors slid open and someone, holding a modified nail gun, almost like my own, Looked out, crouching and aiming it down the hall.

...Yup, that's Kohta, alright.

A second later, a pink haired girl peeked from behind the same door and I felt the urge to sigh.

Houston, we have a problem.

One of the loudest people in the school was accompanying my friend. Along with that, she had a shot fuse.

Saya Takagi, or a walking time bomb in this setting.

With a sigh, I lowered my makeshift weapon and raised a hand, seeing kohta do the same in greeting.

Putting a finger to my mouth to indicate for them to keep silent, Takagi seemed pissed.

Oh yeah, she wasn't a time bomb, she was a nuclear explosion waiting to happen.

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